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With Meat Shortages Looming Renewed Calls to Repeal Federal Ban on Sale of Meat from Custom Slaughterhouses

In the last week, the media headlines have included concerns about possible meat shortages. Livestock farmers and ranchers across the country are verging on bankruptcy – while consumers are facing increasing prices and empty shelves in the groceries. Texas state officials are reportedly advising Texas ranchers how to depopulate and dispose of their beef, while at the same time beef is still being imported into the U.S. from other countries. With hundreds of millions of livestock and poultry in this country, why are we having these problems? COVID-19 is not the reason for the problems, it’s just the straw that is breaking the camel’s back in our deeply flawed food system. Four companies control processing of over 80% of the country’s beef, and four companies control processing of two-thirds of the country’s pork. The consolidation has led to most meat being processed at massive plants where as many as 400 cattle are slaughtered an hour. Workers in these facilities labor under very difficult and often unsafe conditions – and that’s before you add in the issue of a highly contagious disease. Yet the government regulations are designed for these massive, industrial-scale facilities, making it difficult or sometimes even impossible for small-scale facilities to comply. And federal law requires that “state inspected” facilities use the exact same USDA standards, leaving no flexibility for states to develop standards better suited to small operators. So we have a shortage of small-scale processors in this country, and small-scale livestock farmers have few places they can take their animals for processing. In some areas of the country, the nearest USDA or equivalent state facility may be several hours’ drive away or more. There are alternatives, known as “custom slaughterhouses,” which legally operate in many states. But the meat from them can only be provided back to – and consumed by the family of – the person who owned the animal when it entered the slaughterhouse. A consumer who is not able to pay for and store hundreds of pounds of meat in one order is unable to access the meat from a custom slaughterhouse. And a farmer who wants to sell his or her beef, lamb, goat, or pork to consumers at a local farmers’ market or other local outlet cannot use a custom slaughterhouse. The PRIME Act, H.R. 2859/ S.1620, addresses this problem and can help with both the short-term crisis and the long-term change we need in our food system. TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT THIS IMPORTANT BILL.

Front Line Medical Workers Speak Out on COVID19 Treatments: “Patients are Left to Rot and Die – This is Murder”

Medical personnel working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response are increasingly speaking out about what they are seeing and experiencing, which they claim is a completely different narrative from what the corporate-sponsored media is portraying. Many of them fear to reveal their identity or location, because there are claims that those who speak out are losing their jobs. This presents a dilemma for truth seekers, as in those situations one has to take what is being said at face-value, and make a judgment call as to whether or not what is being claimed is true or not, without being able to directly verify the reports. There are, however, some doctors who have identified themselves, and we have covered some of these doctors, and will review their claims again at the end of this article. They have reportedly received ridicule and attacks as a result of going public with their information. To add to the problem of trying to access and understand this information, social media tech giants Facebook and Google (via YouTube) have publicly stated that they are actively removing content that they deem "fake news" and that generally does not fit the narrative that the corporate media wants to spin. This past weekend, a woman who is identified as "Sara P." and claims to be a "licensed and certified" nurse, posted a video on Facebook where she claims that she is speaking out for a friend of hers who is a nurse that traveled to New York to work on the front lines of COVID-19 treatment, and was appalled by what she saw, and therefore wanted to expose what she was seeing to the rest of the country, but she feared identifying herself or the place where she was working. She encouraged everyone to share the video so that it would go "viral." Her Facebook account has since been apparently deleted, but there are still copies of her video on YouTube. We present one of those here. Another video that recently was published on YouTube is from a respiratory therapist. This man recorded his testimony while wearing a mask, and did not reveal his identity or location. He too talks about the problem with ventilators. However, the hospital where he works apparently saw his video and pressured him to take it down. Some copies remain online, and the copy we are publishing below has received over 173,000 views since April 19th.

As Food Supply Chains Fail, Small Businesses Step Up to Fill in the Gaps – Time to Restructure the Nation’s Food Security?

