Criminal Medical Device Industry shows FDA Corruption at the Highest Levels – The FDA Protects Stockholders, NOT the Public

While many in the U.S. public are just now starting to wake up to the fact that the criminal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is corrupt due to the horrible amount of deaths and injuries caused by COVID "vaccines" and other protocols given emergency use authorization from 2020 through 2023, the fact is that the FDA has always been corrupt, protecting stockholders on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, and not the public. Almost two years before COVID started, back in 2018, Netflix produced a documentary called "The Bleeding Edge," which revealed that the medical device industry was even more powerful and more corrupt than the pharmaceutical industry. I have edited a section of the film that is less than 14 minutes long, which shows how government and Pharma collude together to defraud the American people, and that corruption and fraud were committed by the same people starting in 2020 when the COVID Scam started. Be aware that this is not a "family-friendly" film and there is coarse language and graphic descriptions in some segments. But it will be quite an eye-opener for most of you if you have not yet watched this documentary. You will learn that the Medical Industry controls the FDA, and that the FDA has their back and protects their interests, and they do not care about public health. Those in the FDA who are concerned about public heath and try to expose the corruption, lose their jobs. These companies place a value on your life, and it is not worth much. They know full well that their products kill and maim people, but that is all factored into their business model, with the mantra being that "benefits outweigh" the deaths and injuries their products cause. The entire medical system is Satanic, and I wish I knew what I know now when I was a lot younger.

Pushback Against AI Hype is Increasing as AI Failures Continue to Increase

As Silicon Valley investors continue investing in the AI hype that started at the end of 2022 with Microsoft's release of ChatGPT, many now are beginning to wake up to the fact that AI's promises are still all hype at this point, and may never develop into the techno-prophecies that continue to make the news each day. LLM AI's failures after its introduction over a year and a half ago now, are starting to wake up investors and others who look beyond the hype. A couple of weeks ago Jeffrey Funk and Gary Smith published an article on Market Watch, an investor go-to source owned by the Dow Jones company that includes Barron's and the Wall Street Journal, titled: "Big Tech’s ‘fake-it-till-you-make-it’ hype is now infecting AI". This is still the minority view on Big Tech and AI, to be sure, but that is only because there are still too many Silicon Valley Billionaires and Venture Capital firms with way too much money to spend, and are willing to take a chance on investing in science fiction with the hope and belief that it will some day all come true in the future. Once the money dries up, which may happen a lot sooner than Silicon Valley enthusiasts realize, all this hype will come to an end. Some, however, are not waiting for that crash to come, and are already abandoning AI, realizing that a year and a half has been sufficient time to actually produce something of value in the real world, because what is currently being seen in the real world where AI is being implemented, is not positive, but negative. For these business leaders in the REAL WORLD, there are calls to stand against AI, and be "pro-human." Consumers still have the most power to stop AI and Big Tech, by refusing to use their products. Forget about voting in national elections, and start voting with your dollars instead! This is what the tyrants cannot control, and where the REAL voting power exists. One sector where we are currently seeing pushback against technology is in the grocery self-checkout market, where major grocery retailers like Walmart and Kroger are actually abandoning this technology due to customers not wanting to use it. The tyrants cannot rule over the masses without the consent of the masses. This has ALWAYS been true, because we vastly outnumber them.

America: Behold the Results of Your Faith in AI Technology! The Boeing Example of Failure

The commercial aircraft manufacturer and U.S. Military contractor Boeing is having a turbulent 2024 so far, as it seems like almost every week now we are seeing news about their aircraft malfunctioning and causing harm. Earlier today (May 21, 2024) one of their planes suddenly dropped 7,000 feet in just six minutes without warning, sending everyone in the plane who was not wearing seat belts flying through the air and crashing into the ceiling and overhead bins, where one man died, and others were injured, many of them critically. I have spent hours today researching what I could find about what the media is reporting about all these aviation mishaps by Boeing this year, and what they speculate is causing all these "accidents." But so far I have not found anyone investigating what I have investigated today, and which I am going to report on in this article, and that is the fact that while Boeing has an annual budget of $6.4 billion for developing AI and technology, and that while it has invested in AI technology for over a decade now, not only are their planes NOT becoming safer and more advanced due to this "newer" technology, but they are becoming more dangerous and less advanced than older planes were before the rapid development of all this "AI technology." At the very least, we can say that all of the $BILLIONS spent on AI and technology by Boeing over the past decade plus has not made their planes safer. This calls into question the value of spending so much money on developing AI. We have already seen that the automotive industry has been pulling their funding for AI for "fully autonomous driver-less cars" since 2022 after decades of spending $billions on this with no fully autonomous driver-less cars in the mass market yet. But beyond the waste in spending $billions on technology that is mostly science fiction, is the over-reliance on this technology actually leading to decreased performance and safety that is primarily behind the cause for all these failures for Boeing? THIS is the question that investigators and Government agencies should be asking, but they won't, and they can't.

