How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping

It is common for people to spend more time deliberating over what type of cable TV package they will purchase than over who will provide their family with primary health care services. Making the right choice of health care provider may be one of the most important decisions that you make for your family. It may determine whether your family stays together or is broken up and destroyed by Child Protective Services. Are you a parent who believes that you have the right to make decisions for your children regarding the medical care they receive? Are you a parent who believes that you have a responsibility to control what your children eat? Are you a parent who believes that you should be able to determine how your children should be educated and what they are taught? If you are such a parent, then beware, your freedom to raise your children and make decisions for them may be threatened by Child Protective Services in the state where you live. The security of your home and family could be destroyed by those who do not support your rights as a parent to raise your children according to the values that you cherish. This article will help you protect your family from unwanted intrusion by those who think they know more about parenting your children than you do. To protect your family, it is necessary that you make wise decisions about the healthcare providers that you choose. The wrong choice of a physician can lead to dreadful consequences for every member of your family, because there is a legal connection between your physician and Child Protective Services.

Washington State Medical Board Endangers Public Health and Safety

by Alliance for Natural Health

Worse, it continues its decades-long vendetta against medical giant Jonathan Wright, MD. Action Alert for Washington State residents! 

Any list of the greatest integrative physicians of America would include Dr. Wright. He is a pioneer who has developed innovative and successful natural therapies utilizing food, supplements, and lifestyle changes for a host […]

Alternatives to Cancer, Inc.

by Alliance for Natural Health

A conference coming up in April reminds us that there is a lot going on in integrative cancer treatments.

Conventional treatments (“cut, burn, and poison,” essentially) work for a few types of cancers, but completely fail for many. Consider these five-year cancer survival rates:

Esophageal: 3% for esophageal cancers that metastasize, which is […]

Groundbreaking Federal Study Proves Chelation Therapy Helps Cardiac Patients

by Alliance for Natural Health

Chelation has long been favored by many integrative doctors. Now conventional cardiologists with vested interests in surgery and drugs are trying (and failing) to trash the study. What a surprise.

TACT, the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, is a seven-year study funded by the NIH and carried out by university cardiologists […]

Many Health-Care Workers Have Turned to Alternative Medicine

By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter

Three out of every four U.S. health-care workers use some form of complementary or alternative medicine or practice to help stay healthy, a new report shows.

What’s more, doctors, nurses and their assistants, health technicians, and healthcare administrators were actually morelikely than the general public to use any number of wide-ranging alternative medicine […]