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Editor - Health Impact News

The “Canary in the Coal Mine” Just Died, Are we Next? Dane Wigington Continues to Expose the False Climate Change Narrative with Facts

Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org has just published the second installment of short videos titled: Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington. In his first video last week, Wigington explained how neither the Right nor Left versions of the cause of fires currently burning were entirely correct. The Political Left wants us to believe this is the cause of Climate Change which needs further government intervention, while the Political Right is claiming that we have not been cutting down enough trees, and that this is all due to arsonists. Each side has an element of truth, but the underlying cause is Geoengineering, by creating artificial clouds (chemtrails) to try and engineer climate change. In his second video just published this week, Wigington deals with the massive amounts of frogs dying in northern California, just a few feet away from bodies of water, water that would probably have saved them if they had just been able to cover those few feet to reach the water. He states: "Frogs are a harbinger species, 'the canary in the coal mine', and they are dying. The warning signs from nature are everywhere, yet few seem to notice. Have we become the proverbial frogs in boiling water? Will the fate of the frogs soon become our own? This is the second installment of 'Into The Wild.' Flora and fauna are dying and burning all over the world, covert climate engineering operations are a core causal factor. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer."

Virtual School Dangers: Police State Education Comes into Your Home Violating the 4th Amendment

The COVID-19 pandemic has added yet another troubling layer to the ways in which students (and their families) can run afoul of a police state education now that school (virtual or in-person) is back in session. Significant numbers of schools within the nation’s 13,000 school districts have opted to hold their classes online, in-person or a hybrid of the two, fearing further outbreaks of the virus. Yet this unprecedented foray into the virtual world carries its own unique risks. Apart from the technological logistics of ensuring that millions of students across the country have adequate computer and internet access, consider the Fourth Amendment ramifications of having students attend school online via video classes from the privacy of their homes. Suddenly, you’ve got government officials (in this case, teachers or anyone at the school on the other end of that virtual connection) being allowed carte blanche visual access to the inside of one’s private home without a warrant. Anything those school officials see—anything they hear—anything they photograph or record—during that virtual visit becomes fair game for scrutiny and investigation not just by school officials but by every interconnected government agency to which that information can be relayed: the police, social services, animal control, the Department of Homeland Security, you name it. After all, this is the age of overcriminalization, when the federal criminal code is so vast that the average American unknowingly commits about three federal felonies per day, a U.S. Attorney can find a way to charge just about anyone with violating federal law.

U.S. Federal Judge Strikes Down Pennsylvania’s COVID Mandates as Unconstitutional

A federal judge ruled on Monday that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s and Secretary of Health Rachel Levine's coronavirus orders, which shut down the state, closed businesses and limited gatherings, were unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV agreed with the plaintiffs claim that Wolf’s business shutdown and stay-at-home orders violated certain constitutional rights. Stickman said in his opinion that COVID-19 orders from Wolf and Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine violated and continue to violate the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly and the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment. Stickman wrote that he believes Wolf and state Secretary of Health Rachel Levine: “undertook their actions in a well-intentioned effort to protect Pennsylvania from the virus. However, good intentions toward a laudable end are not alone enough to uphold governmental action against a constitutional challenge.” Stickman also wrote that the government engaged in a dangerous strategy where rights were taken away. “In an emergency, even a vigilant public may let down its guard over its constitutional liberties only to find that liberties, once relinquished, are hard to recoup and the restrictions ... may persist long after immediate danger has passed.”

Recently Published Created4Health.org Articles on Spiritual Warfare

Just a reminder to our regular Health Impact News readership that we do publish articles from time to time on biblical topics on our Created4Health.org website that are not published on the Health Impact News main website. Here are some links and descriptions of recently published articles you can find on Created4Health.org if these topics interest you. These article are non-religious. They are based on the writings of the ancient scriptures.

