News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Why You Should Feed Your Kids Chocolate for Breakfast

by Nadia Arumugam
It’s not often that we discover a food we think of as decadent and indulgent, is actually good for us. This has probably happened less times than I’ve eaten all the spinach set in front me (clue: less than 5, more than 1). Two such examples that spring to mind are […]

Tucker Adkins Dairy Asks FDA for Reputation Back: Test Results Vindicate Raw Milk and Dairy Farm

Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
“How do we get our reputation back?” That’s what Tommy and Carolyn Adkins of Tucker Adkins Dairy were asking after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged last week that raw milk suspected of harboring campylobacter tested negative. On July 16 FDA […]

Raw Food Co-op in LA Raided Again for Raw Milk Distribution

by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient
When you watch the brief video below of the raid yesterday on Rawesome Food Club, resist the inclination to focus on the conversation and shouting happening off to the left. Instead, keep an eye on the guy who keeps appearing on the right. He’s the law enforcement […]

You are 35,000 times more likely to become ill from other foods than you are from raw milk

By Ted Beals, MD
Those Pathogens, What You Should Know
Remarks delivered at the Third International Raw Milk Symposium, May 7, 2011, Bloomington, Minnesota.

I wish to begin by saying that the real discussion of food, including raw milk, should focus on the undeniable values and benefits for our development and sustained health. Sally […]

California Moves to Take Away Citizens Right to Board Cows, Goats

Michael and Jane Hulme and Two Nubian Goats
by Kimberly Hartke
Michael Hulme is a 67 year old former Vice President of Business Development for a semiconductor firm. He lost his position as a result of our nation’s economic downturn. Because there were no jobs to be had in California, he and his […]

The Advantages of Raw Milk…Cooked!

by Maureen
Home Made Mothering

About a year and a half ago I wrote a post about my interest in raw milk. All the milk sold in American grocery stores is pasteurized at either 161 degrees for 15 seconds or 145 degrees for 30 minutes. Pasteurization kills any dangerous bacteria potentially lurking […]

What is the Cause of the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.?

By Dr. Mercola

The website Fooducate has taken a look at the annual obesity report issued by Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Here are some of the 12 shocking statistics they found:

Adult obesity rates rose in 16 U.S. states over the past year, and NOT ONE state decreased
Twelve U.S. states […]

California Raw Milk Farmer Stands Up to California Department of Food and Agriculture

By Carlos Alcalá
The Sacramento Bee
Pattie Chelseth thinks she has the right to sell you a fraction of a cow.

Chelseth, operator of My Sisters’ Farm in Shingle Springs, keeps two cows owned by 15 people.

A cow’s owner can legally drink its milk filtered but unpasteurized, so she believes each […]

How Africans have been fooled to think coconut oil and other traditional foods from their culture are unhealthy

by F. Abeku Adams
Consistently, Ghanaians (Africans) have been told at different times in history that certain foods which were hitherto ‘traditional’ delicacies were not to be taken again for health reasons. We would then impulsively jump to the ‘good news’, stop consuming them and will subsequently kill the local industries whose […]

Enjoy Saturated Fats, They’re Good for You!

Donald Miller is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. He is a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. In this presentation, he completely destroys the lipid theory of heart disease, proving conclusively that saturated fats are indeed healthy for us.

FDA Increases Media Campaign Against Raw Milk

By David Gumpert
The Complete Patient

There’s news about a possible outbreak of campylobacter from raw milk in North Carolina, that likely affected three people, and possibly affected as many as eight.
Now, chances are you’ve read that news elsewhere, such as on the many lawyer web sites that play up seemingly every […]

THE FOOD POLICE: Who Should Decide What Your Children Eat?

Health Impact News Editor Comments: According to regulators at the FTC, the CDC, the FDA, and the USDA, certain foods are deemed “unhealthy” and should not be marketed to children under 17 years old. This includes food containing over 1 gram of saturated fat, which would include traditional foods such as coconut oil and full […]

Reducing Fats does not Prevent Heart Disease or Save Lives

By Dr. John Briffa

If you have any interest in health at all, you’ll be familiar with the concept of altering fat intake to reduce risk of disease and premature death. One central theme here is that certain types of fat (e.g. saturated fat) increases risk of ‘cardiovascular’ diseases such as heart disease and stroke, while […]

It’s Time to End the War on Salt

by Melinda Wenner Moyer

Image: TooFarNorth/Flickr
For decades, policy makers have tried and failed to get Americans to eat less salt. In April 2010 the Institute of Medicine urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to regulate the amount of salt that food manufacturers put into products; New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already convinced […]

Ron Paul versus the FDA Raw Milk Police

By Dr. Mercola

On May 16th, Representative Ron Paul asked,
“If we are not even free anymore to decide something as basic as what we wish to eat or drink, how much freedom do we really have left?”
Paul was talking about the FDA ban on […]

Making Bison Bone Broth

by Amanda Rose

We are so impressed with these bison soup bones available from Tropical Traditions that we took some close-up video shots of the third day of broth. For more discussion of this particular broth, see our related video here:

We will post the recipes we developed for this broth on the Traditional Foods site […]

Last Stand on Food Rights: Why Private Food Groups Must Refuse to Obey Cease-and-Desist Orders

by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient

If we lose the right to organize private organizations to share food, then the food rights war war will be over sooner than you can say “raw milk.”
Why? Because the food regulators and politicians have full control of the public realm, and are gaining more with […]

Up to 20 chemicals from drugs and hormones in a commercial glass of milk

By David Derbyshire
Daily Mail


A glass of milk can contain a cocktail of up to 20 painkillers, antibiotics and growth hormones, scientists have shown.

The highest quantities of medicines were found in cow’s milk. Researchers believe some of the drugs and growth promoters were given to the cattle, or got into […]

California Dept. of Food & Ag Issues Another “Cease and Desist” Order to Raw Milk Herd Share Program

UPDATE 7/6/11 David Gumpert is urging members to fight back by resisting the cease and desist order (which has had some success in other parts of the country) among other things: As CA Herdshare Dragnet Expands, Has Time Come for Shareholders to Pass the Hat, Assume Risk in Fighting Back?


Dear friends, family, newspaper […]

You’ve Been Living A Lie: The Story Of Saturated Fat And Cholesterol

by Robert Nool
Let’s make one thing clear – when someone is going to lower carbohydrate content in their diet, they should replace it mostly with fat, not protein. Eating a lot of protein with little fat and carbs may be a short term strategy for initiating fat loss, but not a healthy way of […]