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Editor - Health Impact News

China is Stockpiling Food in Preparation of Looming Food Shortages While U.S. Increases Exports

While killer lockdowns in China are leading to starvation and mass suicide, as well as serious disruptions to exports, China has been quietly stockpiling food for the past couple of years in what appears to be preparation for coming food shortages, and is increasing imports of food. In December of 2021, RT.com reported that China had the world's largest stockpile of grains. Today, RT.com is reporting that China is addressing "food security concerns" by increasing their imports of soybeans, mostly from the U.S. Soybeans are high in protein and the #1 ingredient in livestock feed today. People in the Washington D.C. are stating that these increased exports of food to China are good for American farmers, apparently ignoring the fact that the U.S. should also be stockpiling food as part of our own national food security. Not only can soybeans be used in animal feeds, it can be turned into biodiesel and combined with petroleum diesel to help keep our trucks on the road in the event that fuel becomes scarce or too expensive to operate the nation's trucking fleet. So as China increases their food security, the U.S. Government seems to be destroying our own food security here in the U.S.

Bill Gates’ Dream to Control the Planet through the World Health Organization is Becoming Closer to Reality

From time to time I get emails from people asking me to cover some story or video about Bill Gates and his influence in global vaccine production and distribution, and I usually reply by asking the person who is emailing the information if they have first searched for "Bill Gates" on Health Impact News, because we have been covering Bill Gates' role behind global vaccination programs, mainly by buying a controlling interest in the World Health Organization, for over a decade now. If you search for "Bill Gates" on Health Impact News, it will return a result of 318 articles (319 when this one is published). On April 8, 2020, when we were just weeks into the COVID Plandemic, I published an article titled: "Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?" where I presented very strong evidence that Bill Gates was controlling U.S. policy regarding COVID-19, and not Donald Trump or the White House. It was published the day after President Trump announced that the United States would no longer support the World Health Organization. Earlier this week Bill Gates announced what the plan is for what comes next now that the majority of the world's population has been conditioned to fear "viruses" and surrender all of their civil liberties to fight this "unseen war" against "global pandemics." There will be one pandemic treaty, one GERM team, one global vaccine passport, and one World Health Organization to monitor every person on the planet.

4,113 Fetal Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Vaccines Not Including Those Murdered Alive to Develop the Vaccines

The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is now reporting 4,113 fetal deaths following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 17 months. By way of contrast, there were 2,239 recorded deaths of unborn babies in VAERS for the 30 years (360 months) prior to the authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines in December of 2020, following all FDA-approved vaccines combined during that time period. Postmarketing reports from Pfizer that the FDA was forced by a court order to release at the beginning of April show that Pfizer had plenty of data to show how dangerous their COVID-19 vaccine was to pregnant and nursing mothers, and yet the FDA approved it anyway. A former employee of Pfizer has come forward to report on the dangers of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to pregnant women and unborn children, saying they are too dangerous, even though the FDA and CDC will not reveal these facts, and another doctor who is seeing the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on pregnant women was interviewed by the Epoch Times. Not only are unborn babies being killed in the womb of their mothers who took a COVID-19 vaccine, these unborn children are sacrificed to the vaccine cult to actually make the vaccines. In an interview between Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Theresa Deisher conducted back in 2020 regarding the use of human fetal tissue to culture viruses for vaccines, Dr. Deisher stated: "And you know what’s really alarming is the lack of outcry over human babies born alive at five to six months old so that their hearts can be obtained beating. And they have to be beating to be used in the research that’s being done. If the heart has stopped beating, it’s not useful. You cannot use it. And so these babies are delivered alive, and their hearts cut out without anesthesia."

Governments Worldwide are Working in Lockstep to bring in Digital I.D. & Social Credit System as EU agrees to Expand Online Censorship with ‘Digital Services Act’

Under pressure applied by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the European Union is working to expand online censorship to an extreme Orwellian level, as well as strictly regulate speech during what authorities deem to be times of crisis (we always seem to be in the middle of a “crisis”), and remove online anonymity by forcing the public to have a digital identity. But these plans aren’t unique to the EU. They are also currently being rolled out in the UK and Africa, proving Governments worldwide are working in lockstep to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both lobbied for the EU to back the censorship bill known as the ‘Digital Services Act‘ on Thursday, April 21st, 2022. There is a coordinated effort worldwide to bring in a digital identity and social credit system right under your nose.

