Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Study: Water Fluoridation Linked to Lower IQ in Children
After 70 years of adding fluoride to our water supplies, I can now state, with certainty that fluoridated water does not significantly reduce cavity rates and it is associated with serious health problems. When you compare fluoridated with non-fluoridated countries, there is virtually no difference in cavity rates. Right now, the US is probably the most fluoridated country in the world. Most Western countries have looked at the science behind fluoridation and stopped using it. Nearly every other Western country has looked at the science behind water fluoridation and rightfully concluded that the harms of water fluoridation vastly outweigh the minimal purported benefits of less tooth decay. Israel was the last Western country to ban its use in tap water. In 2014, the Health Minister of Israel stated, “…fluoridation is an infringement on personal rights…” A 2020 study (just released) in Environmental International looked at infants who ingested fluoridated tap water and measured their intelligence quotient (IQ). The scientists found an increase of water fluoridation corresponded to a decrease in Performance IQ in children.
Hold Big Pharma #RxAccountable for Dangerous Drugs
Thousands of Americans die every year from taking prescription drugs, and millions more are hospitalized. This isn’t an aberration; it is a feature of a crony medical system in which the agency that is supposed to evaluate and approve drugs is beholden to the pharmaceutical industry. ANH is launching a campaign to remove cronyism from the drug approval process and require transparency on drug labels when a drug is newly approved. We’re also launching a legal initiative to help get dangerous drugs off the market. The fundamental problem is the FDA approval process itself. The data suggest that drug safety has suffered since the passage of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 (PDUFA). This law called for drug companies to pay user fees to the FDA to fund drug approval. This is one of the lynchpins of the crony medical system because it makes the FDA financially beholden to the industry it is meant to regulate.
Naturopathy: Wikipedia’s Assault on Natural Medicine
Americans are increasingly turning to Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM) systems for their healthcare needs. This trend has been underway for several decades. This has been perceived as competition by the medical establishment. Wikipedia's co-founder Jimmy Wales claims to hold high standards of objectivity and balance in the content of the online encyclopedia and the integrity of his volunteer army of editors. Indeed this is largely true for non-controversial content where economic, political, social factors hold no consequence. Yet, when it comes to the composition and editing of CAM systems and natural healthcare, in our opinion Wikipeida is an arsenal of misinformation and lies; we believe it has become a malignant growth to serve the ideological and financial purposes of select individuals and groups Wales has shown favor towards. A group of individuals and organizations, collectively known as Skeptics, who assert they represent “science-based medicine” now portend to be the final arbiters of what is and is not sound medical practice. However, it is our opinion the Skeptics are grossly biased, widely uneducated about CAM, and are both anti-science and anti-health. Skeptics consistently refuse to accept the enormous volume of published CAM research because it is contrary to skepticism's regressive understanding about medicine and limited to a pharmacological model. Throughout our history, from the Salem witch trials to McCarthyism and Red-baiting and now censorship by the current surveillance state, we have always had small groups of individuals who are intolerant of any reality other than their own. Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia Skeptics are simply the latest incarnation of this dogmatic prejudice that is further eroding the nation's quality of health.
Military Families Becoming Gravely Ill from Contaminated Military Housing
Military families are becoming gravely ill from their contaminated military housing. They are being retaliated against and ridiculed when they complain. Military doctors are not being trained how to treat them, which causes them to become even sicker. Their requests for insurance-covered referrals to environmental and functional medicine physicians, who do know how to treat the sick-housing-caused-illnesses, are being denied. This is leaving the injured families to have to pay from their own pockets for needed medical care. Most cannot afford it. Reuters is calling the multi-billion-dollar fraud, designed for profiting from the squalid military housing conditions, an “Ambush at Home” for our service members and their children. On December 3rd the Senate Arms Services Committee (SASC) is holding a hearing. They are going to ask military leaders of the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) auditor questions of why and how the fraud in the contaminated military housing debacle grew to be so large that it is now crippling troop readiness; and what is being done to correct it. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. They need YOUR VOICE to help to assure that the senators ask these questions.
