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Chinese Protesters Demanding Bank Funds Returned Reportedly Stopped by Health Code Apps Turning Red

Earlier this month (June, 2022) we reported how over 1 million residents in China's Henan Province were prevented from withdrawing their money from their bank, with many losing their entire life savings. Now it is being reported this week that as many protesters were heading to Henan province’s capital Zhengzhou to demand to get their money back, Chinese health authorities used their COVID-19 tracking app to turn up "red," forcing them into quarantine, in order to stop the protests. This is what happens when citizens freely give up their freedom to comply with government medical tyranny and let them track their movements and health status.

U.S. Farmers Issue Dire Warnings of Looming Food Shortages as Most Americans are Clueless as to How Their Food is Produced and Unprepared for What’s Coming

Unless you have a farmer in your family, or in your circle of friends and contacts, chances are that you are among the millions of people in the United States that seldom give thought to how the food you buy and eat is produced. Ask the typical American where the food on their table comes from, and probably 99.9% of them will answer: the grocery store. The grocery store is a modern-day retail outlet that most of our forefathers did not enjoy. Prior to the industrial age post WWII, most neighborhoods had local businesses and farmers who supplied the bulk of that community's food, from the milkman who delivered dairy products, to the town butcher who processed meat, to the town baker who produced products from grains, etc. There was no one-stop shop where one could pick up multiple products called "groceries." Few understand that the modern day grocery store is dependent on a highly technical system that is interdependent on many inputs into the supply chain, and can easily be ground to a halt. If you have lived through local natural disasters, like a hurricane, or an earthquake, you probably have had a taste of what it can be like when everyone all of sudden needs to buy groceries all at the same time, and then learn that the grocery store shelves are bare. Panic buying can cause similar disruptions, and most of us got a taste, and that's all it was, a "taste", of this in the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns. But almost all of the people alive in the U.S. today have not experienced real hardship that produces hunger and starvation, such as what this nation experienced in the 1930s prior to WWII during the "dust bowl" as the nation suffered an economic depression, along with massive food shortages due to crop failures. We have had economic downturns since WWII, but in general the U.S. has seen prosperous times for over 70 years now, and the current generations alive have become so dependent on the conveniences that modern technology has brought us, that they just assume it will always be there, and fail to realize just how fragile that technology is. Today, less than 1% of the population of the United States now produces food for the other 99%, thanks to the technological age, so when farmers, particularly farmers with contracts in the commodity food industry, which is by far the majority, speak out with warnings about what is ahead, it is time to sit up and listen, and realize that if you cannot buy food from your usual local grocery outlets, that there will be no one to bail you out if you have not prepared for such a situation. For the rest of this article I am publishing some news today that farmers themselves are reporting, and everyone needs to take heed and prepare accordingly.

10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle Reportedly Dead

Multiple news sources are reporting that thousands of feedlot cattle have died in Kansas, and they are blaming it on the heat. Many farmers have chimed in on social media, however, stating that cattle don't usually die like this simply because of heat, especially in the southern cattle producing states, such as Texas which have long, hot summers. Because these are "feedlot" cattle living in close quarters and being fed commercial feed, rather than cattle that graze on pasture, some have speculated it could have been poisoning, while others are theorizing it could be EMF radiation such as from 5G towers, as there is some precedence of EMF radiation poisoning harming cattle in the past.

California Assembly Passes Bill on Expanded Abortions that Includes Infanticide

I have previously written that if the Supreme Court does strike down the infamous Roe vs. Wade abortion decision, that this will NOT decrease abortions in the United States, but actually increase them. The issue of abortion will now be dealt with at the State level, and some states, like California, will increase abortion services and become "Abortion Tourism States." In states that restrict or ban abortions altogether, look for legislation to be adopted that forces employers or the state to pay for pregnant employees who want abortions that are illegal in their state to travel to one of these "Abortion Tourism" states. It will open up a whole new market to make money off of abortions in the U.S. In California, the State Assembly just passed AB 2223 which will also probably pass the Senate and be signed into law by Governor Newsom, which approves abortions not only through the 3rd trimester, but also after birth in what are called "perinatal deaths."