The New AI Teaches Humanity How to be Better Liars and Will Never Replace Humans

It has been a year and a half now since the first Large Language Model (LLM) AI app was introduced to the public in November of 2022, with the release of Microsoft's ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI. Google, Elon Musk, and many others have also now developed or are in the process of developing their own versions of these AI programs, but after 18 months now, the #1 problem for these LLM AI programs remains the fact that they still lie and make stuff up when asked questions too difficult for them to answer. It is called "hallucination" in the tech world, and while there was great hope when Microsoft introduced the first version of this class of AI back in 2022 that it would soon render accurate results, that accuracy remains illusive, as they continue to "hallucinate." Many are beginning to understand this limitation in LLM AI, and are realizing that there are no real solutions to this problem, because it is an inherent limitation of artificial computer-based "intelligence." A synonym of the word "artificial" is "fake", or "not real." Instead of referring to this kind of computer language as AI, we would probably be more accurate in just calling it FI, Fake Intelligence. But these LLM's don't actually create anything new. They take existing data that has been fed to them, and can now rapidly calculate that data at speeds so fast that it makes the older technology that powers programs like Siri and Alexa seem to be babies who have not yet learned how to talk like adults. But it is still limited to the amount, and the accuracy, of the data it is trained on. It might be able to "create" new language structures by manipulating the data, but it cannot create the data itself. Another way to look at it, would be to observe that what it is doing in the real world is making humans better liars, by not accurately representing the core data. Another serious flaw with the new LLM AI models is that everything they generate from existing data is data that was created by someone and is cataloged on the Internet, which means that whatever is generated by this AI, whether it is accurate or not, is THEFT!

Artificial Intelligence is the New “Danger” the Government Wants to “Protect” You Against

The new "threat" to humanity that the U.S. Government is currently rushing forward to protect us all from, is the alleged threat from "Artificial Intelligence" (AI). The "threat" of AI is generally published through the corporate media as a two-fold threat that requires government regulation: 1. AI could develop superior intelligence and destroy the human race, and 2. AI is going to replace millions of people in the work force. Both premises are false, and by diverting the public's attention to these 2 alleged "threats," they are mostly ignoring (or downplaying) the REAL danger of AI, which is a level of control and censorship that this world has never seen before. The primary strength of the new AI programs is the incredible speed at which data can be retrieved and packaged into a controlled narrative, and therefore the race is now on to determine who controls all this data. Who gets to control all this data and control the narratives based on the data, will be decided by government policy all in the name of "protecting the public" from the "dangers" of AI taking away people's jobs and wiping out humanity. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled his SAFE Innovation Framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) which gives us a good idea as to where they want to go with "regulating" AI. And just who will develop these government regulations to "protect the American people and all of humanity from AI's novel risks"? Starting in the fall, Sen. Schumer said he will begin inviting “the best of the best” – top AI developers, community leaders, executives, scientists, advocates, workers, and national security experts – to convene in one room to do “years of work in just months.” So the threat is so large and so imminent, that the people who created this risk, the AI developers themselves, will be the ones who develop the solutions, and what would normally take "years" will only take "months." Hmm..., where have we heard this before? Ah, yes, "Operation Warp Speed" which produced the "solution" to the COVID-19 "virus" that threatened humanity with a new "vaccine" that would normally take "years" to develop but was developed in only "months." This is the "Great Reset."

OpenAI Hit With First Defamation Suit Over ChatGPT “Hallucination” – Exposing the Real Dangers of AI

AI chat programs have become such a huge part of the online culture so quickly, that many people are still fooled by its infancy and limitations, even though the owners of these AI programs have been very clear to warn the public that the text they produce CANNOT be trusted since they often produce false information or even just make stuff up, if the data that is needed to produce a correct response is not available. They refer to this false information as AI "hallucination." Two recent news stories demonstrate just how foolish and dangerous it is to use programs like ChatGPT for real world applications by trusting in the output that ChatGPT provides. Isaiah Poritz of Bloomberg Law reported this week that OpenAI, the company that produces ChatGPT, was hit with its first defamation lawsuit when it allegedly falsely accused a Georgia man of embezzling money. In another recent report, an attorney was actually foolish enough to use ChatGPT to research court cases in an actual lawsuit, and it found bogus lawsuits that did not even exist, and this was filed in a New York court of law! The judge, understandably, was outraged. I came across an excellent article today by Aleksandar Svetski exposing the hype around Chat AI and detailing the real dangers to Chat AI, which he refers to as "The Great Homogenization," where all the data on the Internet is controlled to a single narrative, something that I have been warning about as well. This is a must-read article if you want to fully understand what is going on today with Chat AI, and how to fight back.

