Alabama Lawmakers Send Governor Bill to Castrate Convicted Pedophiles

Alabama lawmakers recently passed House Bill 379, Crimes and offenses, sex offenses, mandatory condition of parole, chemical castration treatment authorized as mandatory condition of parole for certain sex offenders. The bill was authored by State Representative Steve Hurst. He was recently interviewed by local CBS42, and he states that the bill will be for sex offenders over the age of 21 that committed sex offenses against children. "They have marked this child for life and the punishment should fit the crime," said Hurst. "I had people call me in the past when I introduced it and said don't you think this is inhumane? I asked them what's more inhumane than when you take a little infant child, and you sexually molest that infant child when the child cannot defend themselves or get away, and they have to go through all the things they have to go through. If you want to talk about inhumane--that's inhumane," said Hurst. Governor Kay Ivey now must decide whether or not to sign the bill into law.