The spiritual side of health from a solid foundation of creation teaching.

Jesus Would be Labeled as “Antisemitic” Today Because He Attacked the Jews and Warned His Followers About Their Evil Ways

Jesus Christ, the Jesus of the Bible, was a full-blooded Jew who could trace his ancestry all the way back to Abraham. Jesus did not view his fellow Jews as all being the same. He divided them into two categories: 1. Jews who believed in him, and therefore "knew" God, with "know" being defined as a relationship, and not just intellectual consent. You can "know" somebody by reading about them in a book or news article, or you can "know" someone through a personal relationship, by spending time with them and communicating with them directly, where they communicate back to you. 2. Jews who attacked Jesus, and eventually killed him, because their "knowledge" about God was only intellectual/religious, and not personal. They could not recognize the "voice" of God, because they did not know God personally. Jesus called the Jews who believed in him and who could recognize the voice of God his "disciples" (students, apprentices, etc.) Jesus called the Jews who attacked and eventually killed him the "children of the Devil." Here is the actual account from the words of Jesus himself as recorded in the Biblical texts where he defined these two different kinds of Jews who were his fellow citizens of Israel in the First Century. Read through this story as recounted by John very carefully, because it is the key to understanding everything that is unfolding in the Middle East today.

American Congressman Pastor Timothy Walberg Calls for Nuclear Bombing of Gaza Like we Did in Japan

Israel is continuing its campaign of terrorism not only against the Palestinian people, but by also bombing Western aid workers trying to provide humanitarian relief to the refugees. The entire world is watching with horror as Israel continues their genocide against the Palestinian people, and also bombing Iran and Syria. The United States appears to be the only nation still supporting Israel by supplying them military aid and weapons, even as U.S. President Joe Biden gives lip service to allegedly opposing the actions of Israel's Right Wing Zionist madman, Benjamin Netanyahu. It can easily be stated today that Netanyahu has more support in the U.S. than he even does in his own country of Israel, where the majority of Israelis are NOT Zionists, and where tens of thousands of Jews have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest against the mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. The groups in the U.S. that primarily support all of Netanyahu's actions and reign of terrorism, are the Evangelical Zionist Christians, where many American pastors have been calling on the U.S. to "wipe out" all of the Palestinians in Gaza, which of course includes many Christian Palestinians as well. The latest Evangelical Pastor to call for the genocide of the Palestinians, is Pastor Timothy Walberg, who is also a Republican Congressman from Michigan. Walberg last week stated in a Town Hall meeting in Michigan that the U.S. should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, just like we did on Japan during WW II. He also included Iran and Russia, as well as North Korea and China, in his calls for nuclear annihilation. "We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick." As could be expected, reactions from leaders around the world were appalled that an America politician who is also a Christian Pastor, would support such barbaric actions.

God’s Secret Wisdom vs. Satan’s Secret Societies

The English words "secret" and "mystery" refer to knowledge that is "hidden", and that needs to be discovered. When dealing with the spiritual world, as opposed to simply the physical world, the method of discovering these "mysteries" or "hidden knowledge" is often referred to as "illuminating". It is like entering a dark room where one's physical eyes cannot see what is in that room due to the darkness, so a light must be turned on in order to see everything clearly. The English word most often used to describe the process of finding or discovering these mysteries or secrets, is "wisdom." The Bible clearly teaches that there are two categories of "wisdom" in the world: The wisdom of the world and the ruler of this world, and the wisdom of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote: "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power. We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." The secret societies such as Freemasonry have their own definitions of light, knowledge, and spiritual truth: "When you enter the lodge, Freemasons believe you seek light as you are in the darkness and blindfolded due to numerous reasons. In the Lodge, the term ‘Light’ has a different meaning. It is all about spiritual truth and knowledge. However, the ‘Spiritual Truth’ is something that particularly clashes with the teachings of Christianity. If you are a Christian, and if you are in the lodge, you cannot talk of Christ or consider him as God. Freemasons believe G.A.O.T.U (Great Architect of The Universe) is the true God of the universe. Freemasonry values freedom of thought, and for this reason, there is no particular religion a man must follow to become a Freemason." Fortunately, the "mysteries of the Kingdom of God" have now been revealed for everyone to know, and that "mystery" is that anyone, regardless of race, religion, nationality or any other classification of humans, can enter into the Kingdom of God and find true "liberty" in Jesus Christ. Any other claim to offer "liberty" is a different kind of "liberty" that leads to slavery to Satan and his kingdom.

