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Editor - Health Impact News

Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America

The new book, Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America, has just been released in paper-back. Published by Sophia Media, the book documents the growing problem of families losing their children to the medical system through Child Protection Services.

Biotech to Receive Tax Payer Money to Promote GMOs?

Hidden within a large federal spending bill is a proposal for $3 million to go toward consumer education and outreach to “promote understanding and acceptance of agricultural biotechnology”—a campaign to be carried out jointly by the FDA and the USDA. In plain English, this proposal would spend taxpayer dollars on an effort to convince Americans that GMOs are just fine—perhaps even that they shouldn’t be labeled.

Dr. Brian Hooker Exposes Fraud at the CDC – Congress Refuses to Hold Hearings

In what is perhaps one of the most in-depth public interviews ever recorded with Dr. Brian Hooker, who is featured in the recent film VAXXED which is creating major controversies in film festivals all across the U.S. as powerful vaccine special interest groups try to censor the film, Dr. Hooker reveals on the National Safe Child Show how his 10 year fight with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) resulted in one of the top vaccine scientists at the CDC contacting him to become a whistleblower regarding vaccine research fraud. Dr. William Thompson of the CDC was a co-author of a landmark vaccine research paper published in 2004 that supposedly proved that there was no correlation between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella 3-combo vaccine (MMR) and autism. However, in phones calls between Dr. Thompson and Dr. Hooker in 2014 that were secretly recorded, Dr. Thompson revealed that the CDC deliberately hid and destroyed data that showed there was in fact a link between the MMR vaccine and autism among certain groups of children. After the phone conversations between Dr. Hooker and Dr. Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney, and sent all of the data that he had retained showing the fraud to U.S. Representative Bill Posey. According to Dr. Hooker, Dr. Thompson was also deposed and filed an affidavit that Congressman Posey retains in his possession. Yet in spite of these revelations, not one Congressional committee chair has called a hearing to subpoena Dr. Thompson and investigate fraud at the CDC. In this interview with Dr. Hooker on the National Safe Child Show and Tammi Stefano, Dr. Hooker explains how he was harassed and opposed by the CDC as he spent over 10 years filing over 100 freedom of information acts (FOIAs) to recover raw data sets used to publish research on vaccines by the CDC. They even targeted his son, who was injured by the MMR vaccine and today has autism.

Darwinism: the Meaninglessness of Life and of Death

In a video on YouTube, University of Chicago evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne states that science has demonstrated that "the universe and life are pointless....Pointless in the sense that there is no externally imposed purpose or point in the universe. As atheists this is something that is manifestly true to us. We make our own meaning and purpose." He went on to say: "Evolution is the greatest killer of belief that has ever happened on this planet because it showed that some of the best evidence for God, which was the design of animals and plants that so wonderfully matched their environment could be the result of this naturalistic, blind materialistic process of natural selection." Coyne is by no means alone in claiming Darwinism, with its insistence that all organisms have arisen through chance events (mutations) without plan or purpose, leads logically to the position that human life has no meaning or purpose. In my book The Death of Humanity: And the Case for Life, I provide many examples of evolutionary biologists and other intellectuals who argue Darwinism sweeps away the benighted notion that human life has meaning.

CDC Whistleblower Scientist Given Huge Bonus and Asked to Rewrite Fraudulent Vaccine-Autism Study

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., issued a press release today clarifying some issues related to his past relationship to Dr. William Thompson of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Dr. Thompson originally contacted Dr. Hooker and confessed that the CDC had covered up data in a 2004 article published in the Journal of Pediatrics that linked the MMR vaccine to autism. When the phone conversations between Brian Hooker and William Thompson went public, Dr. Thompson hired a whistleblower attorney. However, in spite of the confessions of fraud at the CDC by Dr. Thompson, he retained his position at the CDC, and no committee chair in Congress dared to take on the pharmaceutical cartel and hold hearings on the matter. Dr. Thompson was never subpoenaed to be questioned about the alleged fraud at the CDC. Congressman Bill Posey was the lone voice in Congress calling for hearings, and he allegedly received documents from Dr. Thompson as well as an affidavit. Dr. Thompson appeared willing to testify, but only under oath before Congress. It never happened. With the recent popularity of the film VAXXED, which features the story of Dr. Thompson becoming a whistleblower and revealing fraud at the CDC, more information has come forward about just why it is believed Dr. Thompson retained his position at the CDC, and just how the CDC is going to handle this story, which for the most part has been censored in the mainstream media, but been on fire in the Alternative Media and Social Media. Dr. Brian Hooker made some comments at one of the Q & A sessions of the film's premiere in Manhattan recently, and today he issued a formal press release explaining the basis of those comments.

