CDC Whistleblower: CDC Covered Up MMR Vaccine Link to Autism in African American Boys

A top research scientist working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. "We've missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They're not doing what they should be doing because they're afraid to look for things that might be associated." The whistleblower alleges criminal wrongdoing of his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.

Cover-up Scandal: CDC’s Vaccine Research Exposed as Flawed and Falsified

Just months after U.S. Congressman Bill Posey compared the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine safety studies to the SEC’s Bernie Madoff scandal, malfeasance in the CDC’s studies of thimerosal-containing vaccines has, for the first time, been documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Dr. Boyd Haley, international expert in mercury toxicity and a co-author of the recently published paper said “There is no doubt that authorities in the CDC have initiated and participated in a cover-up of vaccine-induced damage from thimerosal to our children----and this I consider criminal. The paper, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines is Safe," was published on June 6 and contains eight pages of evidence that the CDC has had knowledge of the vaccine preservative’s neurological risks, yet continues to cover them up.

CDC Caught Red-Handed Exaggerating Flu Cases and Deaths to Increase Vaccine Sales

One of the many side effects of the government putting itself into the flu vaccine business is that it is not providing honest statistics. It’s no secret that the CDC exaggerates flu hospitalization and death numbers to scare Americans into getting the flu shot. The CDC would apparently like you to believe that if everyone just got the flu shot, there would be no more tragic deaths. They seem to support efforts to force all healthcare workers to get it or lose their jobs, and of schools and youth programs to require it. The CDC’s phony vaccine statistics are just the tip of a much larger scandal. If the government is to evaluate vaccines honestly, it needs to get out of the business of making them.

CDC Inflates Flu Death Stats to Sell More Flu Vaccines

Lawrence Solomon of the Huffington Post in Canada has written a very insightful analysis of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) annual estimates of deaths due to influenza. The CDC claims that deaths due to the annual flu range from 3,000 to 49,000 deaths each year. As can be seen from the graphic above, which is a screen shot of selected text directly from the CDC's own website, the CDC claims they don't really know how many people die from the flu each year. The reason given as to why they make estimates is "it is important to convey the full burden of the seasonal flu to the public." What they would like you to believe, of course, is that the flu is dangerous and tens of thousands of people are dying from it. But the other way that statement could be read, is that the burden to the public is to purchase more flu vaccines, since they are manufactured ahead of time and stockpiled for the flu season. According to Lawrence Solomon, that is exactly what they are doing. They are inflating the numbers to encourage more flu vaccine sales. While the most common number cited by the media is 36,000 deaths a year, actual death certificates only list about 500 per year. And since a laboratory test is not usually taken to determine if it was actually the influenza virus, only 15-20 percent of those 500 recorded flu deaths were actually due to the flu, which means the real numbers are about 100 or less. But it would be very difficult to sell 145 million doses of the flu vaccine if the public knew less than 100 people died each year from the flu.

Flu Shot for Pregnant Women? CDC Covers Up Influenza Vaccine-Related Fetal Deaths

CDC Misleads Nations Ob/Gyns -Covering-up The Most Massive Fetal Death Reports Associated With The Influenza Vaccine in the History of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) Dr. Gary Goldman’s study on the 4,250% spike in fetal death reports during the 2009/10 H1N1 “pandemic” was originally rejected by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AJOG), who is charged by the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) as complicit in a massive cover-up and manipulation of data associated with the 2009/10 flu season fetal deaths. This report is now available free to the public. Subsequently published in the Human & Experimental Toxicology Journal (HET), as a Sage choice study, the Goldman study is now listed in Pub med as a free PMC article. Despite an apparent trail of documented collusion and misconduct amongst the CDC, AJOG (Elsevier) and 9 non-profits including the March of Dimes, this alarmingly poor outcome of the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccine experiment on the fetuses of pregnant women was successfully covered up by the CDC until Goldman exposed the statistics, documenting the harm in his recent publication. Dr. Marie McCormick, chairperson of the CDC’s H1N1 Vaccine Safety Risk and Assessment Working Group (VSRAWG) testified, and submitted deceptive reports to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), contending no unusual signals nor adverse outcomes in the pregnant population during the 2009/10 public experiments on pregnant women. However, pressed by the NCOW statistics extracted from the government’s own data, Dr. Shimabukuro of the Centers of Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) corroborated the NCOW data in a public presentation (slide 20) in Atlanta, Georgia, in October of 2010. This contradiction to Dr.McCormick’s testimony evidences that the CDC indeed knew of the increasing level in fetal-loss reports, in near real time. Yet the CDC failed to immediately notify the nation’s Ob/Gyns, who, uninformed, continued to double-dose their pregnant patients with the fetal-fatal flu shots that collectively delivered up to 50 micrograms of mercury. Due to the success of this well-orchestrated cover up and the complicity of the non-profits and AJOG, pregnant women are now pressured to get 4 vaccine doses, (Flu, TDaP) and thereafter are mandated to give up to 49 vaccine doses to their surviving children in order for them to attend school.

Why is the CDC Ignoring Explosion of Recorded HPV Vaccine Injuries, as Other Countries Move to Take Protective Action?

