CDC Adds EUA COVID Shots to their Childhood Immunization Schedule to Target Poor Families on Government Aid

    The CDC has announced today that they have added the COVID-19 "vaccines" to their childhood immunization schedule. The COVID-19 "vaccines" now add another 2-3 doses of vaccines to the 25 doses of other vaccines already on the CDC schedule that can be injected into babies and toddlers during their first 15 months of life. This seems to be the first time in the history of the CDC that vaccines that are not even FDA-approved but only have EUAs (emergency use authorizations) have been added to the CDC childhood immunization schedule. How is this even legal? CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, while appearing before Congress yesterday, was asked why these shots were added to the Child Immunization schedule. She replied that they were added: "ONLY because it was the only way it could be covered in our 'Vaccines for Children' program." The Vaccines For Children (VFC) program is a U.S. Government program to provide vaccines to low-income families receiving government aid through the Medicaid program. Could this be a path the U.S. Government is creating to require lower-income families to have their children vaccinated in order to receive other Government aid benefits, such as food stamps? If Brazil is an example of what is to come here in the U.S., then it is most certainly possible, if not probable. "Social Credit Brazilian Style: All UBI Recipients Must Be Vaxxed."

      White House Extends COVID Public Health Emergency Status to Get More People Vaccinated with Deadly New Boosters

      The tyrannical decree to declare COVID-19 as a "Public Health Emergency" that ushered in unprecedented measures to ignore the Constitution of the United States and to lock everyone down and eventually start injecting Americans with experimental shots that have now resulted in massive deaths and injuries, which was first declared by President Donald Trump almost 3 years ago on January 31, 2020, was just extended by the Biden Administration this week. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear discerning the truth over the propaganda, it is obvious that this tyrannical decree was extended on behalf of Pfizer and Moderna, to continue justifying emergency use authorizations for experimental injections that otherwise would be illegal. This has always been the primary goal of the COVID-19 emergency measures started by Donald Trump in 2020 and his massive federal funding of Operation Warp Speed, which resulted in the addition of $TRILLIONS into the U.S. economy, bailing out Wall Street and the Central Bankers in the process. In order to justify this extension of the "Public Health Emergency," the State Department's medical authority talking heads had to lie to the American public, by stating that the current flavor of COVID-19 circulating around could only be stopped by the newly authorized COVID-19 "vaccines" produced by Moderna and Pfizer. White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Ashish Jha, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, are now complicit in criminal intent to commit mass murder in the United States. The FDA, CDC, and White House could not have authorized these new versions of the experimental COVID-19 shots without extending the "Public Health Emergency" status which overrides laws and Constitutional protections that prohibit drug companies from injecting experimental products into the bodies of American adults and children.

        CDC Gave Big Tech Platforms Guidance On COVID Vaccine Censorship

        The right of every American to question and criticize their government is enshrined in the Bill of Rights in the First Amendment. Prohibiting dissenting views on any government institution or practice is strictly unconstitutional. However, for the past few years many people have voiced concern about Big Tech platforms censoring dissenting views against the government, and the most common argument used by Big Tech is that they are simply a private platform that allows people to voice their views, and that the First Amendment does not apply to private corporations. But now emails between the CDC and Google, Facebook, and Twitter have surfaced that suggest that the U.S. Government is, indeed, censoring dissenting views by influencing these Big Tech platforms, specifically in regards to the COVID-19 vaccines. Given how deadly these experimental vaccines have been, this is a very serious matter, and I would expect more lawsuits filed in the weeks and months ahead for what appears to be a gross violation of the First Amendment and the right of American citizens to criticize and question their government, especially in regards to medical and health issues.

          CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns

          Quiz: If an agency of the federal government revealed they had no basis for constructing a diagnostic test that was used on millions of people; but the test was the cornerstone of a national lockdown; and the lockdown drove the economy off a cliff; and destroyed millions of lives; however, NOW, that agency says, they DO have a basis for the test; would you buy what they’re selling? If your answer is yes, you’re in good company; the company I call Blind, Ignorant, Denialist, Hoaxing Journalists.