Healthy Traditions Adds Traditionally Produced and Glyphosate-Tested Raw Almonds to Product Line

Tropical Traditions announced this week that they have added Raw Italian Almonds to their Healthy Traditions product line. Unlike almonds grown in the US, that are required to be pasteurized by law, these almonds, grown in Italy, are free from that regulation. These almonds are grown by sustainable methods with no chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers used on the almond trees. It carries Healthy Traditions' highest standards to earn the "Traditionally Produced" label. As an added security, they are tested for the presence of glyphosate for each batch. The family-run farm that grows these almonds for us is a diverse farm, not an almond monoculture, and these almonds are never irradiated, so they are suitable for sprouting.

Study: Coconut Oil Pulling Kills Mouth Bacteria

A recent study conducted in India and published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice shows once again the health benefits of "oil pulling" with coconut oil. The study compared regular coconut oil with commercial Chlorhexidine mouthwash, and the effect on reducing Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. A control group was simply given distilled water. The study found that both the group that used the Chlorhexidine mouthwash and regular coconut oil significantly reduced Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the saliva. The coconut oil group used a method called "oil pulling," an age-old practice in India that has gained modern popularity in promoting oral and systemic health. They rinsed their mouth with 10 ml of coconut oil for 10 minutes.

View The Truth About Cancer Summit for FREE This Weekend Only!

Ty Bollinger has become the leader of alternative cancer information in the United States. Last year (2015), Ty traveled around the world interviewing 131 doctors, researchers, and several cancer survivors to create an alternative cancer documentary series. This film series has already been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people and saved many lives. This weekend only (ends midnight Sunday, April, 24th), anyone can view all 9 episodes of this landmark alternative cancer summit for FREE! There is a wealth of information in these sessions that you are not likely to learn in mainstream media or medical care.

NBC Chief Bob Wright: Both Obama and Bush Killed Proposals to Improve Vaccine Safety

In his new book, The Wright Stuff: From NBC to Autism Speaks, former head of NBC Universal Bob Wright weighs in on vaccines and autism. According to a review by Accuracy in Media, Wright reveals that both the Obama and Bush administrations killed proposals to improve vaccine safety. This political interference in the effort to produce the safest vaccines possible adds to my own first hand knowledge of multiple Congressional hearings about vaccine safety and links to autism that have been scheduled, but then cancelled under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry is able to wield inordinate pressure in the news media through its advertising relationships; in government and politics through its business relationships, donations and revolving door; and in universities and scientific research communities through its funding and contributions.

Herbicide Glyphosate Found in Organic Eggs and Dairy

ANH-USA tested common breakfast foods for the presence of glyphosate, the toxic herbicide. Here’s what we found. Action Alert! By now it has become common knowledge that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup—the most common weed killer in the world—poses many grave threats to human health and has been classified as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization. We also know that glyphosate is increasingly prevalent, turning up in blood, urine, and even breast milk. To dig deeper—to see just how pervasive glyphosate is in our food system—we tested twenty-four popular breakfast foods and ingredients, including items such as flour, corn flakes, bagels, yogurt, potatoes, organic eggs, and coffee creamers.

Medical Scam: How Many Lives Have Cholesterol-lowering Drugs and Vegetable Oils Ruined?

