Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
CENSORED: $4.5 TRILLION Bank Bailout 4th Quarter 2019 Months Before COVID Exceeded 2008 Bailouts
Pam and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade have reported on the huge bank bailouts during the 4th quarter of 2019, months before COVID was declared to be a "pandemic" giving further evidence from a series of events at the end of 2019 that the "war on the virus" that has enslaved the entire world, was all planned long in advance by the Globalists. Not reported in the media, either corporate news media nor anywhere else in the Alternative Media that I have seen, the Martens have exposed the fact that the bailouts of the biggest banks in New York far exceeded the bailouts during the 2008 financial crises, which of course was headline news back then. This bailout of Wall Street in 2008 was the fuel that gave rise to the "Occupy Wall Street" movement that started in September of 2011, and spread around the world. Unfortunately, the movement failed to create any lasting solutions, primarily because the Globalists and their corporate media painted it as a Liberal, Democratic movement, keeping most Conservative, Republicans on the sidelines. I am afraid that the same failure awaits us in 2022, unless we learn to rise up together as AMERICANS, united together and not divided by the Left and Right paradigm, and the corrupt two party system that only gives us choices of either Republican or Democratic criminals all controlled by Wall Street, to put into political office to serve the bankers, and not the people.
A Look Back on 2021 and A Look Ahead on How to Survive 2022
With the Year 2021 now in the rear-view mirror and Year 2022 lying in front of us, I want to take a quick look at what made headlines at Health Impact News in 2021, and look forward to what we might expect to see in 2022. As I wrote in our last article published in 2021, the roll-out of the COVID-19 "vaccines" and their reign of death and destruction was by far the main news we covered in 2021, the year The American Holocaust began. Of course the gene-altering bioweapon shots are just one component of the Globalists' plan to implement a "Great Reset" which includes crashing and rebuilding the world's financial system, and reducing the world's population.
Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty Of Helping Epstein Sexually Abuse Teen Girls
After hearing from around 30 witnesses including the four accusers, the 12-person panel began deliberating in the case against Ghislaine Maxwell just before 5 p.m. on Dec. 20. “Maxwell was Jeffrey Epstein’s right hand,” Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe said in her closing statement. Today, after six days of deliberations over accusations that Maxwell helped pedophile Jeffrey Epstein mount a “pyramid scheme of abuse” involving underage girls, the jury came to their decision ahead of what was to be a working weekend through the new years' break. The jury found her guilty on 5 of the 6 counts of luring and grooming underage girls for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein, a verdict that offers some long-delayed justice for his victims. She was acquitted of one count of enticing a minor to travel across state lines to engage in an illegal sexual act. The verdict was largely a rejection of Ms. Maxwell’s defense, which centered on an argument that government’s case was based on flimsy evidence, prosecutors’ animus toward Mr. Epstein, and the inconsistent accounts of women who were motivated by money to point the finger at Ms. Maxwell.
Woman Confronts Justin Trudeau in Public Forum: “You Sold us Out to Globalism – What do we do with Traitors in Canada? We used to Hang them!”
A video clip taken in Canada at a public forum has surfaced where a woman in the audience addresses Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and says: "You sold us out to globalism. You are not working for Canada. You are working for your globalist partners. I wonder how much they are paying you to betray Canada? What do we do with traitors in Canada Mr. Trudeau? We used to hang them. Hang them for treason. And you're doing that very same thing to us now. We know what you're doing." We need to keep naming the murderers in public like this. I guarantee you it strikes fear into their hearts. We must not fear them!
2 Views on Why Trump is Promoting the Experimental COVID-19 Injections – Which View is Correct?
Conservative talk show host Candace Owens continues to deal with controversy from her interview with Donald Trump, and recently published a video of her explaining her views on Trump. She has publicly stated that she is against the COVID-19 shots: “I just will never ever let that vaccine into my body. I believe firmly that Big Pharma is the greatest evil on the face of the planet. I am healthy, young, in shape and simply unafraid of Covid-19.” And yet, she insists that her views on the shots do not conflict with Donald Trump publicly stating how he wants everyone to get the shots, and lying to the public by stating the same lies that are coming out of the mouths of Fauci, Biden, and others that the "unvaccinated" are filling the hospitals and dying from COVID right now. A few days ago, Dr. David Martin, who has been one of the leading voices in the Alternative media exposing the fraud behind Sars COVID for the past two years, was interviewed by Conservative host Seth Holehouse of "Man in America" where the 1-hour interview was titled "Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine?" I have created a clip from that interview that I believe best sums up what Dr. David Martin said, and between what Candace Owens published, and the questions from pro-Trump Seth Holehouse that Dr. Martin answers, I think we have in under 10 minutes a succinct summary of the two current views about why Donald Trump is out pushing for everyone to get a COVID-19 injection. Listen to this short video, and then answer this question for yourself: Which view is more credible?
FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking
Russ Winter of Winter Watch published an article earlier this month (December, 2021) about the FBI declassifying files on a CIA group called "The Finders" and the McMartin preschool Satanic child trafficking case in Los Angeles in the 1980s. We have referenced this case and the secret CIA group The Finders in the past here at Health Impact News, as former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson was actively involved in this case, which we referenced in our June, 2020 article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order. After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government. Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice. One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011). This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty. The vehicle that is used by the U.S. Government and the CIA to traffick these children and run these Satanic ritual abuse networks, is the government funded Child Social Services and Foster Care network, most commonly known as "CPS" (Child Protection Services). Massive government funds exist for all 50 U.S. States that can only be collected if they meet certain quotas of children put into this system, so many children are literally kidnapped, mostly medically kidnapped, from their parents to meet the demand for children in this evil, Satanic system, which is mostly operated by Christian Churches collecting funds from the Government. Many people have courageously tried to expose this evil system that exists in every state and every county within the U.S., and sadly, many of them are now dead.
Bloom Where You’re Planted: Prepping to Survive Where You Are RIGHT NOW
Have you ever heard anyone utter some variation of one of these comments? “I’m going to start prepping as soon as I can move.” “I can’t prepare because I live in a tiny apartment.” “Well, once we are able to get moved to our farm in two years I’ll start prepping hardcore.” “I’m saving the money for moving instead of using it for preps.” “There’s no point in prepping here because if the SHTF I’ll be dead.” Maybe you didn’t overhear someone else saying it. Maybe you said it yourself. One of the most common excuses that people use for prepper procrastination is the unsuitability of where they currently live. This is the kind of thinking that will get people killed. Even if your situation is less than ideal, you have to get prepped.
Have You Prepared for the Imminent Stock Market Crash?
So here we are: every box of a bubble top about to burst with unimaginable force is ticked. Traders sporting gray streaks in their ponytails know from experience that every bubble pops, and all the endless analysis after the fact boils down to: things changed. Timing is everything in a crash: as Thomas Hobbes is reputed to have observed, "Hell is the truth seen too late." Well said, T.H.: when the market goes bidless, it's too late to preserve capital, never mind all those life-changing gains.
Vitamin C: Nature’s Super Medicine That Cures Disease and Threatens Big Pharma Profits
When the "COVID Pandemic" began in China in 2020, which we now know was just a politicized version of the annual flu infections, doctors in China immediately began using Vitamin C to quickly cure people. American doctors also began using Vitamin C therapy with great success in treating "COVID." They were so successful, that some were arrested and others were forced to take down their websites. Health Impact News was also attacked by the Facebook "Fact Checkers" that tried to discredit our reporting on this topic. If you search Health Impact News for "vitamin c," you will get 397 results, and some amazing articles on just how powerful this natural medicine is. The most comprehensive article and video presentation is one done by Dr. Suzanne Humphries in 2014, and I am going to reproduce the article we did on that presentation, and we have also re-uploaded her video to our Bitchute channel. The most potent form is through IV drips, but most hospitals will not allow it. I personally use a liposomal version of Vitamin C, as it allows me to take much higher doses without disturbing my stomach, as ascorbic acid can irritate your stomach. A buffered version can help, but I do better with the liposomal version (and no, I do NOT sell Vitamin C). When news first broke in early 2020 on the success in treating coronavirus patients in China, all forms of Vitamin C became hard to find. The ascorbic acid powders can be stored indefinitely, so stocking up on this would be wise.
UK Doctor Accused of Hurting Big Pharma Profits by Curing People from Cancer Released from Prison in France
Scott Tips, President of the National Health Freedom Federation, is reporting that Dr. David Noakes was released from prison today in France, where he had been confined for the past 18 months in a nine-square-meter prison cell 22 hours out of 24 hours a day. His crime? He cured over 10,000 people from cancer with a product called GcMAF. The French Pharmacists’ Union didn't like that as they apparently believe all cancer patients should only use their chemotherapy drugs, and so he was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Sure, go ahead and read that again. He was imprisoned NOT for killing or harming people, but for curing people and being accused of taking away business from the pharmaceutical industry. The company Dr. Noakes works with in selling GcMAF is Immuno Biotech. Not only has GcMAF been used to heal people from cancer, but it has also been used to cure children of autoimmune diseases that are labeled as "autism." American Doctor Jeffrey Bradstreet was the primary researcher using GcMAF to cure children who were labeled as "autistic," until his death on June 19, 2015, which the corporate media labeled as a "suicide," but his family and others believe he was murdered to squelch his research which was a threat to Big Pharma. We have previously covered the work of Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet here at Health Impact News, as well as the work of Dr. Judy Mikovits and her use of GcMAF to treat vaccine injuries. I combined many of the articles we published on this topic into an eBook that we published in 2017, which we normally sell for $8.99, but for a short time we are offering that book to the public for free and for immediate download. Also, for those of you working on criminal charges and court cases regarding the COVID-19 scam, The National Health Federation has put together an amazing 274-page document titled: COVID-19: The Science We Should Know. Grab it now before it disappears online.