Florida Gov. DeSantis Wants CPS to Take Children Away from Parents Attending “Drag Shows” but Not from Parents Attempting to Murder Their Children with COVID-19 Shots

Last week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis criticized a "family friendly" drag show held at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas. And while most parents in the U.S. would probably agree with the Governor on this issue, it is what he said next that should concern every parent in America who values parental rights. When asked by reporters whether he would support proposed legislation from a Florida state representative that would punish parents who take their children to such performances, the governor said he has asked his staff to look into the idea. "We have child protective statutes on the books," the governor said. "We have laws against child endangerment." Threatening parents who do not conform with a politician's view about what constitutes being a good parent or not by having their children kidnapped by the State and put into the nation's lucrative child trafficking network called "foster care" by government "child protection" agents, is something everybody should be against, regardless of your political views. As we have documented numerous times over the past many years, putting children into the nation's child trafficking network called "foster care" has disastrous and deadly results, as many of these children are raped and sexually abused in foster care, and nationwide studies have shown that children who are left with their biological families, even in troubled homes, fare much better than children forced to be separated from their families and put into the foster care system. Where is the outrage from Gov. DeSantis against the parents who are trying to abuse or kill their children by forcing them to take a COVID-19 "vaccine" that is today maiming and killing so many children, including children in the "Red" State of Florida? This is something Gov. DeSantis has the power to stop, NOT by threatening to take away their children, but by issuing an executive order stating that Florida will not follow the FDA and CDC recommendations for injecting children with the COVID-19 shots to be implemented in their State. These recommendations from the FDA and CDC are just that: recommendations. They are NOT laws!

The Financial Apocalypse Begins

The "coming financial apocalypse" is no longer "coming." It has arrived. Of course it can be argued that it has been here for quite some time already, but only a few in the alternative media were publishing the truth, as the corporate media and those financial "experts" employed by corporate media properties instead used terms like "recession," mainly because the manipulated stock markets were still plowing ahead full steam gambling away the future and seemingly keeping things afloat and not understanding, or if understanding certainly not admitting, that the American stock exchanges had become nothing more than huge ponzi schemes. But that all changed on Friday last week, when key inflation figures released to the public ended up being much higher than the corporate media had been reporting. I had a feeling that all hell would break loose when the markets opened on Monday morning, and sure enough that is exactly what happened today.

US Naval Air Forces Orders “Safety Pause” For Aircraft After Multiple Deadly Southern California Crashes

The U.S. Navy announced this weekend that there would be a "safety pause" for certain aircraft following 3 recent crashes in Southern California where 6 service members died within the span of 10 days. I have read several reports from multiple sources regarding this "safety pause," and not one of them mentioned the vaccination status of the pilots, and there is no indication that the investigations will consider if any adverse reactions from the COVID-19 vaccines could have been involved. The Navy currently has 97% of its service members vaccinated with mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. American Airlines pilot Captain Robert Snow, a pilot with over 31 years experience, made headlines recently when he went public with his story after going into cardiac arrest in the cockpit of the commercial plane he was flying just moments after landing in Dallas, avoiding what could have been a major catastrophe if he would have suffered his heart attack while landing. His career is over now, as the FAA will not allow pilots with heart conditions like Mr. Snow now has to continue flying. Mr. Snow went public to explain how this was most certainly a COVID vaccine adverse reaction, and his testimony was quickly removed from Google’s YouTube. Mr. Snow was mandated to receive the COVID vaccine as a condition for keeping his job. Pilot Joshua Yoder, who is the co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers, was interviewed by Steve Kirsch where he revealed that he was receiving many phone calls from other pilots in the commercial airline industry who are also suffering heart problems after receiving a COVID-19 mandatory vaccine, but they fear coming forward because they will lose their jobs.

Based on VAERS Data for Children Aged 5 to 15 Injected with COVID-19 Shots, Will 1 Million Babies be Injured and Killed in the First Year if Authorized for 6 Months to 5 Year Olds?

The FDA and CDC will consider injecting babies and infants between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old with COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna in the coming week. In May of 2021 the FDA and CDC authorized Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children between the ages of 12 and 15, and at the end of October they authorized Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children between the ages of 5 and 11. So I am going to publish Government data on cases of adverse reactions that have been filed with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for these age groups subsequent to the authorization for these vaccines for these age groups, something that neither the government nor the pharma-funded corporate media will publish, and yet can be verified by anyone with Internet access since this is public knowledge. In this report today, I will also include cases of fetal deaths recorded in VAERS after their mothers were injected with COVID-19 vaccines, as 2nd and 3rd trimester unborn children are closer in age to 6-month-old babies that the FDA and CDC will soon decide to start injecting with these shots. Anyone who plans to be present next week in these advisory committee meetings is free to copy and use this data.

