Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Is Zinc Really Good for a Cold?

by Dr. Mercola
A review of the medical research on zinc shows that when it is taken within one day of the first symptoms, it can cut down the time you have a cold by about 24 hours. It also greatly reduces the severity of symptoms.
The authors of the review did not make any suggestions […]

Pregnancy and Hypothyroidism: Are You at Risk?


What do pregnancy and an underactive thyroid have to do with each other?

These are two seemingly unrelated conditions. However, postpartum hypothyroidism is more common than most people think and does not always show up in traditional thyroid blood tests that only test for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). If you feel […]

Is Ginger Better than Drugs?

by Jeannie Moulton
There’s a long list of anti-inflammatory foods that can help manage inflammation and pain in the body – and ginger may be one of the best.  In a new study, ginger was found to be superior to common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Read the Story Here:

Vitamin D may help keep blood sugar under control

By Leigh Krietsch Boerner
(Reuters Health)

Drinking yogurt with extra vitamin D may help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar, a study from Iran finds. In the trial, 90 adults with diabetes were divided into three groups, all given daily yogurt drinks: one group received plain yogurt, one got yogurt with extra vitamin D, […]

HBOT Healing Victory

Alliance for Natural Health

In North Carolina, a blind mother of three autistic boys took on North Carolina Medicaid—and won.

Meleah Corner had been taking her sons to a clinic for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatment for their autism. Both Meleah’s pediatrician and a neurologist noted clinically that there was a definite improvement […]

The King’s Homeopath

by Dana Ullman, MPH
The Academy Award-winning film of the year, “The King’s Speech”, depicts the compelling story of King George VI and his speech therapist, Lionel Logue. Lionel Logue was neither a physician nor a conventional speech therapist, but his treatment strategies were impressively successful. What is less well known is that King George VI […]

The First Thing You Shoud Do When You Stay in a Hotel Room

by Dr. Mercola
Microbiologist Philip Tierno, when he has to stay in hotels, travels with an impervious mattress and pillow cover.  Lurking in every hotel mattress are skin cells, human hair, bodily secretions, fungi, bacteria, dust, dust mites, lint, insect parts, pollen, and cosmetics.
Tierno encourages everyone to use the impervious covers developed for allergy sufferers.  […]

Fructose affects your brain very differently than glucose

by Dr. Mercola.
The latest Public Service Announcement warning New Yorkers about the dangers of excessive soda consumption shows exactly how much sugar you might be inadvertently drinking.

See All Mercola Videos
Glucose and fructose are both simple sugars, but scientists have long suspected there are differences in the way your body processes them.
In a new study, […]

More Doctors Questioning Increase in Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis

by Dr. Mercola
Emily Bazelon, a senior editor at Slate, said the following in an NPR interview:

“It used to be that the assumption was that every time you had evidence of the shaking — medical evidence — that you knew, you assumed that the baby would immediately stop breathing and go into a coma …

Now […]

Low vitamin D levels linked to allergies in kids

by Kim Newman
February 24, 2011 ─ (BRONX, NY) ─ A study of more than 3,000 children shows that low vitamin D levels are associated with increased likelihood that children will develop allergies, according to a paper published in the February 17 online edition of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Researchers from Albert Einstein College of […]

Prevent yeast infection naturally with Candida fighting foods like coconut oil

by James Schreiber
(NaturalNews) Three out of four women will experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Symptoms like recurring vaginal infections and digestive disorders are now more common than ever before. In this article you will find a list of four healthy foods that hold the potential to prevent or […]

The connection between Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroidism

by Dr. Mercola
Dr. John Lowe is a skilled clinician, recognized as one of the leading experts on treating thyroid disease with natural medicine. In this interview, he discusses hypothyroidism and the lesser known thyroid hormone resistance, and how thyroid disease is connected to fibromyalgia.

Video Transcript

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:
Thyroid disease, or inadequate thyroid hormone regulation, is […]

Microbes Help Children Breathe Easily? Bacteria and Fungi May Offer Protection Against Asthma, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2011) — Children who grow up on farms are less likely to suffer from asthma than other rural children. An international team of researchers including Dr. Markus Ege and Professor Erika von Mutius at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) has published a large-scale study that now indicates that this may […]

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure

Time Healthland
For the past several years, a small band of doctors and activists have been raising concerns about the possible connection between cell phone use and brain cancer. The cell phone industry — along with nearly all major national and international medical associations — have always responded with the same answer: there’s […]

Washing Your Hands Too Much Could Destroy Your Life

Health Impact News Editor Comments:

Dr. Mercola has published an article today about the dangers of washing your hands with antibiotic soaps: “4 of the Most Dangerous Myths About Washing Your Hands.” In this article he discusses how the use of antibacterial soaps are now tied to a public health crisis:

“Did you know that […]

Study: Colostrum helps treat leaky gut syndrome

by Jonathan Benson
(NaturalNews) Heavy-training athletes, and runners in particular, often suffer from “leaky gut syndrome,” a condition in which bowel health becomes damaged due to increased permeability of gut lining. But a new study published in the American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiologyhas found a viable solution — bovine colostrum.
Read the Full […]

9 Steps to Perfect Health – #5: Heal Your Gut

by Chris Kesser
The Healthy Skeptic
All disease begins in the gut.- Hippocrates
Hippocrates said this more than 2,000 years ago, but we’re only now coming to understand just how right he was. Research over the past two decades has revealed that gut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy […]

Are You or Your Family Eating Toxic Food Dyes?

By Dr. Mercola

Food dyes are one of the most widely used and dangerous additives. While the European Union has recently placed regulations on labeling food dyes to inform consumers of the health risks, the United States has no such requirement.

Here are some […]

Lavender oil has potent antifungal effect

Laura Udakis

Lavender oil could be used to combat the increasing incidence of antifungal-resistant infections, according to a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology. The essential oil shows a potent antifungal effect against strains of fungi responsible for common skin and nail infections.

Read the entire article here:

Clean Water and Education Could Outperform Vaccines in Haiti

by Dr. Mercola

A new study has taken a look at how the Haitian cholera outbreak is likely to evolve. It found that clean water and hygiene education measures are likely to be more effective at reducing the spread of the disease than a vaccination campaign.

The researchers created disease dispersion models for […]