West Coast Fires: The Forests Are Dying Due to Geoengineering – If the Forests Die, We Will Die

We are currently seeing unprecedented numbers of forest fires along the West Coast of the United States. The sheer volume of fires and acreage involved is something that has never been seen before. And while some are starting to report that arsonists have been arrested in some locations which may point to a planned operation to start these forest fires, the real underlying cause for these fires is largely NOT being reported by the media. The official government position is that we just have not been cutting down enough trees, and that most of these fires are "natural," being ignited by lightning or other natural causes. Others point to climate change, which fits into the UN New World Order sustainable goals. And while both of these may be contributing factors, others, like Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch.org in Shasta County, California, are claiming that these fires are the result of Geoengineering, the Globalists' plan to modify weather patterns by creating artificial clouds, commonly known as "chemtrails." He states: "The decay of the forest, the demise of the forest, is not being acknowledged by the agencies, the agency officials, and the administration itself that have tried to falsely claim that the reason California's fires are burning is because we just aren't cutting down enough trees. That's a blatant glaring criminal lie. The forests are burning because they are dead and dying.... Toxic soils, extremely extended periods without precipitation because of the climate engineering operations. Cutting off precipitation before it can enter the U.S. West Coast - we see this on satellite imagery. It's not speculation or theory. And so the forest is completely imploding around us. And if the forests die, we will die."

Lifeguard Arrested, Led Away in Handcuffs by Hazmat Cops for ‘Surfing with Coronavirus’

Remarkable footage has revealed the moment police officers — dressed head-to-toe in hazmat suits — frogmarched a young woman up a beach in handcuffs after she went surfing after being [tested positive] with coronavirus. A professional lifeguard was reported to police by her own colleagues in San Sebastian, in the Bay of Biscay in Spain’s Basque country on Monday after she was spotted surfing while placed on medical leave by her employer following a positive coronavirus test. Remarkable footage and images of the young woman refusing to stop surfing when demanded to by officers, and finally being taken up the beach by police, went viral in Spain, reports national newspaper El Paìs. The woman was arrested for “serious disobedience and crimes against public health”. Ironically, the arrest came just days after it was reported Spanish hospitals had started taking coronavirus patients to the beach for their health and wellbeing.

New Book Exposes the CIA MKULTRA Mind-Control Program with Sidney Gottlieb and LSD

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a fearsome reputation. The author and executor of countless coups and political assassinations, the CIA is notorious for waterboarding, “extraordinary rendition,” regime change, kidnapping, narcotics smuggling, financing of guerrilla wars, and many other unsavory activities around the world, including against Americans, even inside the United States. Stephen Kinzer’s book, Poisoner in Chief, is a highly readable, thoroughly researched introduction to the life and work of one of America’s most unknown, and yet infamous, government agents: Sidney Gottlieb. Gottlieb, a bacteriological specialist who had been a star student of Ira Baldwin’s at Wisconsin, is the main figure in Kinzer’s book. His career is virtually synonymous with MKULTRA. At the end of 1942, a University of Wisconsin bacteriologist Ira Baldwin—“America’s first bio-warrior” and a part-time Quaker preacher—was loaned to Washington in order to set up and run a bioweapons program for the United States military. Based out of Camp Detrick in Maryland, the Baldwin lab cranked out bioweapons for possible use against Allied enemies. In one of Baldwin’s bigger projects, shipment of tons of anthrax spores, ordered by Winston Churchill for potential use against the Nazis, was approved by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and almost ready for delivery when the Germans surrendered on May 7, 1945. For many, even for Quaker preachers, World War II cleared away the last of the psychological hurdles against unleashing bioweapons against an enemy. Kinzer’s book tells the tale of how the targeting of unsuspecting populations was later justified by the bigger war, the Cold War, which followed the demise of the Third Reich. The ruined Third Reich provided much of the original brainpower for MKULTRA. Immediately after World War II, the CIA—formed out of the Office of War Information in 1945—was faced with a choice. The Germans and the Japanese had been conducting advanced experiments on germ warfare and other forms of biological weaponry. Should the Allies prosecute as war criminals the scientists involved with such projects, or hire them as expert advisors? With the Cold War starting and the Soviets looming as an unpredictable enemy, the CIA, with the tacit approval of the few members of the United States Congress who were allowed to know even the existence of the Central Intelligence Agency, decided to make use of the bioweapon expertise of erstwhile foes in order to counter the new adversary in Moscow. For example, Kurt Blome, the Nazis’ director of biowarfare research and development whose work had been championed by Heinrich Himmler, was acquitted, by American political fiat, at the Doctors’ Trial in Nuremberg in 1947 and sent to work—as part of Operation Paperclip designed mainly to bring German rocket scientists to the US—at Camp Detrick.

Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging

A Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, Center for Investigative Reporting, Pulitzer Center, National Press Foundation, International Center for Journalists, and a host of other groups. To conceal his influence, Gates also funneled unknown sums via subgrants for contracts to other press outlets. His press bribes have paid off. During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert—despite his lack of medical training or regulatory experience. Gates also funds an army of independent fact checkers including the Poynter Institute and Gannett —which use their fact-checking platforms to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation,” charges that Gates has championed and invested in biometric chips, vaccine identification systems, satellite surveillance, and COVID vaccines.

Whistleblower Edward Snowden Vindicated as 9th Circuit Rules NSA Spying on Americans’ Phones is Illegal – Will Trump Pardon Him?

This week the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program which was exposed by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 is unlawful, and the court even credited Mr. Snowden for exposing it. Snowden tweeted: "Seven years ago, as the news declared I was being charged as a criminal for speaking the truth, I never imagined that I would live to see our courts condemn the NSA's activities as unlawful and in the same ruling credit me for exposing them. And yet that day has arrived." So will President Trump now pardon him? President Trump ran on a platform to "drain the swamp" but has mostly been mired in political quagmires surrounding the U.S. Intelligence Agencies. A full pardon to Snowden with a security detail assigned to keep him alive so that he could testify in court, could go a long way to finally seeing some justice in the tyrannical take-over of America which started just post-911 and is now at full speed with the COVID tyrannical power grabs.

Dr. Stella Emmanuel Cleared by Texas Medical Board for Complaint while Real Criminal Doctors Still Free After Murdering Millions

Houston physician Dr. Stella Emmanuel, part of the Frontline Doctors group that went to Washington D.C. last month, posted a copy of a letter she received from the Texas Medical Board to her Twitter account this week showing that the complaint against her had been dismissed. The complaint was allegedly filed against her because she had a 100% success rate curing hundreds of COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a drug with a 65-year safe history that Anthony Fauci, a bureaucrat politician doctor who does not treat patients, claims is ineffective against COVID. The FDA also refuses to allow the drug's use in a wide variety of settings for treating COVID patients. Dr. Emmanuel is not alone in her reporting of success in treating COVID patients with HCQ. Hundreds of doctors around the world are reporting the same thing. This has to be the biggest medical scandal in the history of the United States. These doctors are all claiming that no one has to die from COVID because their treatment of using HCQ, zinc, and an antibiotic has a near 100% success rate in the early stages of the illness. That makes those in government office handling the COVID response and denying life-saving treatments MASS MURDERERS. How can they continue to get away with this?

Pregnant Woman in Pajamas Arrested in Own Home in Front of her Children for Facebook Post Planning Lockdown Protest in Australia

A video that at the time of publication of this article has been viewed over 4 million times on Facebook, a 28-year-old pregnant mother still dressed in her pajamas is hand-cuffed and arrested in Australia, because she had allegedly made a Facebook post about a “freedom day” event calling for people to peacefully gather against the government’s lockdown measures. The arrest took place in her home, in front of her own children and partner. Breitbart News broke the story early this morning (September 2, 2020) in the U.S., making it their headline story for a couple of hours. In the video, Zoe Buhler from Victoria, Australia, is incredulous that this is happening, as she repeatedly told the police she was pregnant and had an ultrasound appointment in an hour. She even offers to take down the event post from Facebook. The masked police were not impressed, as they handcuffed this "dangerous" young mother for "incitement." They also produced a search warrant to seize her electronics, including computers and cell phones. This image of masked officers entering the home of an apparently peaceful family who offered no resistance, simply for posting an event that called for a peaceful protest over Government's over-reach regarding COVID restrictions, should disturb anyone who still values freedom. The fact that the event had not even happened yet, that the woman offered to delete it and cancel the event immediately, and yet still was arrested just an hour before she was due for a prenatal check up and was clearly no threat to society, illustrates so clearly that there is an agenda here in place that has nothing to do with health and public safety. The law enforcement officers in this case are clearly the criminals, as well as the judge who signed the arrest warrant, and any health or medical professionals who deemed that a public protest against their edicts was illegal. This is exactly what the COVID situation has now clearly become around the world: criminals attacking innocent people and destroying their lives. One of the last comments on Zoe Buhler's Facebook Page prior to the arrest reads: "2020 C0R0NA will go down in history as the biggest hoax on earth. Lord help us. Please. Amen." Obviously a dangerous criminal that needs to be locked up. Wake up people! The true criminals are moving fast now to exert control because the events planned for the future, which includes a COVID vaccine and who knows what else, are going to be far worse than anything we have seen so far.

