Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Many High-Tech Health Interventions Unnecessary and Wasted
by Dr. Mercola
In recent years, over 20 percent of patients who received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD, a device that regulates heartbeats) were not actually goodcandidates for the device.
Researchers looked at more than 111,000 patients who received ICD implants. More than 25,000 did not meet evidence-based criteria for receiving the device — and the risk […]
Homeopathy for children’s emotional health
by Dr. Carolyn Dean
(NaturalNews) Most parents would never think of giving a child Valium or Prozac. We know their physical bodies are too delicate, but their emotional life is also very delicate. Yet they are subject to much of the same stresses as adults and need safe remedies to help support their nervous […]
6.7 million wisdom teeth removed unnecessarily each year
by: Rami Nagel
(NaturalNews) A report by dentist Jay Friedman in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that 67 percent or more of preventative wisdom teeth removals are unnecessary. The article explains that most of the pain and illness surrounding wisdom teeth are not caused by the teeth themselves as […]
High Cholesterol Leads to an Expanded Lifespan
from Healthy Diets And Science
High cholesterol, rather than being a malignant condition that would predict a short life expectancy, is actually associated with higher longevity, and not only with longevity but also with a healthy life. Below are the stastistics for healthy life expectancy from 163 countries.
Click image to enlarge
The association between higher cholesterol […]
Changing views about saturated fat and cardiovascular disease
Contact: Melanie Nimrodi
Global Dairy Platform
(Rosemont, IL) Feb. 10 – For generations, the consumption of dairy products has been positively associated with the health and wellness of families and communities. Nevertheless, the recent shift in dietary trends has focused on “what not to eat” instead of emphasizing “what to eat,” resulting […]
Pesticides tied to ADHD in children
Harvard Public Health
Marc Weisskopf, assistant professor of environmental and occupational epidemiology, discusses a study that finds children exposed to higher levels of pesticides known as organophosphates could have a higher risk of being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Use Effective Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism
by James Napier
Some of the home remedies for hypothyroidism are
1. Vitamin A, B: Eat food rich in Vitamins A and B complex.
2. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is helpful in booting the metabolism of the body. Include this in your diet.
3. Primrose Oil: Primrose oil contains the essential fatty acids required by the body.
4. Iodine: Deficiency of iodine is one of […]
Magnesium Can Reduce Your Risk of Sudden Death
by Dr. Mercola
New research examined the association between magnesium, which has antiarrhythmic properties, and your risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD). The study looked at more than 88,000 women, who were followed for 26 years.
The results showed that the relative risk of sudden cardiac death was significantly lower in women in the highest quartile […]
Health Claim Filed for Vitamin D
by Dr. Mercola
The Alliance for Natural Health USA is filing a Qualified Health Claim Petition with the FDA for vitamin D. For years, the FDA held that health claims could only be made if there was Significant Scientific Agreement (SSA) about the claim — a standard almost impossible to reach in science. Following court […]
The Secret to Brain Health: It All Begins in Your Gut!
For years, Donna Gates has lectured about the abdominal brain, and its relation to the more common known brain in our head. Body Ecology was excited to find science pointing toward a better understanding of this relationship and the importance of a probiotic rich diet.
A recently published study found that the microbes an […]
A Cure for Heart Disease: Researchers find an association with hypothyroidism
Health Impact News Editor Comments:
Sheldon Zerden uncovers old research linking hypothyroidism to heart disease. Since he makes a correct observation that the medical system in place today only treats the symptoms rather than the disease when it comes to heart disease, and that the cholesterol myth and statin drugs are much more profitable, and […]
The Newest Dangerous Sweetener to Hit Your Food Shelves
by Dr. Mercola
Since 2002 an artificial sweetener called neotame has been approved for use in food and drink products around the world, although so far its use appears to be very limited.
Neotame is a chemical derivative of aspartame, and judging by the chemicals used in its manufacturing, it appears even more toxic than aspartame, […]
Powerful and Simple Tips to Help Lower Your EMF Risks
by Dr. Mercola
You should definitely listen to Camilla Rees, of Electromagnetic Health, interviewing Vicki Warren, the past executive director of the Institute for Bau Biology & Ecology. You’ll learn how to lower your risk of EMF exposure around your house.
Warren discusses residual magnetism, static build-up, power charges (the field emitted by the wiring in your […]
The Pathway from Diabetes to Cancer Runs Through Insulin
by Diabetes In Control
Increased insulin, IGF-1, and IGF-2 signaling through the insulin receptor and IGF-1 receptor can induce….
The purpose of the study was to review the epidemiologic studies that describe the relationships among diabetes, obesity, and cancer; animal studies that have helped to decipher the mechanisms of cancer development; and some of the therapeutic […]
U.S. Federal Health Officials Finally Admit Americans are Getting Too Much Fluoride
by Dr. Mercola
In a nearly unprecedented about face, U.S. federal health officials admit Americans are getting too much fluoride. It’s causing spots on children’s teeth (dental fluorosis) and could be resulting in other, more serious problems.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced plans to lower the recommended level of fluoride in drinking water […]
Child Abuse Laws: Legally Abducting Children by Broadening the Definition of “Child Abuse”
by Dr. Mercola
Child abuse is a horrific act, no matter how you define it.
That’s why we have so many laws, and public and private agencies, set up specifically with the charge to protect children and maintain their safety. It’s exactly why so much funding is directed toward this goal.
But did you know that the […]
Study: American Waistlines Expand at Fastest Pace Among Rich Nations.
Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg
by Eva von Schaper
Americans grew fatter at a faster pace than residents of any other wealthy nation since 1980, during a period when obesity worldwide nearly doubled, researchers found.
Almost 10 percent of the world’s population was obese in 2008, according to studies published today by the medical journal The Lancet. The percentage of […]
Try Rebounding for Lymphatic Health
by: Elizabeth Walling
(NaturalNews) Rebounding is possibly the single most effective exercise for circulating lymph fluid throughout the body. For something that serves such a vital body function, the lymphatic system is hugely overlooked and misunderstood. The lymph nodes are known as the things that swell when we get the flu […]
Vitamin D Fights Urinary Tract Infections
by S. L. Baker
(NaturalNews) Besides protecting from cancer, obesity, autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular problems, vitamin D helps build strong bones. And scientists have found this health building vitamin has a remarkable impact on the immune system, too. Vitamin D, it turns out, is necessary for the production of anti-microbial peptides, substances that fight off […]
Prostate Health: Eat Your Veggies Men!
by Roberta Shepherd
See Magazine
I have a client who was facing surgery due to prostate enlargement and the accompanying symptoms that include frequent nighttime urination and the inability to empty the bladder fully, causing irritation. I recommended specific herbs (listed below), dietary changes and regular reflexology sessions. Within a couple weeks, my client’s symptoms […]