Food Shortages In Six Months – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next

In the alternative media we watch the statements and open admissions of the globalists VERY carefully because they are not in the business of threat analysis; rather, they are in the business of threat synthesis. That is to say, if something goes very wrong in the world economically, central bankers and money elites with aspirations of a single centralized economic authority for the world are ALWAYS found to have a hand in that disaster. For some reason, they like to tell us what they are about to do before they do it. The idea that globalists artificially create economic collapse events will of course be criticized as “conspiracy theory,” but it is a FACT. As we have seen with almost every authoritarian regime in modern history, control over the food supply is key to controlling the population. It is only surpassed as a strategic concern by control over energy (which we will also see shortages of soon as Europe sanctions Russian oil and gas and starts eating up supplies from other exporters). The food issue hits closest to home because we can see the effects immediately on our wallets and on our families. There is nothing worse for many parents than the prospect of their children going hungry. The mainstream media is once again ignoring any potential economic threat, specifically they are denying the notion of food shortages as something to be worried about. I say, why listen to a group of people that are always wrong on these types of events? If anything, I would at least take the words of the globalists seriously when it comes to economic collapse; they benefit the most from such disasters after all, and they also have the most influence when it comes to triggering crisis. Preparedness today costs nothing tomorrow. Lack of preparedness today costs EVERYTHING tomorrow. The choice for anyone with a brain is simple – Get prepared for the end of affordable and easily available food before this year is out.

You Need to Be Thinking NOW About Bartering

Bartering will come back with a vengeance. The dollar may not be the world’s reserve currency that much longer. Between pumping trillions of dollars into the system over the past two years and trying to use the dollar to isolate the Russians, even CNN admits the dollar is in trouble. Our government is far too interested in centralized digital currencies for my personal comfort. We need other options, and sooner rather than later. Prepping isn’t living in fear. It’s the sober realization that modern life has been based on a complex network of supply chains and support systems that have not received necessary maintenance and are now approaching a collapse. Nothing lasts forever. The Roman Empire didn’t last forever, and the American one won’t either. But we have the choice between waiting for the Visigoths to sack our homes and lead us all into slavery or proactively developing our own systems of creating and obtaining necessities while we still can. And bartering will become more and more a part of that.

43,898 Dead 4,190,493 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 43,898 fatalities, and 4,190,493 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots. From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,879,995 ) are serious injuries. The website RealNotRare.com has produced another video with testimonies of people suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries and how difficult it is for them to receive any help as their injuries are denied to be related to the COVID-19 vaccines.

Right to Repair: Open-Source Tractors Offer an Alternative for Traditional Small-Scale Farmers

Jack Algiere has always been a tinkerer. As a child in the 1980s, he would repair and swap out engines in the broken equipment on his family’s farm, often figuring out exactly what he was building as he went along. “It’s just part of growing up on a farm,” he said. “We made it work, and we made it.” Algiere grew up in an era when it was second nature for farmers to fix their equipment—before farm equipment manufacturers like John Deere and others started incorporating proprietary software, parts, and tools only accessible to authorized dealerships. Now, amid a growing “right to repair” movement pushing farm equipment manufacturers to shift their practices, some have gone a step further by calling for a new, production model altogether, built on an open-source system. Under this model, farm equipment is designed to be easily modified and repaired by relying on accessible, universal parts, while sharing or licensing the design specifications and source code.

The Members of Congress Who Are Pressuring the FDA to Inject Babies and Children Under 5 with COVID Vaccines More Quickly

There is probably no other single issue in American politics today that unites both Democrats and Republicans more than the topic of vaccines, and especially the topic of COVID-19 experimental "vaccines" and issuing as many emergency use authorizations as possible to inject as many people as possible with these deadly shots. You cannot hold a political office at the federal level today if you are anti-vaccine. Being pro-vaccine and supporting Big Pharma is a requirement for both Democrats and Republicans who want to be elected, and it is the one issue that both previous U.S. President Donald Trump and current U.S. President Joe Biden agree on today. A group of pro-child abuse and pro-attempted murder of babies and young children members of Congress are now pressuring the FDA to approve COVID-19 vaccines for babies and young children under the age of 5. They are the members of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, originally setup in April of 2020 under then President Donald Trump, and they are upset that the FDA has not issued an EUA for babies and children under the age of 5 so that parents can attempt to murder and abuse their children with one of these deadly shots. Yesterday, they sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, M.D., requesting a briefing on the status of COVID-19 vaccines for the under 5 age group. These members of Congress are complicit with the criminal act of attempted murder against the nation's babies and children, and I encourage everyone who reads this to contact them and let them know that they will be held accountable for their actions, if not in this life, then when they die and meet their Creator.