FDA Commissioner Hahn Will Consider COVID Vaccines for Fast-track Approval Before Phase 3 Trials Finish

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, who already has the blood of tens of thousands of Americans on his hands because of his refusal to issue an approval for the outpatient use of hydroxychloroquine according to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, now is saying publicly that the FDA will consider issuing a fast-track approval for the many COVID vaccines still being developed, even if they have not completed Phase 3 trials. The FDA has received a lot of criticism lately for developing public health policy based on politics, and many fear that the rush to get a new COVID vaccine in place is being fueled by politics, to have one before the November 3rd elections. Hahn denies this, but the public isn't buying it. It is hard to believe that science is driving the market push for a new COVID vaccine when there isn't even a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2 yet, as all the 100+ COVID tests currently in the market have also been fast-tracked by the FDA. How many people will be seriously harmed, perhaps for life, or even killed by an untested new vaccine that is supposedly going to protect people from a virus that is obviously no more dangerous than the seasonal influenza, and has never been isolated in a laboratory?

CDC Report: 94% of COVID Deaths had 2.6 Serious Additional Diseases

On today's Liberty Report show with Dr. Ron Paul and co-host Daniel McAdams, the "bombshell" report recently issued by the CDC on COVID deaths was discussed, where the CDC admitted that only 6% of the deaths they attributed to COVID had no comorbidity factors. The other 94% had, on average, 2.6 other serious diseases. As Daniel McAdams discusses on the show, while the presence of other serious diseases does not automatically exclude COVID as being attributed as the cause of death, it does greatly reduce the hyped numbers being fed to the public through the corporate propaganda media. McAdams quotes former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson who took out the comorbidity factors that were clearly not related to COVID deaths, with an example of a highly publicized motorcycle death that was originally recorded as a COVID death, but even other ones such as Alzheimer's, SEPSIS, cancer, etc., and left in comorbidity factors that could have been related to a COVID death, such as pneumonia. He even left in "questionable" diseases that could have been attributed to COVID, such as obesity and diabetes. This still produced a death total attributed to COVID far less than the official number of 165,000, which is more likely to be around 50,000 according to Berenson, which is a typical flu season (not even a "bad" flu season). Dr. Ron Paul also commented that we will probably never see any statistics on what are classified as "iatrogenic" causes, or deaths due to medical mistakes, as were clearly reported by frontline doctors in the beginning who were stating that too many patients were being put on ventilators which caused their lungs to collapse. And if we include denying patients hydroxychloroquine which many doctors have reported a 100% success rate, then almost 100% of the deaths attributed to COVID are "iatrogenic" causes. But as Daniel McAdams reminds us, hospitals had a financial incentive to list all deaths as COVID to tap into the federal funds, and they received tens of thousands of dollars more if the patient was put on a ventilator. They also covered the massive protests in Europe over the weekend, particularly in Berlin, Germany where millions took to the streets to protest government tyranny related to COVID measures. Sadly, such protests and resistance here in the U.S. are not visible yet. They reminded the viewers that Texas still has a mask mandate in place from Governor Abbott in supposedly "independent" Texas, while the right wing conservative media wants to politicize this just as much as the liberal media, and claim only governors of Democratic states are doing this.