Earlier this month (April, 2020) we reported about the shortages of meats at supermarkets, and how this reflected not a shortage of meat in the U.S., but the failures of our supply chains when a nationwide crisis hits, such as the Coronavirus scare has done. We discussed how allowing local communities to directly access meat from farmers and ranchers in their own counties and states was the solution to food security issues in our nation's meat supplies. The publication Civil Eats has done an excellent job of reporting on these kinds of problems that are systemic within our nation's food supply chains. In another excellent investigative report on flour shortages that many are starting to see around the country, Amy Halloran has written an excellent article titled: "Flour Shortage? Amber Waves of Regional Grains to the Rescue: A grain and flour expert enthusiast says the local flour revolution is tastier, healthier, and has created more robust markets." Again, as we saw with the meat market, there is currently no shortage of flour in our nation. The issue is the frail supply chain. In yet another excellent article published by Civil Eats, Jodi Helmer wrote a report titled: "Restaurants Are Transforming into Grocery Stores to Survive the Pandemic: Selling sought-after eggs, flour, and toilet paper directly to consumers has provided an ‘emergency transfusion’ for restaurants." In our article about Wyoming's Food Freedom Act and the nation's meat supply issues, we mentioned how the closing of restaurants and other venues that serve food, such as sporting and entertainment events, was what was putting a strain on the meat market supplies. With the entire nation confined to their homes and unable to visit restaurants and other venues where food is served, this in turn created a huge demand for more food at grocery stores, while bulk food distributors were left with an excess of inventory that was not packaged properly for retail sales. Helmer's article documents how some restaurants have dealt with this situation while solving two problems at once: providing more business for their restaurant so they could stay in business, and providing much needed items to their consumers that they could not find in their local grocery stores, such as eggs, flour, and toilet paper. What is the answer to the food security issue facing our nation?

California ER Physicians: Sheltering in Place Does More Harm than Good – Lowers Our Immune System

Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi of Accelerated Urgent Care in Kern County, California refuse to wear masks outside. They say the longer people stay inside, the more their immune system drops. Local NBC News affiliate KGET in Bakersfield interviewed the two doctors this week (April 2020), and the video of the interview was posted on their Facebook Page where it has already been viewed by almost 3 million people at the time of this publication. Will Facebook remove it, since these doctors disagree with other health authorities? We are publishing the YouTube version in this article, although Google is also censoring views like this on YouTube, so it will be interesting to see if they censor something a corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media source has published at the local affiliate in Bakersfield, California. The doctors are reportedly the owners of the largest testing site in Kern County, Califorina. They've tested over 5000 people already for COVID-19. "We both have had extensive classes in microbiology and biochemistry and immunology. We've studied this for each of us 20 years. And we take everything that we're seeing today, and put that against that back drop and say: Does this make sense? Are we following the science? We keep hearing 'following the science.' What is the science essentially? It's the study of the natural world for experiment through observation. So that's what we're doing. We're studying the disease around us, or making observations. Typically you quarantine the sick. We've never seen where we quarantine the healthy, where you take those without disease, and without symptoms, and lock them in (their) home. If you have no symptoms, you should be able to return to work. As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep me there for months, it drops more. The secondary effects, the child abuse, alcoholism, loss of revenue - all of these are, in our opinion, significantly more detrimental thing to society than a virus that has proven similar in nature to the seasonal flu that we have every year."

Roche CEO: COVID19 Tests “Not Worth Anything – Two of us could do it Overnight in the Garage”