Killer Lockdowns to Begin in Beijing China as 22 Million are Force Tested – Grocery Store Shelves Empty

Claiming that new cases are breaking out in the Chinese capital city of Beijing, the Chinese government has ordered its 22 million citizens to start massive testing in what will eventually lead to locking down the entire city as is currently still happening in Shanghai. Seeing what is happening in Shanghai, residents of Beijing began buying up all the food in stores in preparation for the coming lockdowns. Forced mass testing for COVID is being reported in the corporate media as a means to stop the spread of the "virus," but of course just the opposite will happen when you start testing tens of millions of people. Look for this blueprint to be followed in weeks ahead in other places, like the U.S., where $BILLIONS have already been made by test manufacturing companies with over 400 COVID-19 tests currently enjoying emergency use authorizations by the FDA, giving them a guaranteed market. As these lockdowns spread to major cities in China, crushing local businesses, a new Black Market is developing. I fully expect a parallel economy and "black market" to develop here in the U.S. also if they start locking people down again, and enforcing COVID passports showing proof of COVID vaccination, as about one third of the U.S. population still remains unvaccinated, or only partially vaccinated.

Millions of American Lives in Danger as Airline Pilots Suffer Heart Problems from Mandatory COVID Vaccines

American Airlines pilot Captain Robert Snow, a pilot with over 31 years experience, has gone public with his story after going into cardiac arrest in the cockpit of the commercial plane he was flying just moments after landing in Dallas, avoiding what could have been a major catastrophe if he would have suffered his heart attack while landing. His career is over now, as the FAA will not allow pilots with heart conditions like Mr. Snow now has to continue flying. Mr. Snow went public to explain how this was most certainly a COVID vaccine adverse reaction, and his testimony was quickly removed from Google's YouTube. Mr. Snow was mandated to receive the COVID vaccine as a condition for keeping his job. Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers, was interviewed by Steve Kirsch where he revealed that he was receiving many phone calls from other pilots in the commercial airline industry who are also suffering heart problems after receiving a COVID-19 mandatory vaccine, but they fear coming forward because they will lose their job. This insane mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy for American airlines is literally putting the lives of millions of Americans at risk who fly on commercial airlines.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Is Creating a Water, Energy, and Food Disaster

California Gov. Gavin Newsom this week claimed he was taking major action to address the drought affecting California and the West. More than 90% of California is in severe drought, up from 65% just one year ago. In truth, Newsom is starving California of both water and energy. We are in the worst energy crisis in 50 years and yet Newsom is planning to shut down the largest single source of energy in California, Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. Meanwhile, he has failed to build a single new large water project, despite the fact that California voters in 2014 passed a $2.7 billion water bond to pay for them. The result of Newsom’s leadership failures could be catastrophic. California is the fifth largest producer of food in the world. We are the largest producer of dairy and food in the U.S. Over a third of America’s vegetables and two-thirds of its fruits and nuts are grown here. And producing food requires water. Already the world faces terrible famines because of an energy crisis created in part by pro-scarcity environmentalists. Now, Newsom’s actions, and inaction, are making scarcity worse.

Destruction of Food Begins in Shanghai with Fences Installed to Keep People Locked Down

