Barefoot is Better! Modern Day Shoes Unhealthy

What if you discovered that walking barefoot not only saves your children’s feet from poor foot formation as they grow, but also helps improve overall health for them and you as an adult? There have been several studies supporting both areas of concern. In an article published in the October 2002 edition of Podiatry Management, revered podiatrist Dr. William Rossi proclaimed that the notion of foot problems from wearing unusually poor fitting or outgrown shoes was misguided because almost all shoes for children are and have been inappropriately designed footwear for children. Most shoes, even those designed to give more support for young children and toddlers, are not designed to match the foot’s natural design. Dr. Rossi’s basic premise is that most footwear causes most foot problems. He died at the age of 93 in 2003, but his legacy continues through his writings that have enlightened others with the details of why most shoes don’t match the mechanical needs of our feet.