Alabama 14 Year Old Rape Victim Released from State Custody with her Baby

    Baby Braelon and his young mother have been released to the custody of a family member, according to a source close to the Prince family. The mother's twin brother remains in a group home, but the source, who asked not to be named, reports that the judge in the case, Judge Corey Moore, appears to finally be listening to the evidence in the case. No more will the young mother be under the watchful guard of the 24 hour sitters. No more will she be isolated from her support system and everyone she cares about. When she attends church, she will be able to sit with family and friends instead of social workers. She won't be followed into the bathroom. She will be living in a much cleaner environment. Her phone conversations with family members will not be monitored. She will be able to breastfeed her baby on demand and meet his needs, without being coerced to follow poor decisions for his care made by sitters, social workers, and group home mothers. If he needs to go to the doctor, she will be able to get him seen without having to beg for days. In short, the young mother will no longer be treated like a prisoner.

      Alabama DHR Seizes Newborn Baby with No Court Order, No Trial, and No Evidence

      The assumption of the public is that when a child is removed from his or her parents, the government has a compelling reason to be involved, based on allegations of abuse or neglect. Sometimes, however, that is not the case, and children are literally separated from their families because a social worker thinks a parent MIGHT cause harm in the future, even if there is no current abuse or harm being committed. This appears to be the case with an Alabama mother whose 3 day old breastfeeding baby was taken from her at the hospital in May. The mom, 20 year old Haly Booth, is an older sister of the 14 year old rape victim whose story of her baby's kidnapping has been heard around the world. Shelby County DHR has seized Haly's newborn baby with no court order, no trial, and no evidence. The reasons they have given in a written letter to the mother are basically that they do not think she is a good mother, and that she might harm her baby in the future. The mother is a former foster child herself, and that is used against her. Is this what we have come to in the United States of America, where children can be kidnapped by the State so easily? Is any family safe?

        Alabama Child Protective Services Continues to Harass Alabama Family

        A set of twins seized from their home in June by Shelby County DHR in Alabama may have to repeat the 8th grade, even though both were promoted by their school to the 9th grade. Family and friends are very concerned about the impact that the Department of Human Resources (DHR) will have on the twins' education. There have also been numerous problems with visitation attempts with the twins. Their family's story has been at the heart of an ongoing series of articles from Health Impact News after one of the twins, a young rape victim, had her baby seized from her at Shelby County Baptist Medical Center on June 15 without a court order, warrant, or emergency circumstances. Both twins were told last week by DHR officials that they would be going into the 8th grade when school starts, even though both of them completed the 8th grade in the spring. They were promoted by their school to the 9th grade before they were taken from their home. In the meantime, when the twins are allowed to appear in public they are surrounded by many government workers which some observers say feel like the Gestapo or the KGB. The newborn baby also continues to suffer in State care.

          Reporter Relates First-hand View of Corruption and Child Kidnapping in Alabama Shelby County Court House

          People in Alabama connected to the Prince family story that Health Impact News has been reporting on since the seizure of the new-born baby born to a 14 year-old alleged rape victim while still in the hospital, have reported to us that everyone they have met has now heard of this story. The stories we have published in regards to Alabama DHR's apparent attempt to destroy the Prince family have been read by hundreds of thousands of people, with the first story we published having well over 1 million views alone. Given the population of Alabama, it is safe to assume that the majority of the residents are familiar now with this story. When people walk into retail stores, stop to get gas, etc. - everyone is talking about this story and has heard about it. And yet, the local media is not reporting it. Many have written to us explaining that they are afraid to do so, such is the perceived reign of terror DHR holds over the population, with their seemingly unlimited power to seize children away from families without even having a court order or warrant. One person has visited the courthouse in Shelby County themselves to see if these types of allegations are true. Below is a record of what they saw. For obvious reasons, this person wants to remain anonymous.

            Alabama DHR Continues to Destroy Family of 14 Year Old Rape Victim

            "They just make it up as they go along." That is what more than one person told Health Impact News about Alabama Shelby County DHR's treatment of the Prince family. Friends of the family were horrified when DHR seized the baby of Dee and Rodney Prince's 14 year old granddaughter in June. While the man accused of raping her sits in jail accused of raping 3 other underage girls, the young mother and her twin brother have also lost their freedom and remain in DHR custody. The latest developments have the family reeling. Their older sister Haly and both of the 14 year old twins continue to suffer at the hands of Shelby County's Child Protective Services, under the Department of Human Resources (DHR).