            Attorney Siri: The CDC is Hiding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data

            Three prior posts explained how the FDA seeks to delay for 75+ years full production of Pfizer’s pre-licensure safety data.  While we have that fight, we submitted a request to the CDC, on behalf of ICAN, for the deidentified post-licensure safety data for the Covid-19 vaccines in the CDC’s v-safe system.  Even though this data is available in deidentified form (meaning, it includes no personal health information), the CDC refused to produce this data claiming it is not deidentified.  So, on behalf of ICAN, we filed a federal lawsuit against the CDC and its parent entity, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to force the CDC to produce this data to the public.  The CDC should have no issue doing so because it has already made this data available to a private company – Oracle – in deidentified form.  It is telling that Larry Ellison’s company can see the data American taxpayers paid the CDC to collect but the average American and independent scientists cannot?! 

              The CDC Caught in their Own Lies: The Unvaccinated in the U.S. for COVID-19 is “Millions” More than Originally Reported

              For almost a year now I have been stating that the CDC has been lying to the public about the COVID-19 shots, using their own data from VAERS to prove it. Now the corporate media is reporting the same thing: the CDC's statistics on COVID-19 "vaccines," in this case the total amount of people in the U.S. who are "vaccinated" with a COVID-19 shot, have been overstated by "millions." Yahoo News reports: "The U.S. government has overcounted the number of Americans who are at least partly vaccinated against the coronavirus, Bloomberg reports. Why it matters: Millions more people than initially thought are unprotected as coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths are rising across the country. Three states — Illinois, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — found enough over-counting of first shots to indicate millions of unvaccinated people had mistakenly been counted as having received a dose." What's especially interesting is that the corporate news report quoted two state officials who admitted that the data from the CDC was worthless. James Garrow, a spokesperson for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, which has worked with the state to blend data sets for a more accurate view of vaccination trends, said "we don’t have any faith in the numbers on the CDC website, and we never refer to them." “The truth is, we have no idea,” said Clay Marsh, West Virginia’s Covid czar. This news comes out the day following a report published by The Exposé that the UK Government was lying about the number of unvaccinated and that instead of 5 million unvaccinated in the UK, they now admit that it is 23.5 million who have refused the jab, over 40% of their population. This cannot all be a "coincidence," so we need to ask the question: Why are they suddenly admitting this?

                CDC Admits COVID-19 Shots Causing Heart Disease but Won’t Stop the Injections – Does Pfizer Now Control the CDC and FDA?

                The United States CDC updated their "Adverse Events" page on COVID-19 shots today where they admit that there are now 1,908 reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 shots among young people below the age of 30. This compares to, on the same page, 57 cases of "Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)" and 278 cases of "Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)" for all age groups, not just those under the age of 30. As we have reported in the past, the CDC typically uses "selective bias" when reporting these "adverse events" to make the numbers look much lower than they actually are. But with the cases of heart disease now skyrocketing, even with their selective bias it can be clearly seen that we are dealing with a very high number of these injuries showing that their assertion that these side effects of heart disease are "rare" is completely absurd. When we include all the other cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in their own data within VAERS for young people under the age of 30, the number is actually 3,262 cases. When we remove the age limit of 30 years old, the cases of carditis skyrocket up to 12,855 cases. For another comparison, and again using THEIR DATA from VAERS, if we look at cases of heart disease following all non-COVID vaccines, which include the flu shots, all the childhood vaccines in the CDC schedule, and every other non-COVID vaccine currently being distributed in the U.S. for the same time period (since last December when the COVID-19 shots were given emergency use authorization), we find 125 cases. 12,855 cases of heart disease following COVID-19 experimental shots for the past year, compared to 125 cases of heart disease following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past year. And the CDC calls this "rare"? This is the government data from the CDC and FDA, and it is under-reported, according to experts, by a factor of between 20X to 41X or more. Why are these shots still on the market killing and crippling people with heart disease? There can only be one explanation. Pfizer now controls the FDA and CDC, and I would go so far as to say they control the United States, including deciding who gets elected to approve their products.