How American Christian Culture Destroys Motherhood and Kidnaps Children of Single Moms

Modern day America is largely defined by Western Christian and Jewish values, and those of us who grew up in this culture and read the Bible, will naturally tend to read and understand the Bible from our own Western cultural values. However, the inspired authors of the literature contained in the Bible did not write from a Western cultural perspective, but from a Middle Eastern culture perspective, especially the Old Testament. To be sure, during the New Testament period, the Roman culture, which grew out of the Greek culture and is the foundation of "Western" culture, was transitioning to become the dominant culture in the world. But the Jewish writers of the New Testament still largely lived their lives based on Middle Eastern culture, and Middle Eastern cultural values. As an American, I have been very fortunate to live a significant portion of my adult life outside the United States, including many years in Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s, where Middle Eastern culture and Middle Eastern cultural values were still the dominant force shaping their societal values. Most of the modern English translations of the Bible, as well as the English commentaries on the Bible, including the "older" commentaries, some of which were written in German during the Reformation period in Europe and then later translated into English, are all written by Westerners with Western cultural values. One of the most damaging effects of using Christian and Jewish Western cultural values to translate and interpret the Bible, is how the modern definition of  "orphans" and "widows" is used today. It's easy for me to sum up the Western cultural view of "widows" and "orphans" today as defined and practiced in the United States in one sentence: Grab the "orphans" and turn them over to the Government's lucrative child trafficking system called "foster care" and "adoption" and let the widows fend for themselves after they lose their children.

Are You Being Called by God to be a Watchman for the Disaster Ahead? Will You Go Against the Crowd and Obey Your Calling no Matter What the Cost Might be?

In the summer of 2021, in the midst of the rollout of the deadly COVID-19 injections, I wrote and published an article based on the teachings of the Prophet Jeremiah who lived in Jerusalem just prior to it being destroyed by the military forces of Babylon, showing how the United States of America has now descended into the same moral abyss that was the state of Israel and Jerusalem in 586 B.C. when God destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, where most of the people perished, resorting to cannibalism in the last days just trying to stay alive. Jeremiah was unique in the city of Jerusalem in those days, because he was the only one warning the people that God's judgment was imminent, and that total destruction was in their immediate future, while all the other religious leaders and prophets were saying the opposite, that God would deliver them from their enemies, because they thought that they were the "chosen people." Another man who was warning the people during the same time period about the imminent destruction and mass deaths that were about to happen in Jerusalem, was Ezekiel, who was a priest and a prophet. He had already been captured as a prisoner of war from Jerusalem and was carried away to Babylon, where he was warning the people about what was about to take place back in the "homeland." Since he was receiving the Word of God, his message was almost identical to that of Jeremiah's, but it was, by far, the minority voice, because the people preferred to believe the false prophets instead, who were not listening to the Word of God, and instead were trying to encourage everyone that they were the "chosen people" and had nothing to fear, because God was going to come to their aid and rescue them. The message Jeremiah and Ezekiel were preaching was not popular, but it was true. Everything they said was going to happen with the destruction of Jerusalem and the massacre of the people came true, as the false prophets and all of their followers died very painful deaths, as the city was surrounded and cut off from any supplies, and the people who were not killed by the sword died from famine, resorting to cannibalism in the last days. But perhaps the most serious warning that Ezekiel told to the people of his day just before the destruction of Jerusalem and the massacre that was about to take place, was addressed not to those who did not believe the Word of God, but to those who did, and yet failed to obey it.

Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that it is Required for Believers in Jesus to “Join a Church”

I have been warning believers in Jesus Christ since 2020-2021 to get out of the Corporate Churches, most of which today I would use the biblical label of "Synagogues of Satan", as in general these Corporate Churches work together with the U.S. Government to participate in and support the Satanic structures that are the foundation of American culture today, such as the Demonic medical system and their products such as vaccines, the trafficking of children through foster care and adoption, the Zionist movement that supports genocide, and many other Satanic programs. I have shown how the American Church and Corporate Christianity are inseparable from the U.S. federal government, which I recently wrote best describes "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" in the book of Revelation. Two years ago I wrote an article showing how the Christian Religion is not even found in the Bible. This article was referenced in two testimonials we recently published, where a man from a Muslim nation met the Jesus of the Bible, and where a homeless young man also met the Jesus of the Bible. Both testified that they felt relieved that they could serve Jesus without converting to Christianity or joining a corporate church. Whenever I publish this truth from the Bible, that one does NOT need to join a church or become a Christian to know Jesus, I always get two types of responses from Christians. The first response is that while there are indeed a lot of problems within Christianity and the Corporate Churches, that one still needs to find a "good" church, usually referred to as something like "a Bible-believing church with sound doctrine," with severe warnings if one doesn't do so. They usually write things like "there are no Lone Ranger Christians" or "you may end up like Jim Jones," a Pastor who led his entire congregation to commit mass suicide-murder in Jonestown, Guyana, back in 1978. The second response is usually something like: "OK, I know that the corporate churches are bad, but where do I go to find other believers I can meet with and have fellowship with?" The thing that both of these responses seem to agree upon, is that the Bible teaches us to find a group of believers who meet together and then join that group, because we are commanded to do so, and to not seek out "fellowship" with other believers, is a sin. So what I am going to do in this article is show how this "teaching" is NOT found in the Bible, so you can be free from feeling guilty about this myth, and then give some practical ideas of what you could do in place of spending so much time trying to find other believers who think like you and agree with you on every issue.

Young Man Living on the Streets Finds Jesus of the Bible – Overcomes Drug and “Terminally Online” Addictions

I met Luke online in October of 2022, when he emailed me and told me his story of how he had been "a homeless schizophrenic drug addict in LA, multiple overdoses, multiple suicide attempts, and tied down by every vice one could possibly imagine" just 8 months before he emailed me, and that now "Through Christ, in a matter of 8 months, I am off all illicit drugs as well as all medications, holding a job, and living a thriving life I never thought possible." Like Abdulah, a young man who lives in a Muslim country whose story we recently published, Luke discovered that he could know Jesus without the hindrance of Christianity and the Corporate Church, by reading the Bible for himself and going directly to God. Luke explains how his downward spiral in life began when he was 8 years old and diagnosed with ADHD, and put on the drug Adderall. Luke is a Millennial, and not only did Jesus Christ rescue him from his drug addictions, but Luke explains how Jesus also gave him the power to overcome his addiction to being "terminally online." He ditched his "smart" phone and now only carries a flip phone, and he tells me that he only carries that around because his job requires that he have one. I have asked Luke to write out his story, in the hope and belief that his experiences can provide hope to others who have been damaged by Big Pharma and the online lifestyle, and that one does NOT need to become a Christian or join a Corporate Church to meet Jesus.