Since the Coronavirus outbreak has started, one of the most controversial topics has surrounded testing. How does one know if they have the COVID-19 virus? And if someone is sick, or someone dies, is testing "positive" for COVID-19 proof that the person died from it? But one aspect that is seldom talked about is the accuracy of the tests themselves. When one watches the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media news, they all seem to just assume that these tests are always accurate, and therefore the numbers they publish in terms of those affected or those who die are assumed to be accurate. This week (April 2020), the CEO of the drug company Roche, Severin Schwan, was quoted in a Reuters' news article as saying that new antibody tests for COVID-19 were "a disaster." Fierce Biotech, one of the trade publications for the pharmaceutical industry, published an article on Schwan's comments. The current state of antibody testing for COVID-19 is “a disaster,” said Roche CEO Severin Schwan, as a large number of potentially inaccurate tests enter the market fueled by sky-high demand. Many countries are seeking serology tests to better understand whether people are developing a possible immunity to the novel coronavirus. But reports detailing high rates of false-positive and false-negative results are delaying widespread screening. “These tests are not worth anything, or have very little use,” Schwan said during an early Wednesday conference call regarding the company’s first-quarter earnings, according to Reuters. “Some of these companies, I tell you, this is ethically very questionable to get out with this stuff,” he said, adding that Roche analyzed several products currently on the market and found them to be unreliable. “Every kind of amateur could produce an antibody test,” he said. “The two of us could do it overnight in the garage.” Roche is currently developing its own antibody test, set to launch in early May. Once again, the infighting among pharmaceutical companies to cash in on massive funding for coronavirus products, gives us a glimpse into what is actually happening, if one is willing to turn off their TV long enough to search other sources of information. There is massive money being spent on COVID-19 testing, and these "antibody" tests are the next new round of products Big Pharma wants to cash in on. Antibody testing allows one to theoretically see who may have had the Coronavirus but have now recovered from illness caused by COVID-19, where a person's own immune system has developed antibodies to fight against it. Such knowledge is key to developing new drugs, including vaccines. But it is also a double-edged sword for the pharmaceutical industry, because if many people test positive for antibodies with no apparent illness or actual COVID-19 virus present, then it could drastically reduce the death rates that have been reported, and also lower the cost-to-risk ratio for pharmaceutical companies to develop these products if the general public is developing antibodies without the help of pharmaceutical products. That is exactly what is apparently happening in New York, where the public has been told that the death rate from COVID-19 in New York has been around 7.4%. But Governor Cuomo has just released results from the State's first round of antibody testing, and he is reporting that based on these results, the actual death rate is much lower, less than 1%.

TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19

Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity to Mainland China. But astonishingly, in spite of being only 80 miles from the coast of China with over 400,000 of its 24 million citizens working in China, as of mid-April, the country only had 400 cases of COVID-19, and only 6 deaths. And the vast majority of their 400 cases came into the country from abroad. All of this has happened without shutting down the country with lock downs, and with almost all of its businesses continuing to operate. Is Taiwan doing something else the rest of the world is largely missing? This question will no doubt be asked for months or even years into the future, but it is a question well worth asking, given the devastating effects to the economy that have resulted from more restrictive measures such as the United States took. The first thing to note is that while President Trump is now looking seriously at pulling out of the World Health Organization, Taiwan was never part of it. They were not allowed to join due to the WHO's pro-China stance. According to the Taipei Times, Taiwan's CDC tried to warn China and WHO on December 31, 2019 about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, while China was still denying that such transmission was possible. That same day, Taiwan started policies to monitor travel from China to reduce the chance of having the coronvirus come into their country. They were one of the first countries to restrict travel from China at their borders.

Dr. Fauci’s Attempt to Silence Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Which Destroyed her Career

Dr. Mikovits joined NIH in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute and began a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. She helped Dr. Russetti isolate the HIV virus and link it to #AIDS in 1983. Her NIH boss Anthony Fauci delayed publication of that critical paper for 6 months to let his protégé Robert Gallo replicate, publish and claim credit. The delay in mass HIV testing let AIDS further spread around the globe and helped Fauci win promotion to director NIAID. In 2006, Dr. Mikovits became director of Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease and collaborated with Dr. Ruscetti searching for the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which suddenly became an epidemic in the 1980s. The male-dominated medical community dismissed CFS as psychosomatic “yuppie flu” caused when fragile females cracked in corporate jobs. Dr. Mikovits discovered that 67% of affected women carried a virus—called Xenotropic Murine Leukemia related Virus—that appeared in healthy women only 4% of the time. XMRV is also associated with prostate, breast, ovarian cancers, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV bore children with autism. In 2009, Drs. Mikovits and Ruscetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science. But the question remained: how was XMRV getting into people? Other researchers linked the first CFS outbreak to a polio vaccine given to doctors and nurses that resulted in the “1934 Los Angeles County Hospital Epidemic.” That vaccine was cultivated on pulverized mouse brains. Retroviruses from dead animals can survive in cell lines and permanently contaminate vaccines. Dr. Mikovits’ studies suggested that the XMRV Virus was present in the MMR, Polio and Encephalitis vaccines given to American children and soldiers. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of mouse tissue in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room. Dr. Fauci ordered Mikovits to keep her mouth shut. When she refused, he illegally confiscated her work books and hard drives, drove her from government work and blackballed her from receiving NIH grants ending her science career. XMRV remains in American vaccines.

