Texas Mom Who is a Nurse Fights to Regain Custody of Daughter Taken Away After Gardasil Vaccine Injury

    Social workers told a Texas mother that Monday was her last visit with her daughter. Aniya Blu Vasquez was medically kidnapped from her family after she became ill following a medical error in which her pediatrician injected her with the Gardasil 9 vaccine intended for her older brother. Aniya was just 4 months old at the time. A Texas court decided last month that the parental rights of her mother, Anita Vasquez, should be terminated, devastating the family and supporters alike. However, their story is not over. In a quirk of legalities, Anita Vasquez filed a Declaration of Recision of Signature/Contracts before the court was able to file the entry of judgement on the termination of parental rights. As a result, there will be another hearing on Monday, July 23, 2018, at the Victoria County Courthouse at 9 a.m. She says that there is substantial new evidence in her case that was not considered by the court. Anita asserts that the very basis upon which CPS seized custody of Aniya was fraudulent, and CPS knew it all along. Concerned citizens are rallying around the family that they believe is suffering a grave injustice.

      Mother Faces Jury Trial As Texas Seeks to Terminate Her Parental Rights Over Daughter Injured by Gardasil Vaccine

      A trial began this week for a mother who was separated from her baby after the 4-month-old mistakenly received a Gardasil-9 vaccine intended for her older brother. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services seeks to convince a jury to terminate the parental rights of Anita Vasquez for her now 22-month-old daughter, Aniya Blu Vasquez. Jury selection began on Monday, June 18, 2018, for the trial which is expected to last up to 2 weeks. We originally reported their story in June of last year. The previously healthy baby, Aniya, began showing symptoms of problems almost immediately after getting the Gardasil shot, a vaccine which is not approved for use in children under 10 years of age. Her mother sought medical attention for the symptoms that her daughter exhibited, asking each practitioner about the connection between the symptoms and the Gardasil-9 shot that her baby should not have received, but her concerns were rebuffed at every turn. No doctor that saw her daughter wanted to admit that the vaccine could have any kind of side effects. The doctor who made a medical error in giving her the vaccine has suffered no consequences, but the baby's family has been ripped apart, as the mother is being blamed for her daughter's medical condition.

        Texas Mom Blamed for Baby’s Accidental Gardasil Vaccine Injuries Fights to Get Medically Kidnapped Daughter Back

        The Gardasil vaccine is not intended to be given to children under 9 years of age and has not been studied in babies. It is a vaccine developed for sexually active young women to prevent the humanpapilloma virus and cervical cancer. In recent years, it has been given to teen-age boys as well. It is perhaps the most controversial vaccine in America and around the world today. Yet when a 4 month old baby in Texas was mistakenly given the shot intended for her teenage brother, her mother has been blamed for causing the symptoms that followed. Everywhere Anita Vasquez turned for answers for little Aniya's condition, it seemed that no one she talked to was willing to make the obvious connection between the vaccine and her illness. In the effort to cover-up or deny any effects of the medical error, a family is being sacrificed. In a cruel twist of irony, the fact that Anita refuses to give up her quest for answers and the fact that she has medical knowledge (because she is a nurse by trade) is being viewed as "evidence" that she has Munchausen syndrome by proxy (or "factitious disorder") - a rare mental disorder by which someone, usually a parent, intentionally makes a child sick in order to gain attention. Baby Aniya was seized by Child Protective Services on May 2, 2017, and placed into foster care with strangers. Her big brother has struggled with blaming himself ever since. He loves his baby sister very much. In the latest development in their story, CPS social workers have cut off all of 14 year old Alfred's visits with Aniya. The Vasquez family just wants to be a family again, but CPS appears to be blaming everyone except the most likely culprit - the vaccine that she never should have received, the vaccine that she was mistakenly given right before her symptoms started.

          Infant Accidentally Vaccinated with Gardasil – Mother Blamed for Vaccine Injuries and Baby Medically Kidnapped

          Doctors call it a "medication administration error." During a routine check-up at her pediatrician's office, 4-month old Aniya was accidentally given the Gardasil 9 vaccine, and she hasn't been the same since. Anita Vasquez of Victoria, Texas, herself a nurse, says that "doctors are in denial" that any of the medical issues that began after her daughter received the shot are related to the vaccine. Aniya was a happy and healthy breastfed baby before her 4-month doctor visit. Her only illness was an ear infection which had been cleared up with antibiotics shortly before that fateful day of December 29, 2016. Since then, she has suffered numerous health issues and several hospitalizations. Rather than acknowledge the possibility that the Gardasil 9 vaccine contributed to the decline in Aniya's health, doctors and Child Protective Services have reportedly blamed the mother. Her desperate search for answers has led instead to her being accused of Munchausen by Proxy, or "medical child abuse," and her baby has been seized by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). Anita told Health Impact News that her concerns about the vaccine have been dismissed and ignored by virtually everyone involved in her daughter's care. DFPS refers to her "unfounded concerns" about the Gardasil 9 vaccine. She believes that they are trying to cover up the dangers of the vaccine. This is any mother's worst nightmare, and no one deserves this.