News regarding traditional wisdom and native diets regarding nutrition.

Obama Administration Continues Attacks on Small Raw Milk Dairy Farmers

Health Impact News Editor Comments: As you read about these “federal criminal investigations” against raw milk farmers, keep in mind that these are federal investigations under the Obama administration. Cash-strapped states in most cases could probably care less about spending time prosecuting small dairy farmers, but the Obama administration has no problems using your tax […]

Is the Soy Myth Harming Your Health?

by Dr. Mercola

Might soy impair your sex drive to the point of being an aid to celibacy?

Traditional wisdom says yes, and a fair amount of science backs it up.

Many studies have shown that soy’s estrogenic isoflavones interfere with the production and usage of testosterone in your body.

There’s also some evidence that soy can cause […]

Local Food Sovereignty Being Challenged in Maine


Blue Hill Maine Farmer Being Sued By State of Maine & Agricultural Commissioner
Local Food & Community Self-Governance Ordinance Challenged

Dear Friends and Supporters,
Since March of this year five towns in Maine have passed the Local Food & Community Self-Governance Ordinance, creating legal protections for direct food and farm sales and food shared at bake […]

80% of Grocery Store Honey Adulterated and Not Pure

by: PF Louis


Almost 80% of the brands from big box grocers and pharmacies tested by Food Safety News had no trace of pollen. Add 100% without pollen in those little packets of honey provided by airlines and restaurants. Products are listed here (…).

Both pure and adulterated honeys have similar identification markings, pollen. Fake […]

The Truth About Factory Turkeys

By Kristin Wartman
Civil Eats

How much do you know about your Thanksgiving turkey? If you buy your turkey from a typical grocery store–and most Americans do–you might not realize that the approximately 46 million turkeys consumed every year come from a factory farm.
Industrially produced turkeys spend their first three weeks of life crammed into a […]

USDA Bails Out AquaBounty for Genetically Modified Salmon

by Alliance for Natural Health

You may have heard that the USDA awarded a hefty research grant to AquaBounty, the “Frankenfish” creator. But there is more to the story….
What you may not have heard is that the award came just as the company was facing major financial troubles. This was a bailout. And there are […]

Raw milk crusader Michael Schmidt ends hunger strike after meeting premier

By: Keith Leslie
The Canadian Press


Raw milk crusader Michael Schmidt abandoned a five-week hunger strike Friday after a brief, impromptu meeting with Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Schmidt, 57, began his hunger strike Sept. 29 after he was found guilty on 15 of 19 charges related to the sale and distribution of unpasteurized milk.

Schmidt agreed […]

Raw Milk Freedom Riders Rally at FDA Headquarters

By Pete Kennedy, Esq.
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

On November 1, a group of mothers who feed their children raw milk and others who oppose the FDA’s enforcement actions against the distribution of raw dairy products will hold a demonstration outside the agency’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. The rally will protest […]

Raw Milk crackdown went too far

By Stuart Pfeifer
Los Angeles Times

The bust had all the makings of a major criminal investigation. Ten law enforcement and regulatory agencies dedicated hundreds of hours of personnel to track the suspects. They used high-tech video equipment hidden on a utility pole for round-the-clock surveillance and undercover agents to make covert buys.
Defense attorneys […]

Dietary intake of saturated fat NOT associated with cardiovascular disease

Homemade Mayonnaise
[Health Impact News] It’s amazing how analysis of scientific studies regarding saturated fats and heart disease changes when one does not start out with the presupposition that “saturated fat is evil and causes clogged arteries and heart disease,” which has been repeated so many times over the past couple of decades that it came […]

Judge who Ruled against Raw Milk in Wisconsin quits to work for Monsanto law firm

By Rady Ananda
Food Freedom

The Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that we have no right to own a cow or drink its milk resigned to join one of Monsanto’s law firms.

Judge Fiedler ruled that humans:

“Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”
“Do not have a fundamental […]

Why Are Federal Agencies Using Your Money to Fund Genetically Engineered Salmon?

By Rich Bindell
Food and Water Watch
The USDA recently granted $494,000 in funding to AquaBounty Technologies, the company behind AquAdvantage, or genetically engineered (GE) salmon. The money will fund the company’s research into sterilization techniques. GE salmon has been a rather controversial issue with the American public. In fact, most consumers have said they don’t […]

Soy protein present in egg yolks and chicken tissues

Health Impact News
There is a growing market today of consumers trying to avoid soy in their diet. Many people have developed soy allergies, and a number of people are concerned about the plant estrogen properties of soy protein. Soy protein is linked to the rise in hypothyroidism, early puberty in young girls, and lower […]

Farmers (and Consumers) Denied the Right to Consume Milk from Their Own Cows

Wisconsin judge goes further and rules that none of us—farmers or consumers—have the right to decide what we have for our own dinner. A state Action Alert!
Last week, Wisconsin judge Patrick J. Fiedler ruled against the property rights of cow owners and their right to consume raw milk from their own cows. […]

Study Finds Olive Oil Better than Medication for Heart Disease

By Elena Paravantes, RD
Olive Oil Times

According to preliminary results of a Spanish study part of PREDIMED, a long-term nutritional intervention study aimed to assess the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, virgin olive oil is more effective in reducing heart disease than drugs.

Researchers are reporting […]

USDA Secretary: Americans need to “adjust” their tastes so that they like the kind of food the government believes they should eat

Health Impact News Editor Comments: U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a former Monsanto executive, believes that the government knows best what Americans should be eating, and he told the National Restaurant Association to help make the transition to the government foods by forcing consumers to adjust their taste preferences. This includes a low fat diet regiment, […]

Labeling GMOs: The Right to Know What is in Your Food is a non profit organization that strives to bring awareness to the public regarding genetically modified (GMO) foods. There is an upcoming ballot initiative in California to require companies to label foods that contain GMO products.

Visit for more information.

Filmed/Edited by Arthur Woo
Music: Agoria featuring Kid A – Kiss My […]

Raw milk is tied to lower risk of asthma, allergies in children

Health Impact News Editor Comments: The government and anti-raw milk crusaders keep stating the mantra that there is no difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk in terms of nutritional benefits. Here is the latest study refuting that false claim.
The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study
The Journal of […]

Not your grandma’s milk

by Kristin Wartman

Milk is truly one of the oldest, simplest whole foods – and we certainly drink a lot of it. According to the USDA, Americans consumed an average of 1.8 cups of dairy per person, per day in 2005.
But is the milk Americans are drinking today the same milk our ancestors drank thousands of […]

Raw Milk Still Illegal in Wisconsin

by Wisconsin Campaign for Liberty

Right now raw milk, milk taken directly from cows, is illegal.

Farmers can be fined, taken to court and even jailed for selling a product to willing consumers.

Does that make any sense to you? Me neither.

Right now is the time for us to change this. Senate Bill 108 would legalize […]