California Orange County CPS Sued for Kidnapping More than 5,000 Children

    Attorney Shawn McMillan is continuing his fight against the corrupt Child and Protective Services in California, and has now filed a class action lawsuit against Orange County California for allegedly seizing more 5000 children in State-sponsored kidnappings. This follows his December 2014 class action lawsuit against CPS in Riverside County in California, which is also accused of kidnapping "thousands" of children without cause.

      How Did Almonds Surpass Peanuts as America’s Top Nut? The Dark Side of Almonds

      Almonds are now the most-consumed nut eaten in America, surpassing even peanuts. Americans' consumption of almonds has increased 220 percent since 2005. Is this meteoric rise in almond consumption due to consumer demand, or consumer compliance? A look behind the scenes at just how almonds came to dominate the market, and what it takes to produce such large quantities, reveals a dark side to almonds of which most consumers are probably unaware.

        Feds Want to Seize Local Family-owned Oyster Farm in California

        by Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

        Falls Church, Virginia (December 27, 2012) — The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) has agreed to administer a litigation fund to be used to help finance the Drakes Bay Oyster Company’s lawsuit against the United States National Park Service. Drakes Bay Oyster Company (DBOC) is a family-owned, environmentally sustainable oyster farm on the shores […]

          Dr. Bernhoft Explains the “Science” Behind GMO Foods and Why You Want Them Labeled

          Dr. Robin Bernhoft was one of the first doctors in the U.S. to recognize the toxic effects of GMO, and to see positive results in his patients after prescribing a diet free of GMO foods. In this video, Dr. Bernhoft explains the "science" behind GMO foods, and why you want them labeled.

            Right to Know if GMOs are in your Food: Vote Yes on Prop 37

            Click here to help us get this ad on the air:

            To learn more about Prop 37 and Food & Water Watch’s campaign to make GE Labeling the Law, visit

            “What makes you think you have the right to know?” asks Danny DeVito in a witty, ironic public service announcement by the political action committee […]

              Both Romney and Obama Eat Organic While Pushing GMOs for Others

              By Dr. Mercola

              Over the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged, where political supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on organics, while promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else.

              Most recently, Mother Jones1 discussed how Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney – whose ties to Monsanto go back to the late 1970’s when GE crops […]

                First-Ever Lifetime Feeding Study Finds Genetically Engineered Corn Causes Massive Tumors, Organ Damage, and Early Death

                by Dr. Mercola

                The first-ever lifetime feeding study1 evaluating the health risks of genetically engineered foods was published online on September 19, and the results are troubling, to say the least. This new study joins a list of over 30 other animal studies showing toxic or allergenic problems with genetically engineered foods.

                The study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Food […]

                  Find A Compassionate Doctor To Help You Prevent Vaccine Injuries

                  by Barbara Loe Fisher
                  National Vaccine Information Center

                  Ever since the first vaccines – smallpox and rabies vaccines – one of the most serious complications of vaccination has been brain inflammation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Brain inflammation can cause convulsions, also known as seizures.[8] Continuing seizures can permanently damage the brain over time. [9]

                  In fact, for the first 40 years […]

                    What Do Cigarettes, DDT, Agent Orange, and GMOs Have In Common?

                    by Gretchen DuBeau
                    Alliance for Natural Health

                    Scientists knew about the dangers of cigarettes, DDT, and Agent Orange long before anything reached the public. The same is true today about genetically modified food (often referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMOs). This food is being sold without even a label identifying it. A genetically modified seed […]

                      Pro-GMO Propaganda in California Dismantled by New Cost Study

                      by Alliance for Natural Health

                      Opponents of GMO labeling say it will raise food costs by hundreds of dollars per family when in fact it will likely cause NO cost increase at all!

                      The California Right to Know 2012 Ballot Initiative, which will be voted upon in November, will tell Californians—and ultimately perhaps other Americans—whether their food […]

                        Monsanto Gives $4.2 Million to Kill California GMO Labeling

                        by Stacy Malkan
                        CA Right to Know 

                        New campaign finance reports reveal that Monsanto Co. just contributed $4.2 million to defeat Proposition 37, which would require labeling of genetically engineered food.  That is the largest contribution in the race.  Total contributions to defeat Proposition 37 amount to $25 million, and nearly $23 million during the last week.

                        Other major new contributions against […]

                          Label GMO Battle in California: Grassroots vs. Big Ag

                          by Emily Stevenson
                          Alliance for Natural Health
                          It’s been less than three weeks since the California Right to Know campaign submitted enough signatures to put mandatory GMO labeling on this November’s ballot.

                          If the vote were today, it would pass!

                          Current polls show a majority of California voters support the Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. Unfortunately, the […]

                            The GMO Labeling Initiative WILL Be on the Ballot in California! Let the Battle Begin

                            Alliance for Natural Health
                            The California Right to Know 2012 Ballot Initiative collected enough signatures—and now, with your help, you can become part of history.
                            Tomorrow, on May 2, the campaign will be turning in enough signatures to put the California Right to Know GMO labeling initiative on the ballot—nearly one MILLION signatures! This massive achievement […]

                              California Takes National Spotlight on GMO Labeling Issue

                     – the California Committee for the Right to Know wants to let you know about this new ballot initiative in California and what it REALLY means for you and your family.

                              Our mission is to get this initiative on the CA 2012 ballot to require mandatory labeling of foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients.

                              We […]

                                CA Vaccine Bill Legislates “Freedom Only With Permission”

                                by Dr. Tim O’ Shea
                                CA Bill 2109
                                “This bill, if passed, would require parents to obtain the signature of a “health care practitioner” for a personal beliefs/religious exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants can sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of […]

                                  California Lawmaker Ridicules Parents over Vaccine Choice

                                  The Canary Party

                                  Dr. Pan Does Not Believe Parents Accounts Of Mistreatment On Vaccine Decisions!

                                  Have you ever been harassed, bullied or kicked out of a medical practice for turning down a vaccine? Dr. Pan believes it has never happened to you!

                                  When Canary Party Members visited his office to speak with him about his bill, AB2109, […]

                                    The California Whooping Cough Cover Up

                                    By Dr. Mercola

                                    2011 was the first year in more than two decades during which there were no deaths from whooping cough.  In 2010, 10 infants died from the disease.  The number of people who became infected also dropped from 9,000 in 2010 […]


                                      URGENT ACTION ALERT


                                      It is hard to believe, but the California Legislature has done the unthinkable, and we need just 5 minutes of your time this holiday weekend to help stop it.

                                      California just passed a bill into law, AB499, which permits minor children as […]

                                        Methyl Iodide Pesticide Regulation to Have Negative Health Impact says DPR’s Own Scientist

                                        Fuming: Bill Monning, center, with (from left) Paul Towers of Pesticide Watch, California State Grange President Bob McFarland and Dolores Huerta Foundation Vice President Sal Alvarez. Sara Rubin
                                        By Sara Rubin
                                        Monterey County Weekly
                                        Science was “subverted” in the state Department of Pesticide Regulation’s approval of the strawberry fumigant methyl iodide, and its use is likely going […]