As International Trials Begin Against the Globalists Will a Return to Public Executions be Necessary?
Another criminal complaint has been filed against the Globalists who are responsible for mass murder and genocide through the COVID-19 scam and bioweapon injections. The Exposé in the UK reports that a complaint has been filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for "violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression perpetrated against the peoples of the UK." This case is in addition to the one that German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich will soon be conducting that is being referred to as "Nuremberg 2.0." We have also reported that criminal charges have been filed in a court of law in India against Billionaire Globalists Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla. Many people want to write-off these criminal cases as insignificant, since the cases provide no means to execute a sentence against the criminals if they are found guilty. But make no mistake here, these cases are NOT insignificant. That's exactly what the Globalists hiding behind their massive wealth want you to believe. The reality is, however, that they fear these cases, because they will expose their evil deeds. In order to carry out the execution of any verdicts of guilt, we the people have to stop playing their games, and change our mindset. We cannot work within their system, because that system is rigged and completely controlled by them. What this does NOT mean, is that we have to resort to vigilantism and start working outside the law. That's how they will portray us if we take any actions to execute justice, especially if a court has already found them guilty.
One Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer COVID-19 Shot
I am writing this on the eve of the 1 year anniversary, December 11, 2020, of former President Donald Trump pressuring the FDA to give emergency use authorization (EUA) to the Pfizer COVID-19 shots. Moderna's shot was also given an EUA a few days later. Happy Anniversary President Trump! We have created a video to commemorate this most historical day, perhaps the most significant day ever in the history of the United States.
Attorney Leigh Dundas Gives Updates on Current Legal Actions Regarding Vaccine Mandates
California Civil Rights attorney Leigh Dundas recently spoke at a symposium in Texas. We have published the work of Attorney Dundas in the past. She is a mother and a passionate advocate for children. She is also fearless, and not afraid to call out the tyrants. In this update she explains the full ramifications of the nationwide walkout and strike that happened in November. You didn't hear about that? Not surprising. Learn it now from Leigh. If you have never heard Leigh speak before, you are in for a treat.
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come Through the Courts but by the People Rising Up
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called "vaccines" through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years. We have published some of this work here on Health Impact News. It has been called "Nuremberg 2.0" by many, as expectations have been that there would be some kind of trial in an international court of law where these criminals would be prosecuted. Dr. Fuellmich recently revealed much of what his Corona Investigative Committee has uncovered in a meeting in Poland, and he made clear the same thing I have been saying for many months now, that the judicial system is owned and controlled by the Globalists, and justice will not be found in today's courts, whether it is Germany or the U.S., or any other country. He stated: "The only way to end this is by the people rising up and telling the authorities that this is the end of the line. It is not the courts of law. The courts of law, maybe we can use them to clean things up. But I am afraid that they are not even good for that. Because they are so infiltrated by the other side that we're going to have to setup a whole new judicial system." That doesn't mean that they are not going to proceed with a trial that will be similar to the original Nuremberg trials. He states that there will be a real judge, real lawyers, and real witnesses, but the jury will be "the people" who will watch it via live stream. And he expects this to happen soon, before the end of the year. I was very pleased to watch his presentation, and how he fielded questions, in this presentation in Poland. I had been concerned for some time now that his work was giving people a false sense of hope that there was some kind of International Court out there somewhere that would try this case and arrest all the criminals responsible. But he made it very clear that justice would NOT happen through the current court system, especially in Germany. His years of experience in litigating in these corrupt courts have also taught him that the politicians are merely puppets, and that the real criminals are a small group of very wealthy people who are actually calling the shots, and these are the people that need to be tried. But this is very important work that he and his team have been doing, nevertheless, because they are exposing the entire COVID conspiracy, and as he stated, "There are no more conspiracy theories left. They have all become true and are no longer theories."
Revealed: The Locations of Australia’s Eleven Quarantine Camps | Exclusive
In this article, TOTT News documents the names and locations of publicly-acknowledged COVID quarantine camps across Australia. It does not include the names and addresses of hotels, motels, and animal centres currently being used/planned for use because most are temporary camps. South Australia, for example, does not appear to have built any camps. Instead, it is temporarily using hotels and resorts. Rather, permanent and semi-permanent nationwide compounds under construction or refurbishment are of primary concern and include army barracks and refugee/immigrant holding facilities.