PhD Epidemiologist: Social Distancing and Lockdown Worst Way to Deal with Airborne Respiratory Virus

Today we continue to offer alternative perspectives from other scientists and medical doctors on the COVID-19 virus, and the response to it. As I have previously written, we feel it is important to give a voice to all sides of this current pandemic, especially because so much is being censored from the coporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. Facebook just announced, for example, that they banning any information regarding protests against the government's response to COVID-19 that has put millions of people out of work. This video lecture from Professor Knut Wittkowski has received over 1 million views since it was published earlier this month (April, 2020). He believes that the current approach being implemented to fight the COVID-19 outbreak is "the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus," and "that the schools be open now, so that the virus may spread harmlessly among the young, and thus shorten the amount of time the elderly and immune compromised must be sequestered."

Are Elected County Sheriffs America’s Last Hope to Fight Medical Tyranny? Some Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce Stay at Home Orders, Siding with Constitutional Rights

Every county in the U.S. elects a sheriff to oversee law enforcement within that county. As elected officials, County Sheriffs take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and protect the constitutional rights of their constituents, even if it means standing up to Federal agents and others who would seek to violate the rights of their constituents within their counties. Most all other law enforcement departments and administrators in the U.S. are appointed, not elected. The County Sheriff is the exception. One of the largest Constitutional Sheriffs association is the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA). On their "Statements of Positions" page they define their duties to uphold the Constitution: America needs to make a strong turn around to get back on the freedom track laid for us by our Founders. We believe it can’t be done from the top down, due to many factors, not the least of which is corruption and entrenched bureaucracies in high places. We must, and we can, accomplish this turn- around starting locally at the county level, and lower. The office of county sheriff is the last hope of making this happen, and we are witnessing great deeds of protection, service, and interposition across America by courageous sheriffs who only want to serve the people who elected them. Some sheriffs across the U.S. are beginning to take a stand and oppose their State Governors' unconstitutional "Stay at Home" orders which have put millions of people out of work, and destroyed many thousands of businesses. Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling is one of those sheriffs, and he made waves this week when he took a public stand in favor of his constituents Constitutional Rights, and against Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers' "Safer at Home" order. As ABC local affiliate WISN 12 reports: On Friday, Schmaling released a statement that said he will not enforce the order because he believes it violates businesses' and citizens' constitutional rights. "The overreaching measures taken by State government will have dire lifetime consequences for businesses, homeowners, and families. I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I can not in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine County businesses or interfere in the freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution," Schmaling's statement said.

Ron Paul: We Need Millions Out on the Streets Expressing Their Opinions

Medical doctor and former Congressman and U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul has been broadcasting daily via his Liberty Report TV show, bringing a different perspective to the coronavirus pandemic that you are not likely to hear much about in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. This past week (April 2020) his show highlighted the growing protests by U.S. citizens around the country who are objecting to the loss of jobs and civil liberties due to the government's actions in the name of "public health." Thousands have protested in states across the U.S., with protests this past week occurring in states like Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky.  Mass protests are breaking out across the United States against the tyrannical "stay at home" orders and forced shut-downs of businesses deemed "non-essential." More than 20 million are suddenly unemployed and they are demanding to know why, with seasonal flu deaths often even higher than those predicted for coronavirus, they are forced into joblessness, poverty, and despair by a political class that faces none of these things. But Ron Paul states that if we want to maintain what little liberty we have left in our republic, "millions" need to start taking to the streets in peaceful protests. Dr. Paul believes in "Resistance without Violence," like Martin Luther King advocated. Dr. Paul also addresses the impact on the financial system this has caused: "What about the economic policy - the financial system that takes care of the billionaires...? A few billionaires made billions and billions of more dollars, and they're on the receiving end of the bailouts. All of this would be answered if the people would give up on the dependency of government, and believing their authoritarianism is in their best interest. It's in the best interest of the special interest and powerful people who are in charge."

Is Wyoming’s Food Freedom Act with Farm to Consumer Direct Sales a Model for Food Security for the Rest of the U.S.?