FDA Rigs Process Against Estriol, Other Bioidenticals
We’ve said before that the FDA is stacking the deck against bioidentical hormones; now it seems incontrovertible. Time is running out for the natural health community to mount an effective defense of estriol and other compounded, bioidentical hormones from an FDA ban. Please take action by signing our petition to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) study committee, urging them to consider ALL of the evidence in determining the clinical utility of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (cBHRT). To briefly recap where we are: estriol and other bioidentical hormones have been nominated to the FDA’s Demonstrably Difficult to Compound List; items that appear on the list when it is final will no longer be able to be made at compounding pharmacies. The FDA convened a NASEM committee to study the clinical utility of treating patients with cBHRT; the findings of this committee will be used by the FDA to make a final decision on the fate of estriol and other compounded hormones. NASEM has conducted several public meetings to date on cBHRT. During these meetings, the FDA invites experts to present to the NASEM panel, and to us it seems that the FDA is stacking the deck against compounded BHRT. What’s also clear is that the NASEM committee members lack a fundamental understanding of how cBHRT is used to treat menopause, meaning that committee members are susceptible to the FDA’s bias.
FDA Renews Attack on Homeopathy
Recently, the FDA announced the withdrawal of Compliance Policy Guide 400.400, a document that had been in place since 1988 and which established the agency’s enforcement policies regarding homeopathic medicines. In its place, the FDA has issued a revised draft guidance declaring all homeopathic drugs are being marketed illegally. We must fight back against this attack on homeopathic medicine.
NYPD Seizes 100 lbs. of Legal Organic Hemp Grown in Vermont from FedEx Vehicle – Claim Big Drug Bust
Hemp, the non-psychoactive cousin of marijuana that has been legal for sale in the U.S. for many years, and was recently given clearance to now be grown in the U.S. also after the passage of the last Farm Bill, was recently seized by New York police from a FedEx truck where it was bound for a shop that makes CBD products used by millions of people for things like pain management. The 106 lbs. seized by NYPD was certified organic and a very high quality variety, and its seizure could put the Vermont growers out of business, as its value was over $17,000.00.
Medical Doctor Discusses New Research on Cannabis
Dr. Allan Frankel, a board-certified internist at GreenBridge Medical in Santa Monica, California, has treated patients with medical cannabis for the past 13 years. Frankel is particularly excited by the discovery of a new cannabinoid molecule, tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV. While very similar to THC, which is the psychoactive part of marijuana, THCV is not psychoactive, but can still induce a sense of “focused euphoria.” “It’s a wonderful feeling, I think, for [those with] depression and anxiety,” Frankel says. It’s also helpful for pain, which is a really important medical need. Opioids are now killing an estimated 47,600 Americans annually,2 and we desperately need safer alternatives. Medical cannabis is one such alternative.
Big Pharma’s Attack Against Ayurveda Medicine with its 3000 Year History and 450,000 Doctors Practicing Today
Alongside Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest medical systems still widely accepted and practiced today. It has managed to thrive and flourish for at least three millennia and has built up an enormous body of diagnostic methods and treatments for a wide variety of mild to life-threatening illnesses and diseases. Evidence-based medicine has yet to fully explore its riches. Unlike modern conventional medicine that dominates our healthcare, Ayurveda is a "whole" medical system that goes beyond standard disease management, but also incorporates sophisticated ways to sustain health, prevent physical disorders as well as balance the body and mind to promote wellness. Approximately 500 million Indians rely upon Ayurveda for their healthcare. In 1971, the Indian government established standards for Ayurveda education while recognizing the invaluable contributions this ancient medical system has made to prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases. According to statistics recorded by the Association of Ayurvedic Physicians in India, the nation's largest Ayurveda organization, India is now home to about 250 Ayurvedia colleges and teaching institutions and graduate approximately 12,000 doctors annually. The Association is affiliated with the medical school at Hindu Benares University in Varanasi, often regarded as India's equivalent to Oxford. It is estimated that across the country, there are nearly 450,000 registered Ayurvedic practitioners. Western pharmaceutical-based medicine and their media propagandists such as Wikipedia, however, refers to Ayurveda as "fringe medicine and science" and "conspiracy theories."
Will the FDA Make Human Feces an Expensive Probiotic Drug?
The FDA is holding a public hearing on the use of fecal microbiota transfer (FMT) to treat a bacterial infection. Are they paving the way to hand FMT to Big Pharma? The FDA announced a public meeting for November 4 of this year. The stated purpose of the meeting is to gather scientific information regarding the use of FMT to treat Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections that are resistant to standard therapies. We fear that the FDA will use this tragedy to turn FMT into a drug, turning an inexpensive treatment into a pharmaceutical money maker.