Study: Habitual Coffee Consumption Reduces Risk of Progressive Kidney Disease

Coffee, one of the most often consumed beverages worldwide, contains a wide variety of compounds, including caffeine, diterpenes, and chlorogenic acid, which fully develop after the bean roasting process and are reported to have an assortment of health benefits. Habitual coffee consumption is associated with the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and liver disease. ARIC, a large population study of 14,207 participants aged 45 to 64 years, revealed that higher self-reported daily coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of incident chronic kidney disease after adjustments were made for demographic, clinical, and dietary factors. Thus, habitual coffee consumption has a strong potential for reducing the risk of progressive kidney disease.

2,200 Elite, Including Big Pharma CEO, Top Doctors, Movie Stars, Caught Buying FAKE Vax Certificates in Spain

As we reported last year, World Bank President David Malpass made a telling admission. In a nutshell, Malpass stated that Pfizer won’t go into countries unless those governments grant them immunity from any an all damages caused by their vaccine. If the country allows individuals or organizations to sue after Pfizer hurts them, Pfizer stays out. “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield,” Malpass stated. Imagine the audacity it takes for a company who is ostensibly helping to stop a pandemic, to tell people they can’t have their “life-saving” medicine unless said company can harm them with impunity. There is no need to imagine, as this is the situation in which we currently find ourselves. Refusal to take responsibility for a product with many known side effects — which was mandated on people throughout the world without their consent — naturally doesn’t sit well with folks who care about their health. For this reason, a massive black market formed around fake vaccination certifications for people who didn’t want to lose their livelihoods or worse, over forced vaccinations. While we were told that this black market was the work of criminals and staunch antivaxxers, an investigation in Spain found that more than 2,200 famous people, including top medical personnel and the leader of one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies — have been buying fake vaccination certificates.

Monkeypox is Following the COVID Playbook Step by Step

Monkeypox is back in the headlines as of yesterday, back to work after a short break. It burst onto the front pages, with concomitant BIG RED NUMBERS and daily case updates a couple of weeks ago, and then went quiet. The press pretty much stopped talking about it. …until they started again. Yesterday it was reported that the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has “upgraded” monkeypox to a “notifiable disease”, meaning any positive test must be immediately reported to the government agency. Ever one for subtlety, the Telegraph’s front page reports this as “monkeypox upgraded to same level as leprosy and the plague” Across the pond, the US CDC has made the curiously synchronised decision to increase their travel alert on Monkeypox to level 2, which recommends people “practice enhanced precautions”. Let’s be clear here – the “monkeypox outbreak” is a joke. Anybody actually taking any of this seriously after the last two years of Covid hysteria needs a major reality check. At this point you should be assuming any disease “outbreak” is a hoax until proven otherwise. Really proven, not “trust me, I’m an expert” proven.

Doctors “Baffled” by Sudden Increase in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” despite Government Data Linking Increased Deaths to COVID-19 Vaccines

For over a decade now we have reported here at Health Impact News that "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" (SIDS) is really just a way to conceal infant deaths due to vaccination. Neil Miller, a medical research journalist and the Director of the Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute, wrote in 2014 that while there are 130 official ways for an infant to die according to official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), vaccines are not one of them: "There are 130 official ways for an infant to die. These official categories of death, sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are published in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). When a baby dies, coroners must choose from among these 130 categories. The official causes of death listed in the ICD include nearly every imaginable — and tragic — possibility. However, there is NO category for infant deaths caused by vaccines. This is odd because the federal government is aware that vaccines permanently disable and kill some babies — the very reason Congress established a “death and disability” tax on childhood vaccines more than 25 years ago when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660) created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)." Today, a little over a year after the emergency use authorizations of the COVID-19 vaccines, news headlines in the pharma-funded corporate media are stating that doctors are "baffled" by rising cases of what they term "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (SADS). As they have done for many years now with infants, in refusing to even consider the fact that babies do die after receiving vaccines, so too today they are refusing to even consider the possibility that young, healthy adults are dying after receiving COVID-19 vaccines. A quick search in the U.S. Government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on deaths recorded following vaccination, will clearly show the correlation between FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, where the vast majority of deaths were among infants below the age of 6 months, in contrast to reported deaths following COVID-19 vaccines, where deaths among adults in the working class (ages 18 to 59) now exceed infant deaths for the past 30+ years, during the last 18 months. The experimental COVID-19 vaccines have not even been authorized yet for infants, but they are scheduled to be authorized within days now, as the Biden Administration has already ordered 10 million doses to be distributed to all states to start injecting children under the age of 5. What are these horrible statistics going to look like in the months ahead as these tiny, fragile little human beings are injected with these toxic COVID-19 shots??

