Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Why fevers can actually be good for you
by Shona Botes
(NaturalNews) Fevers are actually the body’s way of fighting bacterial infections. So many parents think that they are doing the right thing by rushing for medication to try to ‘break’ the fever when it strikes, but in actual fact, this is doing a lot more harm than good. Studies have found […]
What Dose of Oral Vitamin D Do You Need to Prevent Cancer?
by Dr. Mercola
Researchers have reported that a much higher intake of vitamin D is needed to reach blood levels that can prevent breast cancer and other major diseases than had been originally thought.
They found that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults in the range of 4000-8000 IU are needed to maintain blood levels […]
Interval training is ideal for boosting athletic performance and health
by Elizabeth Walling
(NaturalNews) Interval training involves alternating short, quick bursts of intense exercise with slower activities. This type of training uses the anaerobic system of the body during the high intensity effort and the aerobic system during the lower intensity intervals. This unique brand of exercise activates the metabolic systems in the body and […]
Polycystic ovary syndrome breakthrough – Acupuncture and exercise normalize hormones
by Sherry Baker
(NaturalNews) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects up to 10 percent of women during their child-bearing years — and it’s a disorder than causes a host of heartbreaking problems. PCOS is the result of eggs that don’t mature and are not released from the ovaries. Instead, small ovarian […]
Age successfully with DHEA
by Dr. David Jockers
(NaturalNews) It is commonly believed that our body withers and deteriorates with age. As we get older most of us struggle to maintain muscle mass, skin elasticity, & bone mass. We develop conditions such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, varicose veins, etc. New research has shown that our DHEA levels are the critical […]
Cinnamon, ginger and apple cider vinegar are great natural heartburn remedies
by Celeste M. Smucker
(NaturalNews) The terms heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) describe a chronic condition that is both painful and expensive – costing our economy as much as $10 billion annually in medical care costs and lost productivity. Standard interventions of medication and surgery also include over the counter remedies […]
In Praise of Midwives: Having a Baby Is Not an Illness
by Nancy Cronk
The Huffington Post
There is a bill in the CO State Senate that brings back a flood of emotion for me. Senate Bill 088 re-authorizes midwives to practice a profession that has been in existence since time began — assisting others in the natural process of becoming parents. The bill would […]
Scientists admit dementia not a normal part of aging
by: Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) Contrary to popular belief, dementia is not a normal part of the aging process. The condition, which most often plays itself out in the form of Alzheimer’s disease, is an abnormal neurological condition that is likely caused by a combination of factors, including but not limited to […]
Lyme Disease: Misdiagnosed, Underreported, and Epidemic
Alliance for Natural Health
This is yet another example of the US medical-industrial complex run amok. Lyme is one of the most serious epidemics of our time. Yet the opinions of 2% of the medical community are dominating the beliefs and practices of the mass majority of practicing Lyme physicians!
The number of Lyme disease cases […]
Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment For Autism, ADD, ADHD Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Schizophrenia
Natural Treatment For: Autism, ADD, ADHD Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Schizophrenia
“Gut and Psychology Syndrome”, also known as the GAPS, captures Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s experience and knowledge of nutrition and the use of probiotics. She believes that the link between learning disabilities, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute.
She […]
Benefits of Breast Feeding & Breast Milk Donation – Saves Lives
A cost-analysis study shows that if more moms in the u-s breast-fed their babies, more lives and more medical costs would be saved.
Fox 40’s Jessica Kadlub talked to one local mom who’s so dedicated to breast-feeding she’s not only helping her son live a healthier life, but the lives of […]
Vitamin B12 Aids Persistent Dry Cough
COUGH THERAPY: Taking vitamin B12 has been associated with a reduction in chronic coughing. (
by Dr. John Briffa
The Epoch Times
Generally in practice we’re able to make significant headway with all sorts of people with all sorts of health issues, be they a 57-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes or a 23-year-old woman with irritable bowel syndrome. Yet I […]
Controlling depresssion naturally: olive oil, coconut oil & flaxseed oil are important to produce enough serotonin
By Dr. Linda Johnson, For the Daily News
Eating a diet that excludes refined and processed foods will have a positive impact on depression. Keeping serotonin levels balanced is not only possible, but imperative. Besides a specialized Chinese formula available to keep serotonin balanced, you can also take control by incorporating some […]
Helminth Therapy: Can specific intestinal parasites be beneficial in treating disease?
It seems unlikely that helminths, worm-like critters that like to hang out in our intestines, would have any kind of beneficial effect; however, research is showing that some specific worm parasites actually alleviate inflammatory immune response. (1)
These specific intestinal parasites have been shown to relieve autoimmune flare-ups and lessen […]
Study Shows many Agricultural Pesticides Disrupt Male Hormones
ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Many agricultural pesticides disrupt the normal function of male hormones, according to new tests. Image: Photo courtesy
Pesticides May Block Male Hormones
Many agricultural pesticides disrupt male hormones, according to new tests
by Marla Cone and Environmental Health News
Many agricultural pesticides – including some previously untested and commonly found in food – disrupt male hormones, according […]
Which Plastics to Never Use with Food
Image credit Care2
by Melissa Breyer
Although the apron-wearing, martini-bearing, housewife-in-heels with her rainbow of Tupperware may be a thing of the past, the quest for a well-organized kitchen persists. To see tidy stacks of food-filled plastic containers in the fridge and freezer is comforting in a primal kind of way. But then comes the procession […]
Got the blues? Feeling S.A.D.? Here are some tips
by Dr. Frank Lipman
(NaturalNews) It has been a brutal winter here in the Northeast, and I seem to have seen more patients this year suffering with a touch of the winter blues, also known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Symptoms may include a tendency to oversleep, difficulty waking up in the morning, carbohydrate […]
Take vitamin D during pregnancy for your baby
by Dr. Randall Neustaedter
(NaturalNews) A new study reveals an association between low vitamin D levels and respiratory problems in infants.
A groundbreaking study has now revealed how important vitamin D is for the immune system of the fetus and newborn. In a study published in the January 2011 issue of Pediatrics, the umbilical cord-blood […]
Homeopathy and Pain Management
Health Impact News editor comment:
This article by Ronald D. Whitmont gives a great overview of how homeopathy works, and then talks about its use in pain management.
Read the Full Article Here:
Milkweed sap cures common skin cancers
by S. L. Baker
(NaturalNews) If you talk about herbs, plants and other totally natural substances having the potential to actuallycure cancer, odds are you’ll be greeted with eye-rolling and disbelief — especially from the mainstream medical establishment. But research just published in the Journal of British Dermatology provides compelling evidence that the sap from […]