New Legislation will Help Communities Control how 5G Gets Implemented
New bills in the House and Senate will roll back FCC regulations that prevent local communities from having input over how 5G networks get installed in their towns. We must encourage our elected officials to support this legislation, and more importantly, urge them to halt the expansion of 5G networks until more safety studies are done. The federal bills roll back FCC rules that put a strict time limit (90 days) on cities to review small-cell site applications and limit the amount of money cities can charge cable companies for using public infrastructure. As you’ll recall, 5G networks require installing “small cells” all over neighborhoods and cities. These small cells include antennas, power supplies, electric meters, switches, bundles of cables, and boxes—all strapped to streetlights and utility poles. Some have refrigerator-sized containers on the ground. These cells are supposed to be placed every 500 feet along residential streets and through commercial districts. The major problem with 5G networks is the radiation emitted by all these small cells. There are already concerns about ubiquitous cell phone usage with current 4G networks; 5G networks exponentially compound these problems.
Holistic Alternatives for Fighting the Flu
As a majority of us pull our boots and sweaters out of storage, sprinkle copious amounts of pumpkin spice on every hot drink and embrace the season of simmering stews and crackling fires with excitement, the changing of the seasons from summer to fall is also met with the reminder that flu season is right around the corner. That reminder will not be a subtle one as the propaganda machine whines into a full roar from every doctor’s office, news channel, drugstore, grocery store, online advertising etc. with the warning that the flu shot is all that is standing between you and certain unavoidable infection. But it simply isn’t true. The reality is that there are many excellent holistic modalities which can strengthen your immune system and naturally prepare you for the flu season, some of which confer a higher percentage of protection from the virus than does the widely-pushed flu vaccine.
How Media Watchdogs Became Industry Lapdogs
The press plays an enormously important role in our society. It informs us about important events and reveals problems we might not have been aware of before. At least that's the theory. Sadly, while the free press of the past indeed served the role of watchdog and independent informer, the press we have today is far from free and unbiased. In fact, it's hard to look at today's press corps as champions for the free-flow of information. Most reporters simply aren't, anymore. They do shape society, though — just not in the way you might think. Evidence reveals a deep trend of manipulation occurring in many fields, but it appears particularly prevalent in science and medicine. One way by which industry and even government are shaping and manipulating the press is by way of press embargoes, and the so-called "close-hold embargo" in particular. Another way is through the creation of front groups, and there are now many dozens of industry front groups masquerading as independent information organizations. Virtually every major industry employs front groups to give the appearance of independent thinking and reporting on industry affairs when, in reality, they're simply spouting industry PR. As such, they are an integral part of an industry propaganda machine.
Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time
If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G networks. People are getting sick, and they are marching in the streets to show their opposition to the new networks.
Why Are U.S. Breast Cancer Rates Out of Control?
In the US, breast cancer rates are out of control. Presently, one in seven US women suffer from breast cancer. In 2019, an estimated 268,600 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Think about those numbers: One in seven and nearly 270,000 women diagnosed with invasive cancer—THIS YEAR! Those numbers are unacceptable, or at least they should be! What are the Powers-That-Be doing to stem this tide? The answer: They are too busy diagnosing and treating and are not properly searching for the underlying cause of why too many US women suffer with breast cancer. We are exposed to too many synthetic hormones which can disrupt the normal hormonal milieu. Women are prescribed synthetic hormones in birth control pills and conventional hormonal replacement therapy which have been conclusively shown to increase the risk for breast cancer. Iodine deficiency is one of the main reasons we are seeing so much breast cancer. I have been writing and lecturing about iodine for almost 20 years. Iodine levels in the US have fallen over 50% during the last 40 years while at the same time breast cancer rates have risen to epidemic levels.
FDA Cracks Down on CBD Oil – Not Approved as a Supplement
Unless the FDA makes an exception, consumers will lose access to affordable CBD oil. Over the last couple of years, ANH has been reporting on the many benefits of CBD oil, a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant. Among other things, CBD oil is extremely helpful in managing pain. You might think that, in the midst of a crippling epidemic of opioid addiction, a public health agency would be interested in preserving access to affordable, non-addictive pain remedies. But the FDA could shut the door permanently on consumer access to affordable CBD oil, unless concerned citizens make their voices heard. The agency has sent warning letters to several CBD companies for making illegal disease claims. It is shocking that this issue has come to this. Deaths from fentanyl, an FDA-approved drug, and other synthetic opioids reached an appalling 30,000 in 2018. When a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to deadly opioids is found, it is snatched away by Big Pharma with the help of the FDA, whose mission it is to protect public health. It is one of the most shameful examples of crony capitalism in recent memory.
Communist China’s Social Credit Score System being Implemented in U.S. by Silicon Valley?