Norway to Track All Supermarket Purchases

People living in Norway are used to big government. But the latest news coming out of Oslo is a surprising new step down the road of data collection that not everyone is happy with. Statistics Norway (SSB) is the state-owned entity responsible for collecting, producing and communicating statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels. Because everything about an individual living in Norway is linked to their fødselnummer (birth number), SSB already knows where you live, what you earn and what's on your criminal record. However, according to a report by NRK, they now want to know where you shop, and what you buy.

As Some Lockdowns in China End, People Beg the Government for Freedom Trying to Escape Medical Tyranny

On June 1, 2022, it was announced that lockdowns in Shanghai, China's largest city, were ending. Many residents rushed out into the streets to walk around outdoors for the first time in months, while others packed their bags to get out of the city as fast as they could, knowing that lockdowns could return at any moment. For those allowed to leave their homes, in order to travel and participate in society, they must take a PCR test every 72 hours, and carry their ID code on their cell phones wherever they go. If they lose their cell phone, they reportedly cannot even return home. Hundreds of thousands of residents still remain in lockdowns, including many who had just been allowed out on June 1st but are prisoners again in their own homes, simply because someone in their neighborhood tested positive for COVID. In one province of China, over 1 million bank customers had their accounts emptied, losing everything, because their bank was allegedly accused of fraud. Much of this is being censored inside of China. We have put together a short video with reports from inside China.

Former Blackrock Manager Talks About Upcoming Financial Chaos Due to Loss of Working Adults from Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

Former Blackrock Fund Manager Edward Dowd was interviewed by the New American today where he explained the economic chaos that is coming due to the huge loss of working age Americans who have died or become disabled after complying with employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021. He explains that even through the first quarter of 2022, insurance companies are reporting on average a 20% increase in deaths among working aged Americans. When you take these statistics and combine them with the lowering birth rates, which will now accelerate with child-bearing aged women who took the COVID-19 shots, and the fact that the banking industry has been engaging in fraud since 2008 which has never been resolved, the immediate future looks catastrophic. And their solution to this mess is to reset the economy with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), which will basically make slaves out of everyone. Dowd is hopeful for the long-term future, as he believes that many people will not choose to become slaves when the CBDCs are rolled out, but I do not share his optimism. The current generations that comprise most of the American workforce have already proven that they prefer slavery over taking the more difficult road of resisting the Globalists. Then there is the spiritual aspect to consider. How long will a Holy and Righteous God standby and watch this nation continue to traffic and abuse our children, in this rapidly decaying moral cesspool that is called "the United States of America" today? I personally believe the trumpet judgments in the Book of Revelation in the Bible have already started, and that the world's population is already in the process of being drastically reduced; not by the Globalists, but by God's judgments.

45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 45,316 fatalities, and 4,416,778 injuries following injections of five experimental COVID-19 shots. Here are some tragic stories from those who believed in the COVID-19 vaccines, but are now dead. These stories are becoming more difficult to find, because most public notices of these deaths refuse to mention the deceased COVID-19 vaccination status. So many Internet Sleuths are now looking for cases of "sudden deaths", especially among young, previously healthy people, and then looking for their social media accounts where often they boasted about their COVID-19 vaccines. As a result, there is now a new syndrome that has been created to try and cover up these deaths as "vaccine deaths," which are now being referred to as "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (SADS), where they claim the cause of death is "unknown." Meanwhile, the world slips into economic chaos as the pool of human resources to fill jobs to keep the economy functioning continues to shrink at a rapid pace. Welcome to the Apocalypse.

Railroad Congestion in U.S. is a Deadly Catastrophe that is About to Affect Everyone with No Immediate Solutions in Sight

