Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Study: Soy no good for menopausal hot flashes, bone loss

By Ryan Jaslow
CBS News

Should menopausal women cross soy milk and tofu off their next grocery list?

Many menopausal women turn to soy to stave off nasty effects, like decreased bone density and hot flashes, because estrogen therapy is associated with risks for breast cancer and heart attack. But now researchers are calling […]

Licensed physicians put their careers on the line if they offer natural remedies

by Alliance for Natural Health

A reader asks an important question about the laws threatening integrative doctors. We lay it all out.

We recently received this question from David J. Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, vice president of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation:
I continually hear physicians say (at conferences) that it is illegal for them to […]

The Invisible IQ Lowering Drug Most Americans Consume Daily in Their Water


By Dr. Mercola

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Did you know there’s an “invisible” drug that a majority of Americans consume on a daily basis—a drug so harmful it’s been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones and teeth, as well as your kidneys, thyroid, pineal […]

Proven Unsafe But FDA-Approved: Are You Still Consuming the Man-Made Poison of Aspartame?

By Dr. Mercola

Americans drink more soda than anyone else on the planet — well over 700 eight-ounce servings each year, on average, and an increasing amount of it is diet soda.

They might be more reluctant to do so if they knew about the […]

NDI Draft Guidance is a Big, Fat Gift to Big Pharma

by Alliance for Natural Health

Want to let the drug industry take your favorite supplements off the market, patent them, and sell them back to you—by doctor’s prescription only—for 10 or 100 (or even more) times what you’re paying now? A follow-up to our recent Action Alert.

As Big Pharma becomes more […]

For Yourself and Your Children: Avoid Root Canals Like The Plague

Most dentists consider root canals an advance in dentistry –a superior alternative to removal of a seriously compromised tooth. However a growing number of physicians, including dentists, believe that root canals can be the cause of, or at least contribute to, a long list of illnesses and degenerative diseases.
Dr. Richard Hansen, D.M.D., Director […]

What your doctor didn’t tell you about cholesterol

by Deirdre Rawlings, N.D., Ph.D.
and Scott Rollins, M.D.
Grand Junction Free Press
More than 16 percent of U.S. adults have high cholesterol, defined as 240 mg/dL and above, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even the average level for Americans, 200 mg/dL, is borderline high, they say.
This high cholesterol, public […]

The Soap You Should Never Use – But 75% of Households Do

by Dr. Mercola

The main compounds in antibiotic wipes, creams and soaps — triclosan and triclocarban — have been added to chopping boards, refrigerators, plastic lunchboxes, and mattresses in an attempt to halt the spread of microbes.

But studies show that these antibiotic chemicals are no more likely than regular soap to prevent gastrointestinal or respiratory […]

Pharmaceutical drugs cause 80% of all poison deaths, but FDA wants stricter standards for supplements which cause 0%

by Alliance for Natural Health
Are the NDI guidelines the ultimate FDA tool to freeze dietary supplement innovation? A special report by Robert Verkerk, PhD, ANH-USA Scientific Director and ANH-Europe Executive and Scientific Director.
(Note: Once again, please do not forget our two related Action Alerts—one on the FDA’s new NDI guidance, the […]

CDC Water Fluoridation Stand Influenced by Dentists

By Dr. Mercola

Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show that since the 1970’s, the dental health professionals in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have completely controlled the agency’s stance supporting water fluoridation. No CDC toxicologists, minority health professionals, experts in diabetes, or others outside the Oral Health Division had any […]

NYT Launches Attack on Supplement-Protecting Senator—Just as DSHEA Comes under Renewed Threat

by Alliance for Natural Health

The New York Times made nasty insinuations about both the supplement industry and Sen. Hatch, one of the two authors of DSHEA—and got the facts completely wrong about ANH-USA.
The New York Times recently ran a piece about Sen. Orrin Hatch’s support for the supplement industry. The […]

FDA to Diamond Foods: “Your Walnuts Are Drugs”

by Karen De Coster
The LRC Blog

Just recently I posted about the Feds crashing a Kansas winery to seize the illegal contraband (“drugs”) being produced by the company: elderberry wine. Come to find out that prior to that the FDA had gone after Diamond Foods for its claims that its walnuts are good for overall health. Here is […]

AMA: Parents Should Lose Custody of Obese Kids

by Lois Rain
Health Freedoms

Did our eyes deceive us? The Journal of American Medical Association answers the question “Should parents lose custody of super-obese kids?” with a resounding affirmative! Apparently, this is already happening! Doctors are accusing and reporting these parents for neglect.

Anyone in the medical community should know that obesity is a medical, health […]

FDA Guidelines a Perversion of Congressional Intent

by Alliance for Natural Health
The FDA is trying to turn a simple notification system for new supplements into a totally arbitrary approval system. Let’s tell the FDA that supplements are not drugs and ask Congress for help!
Last week we told you about FDA’s draft guidance on New Dietary Ingredients, which allows FDA to arbitrarily […]

Know the Risks and Dangers of Mammography Your Doctor May Not Tell You!

by Dr. Mercola

There have been a variety of estimates of the benefits and harms of mammographic screening for breast cancer. A study aimed to assess the effect of screening for breast cancer on mortality and morbidity.

The researchers found that, while screening was likely to reduce breast cancer mortality, screening also led to a […]

Do Cell Phone Signals Cause Brain Tumors?

by Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
July 5, 2011. Who to believe?  Ironically, two reports published days apart have totally different takes on whether or not microwave radiation is harmful. Both are review articles but that is where the similarity ends.
In one publication [Long-term exposure to microwave radiation provides cancer growth: Evidence from radars and mobile communication […]

FDA’s New Sneak Attack on Supplements

by Alliance for Natural Health

Just before the July 4 holiday weekend, hoping to limit media attention, the FDA dropped a bomb on dietary supplements. Don’t let them get away with it! A new Action Alert.
On July 1, the US Food and Drug Administration issued draft guidance for complying with the New Dietary […]

Could ‘High’ Cholesterol Actually Lower Your Risk of Dying From Cardiovascular Disease?

by Dr. John Briffa
The Cholesterol Truth

We’re constantly reminded that having a ‘raised’ cholesterol level puts us in mortal danger of ‘cardiovascular’ diseases such as heart disease and stroke. I was therefore interested to read a brief communication in a recent edition of the Archives of Internal Medicine, which provides evidence that starkly contradicts this idea […]

Are scientists finding amazing health benefits of tocotrienols in small amounts?

By AnneHart

In the Sacramento and Davis regional area, scientists at UC Davis are studying the effects of natural vitamin E on the prevention or reduction of strokes. And UC Davis researchers also are studying the effects of vitamin E on macular degeneration.
Organic (red) palm oil does have a specific TCT content. […]

Ron Paul Explains Introduction of Marijuana Bill

by Lois Rain

health freedom alliance

On Thursday, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and others introduced the first ever bill in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition. It is not a bill to legalize per se, but to end the federal ban on marijuana and let the states decide whether to legalize or not.
“The legislation […]