                  2,809 Dead Babies in VAERS Following COVID Shots as New Documents Prove Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC Knew the Shots Were Not Safe for Pregnant Women

                  The latest data dump into the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) happened yesterday (12/3/21) and covers data through 11/26/2021. There are now 927,740 cases reported to VAERS following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, out of the total of 1,782,453 cases in the entire VAERS database filed for the past 30+ years. In addition, we found 2,809 fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots injected into pregnant and child-bearing women for the past 11 months. By way of contrast, using the exact same search parameters in VAERS, but excluding the COVID-19 shots, we found 2,168 fetal deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years. That’s an average of 72 fetal deaths per year following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, compared to what is on pace to be 3064 fetal deaths in 1 year following COVID-19 shots. That is an 80% increase in fetal deaths recorded in VAERS following the COVID-19 shots. And yet, the CDC and FDA continue to recommend these EUA shots for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Not only do they recommend these shots for pregnant women, we now have ample evidence that they have known since earlier this year that these shots are dangerous to pregnant women, and causing fetal deaths. This article will link to publicly available data that shows the CDC, FDA, and Pfizer have known from early on that these shots cause fetal deaths. With all the links to the publicly available data supplied in this article, there is more than enough information to immediately issue arrest warrants for Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, Janet Woodcock, the FDA director, and Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, for mass murder and crimes against humanity.

                    1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot

                    The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot. By way of contrast, I performed the exact same search in VAERS for all non-COVID-19 vaccines for the past 30 years, and it returned a result of 2,183 fetal deaths from pregnant women following vaccination for the past 30 years. So there have been nearly the same amount of fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 10 months, as there have been for the past 30+ years that VAERS has been in existence! And how has the CDC responded to this data? This past week the CDC published recommendations for all pregnant women to get a COVID-19 shot! Wake up people!! We are watching a eugenic plan of controlling the world's population unfold before our very eyes, and it is pure insanity for any pregnant woman to voluntarily agree to get a COVID-19 shot that will risk her life, and the life of her unborn baby. Rochelle Walensky and her cohorts at the CDC, along with the criminals at the FDA, NIH, and many other government health organizations need to be arrested immediately to stop this attack against the citizens of the United States with experimental gene therapy injections.

                      CDC’s Own Stats Show 1,270 Premature Fetal Deaths Following COVID Shots but Recommend Pregnant Women Get COVID Injections

                      The U.S. CDC announced today that they have "new data" that they claim shows that the COVID-19 experimental injections are now safe for pregnant women. Of course they have been recommending all along that pregnant women get the experimental injections, so it appears that this is just a new marketing strategy to get more pregnant women to get the shots. A search of the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) lists 1,270 premature fetal deaths in pregnant women following one of the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 injections. The CDC admits that this "new study" of nearly 2,500 pregnant women who received an mRNA COVID-19 injection before 20 weeks of pregnancy had 13% of them suffer miscarriages. They concluded that: "The known severe risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy demonstrate that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant people outweigh any known or potential risks." But what exactly are these "benefits" of receiving a COVID-19 "vaccine" that "outweigh the risks?" They admit they don't stop transmission, they admit you can still get COVID-19 after being vaccinated, and they admit that people who are fully vaccinated are still dying. The CDC protects the pharmaceutical industry. They get caught lying all the time. They are not your friend, they don't care about your health, and they don't care if your unborn baby lives or dies.

                        CDC Begins Mass Extermination Program of Americans’ Children Aged 12 to 17 Implementing Eugenic Population Control Measures through COVID-19 Bioweapons

                        Rochelle Walensky, the current director of the criminal organization and marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry, the CDC, which should be renamed more appropriately as the Center for DEATH and population Control, has committed crimes against humanity by heading up a program to kill, maim, and render infertile Americans' children between the ages of 12 and 17. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that this age group has nearly ZERO risk for harm from COVID-19, she addressed the public yesterday and lied to the American people. "In the critical month of June, I want to highlight a specific population that we were hoping will join the tens of millions who have already been vaccinated, and that is adolescents," she explained. She also referenced a report to be published in Friday's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, that demonstrates "the level of severe disease, even among youth that are preventable," which is why the CDC is going to "redouble" motivation to get adolescents and young adults vaccinated. The propaganda report promised yesterday is now up on the CDC website today. Anybody with at least a high school education reading level can clearly see through the BS in this "study" which is nothing more than propaganda. But how many parents will even bother reading this garbage before deciding to let someone inject their child with a COVID-19 bioweapon? We are seeing a global eugenics population reduction plan being unfolded before our very eyes that now far eclipses anything that happened in Nazi Germany during WWII, and is now racing ahead towards numbers that were reported during the Bolshevik revolution under Lenin and Stalin.

