California Medical Doctor Sues Medical Board Over Intimidating Doctors Who Write Vaccine Medical Exemptions

    Dr. Kennedy has been in medicine for almost 50 years. He is currently residing and practicing in the State of California. After the passage of California SB 277 in 2015 which removed parental rights to refuse vaccines for their children, parents began coming to see him to see if they could receive a medical exemption for vaccines. Dr. Kennedy believes that so many parents came to him because other doctors were afraid to write medical vaccine exemptions, fearing reprisals from the California State Medical Board. Dr. Kennedy states that doctors fear the loss of their medical license for writing vaccine medical exemptions. This is reportedly what the Medical Board has tried to do with Dr. Bob Sears. Dr. Kennedy states that the California Medical Board goes from school to school demanding medical records of children, without any permission from the parents. Dr. Kennedy says that according to his attorney, this practice by the Medical Board violates two federal laws and two state laws. The Medical Board then allegedly examines these medical records of school children to find out which doctors are writing vaccine medical exemptions, and then goes after those doctors. Dr. Kennedy claims that no doctor has been willing to stand up to this practice until now. He is suing each of the 14 members of the State Medical Board in California.

      Physicians Opposed to Mandatory Vaccines Start “Physicians for Informed Consent” Organization

      On June 30, 2015, Dr. Shira Miller felt personally assaulted when California SB277 was signed into law. Since Dr. Miller does not follow the SB277 list of mandatory vaccines for her children, she suddenly found herself, like many California parents, in a desperate position. While she was busy taking care of her patients and raising her young children, legislators voted away her fundamental rights. So, she called upon a team of doctors, scientists, and attorneys, and Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) was born. The recent PIC press release states the following: "A newly launched nonprofit called Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) is now joining the cause to get the government out of some of the most important conversations parents have with their pediatrician. PIC is committed to protecting the rights of parents to make medical decisions for their children, and safeguarding doctors’ professional responsibility to act ethically and in the best interests of their individual patients. PIC is dedicated to raising public awareness about the problems posed for both parents and doctors by mandatory vaccination laws. In June 2015, Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB277, one of the most expansive and intrusive mandatory vaccination laws in the U.S. These laws discriminate against families who, in the best interest of their child’s health, do not follow the CDC’s recommended schedule. Politicians have forced their way into the conversation about one of the most important medical decisions families will make in consultation with their doctors."

        Fellow Board-certified Pediatrician Blasts Senator Dr. Pan for California Bill that Removes Medical Freedom

        As a board-certified pediatrician, I am embarrassed by the article, “FAAP helps change California vaccine law,” published on June 30th, 2015. California State Senator Richard J. Pan, M.D., a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP), sponsored the bill, SB 277, that Governor Jerry Brown has just signed into law. This law removes the informed consent process and takes the right to make medical, philosophical, and religious decisions away way from parents. If you decide in tandem with your doctor to forgo just one vaccine on the state-mandated schedule, your child will no longer be able to attend public or private school in California, and will also be barred from daycare. Physicians in California will now no longer be allowed to fairly and honestly explain the pros and cons of various vaccines to families. With the state legislature making medical decisions for families by threatening to exclude children from school, the physician-patient relationship becomes irrelevant. “I hope that it causes parents to receive information about vaccines, to have conversations with their pediatrician and other health care professionals and rethink why they had concerns about vaccines, (and) that they will become more open to listening to the actual science and facts and turn away from the misinformation that’s been peddled by too many people,” Senator Pan told the AAP. The truth is that it is Senator Pan, Governor Brown, and many of my mainstream medical peers who need to “turn away from the misinformation that’s been peddled” to the doctors by the Centers for Disease Control, the AAP, and the pharmaceutical companies that profit enormously by this new program of forced vaccines.

          Vaccines: The Battle for Informed Consent to Medical Procedures

          As we have previously published, the current vaccine debate in America is not a debate between extremists positions, pitting extremist anti-vaccine doctors (doctors who do not give any vaccines at all) against extremist pro-vaccine doctors (all vaccines are good, and should be given to all people, all the time, by force if necessary.) Most medical professionals do not hold either of these extreme positions, but fall somewhere in between. No matter what your views are on the vaccine continuum, and whether you lean towards pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, everyone should be concerned about giving up our rights to "informed consent" to medical procedures. If we give up this basic human right for "the greater good" of society on vaccines, where will it end? How will our country be any different than Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed by German doctors that horrified the world, and was the center of prosecution in the Nuremberg Trials? Is the American public going to allow a handful of politicians tied into the most extreme view of the vaccine debate set policy for all the citizens of the United States? Norma Erickson of addresses the subject of "informed consent" and the dangers represented by proposed California vaccine bill SB277.

            Doctor Specializing in Special Needs Children Speaks out Against Mandatory Vaccines in California

            Dr. Lynn Mielke, M.D., is one of the latest medical doctors in California to speak out against mandatory vaccines, and the attempt by California lawmakers to remove existing exemptions. She is a Fellow of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs, and has a clinic treating children with developmental needs. Dr. Mielke explained that most of the children she was treating in her clinic were suffering from developmental delays, due to many underlying medical conditions. She pointed out that there is no current mandate to test children for underlying conditions that could make them more susceptible to vaccine injuries prior to vaccinating them. Dr. Mielke stated: "In these situations, where medical vulnerabilities exist, it is critical that we are not forced to practice government-mandated medicine. SB277 could increase the number of vaccine-injured children and will eviscerate the doctor-patient relationship and informed consent. Safe vaccination is the goal. But there is no safe one-size-fits-all vaccine policy. Once a vaccine is given, it cannot be undone. I strongly urge you to oppose SB277." In spite of the testimony of Dr. Mielke, many other medical professionals, and thousands of parents in California who showed up to oppose SB277, the California Senate this week passed it anyway, by a vote of 25 to 10.

              Has California Sold Out to Big Pharma to Lead the Nation in Medical Tyranny?

              Dr. Richard Pan of California is the author of one of the most tyrannical bills currently being proposed in the U.S. to take away the right to informed consent for a medical procedure. SB277 is a proposed California bill that would remove all personal belief exemptions to vaccines and prevent children from attending school unless they are fully vaccinated. A hearing on SB277 was held at the State Capital on April 15, 2015. The support was overwhelming opposed to the bill, with only 53 people present supporting the bill, and 743 present opposing it. The Senate Education committee did not take a vote on the bill that day, as several members of the committee had reservations about it. A vote was put off until April 22nd, one week later. At the April 22 meeting, after 13 minutes of discussion, the committee passed the bill by a vote of 7 to 2. What happened? How could the committee pass a bill with so much opposition from their constituents?

                When Doctors Become Lawmakers: Medical Tyranny in California

                California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan is a co-sponsor of a new proposed California bill, SB 277, which seeks to remove the personal belief exemption to vaccinations in California. Who is Dr. Pan? He is an "industry insider" when it comes to the medical industry. He is a teaching faculty member at UC Davis Children's Hospital, and has served in many organizations that set medical policy and funding, such as the American Medical Association, the United Way, Sacramento First 5 Commission, Healthy Kids Healthy Future, Sacramento Health Improvement Project, and others. Dr. Pan was also a supporter of AB 499 which allows minor children as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with the Gardasil vaccine without the knowledge or consent of their parents.