In 2013 we reported on the research fraud regarding a scientific study that was used to support the theory that high levels of cholesterol and saturated fats were linked to an increase in heart disease. This study, the Sydney Diet Heart Study, was supposed to support the claim that dietary saturated fats led to high levels of heart disease, and that one needed to switch to polyunsaturated oils and also take cholesterol-lowering drugs to avoid these so-called dangerous levels of cholesterol. But researchers uncovered data that was not previously published which contradicted the conclusions of the study. The problem is that the science has never supported this theory, the lipid theory of heart disease. But it did create a multi-billion dollar industry for cholesterol-lowering drugs and polyunsaturated oils, the new expeller-pressed vegetable oils mainly from corn and soybeans, that only entered the food chain after World War II and the age of industrialization. The British Medical Journal published a report in 2016 showing more research fraud on another landmark study from the past that supposedly showed this link between dietary fats, cholesterol, and heart disease. This time, they examined the data from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment, carried out between 1968 and 1973. This study shows that upon re-examination of the data, including data that was previously unpublished, that not only does the data not support the lipid theory of heart disease, but it shows that taking interventions to lower one's cholesterol actually increased mortality rates.

Grass-fed Traditions Offers Bison Bone Stock for Broth to the Public

Grass-Fed Traditions, part of the Tropical Traditions and Healthy Traditions network, has announced that it is offering bison bone stock to the public. The stock is sourced from the bones of grass-fed bison that are raised on pastures that are never treated with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. These magnificent animals yield bones that are perfect for making a nutrient dense stock.

Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas Agrees with Robert De Niro: “Let’s Find Out The Truth” About Vaccines

“As a parent with a child who has autism, I’m concerned,” Robert De Niro said on the Today Show on April 13. “I want to know the truth. I’m not anti-vaccine. I want safe vaccines.” De Niro got visibly upset as he spoke. Upset about the way the mainstream has shut down the conversation about vaccines and autism. Upset that he had to make the quick decision—which he seemed to say he now regrets—to pull the documentary Vaxxed from this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. And upset about his now 18-year-old son who has autism. “The vaccines are dangerous to certain people who are more susceptible, and nobody seems to want to address that. Or they say they’ve addressed it and it’s a closed issue,” De Niro said. “There’s more to this than meets the eye, believe me. There is something there that people aren’t addressing.” As a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician with over 11,000 children in my practice in Portland, Oregon, and a Cornell-educated science writer and Fulbright scholar who has been researching children’s health for over ten years, we agree with Robert De Niro: the question of whether vaccines are a contributing factor to the autism epidemic is anything but closed.

Strawberries Top the List of Worst Fruits and Veggies for Pesticide Residues

Of all the fresh fruits and vegetables available for sale in the United States, sweet, sun-kissed strawberries are the most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues, according to EWG’s 2016 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. This year, for the first time strawberries top EWG’s Dirty Dozen list of produce with the highest amount of pesticide, even after you’ve washed them. Other dirty produce includes peaches, nectarines and apples – previously No. 1 for five years running.

Whistleblower Reveals Corruption in Kidnapping Children in LA County

This is National Child Abuse Month and we have Tammi Stefano, host of the National Safe Child Show joined by a CPS whistleblower (whose identity remains hidden to protect them) that has worked with the Department of Children and Family Services in LA County for over a decade coming forward now to reveal egregious corruption within the department. This social worker has come forward after being privy to a case where they saw that court ordered family visits were impeded by the department allegedly in an effort to manipulate the judges' ruling in favor of adopting out the child instead of reunification with the family by making it appear that the family was not choosing to visit their child, among other things. This whistleblower says that this family is a safe and loving family who has done nothing wrong, yet they are suffering at the hand of a corrupt system, a system that is right now seeing some of its own social workers criminally prosecuted by Los Angeles D.A. Jackie Lacey in the Gabriel Fernandez death. A department that during business as usual allegedly accepts "orders for children"--taking children away from their loving families to adopt them out for financial gain--while on the other hand is caught ignoring the cries of a young boy being tortured to death may not be a department that works in the best interest of children and their families.