                          CDC is Manipulating Data to Hide Breakthrough Cases and Blame Unvaccinated for “Outbreaks”

                          The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease. They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change). The trick is in their reporting of what they call “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway. Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors: 1. False-postive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value) 2. Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms. Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

                            The CDC’s “Crimes Against Humanity” for Allowing 12 to 15 Year-Olds to be Injected with COVID Bioweapon Shots

                            Many honest doctors and scientists have now come forward to explain that the experimental new COVID shots are "bioweapons," and that is the term I am going to start using when referring to them. Not only are the injections considered "bioweapons" by many doctors and scientists, but the original Wuhan Sars-CoV-2 "virus" is also now being called a "bioweapon" by some doctors and scientists, as there is overwhelming evidence that this was created in a laboratory in China with funding from the U.S. NIH and mass-murderer Anthony Fauci. I have seen this evidence and known about it since the Plandemic started, and many people have asked me why Health Impact News has not covered this story about the origins of COVID-19. The reason is simple. Whether this was created intentionally in a laboratory, or developed on its own without malicious foreknowledge, is really immaterial to the fact that it is largely not dangerous, and by some doctors' estimates, even less dangerous than the strains of influenza we are exposed to every year. So with fear dominating the media for the past year plus, I have focused instead on countering that fear with facts and truth, including early treatments that can completely cure the symptoms of COVID-19, and the whole story of the origin of Sars-CoV-2 was just not that important, as I was concerned, in the early stages especially, that if we covered it the result would be an increase of fear, which we certainly do not need. While the COVID-19 "virus" bioweapon turned out to be mostly a dud when it comes to creating mass casualties (more people probably died from COVID-19 because of errors made in the medical system by not promoting home treatments, and then putting people on end-of-life ventilators where the success rate was less than 10%), the COVID-19 bioweapon injections are far more serious, as across the world tens of thousands of deaths have already been recorded following the injections, and the actual number of deaths, most of which are NOT being recorded, could well be in the hundreds of thousands by now, and that is only after 5 months of mass injections. And now, the criminal organization known as the CDC has recommended that we start injecting children between the ages of 12 and 15, and has even recommended to give this shot with other childhood vaccines - something that obviously has never been tested. Bernadette Pajer, the ICWA Public Policy Director, has written an excellent piece warning parents of the danger that now faces our nation's children.

                              CDC: Death Toll Following Experimental COVID Injections Now at 4,434 – More than 21 Years of Recorded Vaccine Deaths from VAERS

                              The CDC released the latest death figures following the experimental COVID injections this week, and that death toll now stands at 4,434 people, adults and children, that have been recorded as dying after receiving one of the experimental COVID injections. To put this number in perspective, since the CDC continues to claim that these deaths do "not establish a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines," these deaths now exceed the total number of deaths reported to VAERS following vaccination for the past 21 years! From 1/1/2000 through 11/30/2020 (the last month before COVID shots were given emergency use) there were 4,394 deaths recorded for a span of 21 years. Please take note that for that 21-year period, over 50% of the recorded deaths following vaccination were infants and toddlers under the age of 3, because this is the next targeted demographic to receive the experimental COVID shots: young children. Both the Moderna and Pfizer experimental COVID shots are being injected into children as young as 6 months old in their trials, with the expectation that the FDA will grant an EUA for that age group as well. Some of those infants and toddlers in the trials have already died. Since many governors have now taken action to prevent COVID Vaccine Passports and discrimination against those who refuse the experimental shots, will they also issue executive orders to prevent their State's local health departments from injecting children with these shots? At this point, the fate of our nation's children is in their hands, as the federal government health agencies are completely in bed with Big Pharma and have no regard for human life whatsoever.