              Foster Boy Risks Retaliation: Speaks Out Regarding Abuse and State Kidnapping in Alabama

              Trevar Hotaling is 18 years old and has allegedly been in the Alabama foster care system, under the control of Alabama DHR (Department of Human Resources) in Shelby County, for over two years. Trevar posted a video to his Facebook page on July 18th regarding abuses within Alabama DHR, and the video quickly gained hundreds of viewers. He recorded it at 2:40 a.m. because he has problems sleeping at night. He uploaded it to YouTube, and then did a second video. Trevar states that the reason he is making these videos is because there are many kids in Alabama DHR that "do not deserve to be taken from their families." Trevar admits that he is scared to speak out, like all foster kids, and that he will probably get into trouble for posting the videos. "It's worth it. Because if I don't speak up, who's going to speak up for these kids?" "So hopefully somebody will find these videos that can actually help us. Somebody who has the power to stand up for the kids, for the families, for the parents that can't say nothing or do nothing to change." "Just remember every kid is a check. Every kid is a ton of money (for the State)."

                Newborn Kidnapped Baby of 14 Year Old Alabama Mother to be Force Circumcised Against Wishes of Family

                Baby Braelon has been scheduled to be circumcised on Tuesday, against his mother's wishes, according to the Save Braelon's Family Facebook page. Social workers are also reportedly demanding that his mother breastfeed him every 2 hours around the clock, and they are waking them up in the middle of the night to do so. While the young mother was still in Shelby Baptist Medical Center with her baby, Dr. Ashley Duke Gooding allegedly asked the mom about circumcising her baby. After the mother sought information on the pros and cons of the procedure, Dr. Gooding allegedly told her that it was entirely her choice as to whether or not to circumcise Braelon. Staff informed her that it was primarily a cosmetic procedure without medical benefits. When she informed the staff that she chose not to circumcise her son, Dr. Gooding allegedly praised her, saying that she had made a good decision for her baby. However, now that both the mother and her son are in DHR care, an appointment has been scheduled for the baby to be circumcised on Tuesday, July 12, one day before he is a month old. It was on Wednesday that the baby was released from Children's Hospital after becoming gravely ill. Yet, less than a week later, DHR wants to subject him to being circumcised. Why?

                  Is 14 Year Old Mother Being Held Prisoner and Denied Legal Counsel After DHR Kidnapped her Baby?

                  Health Impact News spoke with Lisa Chasteen, the attorney who has been retained by the family to represent Braelon's mother and her twin brother, and Chasteen has some concerns about recent developments in the story, as she attempts to provide legal counsel for the twins. Due to the long holiday weekend, the attorney could not file a notice of appearance with the court until Tuesday, but as of the time of writing this update on Wednesday July 6th, she has still not been able to file her notice of appearance. When Attorney Chasteen attempted to talk with the young mother at the hospital, the DHR attorney reportedly refused to allow her to speak with her, denying the mother her right to counsel. The DHR attorney communicated to Chasteen that they are not the ones limiting visitation with the young mother, stating that it is the hospital's policies and procedures which are limiting the visitors. Health Impact News phoned the hospital and inquired about the visitation policy. We were told that visitation is from 9 am to 9 pm, but that it may be limited either by the parents, the doctor, or DHR. According to the Patient's Bill of Rights, visitation may be limited "when Children's (Hospital) is aware of an existing court order restricting contact." There is no such court order, and the family has not restricted visitation. However, the attorney for the twins reports that family and loved ones have been threatened and restricted in visiting and supporting the mother.

                    Newborn Alabama Baby is Now Sick in the Hospital While Under DHR Care After Being Taken from 14-year Old Mother

                    The story we have been reporting on in Alabama with the young 14-year old mother who is an alleged rape victim and had her child taken away at birth by Child Protective Services (DHR) seemingly took a turn for the worse today, as the family is reporting that the newborn baby is now in the hospital with possible Spinal Meningitis. How much of a role in the baby’s illness has the environment of the group foster home caused, where Alabama DHR is forcibly keeping both the 14-year old mother and her newborn baby against the wishes of the family?

                      Alabama Judge Threatens Health Impact News Reporter

                      In a move that can only be interpreted as an attempt to restrict free speech and deny the 1st Amendment right of freedom of the press, Alabama Circuit Judge Corey B. Moore had Health Impact News reporter Terri LaPoint escorted into his courtroom yesterday to give her a stern warning. Investigative reporter Terri LaPoint commented: "I had no idea that I would be taken into court today! I was simply outside (the courtroom) as a friend of the family when they called me in. I was only dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, since I never intended to enter the courtroom." Mrs. LaPoint was at the courthouse with the Prince family who had a hearing that day regarding one of the newborn babies that was taken away from the parents by DHR recently. Mrs. LaPoint has reported on the family and their fight against Alabama DHR which has removed two newborn nursing babies recently while still in the hospital at the time of birth. Her original story quickly went viral and was read by over 1 million people in the first 24 hours. Mrs. LaPoint relates how the court-appointed attorney for one of the young mothers who was at court that day explained to her that the lead counsel for DHR allegedly wanted to call her in and put her on the witness stand. They were allegedly upset with our reporting on these stories. The attorney appointed to the family allegedly objected, stating that she had no legal counsel at the moment and was not part of the case, but the judge ordered her to be brought into the courtroom anyway. Once Mrs. LaPoint was escorted into the courtroom, which she states this was the first time she was ever inside a courtroom, Judge Moore asked her what her name was, and told her that because she did not have legal counsel present, she did not have to make any comments or answer any questions. Mrs. LaPoint reports that Judge Moore then warned her that she should retain legal counsel, and become familiar with the confidentiality laws regarding juveniles in Alabama. The court-appointed attorney for the Prince family then apparently told Mrs. LaPoint on her way out that this was not strictly a "gag order," but that the judge was upset and wanted her to "play ball."