As we watch the entire supply-chain in the United States begin to fail, and the catastrophic effects that will plunge this nation most likely into chaos and social unrest in the not-too-distant future, one only needs to observe what is happening with our railroad system to understand how truly gigantic, and horrifying, this situation is today. John Schmitter writing for RailState gives a good description of the current problem: "The recent Surface Transportation Board hearings have brought to light a long-existing issue in the rail industry: capacity. Railroads prioritize cutting costs and raising prices (with a focus on the operating ratio). They have less concern about capacity and service. Take this article about Union Pacific, for example. UP has been removing up to 3% of railroad-controlled cars from the network, in order to manage the current congestion. The number of cars on the UP system, however, remains on the rise. How can we conceptualize this? Say you’ve been going to your favorite grocery store and have noticed that over the past few months, the checkout lines have been long and the shelves have been empty. The problem? The store doesn’t have enough people to work the checkout lines, and the owners aren’t ordering more inventory because that would drive up inventory costs. Instead, they’re telling their customers to shop less frequently and to buy fewer things. Their solution is to limit the amount of time customers may spend in the store, and the amount of goods they may buy. How much business would you expect this grocery store to maintain? Zero. Competitors would add staff and increase the inventory, and you — looking for a better shopping experience — would be forced to take your loyalties elsewhere. Railroads have a monopoly, which means there’s no penalty for failure to provide enough capacity to handle even small, unanticipated increases in volume. Railroads will handle the business eventually, unless the customer loses the sale completely. And herein lies the issue: everyone else in the network is forced to suffer, thanks to these performance hindrances. Constrained capacity means that even a small, unexpected increase in demand will bring the network to a grinding halt. According to the railroads, there’s not enough time or money to add crew members or line capacity. Adding more crew members requires at least six months of training, so they may work safely and productively." As a business owner myself with a 20-year history of importing high quality foods to the U.S., I can tell you that I have never seen anything like this...

Bill to let 12-Year-Olds Get Vaccine Without Parental Consent Could be Voted on in California Assembly This Week

In California, children between the ages of 12 and 18 cannot go to the doctor without their parent's consent. Children aren’t allowed to enroll themselves in school without a parent. Children can’t even sign up for the local soccer team without a parent. They can’t open a bank account without a parent. They cannot drive until age 16. Children can’t vote until age 18. They aren’t even allowed to administer cold medication to themselves at school. But one thing they can do without their parent's consent, is decide to get a deadly HPV Gardasil vaccine, thanks to a bill signed into law by then Governor Jerry Brown back in 2011. A common side effect of the Gardasil vaccine is becoming infertile and never being able to bear children. This week, the California Assembly is set to vote on another bill that allows children as young as the age of 12 to make their own decision without their parents' consent to receive a vaccine, this time the experimental COVID-19 shot that has already killed and maimed many thousands of children in the U.S. There have already been 37,301 cases of deaths and injuries for children between the ages of 12 and 18 following COVID-19 vaccines, which only covers one year since they were approved for 12 to 15-year-olds in May of 2021. About 12% of those cases in the United States have happened in the State of California, with 3,809 cases, with Texas a distant second with 2,039 cases reported in children between the ages of 12 and 18.

Secretive Bilderberg Group of World Leaders Gathered in D.C. This Weekend

The 68th annual Bilderberg Meeting of world leaders was held this weekend in Washington D.C.  For many years the existence of this group was denied, and anyone who tried to expose them was vilified as a "conspiracy theorist." And while the corporate media will still not cover this group, the group themselves started publishing press releases announcing their meetings some years back. The list of participants is quite revealing, and this year included such names as Henry Kissinger, Albert Bourla the CEO of Pfizer, Head of the CIA William J Burns, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley, Eric Schmidt the former CEO of Google, and many others. And while there was almost no mention of this meeting in the corporate news, it received plenty of coverage among the Alternative Media.

Why were Filmmaker David Crowley and his Family Murdered before he could Complete Gray State?

In early 2015, filmmaker David Crowley, along with his wife and their 5-year-old daughter, were found dead in their home. David Crowley was working on a film called "Gray State," and as a result of his death the film was never completed. A 7-minute short documentary ("Gray State - The Movie THEY did NOT want made") explaining what happened has been making the rounds of the Internet again lately, and this short video is also included in Altiyan Childs's 5-hour documentary on Freemasons that we have previously published. It is very well-done, and worth watching. There is also a 1.5 hour documentary done on David Crowley called "A Gray State," but it appears to be an attempt to discredit his work and label him as a deranged "conspiracy theorist." Winter Watch published a thorough article on this documentary earlier this year: ‘A Gray State’ and the Crowley Case: Propaganda and Deception. No doubt Crowley's work is getting more recent attention as more people start to wake up to the realities of the current world situation we all find ourselves in, and what may be coming next, which could be an even greater police state, and the removal of people from their homes and put into FEMA camps, similar to what has already been happening in Shanghai and other parts of China for the past few weeks. A publication called "American Media Group" has complied a list of 1000 FEMA camps as of this year, 2022. Crowley believed that the Satanic forces behind the Globalists implementing this New World Order were part of Freemasonry, and if you have not yet taken the time to watch the entire 5-hour documentary by Australian Altiyan Childs on Freemasonry, it is HIGHLY recommended.