Robert De Niro Attacked for Asking Questions about Vaccines and Promoting Freedom of Speech

Academy Award winning actor Robert De Niro appeared on the Today Show to discuss the beginning of the Tribeca Film Festival. De Niro appeared with Tribeca co-founder Jane Rosenthal. De Niro defended his original decision to include the film "Vaxxed" in the film festival, which was later reversed, and encouraged everyone to see the film, as well as another film called "Trace Amounts." He expressed regret at having to exclude the film, but stated he did not want the Festival affected by the controversy. Jane Rosthenthal, the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, then made the shocking statement that the film was pulled from the film festival not because of pressure from sponsors, but because other film-makers threatened to pull out of the festival: "There weren't sponsors or donors that were threatening to pull out of the film festival, but these were film makers, and we're known for having amazing documentary films... It was our film makers that were pulling out." De Niro replied: "I find that amazing, and we're going to talk about that." In defense of the film industry and freedom of speech, De Niro went on to state: "All I wanted, was for the movie to be seen. People can make their own judgement, but you must see it."

Study: Saturated Fats and Coconut Oil Prevent Colon Cancer

A recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology challenged a long-held belief that high fat diets contributed to colon cancer. The authors of the study correctly stated that the lipid profile of the fats being consumed is very important to understand: "High-fat-diet (HFD) consumption is associated with colon cancer risk. However, little is known about how the lipid composition of a HFD can influence pro-oncogenic processes." This study out of the University of South Carolina looking at the effects of saturated fats on colon cancer is a very welcome study, and many more similar theories about the "dangers" of high fat diets should be challenged and looked at more carefully, studying the lipid composition of the fats being consumed. The conclusions of their experiments showed that a high fat diet rich in saturated fats, specifically coconut oil, protected against colon cancer.

Is Avoiding the Sun Worse than Smoking?

Over the past 40+ years, dermatologists have promoted the idea that you should never be exposed to direct sunlight because it will damage your skin and cause skin cancer. You might wonder, well what about vitamin D? No problem, as according to the American Academy of Dermatology, vitamin D deficiency can easily be addressed with vitamin D supplements. What they fail to acknowledge and appreciate is that when you’re exposed to sunlight, many important biological processes occur in your skin, not just vitamin D production. This is separate from swallowing oral vitamin D, which is an important but, according to many experts, clearly inferior alternative. While it will improve your vitamin D status, you forgo the many benefits sunlight offers aside from vitamin D production. Unfortunately, the entire focus of most dermatologists is preventing skin damage, which means ignoring the other side—the benefits—of the sun exposure equation. This includes heightened protection against a number of internal cancers and other chronic diseases, including heart disease, which kills far more people than melanoma does. Ironically, recent research shows that vitamin D also improves survival outcomes for melanoma patients. It’s also important for cognitive health, immune function, healthy pregnancy and infant development, and strong, healthy bones, just to name a few.

Avoid Having Your Children Medically Kidnapped by the Corrupt Cancer Industry – FREE Online Seminar!

The cancer treatment business in the United States is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world, generating well over 100 billion dollars of revenue. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the only organization authorized to approve medical treatments for cancer, and if your child has cancer and you do not like the choices available, such as toxic chemotherapy drugs, you face losing custody of your child to Child Protection Services for disagreeing with a doctor and the FDA approved cancer treatments. The cancer treatment business is seen as a huge growth market, and it depends on no cures for the market to continue to grow. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life. The medical system's next huge market for cancer growth are vaccines. The first cancer vaccine approved for children was the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. As Health Impact News has reported on its Vaccine Impact news site, many thousands of girls in the U.S. and around the world have reported that their lives have been destroyed by this cancer vaccine. The best way one can avoid having their child medically kidnapped is to avoid doctors and hospitals that do not respect parental rights, and seek out the true cancer cures that currently exist, many of them outside of the U.S. To learn more about effective cancer cures, and how to avoid the medical system, sign up for the FREE online summit that starts Tuesday, April 12th.

Government and Corporate Interests Censor Free Speech on Nutrition

What are the supporters of the government’s “US Dietary Guidelines for Americans” afraid of? Last week, investigative journalist and author Nina Teicholz was disinvited from participating in a panel discussion at the Consumer Federation of America’s National Food Policy Conference. Other panelists reportedly said that they would not participate with her, and got the organizers of the conference to rescind Teicholz’s invitation. Why did this happen? A few background details are necessary to explain why this episode typifies how Big Food works in sneaky ways to silence dissent from the established orthodoxy.