Lexington KY Social Worker Caught Lying – Charged with “Misconduct”
Parents who have had a social worker by the name of AUDREY POWELL out of the Lexington or the surrounding areas: Powell was arrested after being charged with official misconduct and theft of identity charges after allegedly posing as another social worker named Hannah Bailey. We have been apprised that every social worker has a ID password to identify themselves when they log into the CPS system, so how did she gain access to Ms. Bailey's ID? Should the question be raised as to whether Hannah Bailey was conspiring with Powell to assist her in extorting Griffin to reconcile their two month relationship? If Powell or Bailey have been or are currently the social workers assigned to your case you should request, no, insist, a new investigation commensurate. Powell's credibility is diminished and every case she oversaw should be re-investigated. Powell's alleged actions in this case have revealed the extent to which she would go for her desired outcome.