Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots

    Back in April this year we published a video commentary by ReallyGraceful where she reported that many mothers who were nursing their babies had their breast milk dry up after taking a COVID shot. As more and more data is entered into the government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), we are now seeing cases where babies that are breastfed are suffering adverse reactions to the COVID shots that their mothers are taking. The shots have not yet been authorized for infants, although such an authorization is expected any day now. I ran a search in the VAERS database to see how many reports have been filed with mothers who are breastfeeding babies with adverse effects seen in their nursing infants, and came up with 94 cases, including 2 deaths where blood clots were observed in the infants, for the past 9 months since the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization. By way of contrast, I searched for adverse reactions with breastfeeding mothers for the previous 5 years prior to the COVID-19 shots, and in 5 years only 5 cases were reported to VAERS of negative reactions of breastfeeding mothers in their babies, with ZERO deaths, after ALL non-COVID vaccines. There have also now been 1,490 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women for the past 9 months. By way of contrast, I searched for fetal deaths following ALL vaccines for the past 5 years before COVID injections were authorized in December 2020, and there were a total of 398 fetal deaths following all vaccinations for the past 5 years (minus one month - December 2020). That's an average of 7 deaths per month pre-COVID, and 165 deaths per month following COVID shots. 25 X more fetal deaths following COVID shots than fetal deaths following all vaccines for the past 5 years. Looks like a eugenics population reduction plan to me, based on the CDC's own government data.

      Tennessee Mom Gives Birth to Premature Twins 3 Times – Surviving Babies Medically Kidnapped for Research?

      The story of Nashville, Tennessee, mother Tamika Seagraves and her children is one of tragedy upon tragedy. Tamika has been pregnant 3 times, and in each case, she gave birth to premature twins, a boy and a girl every time. The first set of twins, Zayden and his sister Ziria were micro-preemies, born at just 24 weeks. Though Ziria grew stronger and eventually went home, Zayden never went home. He only survived 13 days. Two years later, Jordan and Jaliyah were born at 35 weeks. When Jordan passed away at just under two months of age, his mother began questioning, looking at vaccines and the vitamin K shot. At the same time, Child Protective Services began questioning and looking at HER. Jordan's autopsy stated that the cause of his death could not be determined, but DCS (Department of Children's Services) has blamed Tamika. Instead of closing out the case when the autopsy report came back, DCS stepped in and seized custody of Jordan's twin sister Jaliyah. According to court documents, DCS has accused Tamika of demonstrating "erratic behaviors" because she refuses vaccinations, stopped a medication for her child out of concerns for its side effects, "tried to have Jaliyah seen by a holistic chiropractor as opposed to a pediatrician." On December 5, 2016, Tamika gave birth again to another set of twins. When they were 4 weeks old, DCS seized both of them as well. All Tamika wants is to have her children back home and to be able to grieve the loss of her two sons. She wonders if her children are being used for medical research because of the unusual circumstances of their births - against incredible odds - 3 sets of twins, all premature, all boy/girl sets, the only children born to an African American mother, with 2 of the boys dying as infants?

        CPS Kidnaps 11 Children from Texas Homeschool Family

        Claire Rembis was sick, and had to spend 3 days in the hospital. Her attack of pancreatitis paled in comparison to what happened next. The mom from Plano, Texas, came home to a nightmare that no parent should ever have to face. CPS came and took her children, all 11 of them, because a "well-meaning" couple, members of her oldest son's former youth group, didn't think that the 16 and 14 year olds could handle babysitting their siblings while their dad took the baby to the hospital to visit Claire. The 16 year old made a dramatic escape and eluded CPS for days, until a judge allegedly determined that the seizure and removal of the children was illegal, and allowed them to return home. Has it really gotten to the point where a mother cannot get sick without risking losing her children to the State? The traumatized family's problems are not over, unfortunately. They must vacate the house where they are currently living by August 8, and CPS is continuing to harass the family by allegedly attacking their homeschooling program and requiring the mother to stop breastfeeding their 3 month old baby. They show up at their home unannounced whenever they please, and the family fears that the children could be kidnapped back into State custody at any time.

          Deadly Drug Given to Women to Increase Milk Supply

          What risks are worth taking for the benefits of a drug? If you think doctors ask that question before prescribing, take a look at drug metoclopramide, prescribed to increase nursing mothers’ milk supply, even though it’s deadly and causes birth defects & permanent neurological damage.

            Yes, You CAN Breastfeed While Pregnant – Healthy fats like Coconut Oil Necessary

            by KateTietje

            I’ve heard many, many people tell you that you can’t breastfeed while pregnant. That it’s dangerous or will cause a miscarriage, or just that your milk will dry up. It’s mostly myths (though your milk might dry up). But, believe me, you can breastfeed while pregnant.

            Know how I know? […]