                        Pattern of Child Kidnappings by Alabama DHR Exposed: Another New-born Infant Seized at Hospital

                        Last month Shelby County DHR (Department of Human Resorces) took a 3 day old breastfeeding baby from her mother at a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. The baby had been flagged for removal based simply on the fact that DHR already had a case open on 2 other children from the same mother. The young mother is currently appealing their case where her parental rights to her children were terminated. When people hear these stories, often the first response is, "There has to be more to the story." This is the "more to the story," and what our investigation reveals is there appears to be a definite pattern as to how Alabama DHR seizes children, often right out of the hospital as soon as they are born. Many people from Alabama who have contacted Health Impact News are reporting that Alabama DHR actions often violate federal laws, state laws, and basic civil rights protected under the Constitution of the United States. The young mother's name in this story is Haly. She is 20 years old, and she is the older sister of the 14 year old alleged rape victim at the center of the recent Medical Kidnap story that has captured the heart of many across the nation and beyond. When we first published her sister's story, it received over 1 million views within the first 24 hours.

                          Health Impact News Named in Alabama Lawsuit for Exposing State-sponsored Child Kidnapping

                          Last week Health Impact News published the story out of Alabama where DHR (Department of Human Resources) removed a newborn breast-feeding child that was only 2 days old from his 14-year-old mother who is alleged to be a rape victim, and was still in the hospital. The story quickly went viral with over 1 million views in the first 24 hours, and gained national attention. The grandparents of the 14-year-old mother who lost her newborn child last week appeared in court today in Shelby County, Alabama for the DHR juvenile court proceeding regarding their grandchildren. Also appearing were members of the media and witnesses of the event at the hospital. However, not only did they not get their grandchildren and infant great-grandson returned home, another surprise awaited those who showed up at the court house. A lawsuit that was filed in the Circuit Court of Shelby County naming various family members and media personnel, including Health Impact News, was presented to many of those who had come to the courthouse. The lawsuit was filed by Erin B. Welborn, listed as the Guardian ad litem of the newborn child. They are demanding that we take down our story and stop publishing anything regarding this case.

                            Alleged Rapist Arrested in Alabama Rape Mother Story – Allowed to Enter Hospital Room to See Baby Before His Arrest

                            The case of the 14 year old rape victim and her baby who was seized by Alabama DHR (Department of Human Resources, responsible for Child Protective Services) earlier this week has been continued by the judge to next week, and the accused rapist has been arrested. The alleged rapist was allowed to enter the hospital room and see the baby before his arrest, greatly upsetting the victim-mother and her family. Since Health Impact News originally published this story based on eyewitness accounts and video from Choices4Life founder Juda Myers, the story has gone viral, with over 1 million views in 24 hours. Rumors and speculation abound, and numerous comments are being made by those claiming to know inside information. Health Impact News strives for complete accuracy in our reporting, and the delay in updating the information has arisen from our determination to verify information before it is published.

                              Alabama Child Protective Services Steals New-born Breast-feeding Baby from Rape Victim While Still at the Hospital

                              Juda Myers of Choices4Life calls her a "Hero Mom." A 14 year old Alabama girl became pregnant from a rape, but she courageously chose life for the baby that was conceived. She refused to consider the option of abortion, and told her grandparents, who are her legal guardians, that if they would help her, she would raise and love this baby. Instead of celebrating her as a hero, Alabama child protective services - DHR - came into the hospital yesterday and seized her newborn baby, leaving a devastated young mother and her family in their wake. Juda Myers and I were there to witness the trampling of every Constitutional and moral right of this young mother, and we are shocked and devastated at what we saw. There is no legal or moral justification for what we saw happen at Shelby Baptist Medical Center in Alabaster, Alabama, on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Choices4Life founder Juda Myers flew to Alabama from Texas on Monday in order to be supportive of this young mother who chose life for her baby conceived in rape. The tagline for the ministry is "Restoring honor and dignity to women and children of rape conception." Juda says: This 14 year old's dignity was stolen. Cases like hers are exactly why Choices4Life exists. There was no court order, no warrant, and no sign of imminent (or any other) danger, yet hospital social worker Jamilia literally ripped 51 hour-old Braelon from his mother's arms right after he finished breastfeeding.