COVID “Vaccine” Injured Muslim Man Learns COVID was a Scam and Meets Jesus of the Bible as he Begins to Heal

Today I am publishing the real life story of a man who lives in a Muslim country, was fooled into believing that COVID was real and therefore received two doses of the Pfizer COVID shots, was injured by those shots, and then began to go online searching for the truth. In his search he found many of the dissenting doctors who provided the other side of the COVID shots, and his research led him to Health Impact News, where I have continually published articles about the dangers of religions, ALL religions including Christianity, which led him to start studying the Bible, something he had never done before as a Muslim, having only been taught the Quran. He wanted to learn the truth about the historical person of Jesus Christ. Islam acknowledges the historical person of Jesus Christ, as well as the writings in the Bible, which predate Islam and the Quran. But their view of Jesus, who is referred to as "Isa" in Arabic and the Quran, are very different in the Quran from how Jesus is documented in the New Testament (Injil in Arabic) portion of the Bible. Most Muslims are taught that Jesus did NOT die on the cross and did not rise up from the dead three days later, as is clearly taught in the New Testament. And although Islam teaches that the Bible is the Word of God, they believe that the Bible today has been changed, and that we do not have the true Bible any longer. Therefore, very few Muslims ever read the Bible to see what it says for themselves. So why am I publishing this man's story today? I am publishing it for two main reasons: First, as an indictment against American Christianity and American Christians who believe that all Muslims are evil people, and even worthy of mass murder and genocide, as we are seeing EVERY SINGLE DAY right now in Palestine, as many American Zionist Christians cheer the deaths of these Palestinians, many of whom are children. Why would anyone with a Muslim background ever want to consider reading the Bible and learning what the Bible teaches about Jesus, when Christians are hell-bent on demonizing and destroying them because of their religious association? If I had taken this non-Biblical view of Zionist Christianity in my writings, this man would probably never have found the truth that I publish that one does NOT need to convert to Christianity to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. But today, this man has now been born into the spiritual seed of Abraham through his faith in Jesus Christ, and that is all that matters to him now, even as he stands completely alone in his country with no friends or family members who share his faith. He has no need nor any desire to "convert" from one religion to another. Secondly, I am publishing this today for all our Muslim readers who read our articles, to let them know that they do NOT need to convert to Christianity to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to read the Injil, the New Testament portion of the Bible, and learn about Jesus Christ directly from the Bible. In many Muslim countries it is forbidden to read the Bible, and the penalty under Muslim law for converting out of Islam is punishable by death in many Muslim countries. But anyone can now read the Bible thanks to the Internet. And I am also very happy to state to all of our Muslim readers, that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY to know Jesus, and become his disciple. You can just start reading the Bible for yourself, as Abdulah did.

The Birth of Jesus and The Satanic Jewish Conspiracy to Enslave Humanity – The “Other Side” of Christmas You Probably Did not Hear in Your Church on Christmas

I have not celebrated the Christian Christmas holiday for several years now. This year, not only am I not celebrating it, I can no longer return the "Merry Christmas" greeting to my well-meaning friends and family, because there is absolutely nothing "Merry" about Christmas this year, in 2023. And I am not the only one not celebrating Christmas this year. In the city of Bethlehem, the historic birthplace of Jesus Christ, where every year millions of Christians worldwide visit to celebrate Christmas in Jesus' birthplace, Christmas has been canceled. The Palestinian Christians, many of whose families have lived in Bethlehem for over 2000 years since the birth of Jesus, cannot be "Merry" because hundreds of them have lost their children and loved ones in the Hamas Israeli war. If you are gathering together with family and loved ones during this season, and enjoying this holiday, consider yourself blessed. There is nothing I am writing here that is intended to steal your joy during this season. By all means, enjoy it, while you can. But the Christmas holiday season also brings much sadness, not only for Palestinian Christians, but also for many Americans who are separated from family and loved ones, including the multitude of parents in the U.S. who have lost their children to the corrupt child welfare system that routinely kidnaps children from loving families, often through medical kidnapping. Others are separated from family because they stand for the Truth, and Jesus Christ, and have counted the cost of being a disciple of Jesus, which more often than not means losing the support of your biological family. So if you find yourself this Christmas alone and separated from family, take heart, and be encouraged, because even Jesus was eventually rejected by his family, and even considered "insane," because he spoke out against the tyrannical Jewish system of his day. Also, while the birth of Jesus brought great hope and joy for humanity as the long awaited Jewish Messiah, his birth also brought much pain, suffering, and even death for many. This is a story that is part of "Christmas" that most churches and family gatherings will probably exclude from their Christmas traditions, but it is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

