CASH is Gold, Gold is Risky

    I want to start out this article by stating that I do NOT give out financial advice. I like to publish facts and information that may not be popular elsewhere, and I may sometimes allude to what I am doing regarding finances. But there is no one-size-fits-all financial "truth" when it comes to managing one's own finances or investing, and you should be wary of those who promote such one-size-fits-all views, and see if they have any economic motive for their "advice". How you manage your finances and invest depends on a variety of factors, including what it is you want to accomplish, and sometimes it is better to ignore financial advice from "the experts", and use just plain old common sense. I start from a thoroughly "prepper" mindset, as I have since 1998 when I started prepping for Y2K, and my goals and financial principles have been more refined from a "prepper mindset" since 2020 and the COVID Scam. That means I am a financial pessimist, and believe that the entire system could collapse any day now, and I prepare accordingly. In the event of a loss of infrastructure, where either electricity or the Internet, or both, become unavailable, one must understand how the economy will operate under such dire circumstances, and we actually have an example of that right now, and it has been going on for a few weeks now in Western North Carolina. I personally know people from this area, and I have heard more than one of them report that during the days following the hurricane and their flooding rains that caused so much death and destruction, that local stores, such as gas stations, were ONLY accepting cash, and even there, only small bills (they would most likely not be able to exchange a 100 dollar bill, for example). So if they could not even give change for a $100 bill, then they most certainly would not be interested in, or have the ability to, give you change on a 1 ounce gold coin or bar either, since the going rate is now over $2700 for spot price. And that is assuming that those who are invested in Gold even have physical gold on hand that they can use, as the vast majority of people invested in Gold hold only "electronic gold", meaning that to access it and retrieve it, they need BOTH electricity, and the Internet.

      Does the Entire World Now View the U.S. as a Dying Empire? New BRICS Alliance Takes on the Global Food Cartel by Eliminating the U.S. Dollar

      The WW III "hot war" is continuing to escalate this week, as the regional conflict between Israel and Hezbollah (who some believe has 10x the military power that Hamas has) escalates, as does the Naval War in the Red Sea. However, as these news reports show growing military operations against the U.S. and Israel, something that is perhaps even more devastating to the U.S. was reported this week, and has mostly gone unnoticed by the U.S. Media, and that was an announcement published earlier this week in the Russian Press that the newly expanded BRICS alliance can now become a platform for a self-sufficient dollar-free grain market, and may even soon start their own Grain Exchange. While this news may seem far less serious than the current "Hot War" that is quickly escalating, I assure you, it is NOT! Besides the U.S. Military and their production of weapons of mass destruction that have allowed them to be the world's last remaining "Superpower" since WW II, the U.S. has also dominated the world by controlling the world's food through the Global Food Cartel, run by just a handful of wealthy families in the U.S. and the U.K. who own most of the world's corporations producing food. The U.S. has dominated the Global Food Cartel primarily by subsidizing, with American taxes, the three main crops they export all over the world: corn, soybeans, and wheat. Tax subsidies on these crops allow them to export them to other nations, where the price of these American crops are cheaper than what their own farmers can grow and sell them at. This, in turn, makes these countries dependent upon these cheap imports, allowing the U.S. to cut off supplies or jack up the price anytime they want, if they want to control that nation's internal affairs, such as demanding a regime change. This was a primary technique that the U.S. used back in 2011, during the "Arab Spring" which toppled the governments in Tunisia and Egypt. The U.S. did the same thing to the Iraqi people after President George Bush invaded their country. They brought in Daniel Amstutz, a former Cargill Corporation executive, to oversee the “rehabilitation” of agriculture in Iraq, by eliminating their local crops grown by small-scale producers, and replacing them with U.S. biotech GMO seeds and crops. But here at the beginning of 2024 with the expansion of BRICS, once they develop their own Grain Exchange, these poorer countries, such as Egypt, will be able to purchase Russian wheat in their own local currency at a much cheaper price than they buy from the U.S., and there will be no more "Arab Springs" imposed by the U.S. through grain imports to topple their governments. And the Middle Eastern countries are not the only ones benefiting from BRICS, so are the African countries. So how does the world view the United States here in 2024? My guess is that they see us as a dying Empire who is going to try and take down the rest of the world, as they scramble to make new alliances, both economically and militarily. And what about the U.S. political show in Washington D.C.? Do you think there is a single world leader that actually believes that Joe Biden, who can barely walk or talk, is actually running this country? They would probably be laughing hysterically at the U.S. right now, if they weren't so terrified about what is going to happen when the U.S. economy blows up.

        Iran Calls for an Emergency BRICS Meeting Over Gaza – Putin and Xi to Attend

        For perhaps the first time in our modern history, non-Western countries now have an alternative to the United Nations when seeking relief from military actions and non-stop bombings from the United States and countries enriched by them with weapons of mass destruction purchased on the black market from the Pentagon's unfathomable $6 TRILLION black hole budget of which there is no accounting. This alternative to the mainly Western-funded United Nations is BRICS. BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but the group will be joined in January by Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. A new report just published by Bloomberg states that BRICS is already larger than the G7 countries consisting of the US, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and Japan. Iran, perhaps becoming disillusioned from alleged promises from the United States to release $billions of funding to prevent them from escalating the war in Gaza, has just called for an emergency virtual summit with the BRICS nations over the Gaza situation to be held tomorrow, Tuesday November 21st, with reports that both Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi will attend. Will an announcement from the BRICS nations just be more saber rattling rhetoric about the humanitarian crisis with the suffering of the Palestinian people? Or is Iran marketing their military and alliances to the highest bidder now, realizing that the funding from the U.S. is probably drying up due to the Zionist controlled U.S. Congress? Are the Zionists in the U.S. getting ready to sacrifice the entire country on the altar of Zionism in their unconditional support of Netanyahu's Israel?

          BRICS vs. Davos: The Race to a New World Currency

          We are truly living in historic times, as the world financial system is being transformed in real time here in 2023. What is emerging are two competing forces to develop a new world currency. The predominate world economic system is the one led by the Davos crowd, where the World Economic Forum (WEF) is the main institution that has controlled Western monetary policy, primarily in the U.S. and Europe, and also the rest of the world as they submitted to the Davos crowd, and their military alliance, NATO. But the "rest of the world" is now joining forces to challenge the Davos Crowd, led by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), which now has a total of 41 countries wanting to join together with the original 5 BRICS nations and replace the U.S. dollar, currently the world's dominate currency used in trade and finance, with a new, alleged gold-backed, world currency. The Davos crowd, on the other hand, realizes that their banking system is in serious trouble, and they have been working on a plan to replace fiat currencies such as the U.S. dollar, with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). The Bank for International Settlements based out of Switzerland, and the International Monetary Fund, a United Nations institution based out of Washington D.C., are the two predominant groups working quickly to develop a standard for CBDCs.