                                Grandparents Come Forward Reporting CPS Kidnappings in Corrupt Alabama – Parents Gagged by Court

                                A gag order was placed on Tony and Sabrina Cartee by a Randolph County judge to prevent them from talking to media and the public about the medical kidnapping of their children by Child Protective Services. However, Sabrina's parents are not under the gag order, and contacted Health Impact News reporting that they can no longer sit back and watch the unjust destruction of their family by Child Protective Services, and one social worker in particular. Tommy and Winnie Crumbley, Sabrina's parents, had a great deal to say about what is happening in the lives of their grandchildren. They are frightened for their well-being and want them to come back home. As previously reported, the Cartee children were taken by Child Protective Services, known as DHR (Department of Human Resources) in Alabama, when their then 5 year old son began "eloping" - the term used when autistic children wander away from home. One of his older brothers had already been diagnosed as autistic, and the family suspected that he was as well. They just didn't have a diagnosis yet. When their newest baby was born in September 2014, DHR seized the breastfeeding baby from her mother's arms just 2 days after she was born. The violations of the family's moral, legal, and Constitutional rights are numerous and egregious, report the Crumbleys. They say that their grandchildren should never have been taken away from their parents, and they want to see them returned to Sabrina and Tony, "where they belong." The Cartee's 17 year old daughter has also emailed us, saying: "I want to go home, my parents have not done anything wrong and we don't deserve to be harrassed by Alecia [social worker] anymore!!"

                                  Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Support

                                  An Alabama girl has been medically kidnapped from her family because her mother refused to allow social workers to put her daughter on strong anti-depressant drugs. The mother had good reason to refuse these drugs, as both of her parents had been prescribed anti-depressants by the very same facility - her mother at the age of 22, and her father at age 54, one year prior to the social worker's demand. Both of her parents subsequently committed suicide after taking the medications. Now, the mother is facing a jail sentence for failing to pay child support to the state for the daughter they kidnapped, and her fiance has a warrant out for his arrest as well. Due to rumors of corruption and violence in DeKalb County jail, they are terrified for his well-being if he goes to jail, and they are calling on the public for support.

                                    Alabama DHR Woman Indicted: Faking Credentials and Collecting $864K in Medicaid funds for Kidnapping Children

                                    A woman accused of faking her credentials to counsel children in custody cases with the Department of Human Resources has been indicted by a grand jury on charges of deceiving the public. Up until last fall, Gieske was an approved Medicaid vendor to work with DHR custody cases in 6 counties. She collected more than $864,000 in Medicaid funds, and cashed in the most money and had the most cases in Lauderdale and Colbert Counties.

                                      Alabama Autistic Boys Kidnapped from Native American Ambassador Mother and Abused in Foster Care

                                      Just three hours after a Native American mother got home from the hospital after a suspected heart attack, Child Protective Services (known in Alabama as DHR, Department of Human Resources) showed up on her doorstep and took away her two autistic sons. Now, her two sons are living in a foster home in Mobile, almost 250 miles away from their Sylacauga home, and their mother says that they are being abused in foster care and that their culture is being trampled by the social workers and foster parents. Dawn "Adaleha" ("my sunshine" in Cherokee) Cullins was appointed as the Alabama Ambassador for the Sokoki tribe, and in 2003, was recognized for "acts of compassion and kindness" and awarded the Civic Recognition Award in her community. She holds a degree in Paralegal studies and is very active in tribal activities. Her record is squeaky clean, without so much as a traffic ticket. DHR got involved with her family after one of her autistic sons wandered away from home and was reported to DHR by neighbors. The charges against her were "a messy house and dirty children." Today, Dawn claims her children are beaten in foster care, and are given multiple drugs to keep them compliant without her approval. She calls it "genocidal kidnapping," and reports that when she told DHR that her children were Native American, the social workers told her that she would never get her kids back.

                                        Alabama Seizes 7 Children from Family After Child with Autism Wandered to Neighbors

                                        An Alabama couple is afraid that they may never get their children back. All 7 of their children were taken by DHR (the state's child protective services) after their not-yet diagnosed child with autism began wandering off. It is called "elopement" in the autism community, and is very common in children diagnosed with autism, happening in 49% of these kids, even in the best of homes and the most carefully guarded of situations. It is scary, but experts say that it does not at all reflect poor parenting. It has now been over a year since Sabrina and Tony Cartee's children were taken, and the state plans to file to terminate their parental rights for all of their kids, including the baby who was born in September, after the other children were taken by DHR. The breastfeeding newborn was seized at only a day and a half old and placed in a foster home.