Medical Doctors and Their Idolaters Will NOT be Welcome in the Kingdom of God

According to the book of Revelation in the Bible, medical doctors and those who worship them are not going to be allowed into the Kingdom of God. God himself is going to heal the nations, but not with magic or witchcraft. It is time for all true disciples of Jesus to get out of the medical system, and get out of the Christian religion. The time seems to be very short now before all these events prophesied in Revelation start happening, if they aren't already.

What is the Difference Between the “Image of the Beast” and the “Mark of the Beast”?

This is another article in my series about the book of Revelation in the Bible and "End Times" prophecies, with possible interpretations presented in light of modern events currently happening in the world around us since the COVID Scam in 2020. I am writing from the premise that modern-day events point to the United States and American Christianity as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon," with the first "Beast" mentioned in Revelation being the financial system, and NOT the Anti-Christ, which others besides myself also interpret as the "Beast," and that the second "Beast" that gives voice to and works together with the first Beast, is Big Tech. In this article, I want to identify what modern-day evidence leads to as identifying the "mark of the beast," which is different from the "image of the beast." In Revelation chapter 14, for example, we see these three identities all mentioned in the same verse: "If anyone worships the BEAST and his IMAGE and receives his MARK on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11) So what is the difference between the beast's "image" and his "mark"?

Are the Space Wars About to Begin? Is the Second “Bowl” Judgment About to be Poured Out?

NASA's fake moon landing hoax from 1969 is getting more attention in the alternative media these days, as a clip from Russian Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos, the Russian state space agency, is going viral which has reportedly exposed the fake NASA 1969 moon landing. Is this perhaps military posturing over the rapidly increasing satellites and rockets that the new U.S. Military branch, Space Force, is launching into space? I have previously reported how NASA is a Freemason agency, and that the name of NASA's new military program is "Artemis," the name given to the main female "deity" during the days of the Roman Empire centered in the city of Ephesus. This female demonic "god" was known as "Ashtoreth" in Old Testament times, and today I believe she is known as "Columbia" or "Lady Freedom" and resides in the United States. This female head demon "deity" was also linked to worship of the moon, and was sometimes called "The Queen of Heaven", such as in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, who was the sole prophet who warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem that the city and the Temple were about to be destroyed in 586 BC by the military forces of Babylon. This "Queen of Heaven" was known as a fertility god, and believed to have been an image of the moon. Today, people in the United States are not "burning incense" and worshiping the moon, as far as I know, but we are "worshiping" her in different ways, by spending $billions on the NASA space program and the new military Space Agency, much of which today is flowing through the hands of Elon Musk and his SpaceX program, to go "back" to the moon "again," even though we never went there in the first place back in 1969. Are we approaching the "last battle" that originates in "heaven" where the Queen of Heaven, represented by "Columbia" and the NASA "space" program which "worships" the moon, engages in battle with Jesus Christ and his army?

The Imminent Demise of Christianity in America: “Come out of her my people lest you share her plagues…”