While China works hard to suppress what is currently happening in Shanghai and other places in China that have strict lockdowns by deleting social media posts as quickly as possible, some videos and images are being captured and preserved that show how life has become pure hell in Shanghai, with citizens starving to death and being locked down in cages like animals. Deliberate destruction of food is reportedly happening on a large scale, blaming "COVID" for contaminating the food as they use cotton swab PCR tests to test animals like chickens and fish, while reportedly destroying many tons of fresh produce. This week fencing appeared overnight in many places to lockdown people in their homes and apartments, and this even made the corporate news cycle this weekend, with the BBC and the Associated Press covering the story. When you read the corporate news accounts, however, they will give some justification for these actions by reporting on the alleged increase in COVID cases, paving the way for similar measures to happen in the U.S. and other places where maybe the measures will not be quite as harsh as what China is doing, as this is simply a continuation of the massive propaganda media hyping fear over a "virus" that continues to be used to justify medical tyranny and the suspension of all appearances of law and order in the name of the "pandemic." Here in the U.S. people like Anthony Fauci and Dr. Oz, who is now aligned with Donald Trump, have publicly stated that the measures China are taking to lockdown their populations are "working" to stop the spread of COVID, which should be a wake-up call to everyone about what we are probably facing in the near future here in the U.S. and around the world.

Are You Prepared for Food Shortages? FBI Issues Warning

I have been warning the public for many years now about how fragile our food system is, where just a handful of companies control most of our nation's food, as well as most of the world's food. Last year I published an article that identified who these globalists are, written by Sam Parker of Behind the News Network, who wrote: “Genocide is an intent of this system, not a side-effect.” There are many indications that food shortages will soon start, from the war in Ukraine to the lockdowns in Shanghai and China, that are putting tremendous pressure on supply chains that will most certainly impact food security across the globe. In addition, it has been widely reported this week in both the corporate and alternative media that there have been a rash of food processing plants catching on fire all of a sudden. But perhaps the biggest indicator that food shortages are on the horizon in the not-too-distant future, was a published FBI warning regarding potential "Ransomware Attacks on Agricultural Cooperatives." If you are looking for a food that can be stored indefinitely and provide security against food shortages, you need to be looking into storing whole grains, such as wheat berries. Whole grains have historically been the best defense against food shortages, because in their unmilled stated, they can be stored indefinitely if stored properly, and then either cooked directly as a cereal like rice, or ground into flour for baked goods. They can also be sprouted for fresh sprouts, or even grown into grass and juiced as "wheatgrass juice," providing a powerhouse of nutrition just from simple grains.

W.H.O. Issues Global Alert about new form of Severe Hepatitis Affecting Children; Pfizer Study Suggests COVID Vaccine to Blame

On April 15 2022, the World Health Organisation issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis with an unknown aetiology (cause) affecting previously healthy children in the UK over the last month. Cases have also been notified in Spain and Ireland. Tests have excluded all previously known Hepatitis viruses. 74 cases have been found so far, with more expected. The WHO alert said: “The clinical syndrome in identified cases is of acute hepatitis with markedly elevated liver enzymes, often with jaundice, sometimes preceded by gastrointestinal symptoms, in children principally up to 10 years old. Some cases have required transfer to specialist children’s liver units and six children have undergone liver transplantation. As of 11 April, no death has been reported among these cases and one epidemiologically linked case has been detected.” The announcement comes after the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) recently detected higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) in children. Similar cases are also being assessed in Scotland. Hepatitis is a condition that affects the liver and may occur for a number of reasons, including several viral infections common in children. However, in the cases under investigation the common viruses that cause hepatitis have not been detected. A case reports paper published at PubMed in September 2021 entitled Auto-immune hepatitis following COVID vaccination described two cases of auto-immune hepatitis following Covid-19 vaccination.  No investigation of Covid-19 vaccination as a possible complicating factor in the development of the new form of hepatitis has yet taken place, but it’s the very first place they should be looking. It was assumed that the Covid-19 vaccine’s spike protein would remain at the injection site and last up to several weeks like other proteins produced in the body. But as we all know assumptions make an ass out of u and me, and Pfizer’s own study shows this is not the case and that spike proteins circulate in the body following mRNA Covid-19 vaccination, and the highest concentration ends up in the liver.

“This is a CDC Issue, It Should Not Have Been a Court Issue” – Fauci Insists the CDC Should be Above Federal Courts and Law

Fauci was asked about a federal judge overturning Biden’s mask mandate after declaring it unlawful earlier this week. The TSA announced travelers will no longer be required to wear face masks after a federal judge overturned the travel mask mandate. Fauci said he’s “surprised and disappointed” that a federal judge intervened and said mask mandates are the purview of the CDC. “This is a CDC issue, it should not have been a court issue,” Fauci said. “We are concerned about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions.” “That’s no place for the courts to do that,” Fauci said. This is why Fauci, an unelected bureaucrat who is not beholden to the people, should never have any power.

