News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Are we in danger of becoming “a race of morons” if we don’t increase our omega-3 consumption?

by Shane Starling

The omega-3 industry must devote more resources to lobbying and educating government, health care professionals and the general public to help plug a ‘policy gap’ that is contributing to a growing epidemic of cognitive disorders, a congress has been told.

The two-day omega-3 summit in Bruges, Belgium, had a scientific and sustainability focus but […]

Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases, by J. R. Crewe MD, written in 1929

Real Milk Cures Many Diseases
by J. R. Crewe, MD

The following is an edited version of an article by Dr. J. R. Crewe, of the Mayo Foundation, forerunner of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, published in Certified Milk Magazine, January 1929. We are grateful to Dr. Ron Schmid, ND of Middlebury, […]

Soy consumption on vegan diet is related to hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction

Healthy Diets And Science

Published in Nutrition. 2011 Feb 23.

Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with soy product consumption.
Siepmann T, Roofeh J, Kiefer FW, Edelson DG.
Center for Autonomic and Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Beth Israel Medical Deaconess Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

This paper can be accessed at:

Siepmann presents […]

A Big Fat Debate: the low-fat trend finally appears to be on its way out

by Kristin Wartman
Civil Eats
The low-fat trend finally appears to be on its way out. The notion that saturated fats are detrimental to our health is deeply embedded in our Zeitgeist—but shockingly, the opposite just might be true. For over 50 years the medical establishment, public health officials, nutritionists, and dieticians have been telling the American […]

Raw goat’s milk offers many benefits

by Luella May
(NaturalNews) In western civilization, most milk consumption is in the form of pasteurized and homogenized cow’s milk. Although such milk is portrayed as being healthy, it actually can lead to impaired health, including allergies, tooth decay, colic in babies, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer. A much better choice is raw milk, […]

The incredible powers of honey heal in TCM and worldwide medicine

by Christopher Gussa
(NaturalNews) Honey’s ability to heal wounds and treat infections is quite notable. It also is known for its antioxidant, antibiotic and antiviral capabilities. Honey is 18 to 20 percent water and is comprised of the monosaccharides glucose and fructose and vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, K and beta-carotene, as well as plenty […]

MO Judge Condemns Morningland Dairy’s Cheese

Cheddar cheese being produced at Morningland Dairy during happier times.
by David E. Gumpert
The Complete Patient
A few weeks ago I asked in a post whether a Missouri judge might be willing to explore new directions suggested by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund before condemning $250,000 worth of Morningland Dairy raw cow’s and goat’s milk cheeses.

The […]

Wrongly convicted? The case for saturated fat

by Margie King
Nutrition Examiner

Recently the Harvard School of Public Health issued its criticism of the new USDA 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, complaining that among other things, the new guidelines were too soft on red meat.  It points out that a porterhouse steak has 44 grams of fat, 16 of which are […]

Despite its Horizon brand, dairy giant Dean Foods really doesn’t get organic

by Tom Philpott

Dean Foods is by far the largest U.S. dairy processor. According to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Dean processes 40 percent of fluid milk consumed in the U.S., which it distrubutes in a dizzying array of brands. Its dominance extends to organic milk, too — Dean’s Horizon brand is the largest […]

Nature Votes Last – Grass Based Health

by Peter Ballerstedt, PhD
Nature Votes Last

Temperature, humidity, soil, sunlight, electricity, vital force, express themselves primarily in vegetable existence that furnishes the basis of that animal life which yields sustenance to the human race. What a man, a community, a nation can do, think, suffer, imagine or achieve depends upon what […]

Raw milk better than energy drinks

Energy Drinks

Raw Milk

your child can choose to buy this wholesome drink in any store
but they cannot choose this dangerous
beverage in most places

by C. M. Brubaker
Chilliwack Times

Re: raw milk.

I would like to get my two cents in on this one.

I concur with all the other reasons stated why we should be able to buy […]

Judge Orders Questioning of Lab Workers in Raw Milk Shutdowns Where Listeria was Supposedly Tested

Piercing a State Lab’s Armor: Judge Orders NY Ag & Markets to Allow Questioning of Lab Workers by FTCLDF Lawyer
by David E. Gumpert
The Complete Patient

It’s our way of the highway. That’s essentially been the position of New York’s Department of Agriculture & Markets over the last nearly five years, when New York […]

Cholesterol does not predict stroke in women according to new research

by BBC News
High levels of cholesterol do not predict the risk of stroke in women, according to researchers in Denmark.
They did detect an increased risk in men, but only when cholesterol was at almost twice the average level.
Read the Full Article Here:

CSPI: 40 years of food libeling

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Evelyn Theiss says CSPI has “educated Americans for 40 years.” We say CSPI, not food, should be labeled as hazardous to health.
Theiss, who seems to know little about food or nutrition in the first place (she […]

The Religion of Nutrition: Has nutrition become a “good ‘ol time religion?”

by Jack Challem
Psychology Today

I’ve been writing about nutrition for 30-some years. As I listen to people, I often hear less science and more of what could best be described as a variety of belief systems.

There are the vegetarian, vegan, and macrobiotic sects. There’s the church of low-fat eating. And there’s the pervasive belief that […]

Eggs – Consume this natural protein source

by Shona Botes
(NaturalNews) The past 20 years have unfortunately seen eggs getting a bad rap for contributing to high cholesterol levels in people. But after scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health decided to do extensive research and follow the diet of 117 000 nurses over an eight to 14 year period, they […]

Fat Phobia and Emphasis on Refined Carbs Lead to Obesity and Strokes in Children

Preventing Strokes in Children: Has the Obesity Epidemic Gone Too Far?

Strokes on the rise among youth!!

At the recent American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference, a news release announced that researchers at Center for Disease Control (CDC) found a decrease in acute ischemic stroke hospitalizations in middle-aged patients. However, […]

Weight Loss Makes Pregnancy Possible for One Woman

Infertility Vanished with One Woman’s Weight Loss
Natural Health | February 23, 2011
By Hartke Is Online!

I met Holly Johnson this past weekend at our Northern Virginia Whole Foods Nutrition meetup group. When I heard her dramatic testimony of how a change in diet enabled her to become pregnant, just had to share […]

Soy: It’s not what you’ve been told to think

by Dr. Beth Ley

I was counseling an athlete today who wanted to learn more about eating healthy. She was asking me about soy and if she should be using soy milk instead of cow’s milk, etc. I was surprised that still so many people have NOT heard that soy is […]

Smart Foods Healthy Kids: Making Ghee (clarified butter)

Many people who have trouble with dairy can eat ghee because it lacks the milk solids that give rise to problems, plus it has a distinct and delicious taste to add to your healthy dishes! Learn how to make your own ghee by watching this video:
