FDA Approves Drug that Kills 5 Times More than Placebo

by Heidi Stevenson

Bedaquiline kills more than 5 times as many subjects as the placebo does, so what did the FDA do? If you think they’d ban it, you’ll be mistaken. They have approved it.

Update: The FDA didn’t just grant Sirturo (bedaquiline) fast track status. It’s worse than that. They have skipped fast tracking and went straight […]

NIH Vaccine Chief Leaves Government to Work for Pharmaceutical Industry

By Dr. Mercola

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is actually the second-highest funding source for drug studies (first is the drug companies, themselves). Many assume NIH-funded studies are unbiased, but NIH accepts a great deal of money from Big Pharma and is deeply enmeshed with the industry,

The revolving door between government and the pharmaceutical […]

Pharmaceutical companies now among largest corporate criminals in the world: no better than white-collar drug dealers

By Dr. Mercola

There were a record 4.02 billion prescriptions written in the United States in 20111– that’s more than ever before.

There are 314 million people in the United States, and with 4.02 billion prescriptions, that amounts to roughly 12.74 prescriptions per person.

The cost for all these prescriptions? $308.6 billion, a hefty sum that is […]