Recently we reported that China's new Social Credit Score system resulted in millions of Chinese citizens being banned from public travel due to social credit scores that were too low. According to China's new Social Credit Scores, “Bad behavior” can lower an individual’s social credit score, and “good behavior” can increase it. Reported examples of “bad behavior” include: playing too many video games, spreading “fake news,” drinking too much, walking your dog without a leash, smoking where you are not supposed to, or simply being too noisy on a train or bus. In that article we asked: "Could something like this be implemented in the United States?" According to Mike Elgan, writing for Fast Company, such a system is already being developed here in the U.S. by Silicon Valley technology companies, apart from the U.S. Government. Is the American public going to allow the Technology giants to determine what is proper social behavior, who is qualified to hold political offices, and what is fake news and what is not? Will it take massive protests (hopefully peaceful!) in streets as we have recently seen in Hong Kong to turn the tide against technology tyranny here in the U.S.?
Self-Appointed Internet Police Declare and DOJ Vaccine Court Reports Fake News
Health Impact News was recently contacted by John Gregory, a medical reporter working for the company NewsGuard, a self-appointed Internet policing group that awards "nutrition badge" ratings for websites determining if they are "reliable" or not. Mr. Gregory accused me right up front of publishing "false" claims, and asked me to comment on a list of articles in our network that he determined were "false." Curiously, one of the articles he chose to exhibit as something published that was "false" was one of our articles on the Department of Justice quarterly reports on compensated cases for vaccine injuries and deaths in the U.S. Vaccine Court, submitted every three months to the federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The article is reporting what is public information from government sources. When they gave Health Impact News a negative rating, they even gave a negative rating to, which is not even a news site but a site where I publish my devotional articles based on Bible studies. They also gave a negative rating to Mr Gregory accused us of simply taking unverified social media posts from parents who claimed their children were being kidnapped by the state, and asked us if we even bothered to verify their stories. There is strong evidence that NewsGuard is comprised of "old-school journalists" who represent corporate interests, and are doing everything they can to squelch free speech on the Internet, especially in social media platforms. Health Impact News provides a free service to the public that often is seldom found elsewhere, and that is especially true with our Medical Kidnapping stories, where we are one of the few places parents can come to and find a platform to tell the world what is happening to America's children who are being kidnapped by the State, and often end up being sexually trafficked. What a shame it would be if the corporate censorship forces get their way. What can you do to fight corporate censorship?
Studies: Fluoridated Water Linked to Low IQ and Kidney Dysfunction in Children
The validity of the 1950's American Public Health Policy, which embraced the dumping of the toxic byproduct Fluorosilicic acid into water reservoirs across the country in an attempt at “better living through chemistry," is being increasingly brought under scrutiny as more and more research suggests that drinking water ‘fortified’ with fluoride may be doing more harm than good. Recent studies suggest that the consumption of fluoridated drinking water is damaging to the developing brain of infants in utero, as well as making the connection between kidney and liver damage in adolescents and chronic low-level exposure to fluoride in their water. Worrying is the fact that both studies were done using widely-accepted optimal levels of fluoride which are currently set at 0.7 milligrams per liter of drinking water.
China Boasts of Restricting Millions from Public Travel Due to Low Social Credit Scores
The Chinese government operated English news site, Global Times, tweeted recently that the government had restricted 2.56 million people from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 people from buying high-speed rail tickets during the month of July, due to too low of a social credit score. China's new social credit system will be fully operational by 2020, but it is apparently already in place across China. Like a person's financial credit score, a social credit score can move up or down based on your social behavior. In recent years, China has increasingly monitored its citizens activities through social media, and extensive facial recognition software. "Bad behavior" can lower an individual's social credit score, and "good behavior" can increase it. Reported examples of "bad behavior" include: playing too many video games, spreading “fake news,” drinking too much, walking your dog without a leash, smoking where you are not supposed to, or simply being too noisy on a train or bus. Besides banning you from riding an airplane or train, other ways China can restrict its citizens for having too low of a social credit score include: throttling your internet speeds, banning you — or your kids — from the best schools, stopping you getting the best jobs, keeping you out of the best hotels, getting your dog taken away, or being publicly named as a bad citizen. Could something like this be implemented in the United States? Most of the major corporate-media outlets in the U.S. have reported about China's new social credit system as something negative, but I did find one exception. The Washington Post published an article last year titled: "The West may be wrong about China’s social credit system." The Washington Post is now owned by Jeff Bezos, founder and owner of is also selling facial recognition software in the U.S. to law enforcement and governments.