Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Beekeeper’s 15 Years of Research on Pesticides Halted When State Steals His Bee Hives
by Dr. Mercola
An Illinois beekeeper whose bee hives were stolen and allegedly destroyed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture has stirred up a hornet’s nest with his questions on why the state did this, and most importantly, what they did with his bees.
The state claims the bees were destroyed because they were infected with […]
Adding Cholesterol to Diet Reduces Autism Symptoms
Dr. Eugene Arnold of the Ohio State University Medical Center is researching the cholesterol link to Autism. Realizing that our brains are made up of a significant amount of cholesterol, he starts with the assumption that those with Autism may not be suffering from too much cholesterol, but in fact may be suffering from […]
Study: High cholesterol diet helps mice with fatal genetic disease of the brain
High cholesterol diet helps mice with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
A diet high in cholesterol may help people with a fatal genetic disease which damages the brain, according to early studies in mice.
Patients with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease struggle to produce a fatty sheath around their nerves, which is essential for function.
A study, published in Nature Medicine, showed that […]
Research: Foods/Spices Slow, Perhaps Reverse Alzheimer’s
by Sayer Ji
Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed? Regeneration, after all, is the default state of the human body.
This may sound all the more surprising when you consider that over 1,000 clinical trials have been performed, and billions of dollars expended, […]
FDA Agrees to Revise NDI Guidance in Victory for Supplement Industry
Breaking News: We Win Major Concession on New Supplement Guidance
by Alliance for Natural Health
FDA reverses itself– for now.
We have pointed out for months that the FDA’s NDI (new supplement) guidance threatens our access to supplements and indeed could destroy the industry, leaving drugs with a total monopoly.
After adamantly digging in its heals and refusing […]
The Hard to Swallow Truth: A Documentary on Fluoride Dangers
By Dr. Mercola
Most people are aware that you should not swallow your toothpaste, and many even know this is because of the fluoride it contains. But when it comes to fluoride in drinking water, many are either unaware that it is there, or they trust their government to know―and do―what’s best for them.
Many therefore […]
Senator Paul’s Amendment Would Stop the Ban on Interstate Raw Milk Sales
Two New Critical Senate Bill Amendments—Action Alerts!
Alliance for Natural Health
One of these amendments we have seen before. It must be stopped. The other one we wholeheartedly support.
Every five years, Congress reauthorizes the Farm Bill. It sets agriculture (and nutrition) policy for the nation. It is always a “must pass” piece of legislation—and because of […]
Study: Cholesterol Levels not Associated with Heart Disease Risk
by Dr John Briffa
The Cholesterol Truth
Relationship Between Cholesterol And Cardiovascular Disease Not Clear-Cut
Strokes are caused when blood supply to the brain is interrupted for a prolonged period of time and may leave sufferers with long lasting disability. Strokes are also a leading cause of death. The most common type of stroke in the UK […]
Supplement Safety: What You Need to Know about—and More
by Alliance for Natural Health
One of the most prominent testing laboratories does not appear to us to be either independent or impartial. says its stated mission is “To identify the best quality health and nutritional products through independent testing.” Unfortunately, their claim to independence does not appear to us to be valid. (CL) approaches […]
Sen. Paul Offers Amendment to Rein in FDA Abuses
UPDATE: The Senate voted 77-20 to table the amendment and not even debate or vote on it.
May 23, 2012
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today on the U.S. Senate floor, Sen. Rand Paul introduced an amendment to the Food and Drug Administration User Fee Reauthorization bill, which would curb the Food and Drug Associations overreach and abuse […]
Big Scientific Free Speech Win!
by Alliance for Natural Health
In a 335-page ruling, an Administrative Law Judge with oversight of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has upheld the right of pomegranate juice manufacturer POM Wonderful to tell consumers about the health benefits of its juice.
Since 1996, POM has invested over $35 million to do scientific research on their pomegranate […]
FDA, Under Court Order, Nevertheless Refuses to Allow Truthful Claims Based on Good Science
by Alliance for Natural Health
You would think the FDA would obey a judge’s ruling on qualified health claims. Think again.
The FTC case described elsewhere in this issue was especially important because the FDA was hoping to use the FTC to evade some recent court rulings that it cannot willfully and unreasonably censor all science […]
Is Inflammation, Not LDL Cholesterol, the Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease?
by Dr John Briffa
The Cholesterol Truth
Cholesterol in the body is carried around the bloodstream in the form of what are called ‘lipoproteins’. The two main lipoproteins are so-called low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol). Conventional wisdom tells us that HDL-C is a marker for cholesterol being cleared from the inside of […]
Mom Who Faced Swat Team Over Refusal to Drug Child and Went to Jail Fights Back
Health Impact News Editor Comment: In 2011 Health Impact News was one of the first news sources to cover the story of Maryanne Godboldo, a Detroit home-school mother who refused to give her child powerful anti-psychotic drugs after she was developmentally disabled due to vaccines. She refused to give up her daughter to Child […]
Is the Federation of State Medical Boards Behind the Brutal Attacks on Integrative Medicine Practitioners?
by Alliance for Natural Health
The FSMB is an elite, highly influential, secretive private organization. We also believe that it is thoroughly corrupt. Action Alert!
Each of the fifty states, as well as the District of Columbia and the US territories, has laws that define the practice of medicine; each one delegates the authority to enforce […]
Colloidal Silver is the World’s Oldest Known Antibiotic, and Shows Promise for Anti-cancer Therapy
Silver is the world’s oldest known antibiotic. There’s written evidence that the ancient Egyptians made use of it; the ancient Greeks and Romans stored their water, wine, and other liquids in silver vessels to prevent spoiling and contamination; ancient Chinese emperors ate with silver chopsticks, and wealthy Europeans in the Middle Ages used silver utensils to protect themselves from illness (we still call our eating utensils “silverware” despite it being made from other metals these days). Silver has been used medicinally throughout the ages, with great success. And now some very promising research is being done on silver as a cancer treatment. Patients have previously been treated with chemotherapy drugs containing another metal, platinum. In a head-to-head comparison against a leading platinum-based chemo drug, cisplatin, a silver-based drug was found to be just as effective—and far less toxic to normal cells than platinum. Dr. Charlotte Willans, the lead researcher, calls the research an important step in the quest for effective, non-toxic cancer treatments.
Professor of Medicine and Cardiologist at Yale University School of Medicine says there is no Scientific Basis to Support Treating LDL Cholesterol
Harlan Krumholz, professor of medicine and cardiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine, says there is no scientific basis to support treating LDL targets.
Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study
By Kerry Grens
(Reuters Health) – Amish children raised on rural farms in northern Indiana suffer from asthma and allergies less often even than Swiss farm kids, a group known to be relatively free from allergies, according to a new study.
“The rates are very, very low,” said Dr. Mark Holbreich, the study’s lead author. “So […]
The National Library of Medicine Censors Nutritional Research
by Andrew W. Saul
Editor-In-Chief, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
The National Library of Medicine Censors Nutritional Research
Medline is Biased, and Taxpayers Pay for It
Did you know that there are “good” medical journals, and that there are “naughty” medical journals?
No kidding. The good journals are easy to access on the internet through a huge electronic database called […]
Courts Slaps FDA and FTC for Unjustified Attacks
by Dr. Mercola
Did you know it’s currently illegal for a food or supplement producer to tell you about their products’ scientifically proven health benefits? As unbelievable as it sounds, a person can be thrown in jail for telling you the walnuts they grow may slow down the growth of prostate tumors, or cherries ease symptoms […]