News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.
The Top 10 Best Superfoods to Include in Your Diet
By Dr. Mercola
If optimal health is your goal, there’s no getting around your diet. Your physical health is a direct reflection of what you put into your body, and how you live your life in general. Pre-packaged processed foods may be convenient, […]
Chewing The Fat: Exposing the low-fat diet myth, by Dr. Joe
by Dr. Joe
It has become “settled science” that fat is bad for us. We hear it all the time. Yet despite the push for low fat diets and low fat foods from health authorities, the same authorities keep telling us we are losing the “war” on obesity and that rates of illnesses associated with […]
Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Raw Milk Farmers
by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient
“Heads I win, tails you lose.”
I couldn’t help but think about that kids’ expression–the kind of everything-going-your-way fantasy all kids dream about at one time or another–as I read through Wisconsin judge Patrick Fiedler’s opinion in two cases challenging the state’s ban on raw milk sales and distribution.
The […]
Have Pediatricians Sold Out to Big Dairy?
Health Impact News Editor Comments: It has always puzzled me as to why pediatrician organizations spend so much effort opposing raw milk. Of all the problems facing our children today in regards to their health, the potential dangers of raw milk should not even be on the radar based on statistics. This blog post […]
A new food manifesto: It’s time to take back control of what and how we eat
Photo by Marko Matasic
by Carolyn Steel
Ode Magazine
From 100-mile diets to vertical farming, from green markets to organics, from obesity to genetically modified organisms, food is always in the news. The issues are political, social, emotional, psychological, ecological and economic. Take the current popularity of urban farming, for example. A renewed interest in […]
Local food advocates to protest in Santa Cruz a crackdown on herdshare programs for raw milk
by JASON HOPPIN — Santa Cruz Sentinel
BONNY DOON – As far as goat farmers go, Mali McGee counts herself among the militants.
“We are out of the barn and willing to talk about it,” said McGee, who runs Milk Mama Goat Farm, a small goat and sheep farm in a remote corner of Bonny Doon.
With […]
FDA Raw Milk Hit Man has Ties to Big Dairy Industry – Little Experience
by David Gumpert
The Complete Patient
FDA You have to wonder: What has John Sheehan been trying so hard to hide in refusing to disclose information about himself?
When I was researching my book, The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights, one of the items on my check list was to profile […]
Saturated Fats are Good for You
by Dr. Mercola
Conventional medical authorities say that consumption of saturated animal fats is bad for you and causes heart disease.
But a hundred years ago, fewer than than one in one hundred Americans were obese, and coronary heart disease was unknown. The Procter and Gamble started marketing Crisco as a new kind of […]
The Truth About Saturated Fats, from a Cardiologist
Dr. Miller is professor of surgery, cardiothoracic division, Univ. Washington, and writes frequently for See his article, based on this presentation, here: Enjoy Saturated Fats, They’re Good for You!
FDA Increases Pressure on Raw Milk Movement
by Sara Burrows
In the name of protecting public health, the Food and Drug Administration has stepped up its regulation of unpasteurized or “raw” milk over the last few years, raiding Amish farmers in Pennsylvania and shutting down organic co-ops in Los Angeles at gunpoint.
Things could soon become even worse for producers […]
Government Protects “the Children” From Parents and Raw Milk
by Karen De Coster
This dumbed-down piece on the website Real Raw Milk Facts is one of the most inept propaganda pieces I have ever seen making the case against raw milk. The author of the piece, Richard Raymond, invokes hyperbolic history and distorted facts to make the case that, under […]
The entire approach to food based on nutrients is wrong
The science of nutrition is changing and not in the way you might expect. After years of “reductionist” thinking — where food has been viewed as the sum of its parts – a call to treat food as food has been sounded. No more poring over nutrition labels to calculate grams of fat […]
Can Drinking Darker Coffee Improve Your Health?
by Dr. Mercola
Recent research has shown that moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Since reactive oxygen species (ROS) are believed to be involved in both of these diseases, it was theorized that antioxidants in coffee might contribute to the risk reduction.
Scientists examined whether […]
Healthy Food Options? Why You Should Never Take Nutrition Advice from Your Government
by Tyler Simmons
Many people don’t know this, but before 1979, there were no public health guidelines for what foods our citizens should eat. So where would we be now without a food pyramid?
In the 1950s, a researcher named Ancel Keys developed a theory that certain dietary fats were a major cause of heart disease. Although […]
Poultry Bail Out: Your Tax Dollars are Buying Factory-Raised Cheap Chicken Nobody Else Wants
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Cheap Chicken is not really cheap! Your tax dollars pay for all the subsidies used to keep factory farmed chicken cheap. And even so, the massive poultry business needed to be bailed out, so the US government just bought $40 million dollars of chicken while politicians talk about reducing […]
The Shocking Truth About Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice
Health Impact News Editor Comments: This is an excellent report from the Dr. Mercola organization showing another instance where mass-produced food does not have complete transparency in the way their food is produced, leaving consumers uninformed about the real process used. Making healthy food choices is becoming more and more difficult. The article makes […]
Raw Milk Consumer Guide: How to Choose Your Raw Dairy Farmer
Dr. Amanda Rose has been gracious enough to let us publish her excellent Raw Milk Consumer Guide. Depending on which state you live in and the current laws in that state, you will either be able to obtain raw milk from a health food store, direct from the farm, through a buyer's club, or via a herd share type of program. Current estimates put raw milk consumers in the USA above 9 million, and quite possibly closer to 12 million, and increasing rapidly. As a result, a consumer guide like this is absolutely essential to ensure you are obtaining the quality of raw milk you desire. Farmers are like any other sector of society: there are good ones and bad ones. Just because someone is willing to sell you their milk raw, do not assume that it is the type of product you want to consume simply because it is raw.
Politics more than Science Behind Government Attacks Against Raw Milk
Foodborne Illnesses in America:
Complex Factory Foods pose the Highest Risk
by Rady Ananda
A close look at the people behind the raw milk scare, and the actual numbers of foodborne illness, reveals that politics more than science drives the food safety agenda in the U.S.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack just appointed Susan […]
California: Herdshare Dairy and Goat Owners File Suit Against CDFA over Raw Milk Private Ownership Rights
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Falls Church, Virginia (August 9, 2011)–The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund on behalf of its California members, San Jose goat farmers Mike and Jane Hulme and San Jose goat owners Ian Gerbode, Sara-Jane Skiwski and Sarah Sullivan, has filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Food and Agriculture […]
The Pasteurization Police March On – Artisanal Ice Cream Maker Forced to Shut Down
by Karen De Coster
The Chicago Tribune has published a story about the Illinois Department of Public Health’s threat to shut down artisanal ice cream makers for making fresh – not industrial/processed – ice cream.
Kris Swanberg, a laid-off teacher, did something with her newfound free time and started to sell a product called […]