Donald Trump Admits His Guilt in Mass Murder by Lethal Injection: “I Developed the Vaccine When Everyone Said it Wasn’t Possible”
With data in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) now showing that about 800,000 people have probably died after receiving an experimental COVID-19 shot that was rushed to market, Donald Trump has gone public, again, to take credit for this crime against humanity. The Right Wing news site Breitbart published Trump's comments, while also stating that: "With the help of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, scientists successfully developed and received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a coronavirus vaccine in December 2020." I wonder what Breitbart's definition of "successful" is here? Successful in causing more deaths and crippling injuries than all vaccines combined for the past 30+ years? That's some "success!" Here is the former President's full statement, where he takes all the credit, and even refers to the Pfizer "vaccine" (and I assume the Moderna one as well?) as "my vaccine." Does that imply Trump owns significant stock in Pfizer?
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought
The Indian Bar Association is reporting that murder charges have been filed in India's High Court against two billionaires responsible for the AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, Covishield, for the murder of a 23-year-old man who was injected with the shot. The two named defendants are Bill Gates, and Adar Poonawalla, the CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), reportedly the world's largest vaccine maker. According to corporate news sources, Adar Poonawalla's company produces not only the COVID-19 vaccine Covishield, but also over 50% of the world's vaccines that are injected into babies. The article goes on to quote case law in India which makes it clear that before giving a vaccine or any treatment to a person, he should be informed about the side effects of the medicine and also about the alternate remedies available. If any person is vaccinated by suppressing the facts or by telling a lie that the said vaccines are completely safe, amount to the consent being obtained under deception. In India, vaccination under deception or by force/coercion or by putting certain stifling conditions, is a civil and criminal wrong. According to the article, this makes Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla co-conspirators to mass murder. If convicted, they face the death penalty. While it is encouraging to read that charges of mass murder are actually being filed against billionaire Globalists for their crimes against humanity for the gene-altering COVID-19 injections, the question remains as to whether or not this case will ever be brought to trial. Does India have the ability to run a covert military operation to extract Bill Gates from the U.S., for example, and bring him to trial in India?
Australia Military Starts Going Door to Door to Hunt Down Unvaccinated Aboriginals to Force Inject Them as Quarantine Camps Also Open
Many parts of Australia have become totalitarian police states with martial law, as the government has now targeted Aboriginals who have a low COVID-19 vaccination rate by going door-to-door in their communities to forcibly inject them. Leaders in these communities have called upon the nations of the world to take action to stop this genocide. In addition, quarantine camps have now opened in some areas, and The COVID World today published an exclusive report from someone inside one of these camps.
Oklahoma National Guard ‘Goes Rogue’ After New Commander Rejects Vaccine Mandate; Pentagon To Respond ‘Appropriately’
The Biden administration is having another bad week. One day before an appeals court upheld a stay against Biden's 'vaccine-or-test' requirement for private businesses, the Oklahoma National Guard 'rescinded' the Pentagon's requirement that service members receive the COVID-19 vaccine. On Wednesday, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt announced Army Brig. Gen. Thomas Mancino as the state's new adjutant general - replacing Army. Maj Gen. Michael Thompson, a vaccine advocate who was previously scheduled to transfer command to Mancino on Jan. 15, 2022 according to the Oklahoman. Mancino's first order of business? A memo formally 'rescinding' the Covid-19 vaccine requirement for Guardsmen. "No Oklahoma Guardsman will be required to take the COVID-19 Vaccine," it reads, adding that Gov. Stitt is the force's "lawful Commander in Chief" when not mobilized by the federal government. "No negative administrative or legal action will be taken against Guardsmen who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine."
School Districts in California are Defying Newsom’s Edict to Inject Their Students with Pfizer Shots – Willing to Give Up State Funding
Finally, some sanity in an insane world that believes it is OK to abuse children and attempt to murder them with experimental Pfizer COVID-19 shots! In an unanimous 5 to 0 vote, the Calaveras Unified School District (CUSD) in Calaveras County, California, has decided to defy Governor Newsom's command to inject their students with Pfizer's shots, no matter what the cost. They are the second school district in the County to do so, and apparently other school districts in the State of California are considering similar measures. The school board had previously announced their rejection of the mandate and their intention to hold a vote on the issue in a letter to families and staff on November 4, as they announced there may be consequences from the State of California for defying the vaccine mandate. "The board is aware of the potential impacts on the district in terms of possible liability exposure, funding loss, other formal actions that can be taken against the district in response—and they understand the Superintendent’s recommendation for mandate compliance based upon these potential consequences—but they feel strong in their individual positions on this topic."