Air Force Colonel Caught Lying about Rogue AI Killing Human Operator

During the Plandemic, the Alternative Media was the place to go to find alternatives to the corporate media propaganda about the killer COVID-19 "virus" and the clot shots called "vaccines." The Alternative Media was publishing the truth most of the time by exposing the corporate media lies, and so the corporate media unleashed their "fact checkers" to label anyone in the Alternative Media who did not agree with the official FDA and CDC government narrative as "Fake News." Sadly, today, the Alternative Media is full of "fake news," and much of it is surrounding the fear mongering concerning AI and how they are going to create "transhumans" and replace and eliminate human beings. One such story that was widely published as "news" last week was the story of how a U.S. Air Force Colonel was reporting that the military was training AI computers to carry out attacks against enemies, but then turned on its operator and killed him also, during a simulation. We don't have to rely on people who understand that this particular story is fake news because they understand how the technology actually works and that this would not be possible, because the U.S. military themselves came out and reported that it was fake news, because the simulation never happened. After a statement by the Air Force was made, and after Col. Tucker "Cinco" Hamilton himself admitted publicly that the simulation never actually took place, I went back to several of the Alternative Media sites who published the original story as "news", and not one of them have retracted the story yet, or provided an update to state it was false. So when it comes to "AI" today, most publishers in the Alternative Media, either knowingly or unwittingly, are participating with the Globalists who are doing what they always do, which is promote a climate of fear so that they can then come in and rescue the day with their own solutions. And when it comes to fearing AI and their "annihilation of the human race," that means new Government "regulations" to "control AI," which will include biometric scanning and a World ID in order to participate in the economy, to "prove" that you are "real," and not an AI.

Expectations of an Imminent Big Tech Crash Bringing Down the U.S. Economy is Expanding

While I was among a very small minority in the 4th quarter of 2022 warning the public about the Big Tech crash that was coming and was a threat to bringing down the entire U.S. economy, judging from my newsfeed the past 2 weeks, I no longer think that this view is the minority view anymore. Both the alternative and corporate media are increasingly printing news and opinion pieces about how dangerous it is right now to have just a handful of Big Tech companies holding up the entire stock market, and mostly because of the hype over AI. I am going to highlight much of this news in this article, along with evidence that the banking crisis is actually getting worse, and then go further than most will dare to go, and consider the question: Is this all intentional??

Don’t Tell Chat AI Anything You Wouldn’t Want to See on a Billboard

Chatting with an AI program feels personal and conversational, but don’t be fooled. Here's why you should keep a lid on what you reveal to ChatGPT and its ilk. ChatGPT is a gossip. Google’s Bard, too, and maybe Bing AI. What you get out of them depends on all the information that went in. And that’s precisely the problem. Why? Because everything you ask them, tell them, or prompt them with becomes input for further training. The question you ask today may inform the answer someone gets tomorrow. That’s why you should be very, very careful what you say to an AI.

Google Introduces Plan to Use Generative AI to Take Over the Internet – AI’s Real Threat to Society

Google announced its new plans for AI this week at their annual I/O developer conference, and to say that not everyone in the Tech Industry was thrilled by their plans to integrate Generative AI into their search engine, would be an understatement. Emily Dreibelbis, writing for PC Magazine, published one of the more apocalyptic articles warning that Google could basically destroy most websites on the Internet. Maggie Harrison, writing for Futurism, issued similar warnings for the future of independent journalism due to Google's plan for Generative AI, noting that Google still owns 91% of all Internet searches. This is one of the REAL dangers of AI, the fact that the largest technology companies that control the Internet could very easily drive everyone else out of business and thereby control all the content on the Internet. And in fact, that trend has already started in the technology sector, as year-to-date there have already been 193,860 employees laid off in the technology sector, with many tech businesses failing, as well as some of their top banks also failing, like Silicon Valley Bank, that funded these companies. This investment in the future of AI, is the main thing holding up the U.S. stock market right now. Five technology stocks, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Meta and Amazon, have accounted for 89% of the S&P 500 YTD price return. It is looking more and more every day that we are looking at a total market collapse at some point, and then only the largest banks and the largest technology companies will be left, because they are "too big to fail," especially since the U.S. military and their Intelligence agencies all depend on Big Tech, who hold all their data in their Cloud Computing data centers. This appears to be the goal of the Wall Street billionaires and their bankers, since there is no way they can pay off their debts. Just crash the entire financial system, and choose which Tech companies and banks survive. Then they will have total control of the flow of money as they require digital IDs and work towards a Central Bank Digital Currency, operated by the Big Tech companies that survive, who will also control the flow of information through AI. Will enough Americans wake up soon enough to prevent this from happening, or will it take a total collapse of the economy to reveal what is really happening with this "Great Reset"?