A GMO “Frankenapple” Might Be Coming Soon to a Store Near You!

    Consumer backlash against genetic engineering is growing. In response, biotech companies are attempting to woo consumers by repositioning and shifting their GMO products from “helping” farmers to appealing to consumers. Sometimes the appeal is even made on completely specious “health grounds.” Surprised? Don’t be. While supplement producers are generally subject to severe government advertising gag rules, GMO producers are actively supported by the government. Paired with the GMO producers’ PR ploy is a disturbing trend: increasingly, Big Business is claiming that processes involving genetic manipulation are “natural.”

      Europeans and Canadians Enjoy Antibiotic-Free Organic Apples and Pears, but Not in the U.S.

      Americans may never taste an organic apple or pear that hasn’t been sprayed with antibiotics unless the NOSB sticks to its plan to forbid streptomycin on all organic fruits after October 2014. Organic food should not contain synthetic substances, and most of it doesn’t—with the exception of apples and pears. Organic apple and pear trees are sprayed with streptomycin and oxytetracycline to prevent “fire blight,” so named because the tree appears to be burned. In 2011, the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB, the decision-making body behind the federal organic standards), voted to prohibit antibiotics after October 2014. But growers have now petitioned NOSB for more time, so NOSB may delay the sunset date until 2016, unnecessarily exposing both orchards and consumers to streptomycin for at least two additional years.

        USDA Considering Allowing Antibiotics in Organic Tree Fruit Production

        There is no debate that low level, chronic dietary exposure to antibiotics is deleterious to human health. This is especially important in light of the disproportionate intake of apples and apple products by children.

          An apple a day really does keep the doctor away

          by Megan Heimer
          (NaturalNews) One might be quick to dismiss the age-old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” as a mere attempt to get children to eat their fruits and vegetables, but what if this simple fruit really can prevent that trip to the doctor’s office?
          Apples have been consumed since ancient times, […]