                                CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections – Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 20 Years of Recorded Deaths Following Vaccines Since 2001

                                The CDC has just released the newest total of deaths reported following the experimental COVID shots since they were granted emergency use authorization (EUA) in early December through May 3, 2021, and that total now stands at 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS. The number of deaths recorded following the experimental COVID injections now equals the total number of recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 21 years. The next target for these killer injections are children, as Pfizer has applied for emergency use authorization with both the FDA in the U.S., and the EMA in Europe, to inject 12 to 15 year olds with their experimental COVID mRNA shots. FiercePharma has reported that Canada has just approved the Pfizer shot for 12 to 15 year olds. It was announced on Pfizer's website today. And the majority of the world's population seems to be oblivious to the fact that genocide is happening right in front of our eyes, and prefer instead to believe the government "health authorities" who are lying and telling everyone this really isn't happening.

                                  CDC Admits 5,800 FULLY VACCINATED People Became Infected with COVID-19 and 74 Died

                                  In a clear example showing how the CDC and Big Pharma control the corporate media, the CDC today apparently sent out emails to the major corporate media outlets allegedly explaining that about 5,800 fully vaccinated people have still come down with COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated, and 74 people fully vaccinated against COVID-19 have allegedly died from COVID-19. In typical fashion of how the CDC operates, they attempted to spin these numbers as something positive, by stating how many people have now been "vaccinated" against COVID, and that one's chance of getting COVID is significantly reduced if you receive the injection. As I saw this statement start appearing everywhere in social media, I tried to find the source for this alleged CDC information, but all I could find were various corporate media outlets stating that the CDC had told them this directly. Apparently this is not on the CDC website anywhere. And as is usual with the Pharma-funded corporate media, there was no investigative reporting done to challenge or even question the data that the CDC was providing. So let me do that. (The CDC did not send me a copy of the letter for some reason.)

                                    CDC: 2,050 DEAD Following COVID “Vaccines” as 300+ Deaths Added This Week – 16 Deaths from New J&J Shot Producing “COVID Symptoms”

                                    Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.” The data released by the CDC today goes through March 19, 2021, with 44,606 recorded adverse events, including 2,050 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.” There are now 1,107 adverse events including 16 deaths reported following the third experimental COVID vaccine to be granted emergency use authorization (EUA) by the FDA at the end of February, the Johnson and Johnson Janssen COVID vaccine. I have not seen any report yet from the CDC regarding this third experimental COVID "vaccine," which is the agency tasked with monitoring adverse effects on new experimental vaccines that are not FDA approved and given emergency use authorization (EUA). But from the data released today in VAERS, there are some troubling signs, especially from the 16 deaths reported. Two of the deaths reported stated that the patients exhibited signs of symptomatic COVID, and a third death also reported symptoms similar to COVID. Three of the deaths recorded after the Janssen experimental COVID injection were reported to be due to sudden cardiac arrest.

                                      CDC: 1,524 DEAD 31,079 Injured Following Experimental COVID mRNA “Vaccines”

                                      The CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through March 5, 2021, with 31,079 recorded adverse events, including 1,524 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. The CDC also updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page on March 9th this past week, and according to this report, VAERS has received 1,637 reports of death following COVID "vaccinations" - more than 100 deaths than are in the VAERS data dump released today. The CDC continues to state that not one of these recorded deaths following experimental COVID injections are related to the shots: "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths." As we reported yesterday, many countries in Europe (and now also Thailand) have halted the vaccinating of people with the AstraZeneca experimental vaccine after reports of fatal blood clots following the injections. And while the AstraZeneca COVID shots are not yet authorized for emergency use in the U.S., some have commented that the side effects for the mRNA "vaccines" currently issued EUAs in the U.S. for Pfizer and Moderna have just as many, if not more, adverse side effects, questioning whether any of these new experimental and non-FDA-approved COVID vaccines should be continued. So we searched today's CDC data on adverse reactions to the two COVID "vaccines" being used in the U.S. for "pulmonary embolism," which is an "acute lung disease caused by a dislodged blood clot," and the reason why the AstraZeneca COVID shot is now being halted in about a dozen countries worldwide after two fatalities and others injured. The CDC is today reporting 120 cases of pulmonary embolisms, including 12 DEATHS following injections of the two experimental COVID mRNA injections currently in the U.S. Seven of the deaths followed the Moderna mRNA COVID shot, while five deaths followed the Pfizer mRNA COVID shot. This number is obviously far greater than the two deaths reported so far from pulmonary embolism following the AstraZeneca COVID shots being distributed around the world right now. Can we trust the CDC that NONE of these 1,637 recorded deaths are caused by the experimental COVID mRNA shots?