Last month (December 2013), Katie Couric's popular daytime television show aired an episode on "The HPV Controversy." Both sides of the controversy were represented, but the show was widely criticized in the mainstream media for simply suggesting there was a controversy. Vaccine damaged families were interviewed (watch the interviews here), but according to the medical community, Gardasil and the HPV vaccine are completely safe. So Katie Couric issued what was basically an apology and then aired a follow-up show which featured the one-sided standard government position, with an interview of Dr. Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Dressed in military attire, the whole interview was basically an appeal to authority: Trust us, we are the authorities, and we know what's best. Norma Erickson is the director of SaneVax, the leading website on the Internet highlighting the dangers of the HPV vaccine. She was present with Katie Couric at the first show airing both sides, but no one representing the victims of the vaccine were present for the airing of the second show. She offers her rebuttal below, giving facts and hard science in reply to the spin piece by the government doctor, who is obviously trying to do "damage control," which was aired on the most recent Couric show. As Norma shares the data and science below, in response to the government doctor's comment "we aren’t finding any concerning problems" regarding Gardasil, also keep in mind the following facts: The U.S. government holds patents on Gardasil and also earns royalties from the sale of the vaccine. People injured or killed by the Gardasil vaccine cannot sue Merck, as all vaccine manufacturers have legal immunity from lawsuits in the U.S. More than 10 young women have recently sued Sanofi, the distributor of Gardasil in France, for damages due to the vaccine, including lupus, Guillain-Barré, ADEM, idiopathic hypersomnia, and multiple sclerosis. Japan halted recommendations for the HPV vaccine and has begun a full scale probe over its safety, due to the large amount of serious adverse reactions reported.

40 Years of Federal Nutrition Research Fatally Flawed

Four decades of nutrition research funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be invalid because the method used to collect the data was seriously flawed, according to a new study by the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina. The study, led by Arnold School exercise scientist and epidemiologist Edward Archer, has demonstrated significant limitations in the measurement protocols used in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The findings, published in PLOS ONE (The Public Library of Science), reveal that a majority of the nutrition data collected by the NHANES are not "physiologically credible," Archer said. "The nation's major surveillance tool for studying the relationships between nutrition and health is not valid. It is time to stop spending tens of millions of health research dollars collecting invalid data and find more accurate measures," he said.

CDC Vaccine Link to Autism Scandal: The Wrong Man was Condemned

If there is one issue regarding vaccines that the mainstream media joins together with one common voice, it is the claim that autism is linked to vaccines, particularly mercury contained in vaccines. The mainstream media accepts as fact, without even bothering to investigate, that this claim has been proven false, and that the man who supposedly invented this claim has now been condemned. That man who is now the scapegoat of the mainstream media around the world when the topic of autism and vaccines is discussed, is Dr. Andrew Wakefield. What the media never reports, however, is that Dr. Andrew Wakefield's study linking the MMR vaccine to autism was one of many studies showing the same link. The mainstream media also ignores the large amount of awards for damages being made to vaccine damaged children with autism in the U.S. Vaccine Court, or that other courts of law in other countries are ruling that vaccines cause autism and awarding damages to children with autism. There is one man that practically gets a free pass from exposure in mainstream media, however. This man is currently a fugitive and is somehow escaping capture better than the world's worst terrorists. That man is Dr. Poul Thorsen. Thorsen has been accused of stealing millions of dollars of CDC research money and fabricating studies that supposedly showed there was no link between mercury in vaccines and autism. And yet, the CDC still relies on this man's research to make the claim that there is no link between vaccines and autism. Now, perhaps unwittingly, the CDC has published new research that looks at the same data as the original Thorsen study claiming no link between mercury in vaccines and autism, and the results are contradictory. But don't expect to read any of this in the mainstream media. They have been wrongly condemning the wrong man for years now, and they are not in the habit of admitting their mistakes.

CDC Reveals Disturbing Truth about Factory Farms and Superbugs

Agricultural usage accounts for about 80 percent of all antibiotic use in the US, so it's a MAJOR source of human antibiotic consumption. According to a new CDC report, antibiotics used in livestock plays a role in antibiotic resistance and “should be phased out”; 22 percent of antibiotic-resistant illness in humans is in fact linked to food. MRSA infection has been rapidly increasing among people outside hospital settings as well. Increasing evidence points to factory-scale hog facilities as a source. Previous research suggests you have a 50/50 chance of buying meat tainted with drug-resistant bacteria when you buy meat from your local grocery store. Excessive exposure to antibiotics—which includes regularly eating antibiotic-laced CAFO meats—also takes a heavy toll on your gastrointestinal health. This in turn can predispose you to virtually any disease.

CDC Deception: HPV First Vaccine Marketed to Prevent Cancer

With human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates far below targets, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is redoubling efforts to promote HPV vaccine as an ‘anti-cancer’ vaccine. Describing Gardasil or Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines, as ‘anti-cancer vaccines’ could be described as borderline fraudulent as they’ve never been proven to prevent cancer. The HPV vaccine only contains two strains of HPV associated with cancer, but there are about 15 of them known to potentially cause cancer; in most cases HPV infection does not become chronic or lead to cancer but rather naturally resolves on its own within two years. Deadly blood clots, acute respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and "sudden death due to unknown causes" have all occurred in girls after they've received the Gardasil vaccine. Routine pap smear testing is a far more rational and less dangerous strategy for cervical cancer prevention, as it can identify chronic HPV infection and may provide greater protection against development of cervical cancer than reliance on HPV vaccinations.