The spiritual side of health from a solid foundation of creation teaching.

It’s Time to Choose Sides: Do You Even Know What Side You Are On?

World events are speeding ahead at a record pace now, and it should be clear to just about everyone by now that we are witnessing a grand master plan to roll out a New World Order. There are very many signs now that we are facing an imminent collapse of our society's infrastructure, something few Americans are prepared to deal with. If some of these things being predicted, BOTH in the corporate media as well as in the alternative media, come to pass, we are going to see massive deaths and destruction at a level that will make 2020 and the COVID lockdowns seem like a vacation in comparison. It's time to choose sides, but sadly, the vast majority of the public is clueless as to what those sides are. There are rumblings among the Trump supporters that some states' election results are going to be overturned, and there is a lot of speculation now that the Office of the President of the United States may soon be turned back over to Donald Trump. If you are among the masses who currently believe that the choices now facing us are either a Biden administration, or some kind of insurrection to put Trump back in office, then you are simply following this grand master plan that has been in the works for a very long time now, and you are walking right into their trap. So what I am going to do first in this article is explain to you the principle of "order out of chaos," sometimes also referred to as the Hegelian principle. Then I will explain what your REAL choices are.

The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?

During these dark and troubled times, the topic of "the mark of the beast" as mentioned in the Bible is getting a lot of press, especially in relation to the bioweapon COVID-19 shots, and transhumanism. However, I have yet to see anyone address the mark and seal of God, also mentioned in the Bible, and so this article will address this, and hopefully dispel some myths and provide some reassurance and comfort to those who are needlessly fearing the "mark of the beast" and becoming a "transhuman."

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Altiyan Childs is a former Australian Rock musician, and a former Freemason. In 2010 he won The X Factor talent show award, which boosted his career in music to stardom status. In a video he released last month, he announced that he has now put his life on the line to renounce his secret Freemason vows. His life has recently changed after being awakened in a speeding car that was heading straight into a brick wall because the driver had fallen asleep. He says he heard a whisper in his ear that woke him from a deep sleep, and that he was able to grab the steering wheel and avoid the crash. "I shouldn't be here today," he states. The penalty for renouncing your vows in Freemasonry is death, but he feels compelled to expose Freemasonry for what it is: the oldest religion in the world. According to Childs, almost every notable person running the world today, from politics to business to entertainment, got there through Freemasonry. And his 5 plus hour video was produced to convince you that this is true, from an insider perspective, and to warn about what is soon coming: the implementation of the Luciferian New World Order. It took me a few days to watch the entire 5 hours, and when I finished earlier today, I told my friend who recommended the video to me: "My life will never be the same after watching this. I will not sleep tonight until I publish this (on Health Impact News)." While I have come to know much of what is in this presentation over the years, there was much more that I did not know and learned from this video. This video is not for everyone. It falls into the Created4Health category of Health Impact News. Much of what we have published for the past year plus on the Plandemic, and the coming New World Order, will now make much more sense once you finish viewing this video. Think of this as the spiritual perspective, the driving force behind the plan to reduce the world's population dramatically, by killing off many of the world's inhabitants. You will be able to better understand why people can be so evil, and invent things like the bioweapon COVID-19 shots that are designed to kill off a major portion of the world's population, with tens of thousands of deaths already recorded, and maybe hundreds of thousands more that have not. It is well worth the 5 hours of investment in your time, I guarantee. Only an insider from the world of Freemasonry could produce something like this, and the world owes a great deal of gratitude to Altiyan Childs for taking the time to present this. It may very well cost him his life (physical), and he knows it. I am NOT exaggerating when I say that your life may very well depend on knowing what is contained in this video for what is about to happen in our world, and taking action accordingly.

Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Stella Immanuel About the COIVD Injections: A Luciferian Agenda Targeting Humanity

Mike Adams of interviewed Dr. Stella Immanuel today on his Brighteon platform as part of his "Brighteon Conversations." Readers of Health Impact News will be familiar with Dr. Stella Immanuel of the Frontline Doctors, who runs her own medical clinic in Houston. Mike and Dr. Stella discuss the COVID-19 injections, and discuss the spiritual battle with the Luciferian Agenda.

Living in Enemy Territory: Is This What you Want America? If not, Here’s What Needs to Happen to Take America Back

Those of us living in the United States are currently living in enemy-occupied territory. The criminals running the country are the Wall Street Billionaires, mostly from Big Pharma and Big Tech, and their Central Bankers. (Throughout the rest of this article I will refer to them as the "Globalists.") They didn't use coercion, they didn't use superior firepower like tanks and SWAT teams, they just simply declared a "pandemic" over a "killer virus" and then told everyone to go home and stay there, and to make sure they always wore a mask, even indoors, and to stop assembling with one another. They basically declared the Constitution of the United States null and void, so they could "fight the virus" with "emergency orders" which they claimed superseded the Constitution. Oh I think there were battle plans in place. Everyone expected major upheaval and fighting around the national elections and inauguration last year. After all, we got a taste of it in most of the major urban areas last summer, starting in Minneapolis. But my guess is that the Globalists saw how successful their reign of fear worked, and how pathetic the "insurrection" was in D.C. in early January, that they just decided to go full speed ahead and start injecting everyone and kill off a major portion of the population that way, since there has been basically no opposition to their evil plans so far. No tanks, no armed forces, no "dirty" bombs - just lies and propaganda broadcast through their corporate media were all they needed to set their plan in place. They now control all three branches of the federal government, the economy, and for the most part the day-to-day lives of the American population. They still have a lot of work to do, for sure, to transition to a one-world government with a one-world digital currency, ruling over the masses that they want to significantly deplete through genocide, using the new COVID injections which are still only 4 months into the roll out. They have absolutely no intention to allow Americans' lives to return to "normal," now defined as vintage 2019 life. If we continue on our current course, things are going to get a LOT worse. Deaths and destruction are going to start multiplying by the end of the year, making 2020 look like a year-long vacation. Is this the USA you want America? If not, I am going to outline in this article what needs to happen to take back control of this country.