                                        CDC Now Reports FEWER Total Deaths Following COVID Injections than Last Week – Can We Trust ANY of Their Data?

                                        The page on the CDC website that we reported about last week, Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination, has now been updated as of yesterday, February 16, 2021. We preserved a copy of the page published last week, February 11, 2021, which you can find on our website as a .pdf file. Comparing the page published on 2/11/21 with the one published yesterday, 2/16/21, you will be able to see that they revised their numbers for total number of COVID-19 vaccines administered as an increase, while revising the total number of deaths reported to VAERS following the vaccines as a decrease. Can the CDC raise people from the dead? So how many reports of death following the COVID injections are actually being reported to the CDC? We simply do not know, because the CDC controls the data. But there is one thing that remains consistently the same in the CDC reports about the experimental, non-FDA approved mRNA COVID "vaccines": "A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records findings revealed no link with vaccination." As we have reported numerous times, the CDC is a corrupt organization that cannot be trusted. They are the largest purchaser and distributor of vaccines in the world, allocating over $5 BILLION in their budget (supplied by American taxpayers) each year to purchase and distribute vaccines from Big Pharma. The CDC also owns over 56 patents on vaccines, and many of their scientists earn royalties from the sale of vaccines. (Source.) The CDC has a long history of corruption, and over the years many of their own scientists have tried to blow the whistle on this corruption only to be silenced. In addition, many of the directors running the CDC go on to work for Big Pharma developing vaccines after they complete their term at the CDC. So when we mock the CDC and state that they are NOT concerned with public health, but that they are concerned with protecting sales for Big Pharma, we are not exaggerating just to make a point. The evidence we have uncovered and reported over the past 10 years backs up our statement that the CDC is a corrupt organization working with criminal pharmaceutical companies. But even though we have been reporting this for over a decade now, few in the public know it, but continue to go on blindly trusting in them.

                                          Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID

                                          The COVID19 scam of 2020 is quickly unraveling, as more and more people are waking up to the fact that the public has been lied to when it comes to COVID19, and the government actions taken in the name of COVID that have destroyed so many lives have been completely unnecessary, as millions of people around the world now are taking to the streets and demanding their freedom from COVID medical tyranny. The PCR test, which is the main test used to determine if someone is COVID positive or not, is now universally accepted by top scientists around the world as being a faulty test. It has also been widely reported now that doctors and hospitals have used this faulty test to label people as "positive COVID cases" even if they do not show any symptoms of COVID or being sick. Hospitals have a financial incentive to label someone as "COVID positive" as well. Earlier this month (November, 2020) I reported how the CDC, in an unprecedented move, largely stopped tracking cases of influenza for the 2020-2021 flu season. So when people die of cancer, heart disease, and many other historical leading causes of death in the U.S., but test positive for COVID and are then claimed as a "COVID death," we would expect to see only a slight increase of overall deaths nationwide over the course of time, or no increase of deaths at all, depending on how widespread the scam really is. Well, as we draw near to the end of 2020 many people are now crunching the numbers, and when 2020 closes out, about the same amount of people will have died in the U.S. this year as 2019, and 2018, and 2017. If you are waiting for an actual increase in deaths over the course of a time period, like a fiscal or calendar year, then you're going to have to wait until next year, after the COVID vaccine is injected into BILLIONS of people, because then we will see REAL increases in deaths. And that's been the goal all along.