The FDA Bans Triclosan in Anti-bacterial Soaps

    The FDA recently issued a rule banning triclosan and more than a dozen other chemicals commonly used in antibacterial soaps. This will affect a large number of products. “If the product makes antibacterial claims, chances are pretty good that it contains one of these ingredients,” according to an FDA spokeswoman. Companies have a year to comply with the new rule. Triclosan is the trade name for 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol. It’s manufactured from the same raw material as 2,4-D, a component of the infamous Vietnam-era defoliant, Agent Orange. According to the FDA, antibacterial soaps are no better at preventing infection or illness than washing with soap and water. Advocates of natural health have been saying this for years. Many so-called “germs” are essential to the body’s optimal bacteria balance. They act as probiotics for the gut and skin; are naturally anti-inflammatory; and boost the immune system.

      Minnesota Becomes First State to Ban Triclosan in Antibacterial Soap

      Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill to make Minnesota the first state to prohibit the use of triclosan in most retail hygiene products, including antibacterial soaps. The FDA estimates that the antibacterial agent can be found in 75 percent of antibacterial liquid soaps and body washes. Issues that have raised concern about antibacterial soaps include its role in the development of super-bugs, environmental concerns, and human exposure risks.

        Washing Your Hands Too Much Could Destroy Your Life

        Health Impact News Editor Comments:

        Dr. Mercola has published an article today about the dangers of washing your hands with antibiotic soaps: “4 of the Most Dangerous Myths About Washing Your Hands.” In this article he discusses how the use of antibacterial soaps are now tied to a public health crisis:

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