Earlier this week (April, 2020), U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, appeared at the White House Coronavirus Task Force press conference to explain why the country is facing some food shortages, such as meats, in grocery stores, even though there is plenty of food in the country. The problem is the commodity-based food distribution system, which is experiencing bottle necks right now due to restaurants and other food establishments being shut down across the country due to the coronavirus restrictions. A significant portion of commodity-based food sales is processed, packaged, and distributed for businesses, and not for consumers who purchase food in stores and supermarkets. So with the decline in food sales to businesses, there has also been a corresponding demand for food in grocery stores from consumers who would normally be eating more at restaurants, schools, ball parks, and work places. There are a lot of businesses that get a piece of the pie that is our food system here in the U.S., controlling the flow of food from the farm to the consumer. When everything is going well, it is like a high-speed train going from one destination to another. And most of the food you see in your grocery store, or eat at institutions, is heavily subsidized by taxpayers as well, keeping food cheap, and not representing the true cost to produce that food. But when a crisis hits the nation, such as the current coronavirus pandemic, it just takes one section of the train to derail and cause the entire system to start failing, and potentially to completely derail. And the effects we are seeing today as a result of the nationwide lock downs, are really a small problem in the grand scheme of things when it comes to food distribution in this country. Just think of what the effects could potentially look like if, for example, transportation was disrupted due to energy disruptions, or communication was disrupted due to electrical grid issues, or telecommunication issues. This is mild in comparison to what might happen, for example, if the country found itself in a real war, and not a "war" on a virus, where an enemy could bring down the power grid, disrupt the Internet, etc. This should be a wake up call that our nation's food distribution system is incredibly vulnerable. Wyoming's Food Freedom Act, allowing local consumers to purchase food directly from farms in their community, might be a model that needs to now be put in place at the national level.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID Gave $3.7 Million to Scientists at the Chinese Wuhan Lab at Center of Coronavirus Outbreak

The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave $3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.” Following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick and National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” research which is “accelerated viral evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID. Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according to a December 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”

Facebook to Warn Users about “Fake” COVID19 Cures – Only W.H.O. Approved “Cures” Allowed

Facebook's war against what they consider "fake news" is suddenly taking on a new level of effort on their part. Besides using their own "fact checking" services to censor information they don't like, they are now taking the unprecedented action of actually notifying users who have previously "liked, reacted to or commented on" coronavirus cures that they consider "dangerous and false information." How does Facebook determine what are "bogus cures"? NPR reports: "In the coming weeks, Facebook users who liked, reacted to or commented on potentially harmful debunked content will see a message in their news feeds directing them to the World Health Organization's 'Myth busters' page. There, the WHO dispels some of the most common falsehoods about the pandemic." Zuckerberg, along with Bill Gates and many other American Billionaires, sits on the board of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management in China, hosted by Wang Qishan the vice-president of the Republic of China and established in 2000, with annual meetings. As we recently published in our article: Is W.H.O. Director Tedros a Terrorist? Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and Genocide, China and Bill Gates have been instrumental in installing Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a former terrorist in Africa, as the first non-doctor director of the World Health Organization. It would appear that China and Bill Gates' influence over the WHO is now also involved in the censoring of non-vaccine cures for COVID19 on Facebook as well.

After Seeing Great Success, Spain Approves Ozone Therapy for COVID19 Patients

The Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinica in Ibiza is the first in Spain to use the Ozone technique in treating Covid-19 patients, with success. In a press release the clinic said: “Many patients who were about to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilation have, thanks to ozone therapy, not only avoided it but improved to the point of not requiring oxygen with just a few treatment sessions.” The clinic also stated that they are seeing improvements in patients after just ‘2 or 3 treatment sessions’. Ozone therapy has the benefit of improving oxygenation at the tissue level and therefore reduces the inflammatory response suffered by patients. At the Santa María della Misericordia University Hospital in Udine, Italy, 36 patients with Covid-19 pneumonia who had respiratory failure were administered Ozone therapy. Only 3% required intubation compared to the usual 15%. There is a high mortality of intubated patients and given a fifth were spared intubation; it is an achievement to highlight. There are also four clinical trials underway in China and the provisional results could not be more hopeful. “In Spain, only we have begun to administer it with the mandatory authorisation of the Quality Committee of the hospital centre, and the results have been spectacular,” says Dr. Alberto Hernández, Assistant Physician for Anaesthesia and Resuscitation at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic in Ibiza. “We have registered a clinical trial, but we need to tell the world that Ozone is a very effective and beneficial therapy in these patients and that we must immediately incorporate it into the treatment of these patients.” Dr. José Baeza, President of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy and Vice President of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy, states that: “Given the absence of an effective treatment or a vaccine and in the context of the current health emergency, all hospitalised patients should receive Ozone therapy as the clear benefit is evident, and Ozone therapy has no significant side effects.”