In my last article, I documented how a modern-day interpretation of Biblical prophecy taking into account recent events that have occurred since 2020 and the Great COVID Scam can easily lead one to conclude that the "revived Roman Empire" that many see in the book of Revelation can really only be applied to the United States as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" that is the object of God's fierce anger and "last day" judgments against "Babylon", and "the Beast" which is the financial system. As I write this today, on December 7, 2023, world events are rapidly developing into what many people are referring to as an imminent "doomsday" scenario. These events are unfolding so fast right now, that I just simply do not have time to cover all of them, even though I am staying on top of them. Here are some of the news items (much of it censored in the U.S. Corporate Media) that have occurred in the past few days that suggest time is short now before major, cataclysmic events erupt (open the article to see). Israel and the U.S. Zionists are quickly losing the (dis)information war, and are now paying "influencers" on social media to promote Israel, or to take down content that criticizes Israel. As far as our "Beast" financial system, I am honestly very surprised it has not collapsed yet, as U.S. Banks are bleeding capital at a rate even worse than earlier this year when several banks, mostly tied to Silicon Valley, collapsed. The stock market continues to chug along even as the price of oil keeps falling, and the value of Gold is increasing. This is because, as I have said repeatedly in the past, the U.S. Stock Market has become a Casino without much difference than the large Casinos in Vegas, betting money that does not even really exist, in the largest Ponzi scheme the world has probably ever seen. As I wrote in my last article, this criminal financial system is probably the main "Beast" discussed in Revelation, with the second "Beast" that gives it a voice being "Big Tech" today. And one of the events that could bring down this entire criminal enterprise is a "Cyber Attack", something that is starting to be discussed again in the Alternative Media. In my last article I showed how based on current events, the only country that makes sense as "The Great Harlot" or "Babylon" as the leader over all other geopolitical nations in the world today as described in Revelation in the Bible, is the United States of America, the "revived Roman Empire." But historically, many Bible commentators writing about Revelation, especially in the late 1800s during the "Reformation" period in Europe, equated "Babylon" and the "Harlot" in Revelation to a religious force, namely "Christianity", Roman Christianity and the "Roman Catholic Church" led by "The Pope." However, looking at the vast geopolitical and religious landscape as it exists here today at the end of 2023, Italy and the Pope really are not all that significant in world events today, as they were during the Reformation period. Instead, the most powerful Christian Country in the world today is undoubtedly the United States, and the most powerful religious force in Christianity is American Christianity, especially Zionism. Therefore, it makes much more sense today to see "Babylon" and "The Harlot" as being the American Corporate Church. But I just identified "Babylon" and "The Harlot" in Revelation as probably referring to the United States in my last article. Am I now changing my opinion about this? No, because the U.S. Government and the Christian Religion in the U.S. today are inseparable, as one cannot exist without the other. They are two halves of the same demonic identity, "Babylon" and "The Harlot".

Is Lady Liberty (Columbia) the “Great Prostitute” of Prophecy Residing in Washington D.C., the Revived Roman Empire to Fall During the “Last Days”?

Last month (November, 2023), I wrote an article where I identified the name of the head demon I believed represented the USA today, which is "Columbia", a female deity that also goes by "Lady Liberty" or "Freedom" in modern times since the USA was founded in 1776. In ancient times she has been known by other names, such as “Ashtoreth”, a female fertility "god" known in Old Testament times, or "Artemis", the name she was given in the New Testament times under the rule of the ancient Roman empire. Another manifestation of this demon of the United States of America is in the "Statute of Freedom" which stands tall on top of the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington D.C., where members of the U.S. Congress meet in the legislative branch of the U.S. government. Latin was the language of the former Roman Empire, and the District of Columbia in the United States is full of these Latin phrases, as well as Roman architecture. Is there really any doubt that the United States is the "revived Roman Empire" which many believe is prophesied in the Bible to be the "Great Prostitute", or that Washington D.C. is at the seat of Freemasonry and Satanism in the world today? If so, what does biblical prophecy say is going to happen to this "Beast" and the "Great Prostitute" in the "last days"?

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Christian Zionism is a cult, a very dangerous cult. I refer to this teaching as a "cult" because it is not based on the writings of the Bible, although it tries to use the Bible to justify its doctrines. Christian Zionism is a branch of Dispensationalism Theology, which began around the 18th Century and was made popular in the late 19th Century by John Nelson Darby, and C.I. Scofield, who developed the first "study Bible" that included notes on the original text of the Bible interpreting the text through the lens of Dispensationalism, which included Zionism. The most dangerous modern-day belief coming out of Zionism, is that modern-day Israel, and the "Jewish people," are more special than any other nation or race of people on earth, which leads to racial discrimination and prejudice, something that is NOT taught in the Bible at all. I have previously covered much of this false teaching, so what I am going to do in this article is repeat most of that teaching and show just what the Bible actually teaches. I am using the Bible as my authority, which is what most of the Zionists also claim, so that you can search the scriptures yourself to see what they actually teach on this topic, rather than rely upon a Christian "expert".

Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, or the Approval of God?

When Jesus Christ walked on this earth in the First Century, he claimed to be "the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:6) In his teaching to his disciples during those days, he also made it very clear that the cost to follow Jesus, and to stand for the Truth, was a costly one, and that in order to follow him as the source of all truth would require one to be willing to give up everything this life has to offer, including relationships with friends and loved ones. Jesus also made it very clear that those who did follow him and stand for the Truth, would be very few, and always the minority. Some of the most miserable people of society are those who understand the Truth intellectually, but are not willing to follow the Truth, because the cost is too high. It's very difficult to always be in the minority, with everyone opposing you, because you do not follow the crowd. Today, if you live in the United States, Zionism dominates our culture, especially Evangelical Christian teaching. To dare to question one's belief that the modern day Israeli government is the leader of "God's chosen people," is to go against the crowd and become the object of ridicule and hatred. One of our readers named Kevin emailed me this week and wrote: "My own wife and entire family left me due to the fact that she believes the tribulation is for Zionist Political state of Israel. My only purpose in life now is to bring others to Jesus. I know the false teachers and the deceptions being preached on Fox News, pulpits everywhere, etc." Kevin has counted the cost to follow Jesus and the Truth, and he continues to do so even after losing his wife and family. It's a very lonely life. Trust me, I know. But we can take courage in the fact that the disciples who followed Jesus when he still walked this earth, and shortly after he left, all faced the same opposition and isolation. Will you take a stand for the Truth and count the cost as the minority people of God as you seek to please him? Or will you cower in fear, and seek the approval of men and go along with the crowd and the Zionists?

The Zionism Cult: Christian Churches of Satan

For 3 years now I have been warning the American public that it is time to leave the American Corporate Christian Churches, since in general, these Christian Churches followed the ways of Satan and submitted to the Satanic COVID measures, including having their children sacrificed to the Vaccine Cult by injecting them with bioweapons. I have documented how Corporate Christianity has reached this point in history, by not following the teaching of the Scriptures, which includes both the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. I was trained in Christian Zionism at one of their top schools in the early 1980s, so I could easily write a treatise disputing all the false teaching of Christian Zionism, but I have already covered most of the biblical teaching refuting this false doctrine in previous articles, many of which I have linked to in this article. So instead of spending more time refuting not only Zionism but also Corporate Christianity, let me instead give the biblical, spiritual principle of why so many Christians are deceived today. Corporate Christianity is a $TRILLION market, employing millions of people, and to dare to oppose Zionism and not support Israel is to potentially lose your career and source of income, and be ridiculed by the Christian Community.

The United States has been the Center of the New World Order Controlled by Satan for 250 Years

