America: Behold the Results of Your Faith in AI Technology! The Boeing Example of Failure

The commercial aircraft manufacturer and U.S. Military contractor Boeing is having a turbulent 2024 so far, as it seems like almost every week now we are seeing news about their aircraft malfunctioning and causing harm. Earlier today (May 21, 2024) one of their planes suddenly dropped 7,000 feet in just six minutes without warning, sending everyone in the plane who was not wearing seat belts flying through the air and crashing into the ceiling and overhead bins, where one man died, and others were injured, many of them critically. I have spent hours today researching what I could find about what the media is reporting about all these aviation mishaps by Boeing this year, and what they speculate is causing all these "accidents." But so far I have not found anyone investigating what I have investigated today, and which I am going to report on in this article, and that is the fact that while Boeing has an annual budget of $6.4 billion for developing AI and technology, and that while it has invested in AI technology for over a decade now, not only are their planes NOT becoming safer and more advanced due to this "newer" technology, but they are becoming more dangerous and less advanced than older planes were before the rapid development of all this "AI technology." At the very least, we can say that all of the $BILLIONS spent on AI and technology by Boeing over the past decade plus has not made their planes safer. This calls into question the value of spending so much money on developing AI. We have already seen that the automotive industry has been pulling their funding for AI for "fully autonomous driver-less cars" since 2022 after decades of spending $billions on this with no fully autonomous driver-less cars in the mass market yet. But beyond the waste in spending $billions on technology that is mostly science fiction, is the over-reliance on this technology actually leading to decreased performance and safety that is primarily behind the cause for all these failures for Boeing? THIS is the question that investigators and Government agencies should be asking, but they won't, and they can't.