Study: Broccoli Good for Leaky Gut and Other Digestive Problems

    Among cruciferous vegetables, which include cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts, broccoli seems to be the most researched for its antioxidant, cancer preventative, and anti-carcinogen qualities. A 2017 study at Penn State University was centered on how broccoli and cruciferous vegetables may affect gut health, including permeability or leaky gut and other gut disturbances. Leaky gut or gut permeability has been brought to the forefront of medical concern since it has been determined to be a source of many other maladies. Two major reasons for this are: 1. It blocks nutrient absorption from the small intestines into the blood stream. 2. It allows toxins from ingested foods to escape the elimination process and enter the blood stream. These two concerns align with what Dr. Max Gerson, who created the Gerson Therapy for cancer and chronic disease, had proposed circa 1950 as the major causes of cancer and other non-infectious diseases, insufficient nutrition and overwhelming environmental toxicity.

      Sprouted Broccoli Increases Anti-Cancer Properties 50X

      It's well known among health conscious consumers and holistic health practitioners that broccoli and other related cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, garden cress, bok choy, and brussels sprouts offer antioxidant protection against developing cancer. Micro-nutrients that protect against cancer, known as isothiocyanates, are high in broccoli. The most powerful isothiocyanate tumor stifling ingredient recently isolated from broccoli is known as sulforaphane. But the amount of broccoli needed to protect against cancer is beyond the comfort zone of most modern folks. And the fact that so few are raw vegans puts broccoli into various types of cookware. Cooking destroys many enzymes in veggies that are needed to metabolize whatever macro and micro nutrients are available with raw vegetables. However a powerful solution exists with broccoli sprouts. The sprouts are more nutrient dense and contain up to 50 times or more of the amount of sulforaphane than normal broccoli.

        Broccoli Sprouts can Detoxify Environmental Pollutants

        Recent research suggests that broccoli sprouts may help detox environmental pollutants such as benzene. Fresh broccoli sprouts are FAR more potent than whole broccoli. Three-day-old broccoli sprouts contain anywhere from 10-100 times the amount of chemoprotective compounds found in mature broccoli.

          5 Health Benefits of Broccoli

          Broccoli contains phytochemicals shown to benefit arthritis, cancer, immune system health, blood pressure levels, vision, skin health, blood sugar disorders and much more. Eating broccoli raw, as opposed to cooked, will help protect it’s nutrients; broccoli sprouts are an even more nutritionally potent way to enjoy broccoli. You can grow your own broccoli sprouts at home inexpensively and in just a few days’ time.

            The Amazing Broccoli: Effective Against Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Allergies and Heart Disease

            Broccoli contains a very powerful anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial called sulforaphane. It is obtained from cruciferous vegetables and abundant in broccoli. A daily dose of broccoli might prevent dozens of diseases before they even have a chance to start.

              Health Benefits of Green Peas and Broccoli

              A compound in broccoli, glucosinolate, produces a metabolite called sulforaphane that is responsible for many of broccoli’s health-promoting properties. Sulforaphane has been shown to have anti-diabetic and antimicrobial properties, and also kills cancer stem cells, which strikes to the heart of tumor malignancy. It can also significantly improve your blood pressure and kidney function, among other benefits.

                Broccoli Helps Clear Damaged Lungs

                by Dr. Mercola
                Broccoli may help your immune system clean harmful bacteria from your lungs. Sulphoraphane, a compound found in the vegetable, is being looked at as a potential treatment for people with lung disease.
                White blood cells called macrophages remove debris and bacteria that build up in your lungs. This cleaning system can be defective […]