In my New Year's article for 2023, I asked this question about the year 2023: "Will America Fulfill Its Destiny?" I wrote: As the year 2022 comes to a close, there can be little doubt that the United States is a nation in decline, in many ways. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the U.S. Government is not looking out for the best interests of its citizens, and in fact is part of the Global plan to implement a New World Order. And a big part of that plan is to reduce the world’s population, something we saw accelerate in 2022 with unprecedented “unexplained sudden deaths” among young, healthy adults, as well as unprecedented fetal deaths. It is a shame that it took a worldwide scam known as “COVID-19” and then the roll out of the COVID-19 “vaccines” to start waking people up to this fact, even though most are still asleep and trusting their government and corporate media, when there have been others that have been warning about this plan to implement a New World Order for many decades now, but written off by pop culture and the corporate media as “conspiracy theorists,” a term first used by the CIA to refer to people who did not accept the Government narrative on the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960s. The fact is, the evidence that the U.S. is part of a New World Order that follows Satan rather than God, has been right in front of our eyes since the founding of this nation, as many of our “founding fathers” were members of Freemasonry, and their images and symbols are everywhere in our culture, including “The Great Seal” of the United States, which is printed into our currency on the $1 bill. One of the Latin phrases at the bottom of that seal is “Novus ordo seclorum,” which means “A New Order of the Ages.” I am writing this follow-up article today on Sunday September 24, 2023, where the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, the "Day of Atonement," will begin at sundown, and is considered by many to be the holiest day of the year, while yesterday, September 23, 2023, was the Autumn Equinox, marking the first day of the Fall season in the Northern Hemisphere. Change is definitely in the air, I can feel it, and so it is time to remind ourselves that the United States has been the center of the plans to create a New World Order since this nation was founded almost 250 years ago, and the worldwide center of Freemasonry. Or to put it another way, the United States of America is probably the most evil place in the world, because it was founded with the goal to be the center of Freemasonry, and a Satanic New World Order.

Since National U.S. Elections are Rigged by The Globalists, Why are You Voting for Their Candidates?

The "right to vote" in political elections is regarded as a sacred duty for most Americans, as this "value" is driven into our subconsciousness from our earliest ages through the educational system and mass media. The illusion that the public has actual choices to "vote" into office is a fairly recent development in human history, and has been part of Western Culture since the 17th Century. Today in the United States of America, the American public is kept in check by the Globalists by ensuring that there is only a 2-party system so that the country can be perpetually divided and fighting against each other, instead of uniting together to overthrow the Globalists who control the world's financial system, and make sure that candidates who serve their interests are leading BOTH political parties. Here in 2023, almost ALL Americans admit that national election results are rigged. The Republicans have made this a central issue since the 2020 elections, and the Trump campaign recently released a video showing that the Democrats have also complained about rigged elections in the past. So why are the majority of Americans today still choosing to support and vote for one of the Globalists' puppets for the office of the President of the United States? The strongest message that the American public could send to these Globalists would be to simply STAY HOME AND DO NOT VOTE for their puppet candidates! Something like a 25% to 30% voter turnout would actually send the strongest message possible to these Globalists, communicating that the American public is on to them, and that they are NOT going to participate in their evil schemes anymore. This would actually terrify them, I guarantee it. But I already know the objections and criticisms that will be leveled against me for even daring to suggest we should not participate in national elections, as this is not the first time I have written this. People want their idols and heroes to vote for, and "choosing the lesser of two evils" is perfectly acceptable to most Americans. If you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ, however, you are mocking your King and Savior if go out and cast a vote for one of Satan's demonic representatives.

The Concept of the American Christian Family is a Myth and is NOT Found Anywhere in the Bible

When you see an image, or an actual photo, of an American family such as the one above, what comes into your mind about the 5 people in this image? For me, being raised in a church-going family and part of the Christian religion, I used to look at images, photos, or actual groups of people resembling this illustration in public, and conclude that this was a "good Christian family" who all go to church together every Sunday. I would just assume that the adult man and woman in this photo were married and that the children with them were born to them after they were married. If it was an "ideal" Christian family, they would not have been previously married to anyone else, and would have been married as virgins because they were "good Christians" who saved themselves until God brought them the "perfect" husband or wife. However, I am older and wiser now, and when I see an image like this, or a group of people in public like this, I no longer imagine the same kind of things about these people in this "family" that I used to think. It would look more like the image below, with commentary about who each person in this graphic is more likely to be. And while some may want to say and believe that everything written in this graphic below is likely to be rare when one sees such actual "family units" in public or in photos, I am quite confident to say that the way I now see such "family" units as in the image below with the sample bios, is far more common than the false, storybook "ideal" Christian family that is portrayed by our culture. In fact the culturally-defined "Christian Family" concept is a myth, and is found nowhere in the Bible.