Michigan Holistic Physician Group Report: 85 COVID Patients Treated – ZERO Hospitalizations and NO Deaths

There has been a debate going on in healthcare for more than 100 years. It started in the 1800s when two competing points of view were put forward to explain disease, and the cause of disease. French medical scientist Louis Pasteur wrote on the "germ theory" of disease, while his French contemporary, Antoine Béchamp promoted a theory of "terrain," or sometimes referred to as the "cellular theory." An objective, critical review of each theory can find some merit to each approach. For example, Pasteur's work on unseen germs led to a change in practice for surgeons of the day, and many credit the work of Scottish doctor Joseph Lister for starting the practice of requiring surgeons to wash and disinfect their hands prior to surgery. Hospital-induced infections such as sepsis dropped so dramatically, that the practice of sterilization spread to surgical equipment as well. But as an overall model for disease and health, many feel that Pasteur's germ theory of disease overstates things in a reductionist sort of way that misses much in disease treatment. Holistic doctors today who supplement their medical training based mostly on the germ theory of disease, tend to follow the work originally put forth by Béchamp that the "terrian," more commonly referred to today as the body's "immune system," is much more important and effective in treating or curing disease. The evidence to support this theory is that pathogens affect everyone differently, not the same. Even during some of the most deadly recorded "plagues" or "pandemics" in history, some people succumbed, while others did not. Usually those who survived far outnumber those who died, leading to the theory that the immune system is the key factor in not only fighting disease, but preventing it in the first place. Of course today's medical system is NOT focused on prevention by building up the body's immune system, as there is no profit from that. Today's multi-TRILLION dollar medical industry needs sick patients to treat to remain economically viable. Well patients don't provide the same profit. But just as Dr. Joseph Lister put into practice Pastuer's theory of germs with great success in reducing hospital deaths, which might be great for preventing the deaths of patients already sick and is more of a "hygiene" protocol than a health protocol, so too many physicians today are putting into practice methods that more closely follow Béchamp's theories by bolstering the body's immune system with great success in treating disease. One such doctor that we have featured many times here on Health Impact News, is Dr. David Brownstein from the Center For Holistic Medicine in Michigan. Dr. Brownstein has just published a report where he is claiming that his clinic has treated 85 patients for COVID-19 and that none of them have died, and none of them had to be hospitalized. He has also video recorded some of their testimonies. So what treatment protocols did Dr. Brownstein use for this kind of success rate?

Minnesota Doctor and Senator Speaks Out on Fox News Regarding Coronavirus “Padded” Death Statistics for Financial Gain

Dr. Scott Jensen is a Minnesota physician and republican state senator. He recently appeared on Fox News during the The Ingraham Angle with host Laura Ingraham to discuss the CDC's new guidelines issued this week regarding how to fill out death certificates in the light of the current COVID-19 outbreak. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, many doctors are now coming forward to report inconsistencies with what the public is being told regarding COVID-19 treatments, and one of those issues is that "cause of death" is now being encouraged to be listed on death certificates, even if there is no positive test revealing COVID-19, or if there are other underlying conditions. Dr. Jensen pointed out another possible motive for this new CDC guideline: "Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact on what we do." Deaths attributed to COVID-19 are covered by the U.S. Government because of the massive stimulus package passed by Congress, but other causes of death are not. Listen to the entire interview, which up until now has rarely been reported in the corporate media. Doctors like Dr. Jensen are putting their careers on the line for daring to criticize government health authorities like Dr. Fauci.

