Can New 5G Technology and Smart Meters be Used as Weapons?

Promoted as beneficial technology for electric consumers and marketed to satisfy the public’s never-ending demand for faster internet communication, the combination of the new 5G microwave technology and smart meters might just become an all-in-one weapons and surveillance system. This technology, when fully implemented, could intrude into people's privacy by revealing their location to those who want to know where and when someone travels. In addition to tracking one's movements, it has the potential for providing access to everything one does with cell phones, computers, or other electronic devices that are in our homes. Beyond the intrusion into our private lives, it could be used to alter the way one thinks, used to weaken one's health, and even used to facilitate death. Undoubtedly the rationalization of using this technology in such a way would be to fight "terrorism." But what would stop law enforcement and government agencies from using it against U.S. citizens who are political dissidents, or oppose the government's position on issues like mandatory vaccines and GMO foods, for example?

New 5G Cell Towers and Smart Meters to Increase Microwave Radiation – Invade Privacy

When the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) approved the use of 5-G microwave communication technology in 2016 and approved the use of microwave frequencies in the 30 Ghz range, they opened the door to even higher levels of human illness and severe disability for American children and adults. The introduction of even more intense levels of microwave exposure at higher frequencies will push many people into life-threatening chronic illness. High frequency microwave radiation is often overlooked as a causative factor in illness, because most conventional healthcare providers, government regulators, telecom companies, and electric utilities believe microwave radiation used in communication technology is harmless. Are the dreams of mega-corporations to create smart cities saturated in high frequency microwave electromagnetic fields worth the harm that this technology will create for the people who live in those cities? In smart cities, no one will be exempt from microwave exposure. We won’t be able to opt out, because the 5G microwave system is designed to reach every space in a city. Those who experience microwave related illness and disability will have few options. They will either stay in the smart city and stay sick or they will need to try to find a place to live in some sparsely populated off the grid location where the 5G system does not reach. Which future do you want for America? Super-fast internet and corporate control of every aspect of your life, or good health and longevity?