7,500% Increase in Recorded Cases of Cancer Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Ryan Cole was recently interviewed by Maria Zeee where he stated that he is getting reports all across the world from doctors observing that cancer rates are "taking off like wild fire" following COVID-19 vaccinations. A recently published study in the Journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology," also linked mRNA vaccines to an increase in cancers. I spent some time today searching through the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for data on cancer following vaccines. Cancer is not a common side effect associated with vaccine injuries, perhaps due to the time it takes for cancer cells to proliferate and be exposed through cancer screening, as by then most people would probably not even associate a diagnosis of cancer with a previous vaccine. Therefore, even though previous analyses on COVID-19 vaccine injuries have shown that the unreported factor is about 41x, it could be significantly higher for cases of cancer. To find trends of increased cancer rates following COVID-19 vaccines, we need to compare these rates with previous FDA approved vaccines in VAERS. Searching for various forms of cancer in VAERS, I found 739 cases resulting in 84 deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations for the past 16 months. Using the exact same search for all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years before the COVID-19 shots were issued emergency use authorizations, I found 220 cases resulting in 16 deaths over 360 months. That's an average of .6 cases per month for the previous 30 years compared to an average of 46 cases of cancer per month following COVID-19 vaccines, an increase of 7,567%. The CDC and FDA have not issued any warnings regarding increased cancer rates following COVID-19 vaccines.

Are You on the Right Path in Life? There May Not be Much Time Left to Decide

We are living in unprecedented times, at least unprecedented during the lifetimes of every human being currently alive on planet earth today. World events are unfolding so fast right now, that very soon everyone will probably be faced with very few options to choose their path into the future. In the madness and insanity that dominates the world today, it is very easy to get lost in the daily pressures that surround us, and lose site of the most important things in life. We all make choices every day that have consequences which will shape our future. Many of the external circumstances that affect our decisions each day are out of our control. But our choices are not out of our control. The only thing in this world that you can control, is yourself. Too often we have heard from those carrying out the evil plans of the tyrants the words: "I have no choice. I'm just doing my job." But we always have a choice. And ultimately, it boils down to a choice between freedom, or slavery. Paradoxically, choosing freedom over slavery can lead to our physical death. But it is still your choice to either live as a slave, or die free. Therefore, the biggest question you need to address today is, are you ready to die? Are you prepared for where your path leads after your physical death? Because if you do not fear physical death, then nobody has control over you!

Get Ready for Forced Lockdowns as China is Once Again the Boiler Plate for What Comes Next

I have been reporting for 2 weeks now how what has been happening in Shanghai, China, is by far the most significant news event currently happening, and that includes the war in Ukraine. Some in the Alternative media now seem to be coming to this understanding also, and now the corporate media is also addressing the issue, apparently warning Americans that lockdowns are coming soon to the U.S. We already know from our experiences in 2020 how the lockdowns, not a "virus," caused massive economic and social upheaval. If you didn't learn from that experience, then you are going to suffer badly, and perhaps lose your life, because we have already been warned by the Globalists that what comes next will make the 2020 COVID-19 look like a vacation. The corporate media is reporting that the lockdowns in Shanghai have spread to many other cities in China now, with almost 400 million people currently under lockdowns, which is more than the entire population of the United States. Fortune published an article today with the headline: "‘It’s probably worse than Wuhan’: Experts warn China’s COVID-19 lockdowns will once again cripple global supply chains." WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! The pharma-funded corporate media is now telling you what is coming! If you don't want to be like the people in Shanghai, who are having their children ripped away from them, having their pets killed, dying from starvation and committing mass suicide, being forced into quarantine camps and force vaccinated, then you better start preparing NOW!! It's coming. And it's probably coming very soon.

43,000 Deaths 4 MILLION Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 43,005 fatalities, and 3,984,978 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots (the first adverse reactions to the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine were recorded in the past 2 weeks). Most of the world continues to be ignorant of the tremendous dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines because they do not investigate for themselves to find out what the truth is, but blindly put their trust in others who are considered "experts" and broadcast in the pharma-funded media who are lying to them. Not understanding the truth regarding COVID-19 vaccines can very easily cost you your life, as we have been documenting for over a year now with hundreds of heart-breaking stories. Here are a few more to put some names and faces to these cold statistics.