Wisconsin Catholic Priest Defies Authorities and Warns His Flock on the Dangers of the COVID Injections

We've called out those in the clergy who have claimed to represent Christ and are urging people to go out and get the COVID injections, so it is only proper that we also give credit to the clergy when credit is due. A Catholic priest in Wisconsin, James Altman of St. James The Less in La Crosse, has incurred the wrath of the corporate media for daring to defy health regulations, and for warning his congregation about the experimental COVID shots, pleading with them to NOT get them and become "guinea pigs." James Altman has pretty much defied everyone in authority above him: the local health department, the Bishop William Callahan of the Diocese of La Crosse, and the Pope himself, all who support COVID measures such as masks, limiting indoor gatherings, and the deadly experimental shots. This of course infuriates the corporate media and the corporate church. James Altman is obviously more concerned for his parishioners than he is about his own reputation and position in the corporate church, and for that we salute him, and pray for God's protection over him.

Your Life Today Depends on What and Whom You Fear: A Virus, or God?

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread." (Isaiah 8:11-13) The Bible has a lot to say about "fear." In short, fearing the wrong things or wrong people can lead to your death, while appropriate fear will lead to life.

44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot – Wanted Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot

Dr. Kimberly Credit was the first female pastor at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Boonton Township, New Jersey. She had a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry, and she was the founder of The Preaching Lab Podcast. On February 10th, she was injected with the first experimental Moderna mRNA injection at a public event where she was interviewed by the New York Times and a local TV news outlet. She stated publicly on her Facebook Page: "As a leader, I want to lead by example especially for Pastors and the African American community. Got my first vaccine dose today. Thank you to Pastor Joe Carter for his leadership in pulling Black Clergy together and for allowing me to pray live for our news outlets. Thank you New York Times and Channel 2 News for interviewing me. #DoTheResearch #BeInformed #OurTrustIsInGod #WeNeedEveryoneVaccinatedToEndThis." Since the second Moderna shot is given 28 days after the first one, she would have received her second injection around March 10th. On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, the day before she died, she posted a message on her Facebook page about listening to an online event that evening and prefaced it with this statement: "Listen... let me say this before I get a good and needed nap in." Whether her fatigue and need for a nap was her usual Sunday routine, or because she was feeling ill, is not certain. She was scheduled to lead The Preaching Lab podcast that next day, and posted a reminder in the morning to join the livestream that evening. It was her last public post, as she died later that day, before the scheduled podcast. Her obituary states that she died “suddenly and without warning.”

Replacing God with Medicine: 21st Century “Idolatry”

This article was originally published on October 4, 2015, on our website. But it is far more relevant today, than the day it was written 6.5 years ago. For those of you just now waking up to the corruption and evil in the modern medical system, this article will, at the very least, show that this corruption has been around for a very long time, and that the things you are observing today, as horrific as they are, did not just happen overnight. The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. The cure for idolatry is belief and trust in God our Creator and Redeemer. Faith in God our Creator and the Redeemer Jesus, is the opposite of idolatry, and recognizes that life depends on God the Creator, and that redemption, the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth, comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Land of Opportunity? Many Pregnant Women Now Crossing the Border into the U.S. to Sell Their Babies

Owen Shroyer documents in this video how dozens of pregnant illegal immigrants in downtown McAllen, Texas are being caravanned to the corrupt and complicit Rio Grande Valley Catholic Charity in the dark of night to avoid being caught for their criminal activity. As we have reported many times here at Health Impact News, and especially on our website, the buying and selling of babies and children is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world. These pregnant mothers were obviously offered a large sum of money to bring their child to full term and sell them in the U.S., the #1 destination for child trafficking in the world. Many of them were probably also enticed with stories about how their child will grow up in a rich home in the U.S. and have full U.S. citizenship for being born in the U.S. Some are giving up their babies through coercion and force, because their "handlers" struck a deal with someone who has control over the mother. But one thing is certain: once their child is born and processed into the U.S. Child Welfare system, they will have NO control over what happens to their baby. That decision will be made by others, and the baby will be placed wherever the money trail leads. Some may actually be adopted out to rich people who can afford them, primarily adults who are infertile and cannot conceive their own children, including homosexual couples. These children will be the most fortunate ones, if they actually end up with a family who wants to have children only because they cannot have their own biological children. But the vast majority will be used for sexual trafficking, pornographic videos, or worse. Some will be used for drug research, such as the booming market for "young blood" and drugs derived from the blood "harvested" from babies and young children. Others will be murdered for body parts, either while they are still in their mother's womb, or in the early years after they are born. And this includes the manufacturing of vaccines.