Beyond Soup: Six Ways to Eat More Nutrient-Dense Bone Broth

Soup and stews have been a traditional food for many societies, and for good reason. Not only does that pot stretch precious ingredients, it also makes use of one of the most nutritious, healing foods available – bone broth. Bone broth is having a resurgence in popularity in recent years. The humble simmering of meat and bones has become all the rage in some circles, with broth shops opening up next to coffee shops in large cities. This ingredient has a long list of benefits for everything from skin health to gut health to joint pain relief and more. There is a reason that Mothers and Grandmothers handed out bowls of broth and soup to their ailing loved ones in times past. They knew it was some of the most easily assimilated nourishment they could offer. But eating a cup of broth or bowl of soup at every meal - or even once per day - can be a challenge for some. Though this may be the simplest way to ingest broth, it isn’t everyone’s favorite and can lead to burnout very quickly. To avoid broth burnout and keep things interesting and delicious, here are some ideas for using broth in your daily meals.