FDA Approves a Dangerous New Antidepressant—for Hot Flashes!

The FDA has approved the first non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes associated with menopause. The drug is paroxetine mesylate (marketed as Brisdelle). Paroxetine, an SSRI, is the active ingredient in two drugs for depression and other psychiatric disorders, Paxil and Pexeva. What is not mentioned is that the FDA’s Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee voted 10 to 4 that the overall risk-benefit profile of the drug did not support approval—that the benefits over placebo were “minimal,” and that all of the severe side effects associated with SSRIs, such as suicidal thoughts and osteoporosis, outweigh the minor benefits.

Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects. Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications.

Steve Forbes Uninformed About Antipsychotic Drugs Link to Violence and Suicide

by Alliance for Natural Health

Will that avoid mass shootings like Sandy Hook—or just put people on the very drugs that can make them homicidal?

In the January 21 issue of Forbes magazine, Steve Forbes says that hundreds of thousands of people lead tortured, miserable lives and need supervised care. His solution is to repopulate public mental hospitals and wards instead of […]

Anti-depressants Can Cause Sudden Death

Most antidepressants cause a change in the electrical pulse of the heart, which changes the rhythm of the heart beat. It’s called an extended QT interval—and it can result in sudden death with no warning of any kind: BMJ study.

by Heidi Stevenson
Gaia Health

The antidepressant citalopram—brand names Celexa and Cipramil—has joined a growing list of […]

Pharmacists Want to Classify Herb as a Drug to Protect Anti-depressant Drugs

by Alliance for Natural Health
A Natural, Inexpensive, Easily Accessible, Safer Treatment for Depression?
Not if pharmacists have their way! Action Alert!

Pharmacists Planning Service (PPS), a “public health, consumer, and pharmacy education” nonprofit, is petitioning the FDA to change the designation of St. John’s Wort from “herbal dietary supplement status” to “behind pharmacy counter status” (BPCS)—a designation that requires pharmacist […]

Random Violence & Senseless Shootings: Police data may I.D. psychiatric drug use in violent crimes

By Kelly Patricia O’Meara
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Law enforcement is in a unique position to collect data that may actually provide the most accurate information about the possible connection between psychotropic  drugs and violence.

Image caption: 22 international drug regulatory warnings cite psychiatric drugs causing violent reactions including mania, psychosis, hostility, violence and homicide.

In an effort […]

Government Addresses Suicides Without Looking at Suicide-Linked Drugs


by Martha Rosenberg


It would be laughable if it weren’t tragic. This week Surgeon General Regina Benjamin introduced a plan to stem the nation’s growing suicide rate without addressing the nation’s growing use of suicide-linked drugs.

Antidepressants like Prozac and Paxil, antipsychotics like Seroquel and Zyprexa and anti-seizure drugs like Lyrica and Neurontin are all linked […]