Healing without Drugs: Western Culture has Lost its Way

For decades now western culture has taken great pride over "western medicine" as a product of modern times and the "age of science." The belief that modern medicine has achieved great success in overcoming historical diseases that prior to the advent of modern medicine plagued and killed humanity is drilled into anyone who grew up in a western country with a western education. Older traditional systems of dealing with health and sickness are thought to be antiquated and inferior, which includes bodies of health information that have been around for many thousands of years in non-western countries, such as "Traditional Chinese Medicine" (TCM) or "Ayurveda" practices in South Asia, mainly in India. If you haven't figured it out yet, the western pharmaceutical-based system of "health" depends upon sick people to earn profits. Healthy people are a major cause of business loss for this system and their products. So for the system to grow, it needs more sick people, not less. And as evil as the current medical system has become, even this system is in the process of failing, and very soon there will be many sick and dying people looking for help, and help will not come from the medical system. What I do in this article is look at alternative forms of healing that have existed for thousands of years, and give hope that true healing can be found outside of the medical system as we race forward towards a "Great Reset" of our society. We must not fear what lies ahead, but embrace it as our destiny, and find our own purpose in what God has called us to do to resist the Satanic world system.