Are Ventilators Killing COVID-19 Infected Patients? Doctors Speak Out

This past weekend (April 5, 2020) Health Impact News published a video plea from a NYC physician treating COVID19 patients in the ER and ICU units, claiming that what he was seeing was that patients were doing worse when put on ventilators. He stated: "I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC. I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible. We don’t know where we’re going. We are putting breathing tubes in people and putting them on ventilators and dialing up the pressure to open their lungs. I’ve talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the pressure we are providing may be hurting their lungs. That it is highly likely that the high pressures we are using are damaging the lungs of the patients we are putting breathing tubes in… we are running the ventilators in the wrong way…. COVID-19 patients need oxygen, they do not need pressure." Yesterday, April 8, 2020, reporter Mike Stobbe of the Associated Press wrote an article stating that many doctors are now moving away from using these ventilators due to the "unusually high death rate" of those put on them. His report was picked up by many of the large corporate "mainstream" media outlets. Stobbe reports that normally 40% to 50% of patients put on ventilators die, but with patients tested positive for COVID19 that number jumps up to 80%. These mechanical ventilators are a huge business right now during the COVID19 crisis. President Trump forced General Motors to produce 30,000 of them and sell them to the government at "cost" for a reported $489 million. Billing for services rendered to use ventilators in the hospitals is also very high, with non-surviving patients who need mechanical ventilator services ranging from $27,000–$39,000 per patient.

Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?

The headline to this article, "Who is Controlling the U.S. Response to COVID19: The White House or Bill Gates?," may seem sensational to some, and some might even accuse me of "click bait." Often when we write articles that put forward an opinion and there are not enough known facts to support a possible conclusion to a statement or premise, as journalists we make the statement into a question, because the fact is we don't truly know, although we have suspicions based on the available evidence. However, my intent in what I write today, is to present enough evidence so that by the time you finish reading this article, and watching a video I will include towards the end, that you will come to the conclusion that Bill Gates is indeed the one who has crafted the U.S. response to the current COVID19 pandemic. President Trump started his current job as President of the United States in January of 2017. Based on the upcoming elections of November 2020, his job will end either in January of 2021, or January of 2025. His job is a temporary job, lasting either 4 years, or 8 years at the most. Bill Gates, on the other hand, is not an elected official. As one of the wealthiest persons on the planet, he has influenced public health policy for decades, spanning the administration of several U.S. Presidents. He is not going to end his job anytime soon, and it is doubtful that there is any entity on earth powerful enough to force him to do so. Yesterday, April 7, 2020, President Trump announced that the United States may no longer support the World Health Organization (WHO), because he believes that this organization has handled the Coronavirus pandemic wrongly. He stated that the World Health Organization receives more funding from the United States than any other country. That may be true as far as countries go, but nobody contributes more to the World Health Organization than Bill Gates does, either directly through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or through other organizations and enterprises he funds. Bill Gates is richer and more powerful than most countries in the world, and he is accountable to nobody. So what is his ultimate purpose in the COVID19 response that he has crafted, and that has crippled the economy of not only the United States, but virtually every other country of the world as well?

COVID19 Death Certificates are Being Manipulated According to Montana Physician with 30 Years Experience

Dr. Annie Bukacek is a board-certified internal medicine physician. She's been practicing medicine for over 30 years, mostly in Montana. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Illinois in Chicago, and completed her internship and residency at Oregon Health Sciences University. In 2019 she won the ACP laureate award for commitment to excellence in medical care in her community. She is also a member of the Flathead County Board of Health. Dr. Bukacek states: "The decision for unprecedented government mandated lock downs has been based on the alleged death rate of COVID19. Is this death rate based on truth? Are the reported deaths from COVID19 truly deaths from COVID19? To address this question we need to discuss death certificates, since death certificates are the basic source of information about mortality. History changing decisions are being made due to these figures, despite the fact that they are flat out wrong! Few people know how much individual power and leeway is given to the physician, coroner, or medical examiner signing the death certificate. How do I know this? I've been filling out death certificates for over 30 years. More often than we want to admit, we don't know with certainty the cause of death when we fill out death certificates. So even before we heard of COVID19, death certificates were based on assumptions and educated guesses that go unquestioned. When it comes to COVID19, there is the additional data skewer that is, get this, there is no universal definition of COVID19 death. The CDC, updated from yesterday, April 4th, still states that "mortality" data includes both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID19. Translation: the CDC counts both true COVID19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID19 the same.  They automatically over-estimate the real death numbers by their own admission."

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if There are No Test Results Confirming it

The problem with making informed decisions about coronavirus is that we don’t have a whole lot of data on it at the moment. The data that we do have, meanwhile, could end up being terminally skewed, particularly the data that’s been coming out of China. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on determining COVID-19 as a cause of death isn’t going to help those numbers. Issued March 24, the guidance tells hospitals to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case. Instead, even if the coronavirus was just a contributing factor or if it’s “assumed to have caused or contributed to death,” it can be listed as the primary cause.