The spiritual side of health from a solid foundation of creation teaching.
Human Genome Project Supports Adam, Not Darwin
From Creation Evolution Headlines
Feb 21, 2011 — Science magazine last week had a special series of articles on the 10-year anniversary of the Human Genome project. Most of the articles expanded on how different the findings were from predictions. The publication of the genome did not identify our evolution; it did not lead to […]
What You Believe About Tomorrow Affects Your Health Today!
by Brian Shilhavy
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. (Philippians 3:20-21)
When we are […]
Plant Accelerates 600 times the Force of Gravity
by Creation Evolution Headlines
Among the fastest organisms in the world is – a plant. The bladderwort Utricularia, a carnivorous plant that lives in the water, sucks in its prey in a thousandth of a second with an acceleration 600 times the force of gravity.
New Scientist and Science Daily reported on work by the University of […]
Repeat DNA Function Negates Classic Evolutionary Argument
by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Certain repetitive DNA sequences have long been viewed as “confirmation” of evolution. Since they are not genes that code for proteins, they were supposedly available for alterations that would eventually lead to a brand new function after all the “right” […]
Valentine’s Day message – Love: The Power to Heal
by Brian Shilhavy
Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)
Sin is the number one cause of all sickness and disease in the world today. When God first created the world, it was a perfect world with no faults: no sickness or disease, and […]
How to be Restored from Sickness
The way sickness was viewed in Biblical Old Testament times and the way sickness is viewed today in the 21st century is almost in completely opposite terms. In Old Testament times, sickness was primarily viewed as a judgment from God for sins. This view primarily stemmed from Israel’s experience in the Exodus from Egypt, when God inflicted plagues on the Egyptians. In our modern day post-Darwin era, sickness is almost always viewed as strictly a result of natural causes, with no thought given to spiritual issues such as sin. Medicines and other cures are seen as the remedy for all sicknesses. If a cure does not exist in medicine, it is believed that one will be discovered in the future through scientific research. Both of these views are extreme and imbalanced. Read how King David, the most righteous king that ruled Israel in Old Testament times but nevertheless suffered from sickness, dealt with his illness, and how he was healed and restored. The principles he teaches for restoration from sickness still work today!
For Darwin Day: False Facts & Dawkins’ Whopper
by Evolution News & Views
Darwin Day, February 12, is coming up tomorrow, and we want to do our part to mark the occasion. Much of what Charles Darwin said makes perfect sense to us and is worth celebrating.
Seriously. Take this famous quote, for instance, from Darwin’s Descent of Man (1871, p. 385):
False facts are highly […]
Devotional: Spiritual Cleansing and Detox
by Brian Shilhavy
At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, […]
Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action?
by Georgia Purdom, Ph.D.
Answers in Genesis
The extraordinary ability of certain bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics—which are otherwise useful in speeding recovery from some illnesses—has been a hot topic on the minds of doctors, hospital staff, reporters, and the general public for several years. It is also heralded as […]
Dealing with Unhealthy Anger
God has a master plan. He has the last say. A long-term view of life sees that God and righteousness always win in the end. So when we see injustice and things in life that are just “not fair,” we need to first understand that God sees it also, and he has a plan to make all things right, to bring everyone into an account for their actions someday.
Design in Infant Nutrition
by Rex D. Russell, M. D.
Institute for Creation Research
By definition, evolutionary scientists believe that life came through random chance processes, including natural selection. However, in nature there is a chorus of voices with the message that evolutionary theory does not blend with either simple or complex observations. In order to maintain good health, the […]
Nano-scale Aligning Tool Used in the Assembly of Actin Filaments: More Evidence of a Master Designer
by Giovanie Adams
Creation Ministries International
Eukaryotic cells have systems for maintaining their shape and all their movement, and for the transport of molecules within them. Intra-cellular networks of fibers assemble from actin proteins, and are an important part of these systems. This network of actin filaments maintains cell shape by forming […]
The origin of life: DNA and protein, Dr. Gary Parker
by Dr. Gary Parker
First published in
Creation: Facts of Life
Chapter 1: Evidence of creation
The two basic parts of the tumbled pebble and the arrowhead we considered are hard and soft rock. Two basic parts of every living system are DNA and protein.
DNA is the famous molecule of heredity. It has been on the cover of Time […]
Coconut oil detox for massive yeast die-off
by jeremyknight
many people have gone on juice/water fasts to relieve candida problems only to recieve minor relief. so whats the solution? a program called Coconut oil detox. you eat nothing but 10-14 tablespoons of organic extra virgin coconut oil, about 2 tablespoons ever 2 hours. if your not accustomed to Extra Virgin Coconut Oil […]
Alternative Health
Many people are recognizing the limitations and dangers of the medical system that most people in media call a “health-care” system. Our Alternative Health category brings you news on alternatives to drugs, including but not limited to: whole food nutrition, herbs, vitamins, fitness, complimentary medicine, naturopathy, osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, environmental medicine and […]
‘Cavemen’ Diet Was Far from Primitive: Paleo Diet Myths
Countless schoolchildren have been told that they evolved from cavemen who wore no clothes, communicated in grunts, and were primitive hunters. But many of their teachers can't answer the question "how do you know that?" Tiny remnants of ground-up grains were recently found at Neandertal dwelling sites, and like so many other recent finds, they contradict a common evolution-based myth about human origins. Ancient humans are popularly viewed as hunting game with a primitive club. But "a new study shows they cooked and ate veggies." An examination of fossilized Neandertal remains from Belgium and Iraq revealed that their teeth contained starch granules from grain. Amanda Henry, lead author of the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, told CNN, "Neanderthals are often portrayed as very backwards or primitive….Now we are beginning to understand that they had some quite advanced technologies and behaviors."
The Ultimate Training Program
Physical fitness and training is a huge business in our culture today, as we become a more sedentary population in the age of science and technology. Athletes must prepare and implement a specific plan to train physically in order to compete successfully. Likewise today, many of us who lead sedentary lifestyles must make specific plans to stay physically fit through regular exercise, or our health will deteriorate. But Paul told Timothy that training to be godly was far more beneficial for one’s health than physical training. He stated that physical training was only of some value, whereas godliness has value for all things. Physical training is only good for as long as your body lasts in this life, while godly training has value both in the present life and also in the future life to come. This principle is especially true in our modern society, as we exalt and emphasize the physical realm, and either ignore or deny the spiritual realm altogether. So what is “godliness?”