Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

A Key Predictor of Well-Being: Healthy Bowel Movements

The quality of your bowel movements are more important than any other factor, including frequency. Good lifestyle habits including clean, unprocessed foods as well as exercise will ensure that healthy bowel movements are generated by good overall health. From your stool you may be able to get clues about your diet, your gastrointestinal health, and even whether your stress, anger, or anxiety levels are too high.

The Healing Power of Pets – They Prevent Allergies, Reduce Heart Attack Risk and Lower Blood Pressure

Cats create purr vibrations within a range of 20 - 140 Hz, known to be medically therapeutic for many illnesses.

Feel Exhausted Everyday? Blackcurrant Reduces Mental Fatigue, Increases Alertness

Blackcurrant is full of powerful antioxidants which can help people stay more alert, reduce mental fatigue and work with greater accuracy while under significant mental stress. They also have the amazing side effect of slashing the risk of heart attacks, stroke and heart failure.

Garlic and Ginger Inhibit Drug Resistant Bacteria

Recent research has confirmed and quantified that whole extracts of Garlic and Ginger have the ability to stop several species of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Both Garlic and Ginger have been used for centuries to combat infections of different types. The use of these herbs has crossed over many traditional medicines around the world as well.

FDA Presumes Itself Omniscient and Consumers Ignorant

Do you think you are intelligent enough to decide for yourself the relative worth of scientific findings concerning the disease treatment and risk reduction effects of nutrients and foods? The FDA thinks you are not and that it must decide such questions for you in the first instance. Indeed, the FDA bans from the grocery store, the health food store, and online all commercial claims associating a food or nutrient with disease, regardless of whether the claims are supported by science. That broad prior restraint on speech contradicts the very premise of the First Amendment.

Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression

A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis.

Could Lack of Grounding Be an Underlying Factor in Most Chronic Disease?

The Earth is the natural antidote for electron deficiency and can provide you with an infinite flow of electrons through grounding, also known as “Earthing.” For thousands of years, Eastern civilizations have used forms of energy medicine to unblock and regulate energy channels in the body. For example, acupuncture has a long history of success in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The West has been slow to embrace energy medicine, holding a more biochemical view of the human body, as opposed to “the body electric.” Hold a stethoscope to your body and you’ll hear a lot of electrical chatter. Your nervous system communicates using electricity (i.e., movement of electrons), receiving and transmitting electrical signals throughout your body. Most of your biological processes are electrical. Most people in the medical world have no background whatsoever in the electrical world.

10 Facts About Fluoride You Need to Know

If fluoride is really the panacea for dental disease that it’s been portrayed as, then why is it that the United States is one of the only developed countries that fluoridates their citizens’ drinking water? Hint: It’s not because the other countries aren’t aware of fluoride’s supposed “miracle” powers for your teeth … it’s because they fully realize that adding a known poison to your population’s water supply is probably not a good idea.

Are You Well-Grounded? Studies Show “Earthing” Improves Health

Have you heard of the concept of "grounding" or "earthing" and wondered if there were any facts to back up the health claims? Well two recent studies, one from last year and one here in 2013, suggest that there is some science behind the health claims surrounding the concepts of "grounding" or "earthing."

Can Homeopathy Be Both a Useless Placebo and Dangerous at the Same Time?

A recent report published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice claimed to do a systematic review of all adverse event reports (AERs) in connection with homeopathy from 1978 to 2010. On the one hand, the report concluded that homeopathy is ineffective because it has no active ingredients, that it is nothing more than a placebo because it has been diluted so much that “the likelihood of a single molecule approaches zero.” On the other hand, the report also concluded that homeopathic preparations caused many dangerous allergic reactions.

Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights

"Overruled" is a shocking 35-minute docudrama that exposes how the rights of parents in America are being eroded and what you can do to turn the tide.

Desperate Homeschooling Parents Plead for Help for Son Abducted by Swedish Authorities

Annie and Christer Johansson’s appeal to the Supreme Court of Sweden may be their last hope to see their son again. They haven’t seen him in nearly three years. The family was on board Turkish Air Flight 990 on June 25, 2009 when their 7-year-old son Domenic was snatched from them by armed Swedish police. The police were ordered to seize the boy based on the fact that he had been homeschooled, even though school had already ended for the year. The family was moving permanently to India, Annie’s home country.

Portland Seeks to Join Hundreds of Other Communities in Rejecting Forced Water Fluoridation

In May 2013, residents of Portland Oregon will seek to join hundreds of other communities who have taken action to reject forced fluoridation of their water supply.

Oral Probiotic Reduces Ear and Throat Infections in Children and Adults

Italian researchers have confirmed that a certain oral probiotic species significantly reduces ear infections, throat infections and tonsillitis among children and adults with recurring infections.

How to Address Allergies and Asthma with Alternative Allergy Treatments

If you’re one of the tens of millions of allergy sufferers in the US, know there is plenty you can do besides lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.

What You See in the Toilet Can Give You Valuable Insights into Your Health

Your bodily emissions are an important health topic that deserves serious attention, regardless of the “ick factor.” In fact, if you ignore what you deposit in your toilet, you could be flushing your health down the drain!

The Myth of A Safer Hospital Birth for Low Risk Pregnancies

Is Hospital birth ever safer than homebirth for low risk women? The answer is an unequivocal 'no’.

Saffron: Ancient Healing Powers Confirmed by Science

Saffron has been documented to have been used as a versatile medicine since ancient times. Science today shows it can help with Alzheimer's and other diseases.

Why Essential Oils Heal and Drugs Don’t

Drugs and oils work in opposite ways. Drugs toxify. Oils detoxify. Drugs depress the immune system. Oils strengthen the immune system. Oils are smart. Drugs are dumb.

FDA: Mercury Poisoning Linked to Skin Products – But NOT Vaccines or Dental Amalgams

Apparently, only the FDA can approve someone to poison you with mercury. They recently posted an article on their website warning consumers of the dangers of cosmetics produced outside the U.S. that contain mercury. But mercury embedded into your teeth via dental amalgams, or injected directly into your blood stream via the annual flu vaccination, is approved.