The spiritual side of health from a solid foundation of creation teaching.

Super scented: Aerodynamics of odours in a dog’s nose

by Tas Walker
Creation Ministries International
What is highly sensitive to scent and can recognize the direction of the faintest odour? A dog’s nose!
Customs officers use dogs to find drugs in luggage. Police use canines to trail an escaped criminal. Emergency workers depend on man’s best friend after a natural disaster to find […]

Dealing with Despair

Moses did everything right, but everything turned out wrong! The result was loneliness, anger, and despair. But God had not abandoned him, and he kept talking to him. Moses listened. He didn’t have too many other choices.

Are “Hunter Gatherer” Cultures Really “Paleo”?

by Carl Wieland
Creation Ministries International
The traditional view of so-called ‘cultural evolution’ is that hunter-gatherer societies became agricultural societies, which then became industrial ones, and so on. Technology, it has long been taken for granted, always increases. When anthropologists came across a hunter-gatherer society, the standard assumption was that they had never, in their cultural […]

Phillip Johnson on the Scientific Nature of Opposition to Darwinian Theory

by Casey Luskin

While we have been celebrating the 20th anniversary of Darwin on Trial, I was reminded of the impact that Phillip Johnson has had in shaping the debate over Darwinian evolution and intelligent design (ID). Johnson’s work showed that there are credible criticisms of Darwinian evolution that come from […]

The Necessity of Spiritual Food

By Brian Shilhavy
And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. (Deuteronomy […]

The Case of the Mysterious Hoatzin: Biogeography Fails Neo-Darwinism Again

by Casey Luskin
Evolution News and Views
In 2009, the National Center for Science Education’s Eugenie Scott suggested that scientists should not admit when the evidence contradicts some evolutionary hypothesis, but should rather say that it “sheds new light on this part of evolution.” Since then, I’ve kept an eye out for that and […]

Love: The Power to Heal

What is love? What power does true love have to bring about healing?

American Eugenics on the Eve of Nazi Expansion: The Darwin Connection

by Michael Flannery
Evolution News
In the face of strong and convincing evidence linking Darwinism to the evolutionary ethic and “racial hygiene” of the Nazis (see Richard Weikart’s From Darwin to Hitler and Hitler’s Ethic; see also the Nazi propaganda film “Upfer der Vergangenheit” [“Victims of the Past”]), Darwinian ideologues have typically reacted with denials and indignation. […]

Healing from Jesus is More Effective than Our Current Healthcare System

During the first century a small band of disciples of Jesus traveled from city to city healing people. This caused quite a controversy as the traditional health care systems in place started to lose money and power, since the healing being conducted in Jesus' name was so much more effective. Could the same thing happen today?

Radiometric Dating – Is It Accurate?

by: Paul Taylor

Radiometric dating is a much misunderstood phenomenon. Evolutionists often misunderstand the method, assuming it gives a definite age for tested samples. Creationists also often misunderstand it, claiming that the process is inaccurate.
Radiometric Dating Is Not Inaccurate
Perhaps a good place to start this article would be to affirm that […]

The Key to Happiness and Long Life

To think that life is meant to be free of troubles or concerns is a wrong perception of the truth and reality. So many people who are chasing happiness and longevity are pursuing an empty dream of something that does not exist in this life. This produces frustration and the desire to blame other people and other things for all our troubles. The key to happiness and long life is not the absence of difficulties, but the proper attitude and response towards them.

Darwin’s Heretic

One of the most renowned biologists of the nineteenth century, Alfred Russel Wallace shares credit with Charles Darwin for developing the theory of evolution by natural selection. Yet one part of Wallace’s remarkable life and career has been completely ignored: His eventual embrace of intelligent design.

Darwin’s Heretic will be premiered […]

The Validity of Testimony vs. Science in Understanding Truth

Very few things in life are determined as "true" strictly through the scientific method. Most of the time we rely upon credible testimony. There are many things we base our lives on today as truth that are not learned through scientific discovery. If you want to prove your birth, for example, you produce a birth certificate which is based on testimony, usually the testimony of a physician or person who helped your mother with your delivery. If you want to prove your marriage, you produce a marriage certificate, which is based on testimony, usually the testimony of the person officiating your wedding ceremony, etc. These are examples of the many things we hold true that can NOT be proven through scientific discovery.

Eye Evolution: Assumption, Not Science

by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Institute for Creation Research
The vertebrate eye is very well-constructed. Its many critical parts work together so that individual light photons are captured and converted into data that the brain then translates into a coherent visual image. Considering the obvious genius […]

Why Creation is Important in Health

by Brian Shilhavy
In Lystra there sat a man crippled in his feet, who was lame from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man […]

Governor Perry Thinks Texas Schools Teach Creationism, but Texas Education Agency Stifles Even Scientific Criticism of Darwin

by John G. West
Evolution News and Views
It has to be challenging to be a presidential candidate. After all, you are expected to dispense wisdom (or at least comments) on almost everything under the sun, and you never know what question is going to come up next. Still, some questions should be easier […]

The Health of Waiting

Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

Healing Oils of the Bible

Healing oils were an important part of the lives of Biblical peoples from Genesis to Revelation. They also bring compelling results today!

This revealing book offers the knowledge practiced by Jesus and his disciples when they anointed people with therapeutically active oils and healed them. Dr. David Stewart shares this […]

Origin of Cells Study Uses Bad Science

by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Institute for Creation Research
Animal and plant cell DNA is so complicated that all the cellular machines that process, regulate, and manipulate it are constantly in need of cellular fuel. In fact, each animal and plant cell uses so much fuel […]

The New Standard for Love

Jesus took the command of the “Golden Rule” to love someone as you love yourself to a whole new level. He loved others MORE than he loved his own life. He treated others as MORE important than himself. He gave up his very life for the sake of others – the most extreme expression of human love possible.