Nursing Mothers Experiencing Their Milk Supply Stop After Receiving a COVID Injection

    Video commentator and producer ReallyGraceful, herself a new mother who is currently breastfeeding her baby, has just released a new video highlighting many reports from online of nursing mothers who are reporting that their breast milk is drying up after being injected with one of the experimental COVID shots.

      Splenda Contaminates 65% of Breastmilk Sampled, Gov. Study Finds

      A concerning new study finds that most of the breast milk samples tested contained artificial sweeteners. Why has this never been discovered until now and what are the implications to our most vulnerable populations? This groundbreaking study has found for the first time that sucralose and acesulfame-potassium survive maternal metabolism and enter into breast milk in the majority of the breast milk samples tested (65%). As is the case for many chemicals released into the human food supply, adequate proof of the safety of these compounds in infants is not only not available, but unethical to perform in human subjects. This new study will represent something of a litmus test as far as determining how effectively the media will keep this information buried or will report accurately on it once it is released. Given the high gravitas government source of the research, and the profound implications it has to the health of our most susceptible population: newborns and infants, if it goes un- or under-reported it is our job to make sure it gets widespread exposure. Therefore please share this information and relevant links above with relevant parties and stakeholders who should be aware of the true dangers associated with the use of artificial sweeteners.

        Human Breast Milk Found Unsafe – High Levels of Glyphosate

        The Green party made their warning after testing the breast milk of 16 women from a variety of German regions. Traces of glyphosate, a chemical used in weed-killers, amounting to between 0.210 and 0.432 nanograms per mililitre were recorded. In drinking water a quantity of no more than 0.100 nanograms of the substance is allowed. Irene Witte, professor of toxicology at the University of Oldenburg described the findings as “intolerable.” “I would never have guessed that the quantities are so high,” she said.

          World’s Number 1 Weed Killer Discovered in U.S. Mothers’ Breast Milk

          In the first ever testing on glyphosate herbicide in the breast milk of American women, Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse have found ‘high’ levels in 3 out of the 10 samples tested. The shocking results point to glyphosate levels building up in women’s bodies over a period of time, which has until now been refuted by both global regulatory authorities and the biotech industry. The levels found in the breast milk testing of 76 ug/l to 166 ug/l are 760 to 1600 times higher than the European Drinking Water Directive allows for individual pesticides. They are however less than the 700 ug/l maximum contaminant level (MCL) for glyphosate in the U.S., which was decided upon by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) based on the now seemingly false premise that glyphosate was not bio-accumulative. Glyphosate-containing herbicides are the top-selling herbicides in the world and are sold under trademarks such as Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’. Monsanto’s sales of Roundup jumped 73 percent to $371 million in 2013 because of its increasing use on genetically engineered crops (GE Crops).

            Will Big Pharma and FDA Soon Move to Regulate Mother’s Raw Breast Milk?

            Online groups of moms sharing their breast milk with those who cannot breast feed their babies has flourished in recent times. A recent study by a professor of Pediatrics at a hospital concluded that raw fresh breast milk was more dangerous than pasteurized breast milk, even though there is not one single instance of a baby ever getting sick from drinking raw breast milk from such groups. Could the FDA be getting ready to move in and regulate raw breast milk, "protecting" children from these dangerous mothers?

              Deadly Drug Given to Women to Increase Milk Supply

              What risks are worth taking for the benefits of a drug? If you think doctors ask that question before prescribing, take a look at drug metoclopramide, prescribed to increase nursing mothers’ milk supply, even though it’s deadly and causes birth defects & permanent neurological damage.

                Are Infant Formulas a Contributing Cause of Infant Deaths in the US?

                Suboptimal Breastfeeding Kills Over 1 Million Infants A Year
                by Sayer Ji, founder

                A recent review published in the journal Archives of Disease In Childhood titled, “Marketing breast milk substitutes: problems and perils throughout the world,” revealed a disturbing statistic:
                Currently, suboptimal breastfeeding is associated with over a million deaths each year and 10% of the global […]

                  Design in Infant Nutrition

                  by Rex D. Russell, M. D.
                  Institute for Creation Research


                  By definition, evolutionary scientists believe that life came through random chance processes, including natural selection. However, in nature there is a chorus of voices with the message that evolutionary theory does not blend with either simple or complex observations. In order to maintain good health, the […]