Imagine Hell on Earth Because That’s What’s Coming Unless Americans Start Resisting

The destruction of the economy is a necessary aspect of the plan to advance global governance. The more people out of work and dependent on government means that they will be much easier to control. Already mass poverty is evident, and with food supplies dwindling, and so many unable to support their families, starvation among a large part of the population is certainly possible if not probable. These are agendas sought by those in the ruling class that need total compliance in order to restructure the global economic system. This economic collapse coming was imminent, but now is being pushed forward at great speed in order to use this virus scare as the scapegoat for a desired economic reset. This fall and winter is the most important time for this country, maybe the most important time in history. If mass compliance continues, and if dissent by large numbers of Americans is not forthcoming, life as we know it could end before spring. The global reset by that time could be advancing at such a pace as to be almost impossible to stop. That would be an untenable situation, as once this reset is in high gear, and even more people are destitute, it will be much more difficult to reverse this totalitarian plot. Imagine unemployment at 50%, 60%, or more? Imagine no food on the shelves, and no ability to support or feed your families? Imagine hell on earth.

CSPOA: Over 40 Sheriffs Stand Against Governor Newsom in California! Time to Deputize Posses?

Retired Sheriff Richard Mack, founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), has been training county sheriffs for more than a decade on how to keep their oath of office. Now, due to the excessive tyrannical COVID dictates terrorizing the nation, there is a new-found demand for the services of CSPOA, and they recently started a monthly "Ask Sheriff Mack Any Question You Want" call-in program to educate people on the Constitutional role of County Sheriffs. In his most recent call in August, he revealed that he has been in contact with sheriffs in California, and that they claim that there are at least 40 sheriffs in California who oppose Governor Newsom. And that's out of 58 sheriffs! Could the County Sheriff be the last stronghold of resistance against the tyrants trying to take over American and usher in their New World Order? Sheriff Mack thinks so. On his last call-in he stated: "The Sheriff has the authority to call out the militia, or the posse. He has the authority to keep a posse of minute men, at minute's notice, that they can respond and that they can be trained, however the Sheriff wants. Too many Sheriffs shy away from this. They're a little bit timid to go after posses. I can tell you I had a posse when I was Sheriff. Just about every Sheriff in the state of Arizona and many other western states already use a posse, and people don't realize this."

FDA to Review Fast-tracked COVID Vaccine by October as New Study Proves Microscopic Robots Invisible to Naked Eye Now Can Now be Injected into Blood Stream

The FDA's Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn has announced that they will review fast-tracked Coronavirus vaccines for approval before the November elections. According to Arlene Weintraub, writing for FiercePharma, Pfizer's mRNA COVID vaccine will be ready for review by the FDA in October. As we have previously reported here at Health Impact News, the Globalists have been trying for decades, unsuccessfully, to develop an mRNA vaccine which has never been brought to market. The Bill Gates gang, which includes Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, current CDC director Robert Redfield, and Operation Warp Speed chief Moncef Slaoui, all worked together trying to develop an mRNA vaccine for HIV, unsuccessfully. The only reason such an untested, risky vaccine can be brought to market now is through the FDA's emergency use authorization (EUA) which requires a "pandemic" to be in place to justify the "fast-tracking" of new drugs and vaccines. The big question on many Americans' minds is what exactly are the ingredients going to be in this new vaccine? There are already verified dangerous ingredients in currently used vaccines, such as human DNA from aborted fetal tissue used to reportedly culture viruses. Current speculation as to what these new mRNA vaccines might contain is running rampant at present, and as Editor of Health Impact News I get many emails every day from worried readers, and some of them making wild claims that I cannot verify. However, there is one technology that was announced this week as being in place, which is no longer a "theory," and that is the use of tiny, microscopic robots that can be injected directly into the blood stream, with tiny solar cells that can be activated by laser beams. This is being reported as only a proven prototype and not yet in circulation, even though the report states that they have already manufactured over 1 million of them.

We’ve Spent a TRILLION Dollars on Statins to Lower Cholesterol, yet Cardiovascular Deaths have gone UP

New research shows that the most widely prescribed type of drug in the history of medicine is a waste of money. One major study found that the more ‘bad’ cholesterol was lowered, the greater the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost every other medical condition has been shoved onto the sidelines. However, in the UK last year, heart attacks and strokes (CVD) killed well over 100,000 people – which is at least twice as many as have died from Covid-19. CVD will kill just as many this year, which makes it significantly more important than Covid-19, even if no one is paying much attention to it right now. So, it is good to see that research goes on, and papers are still being published.

Health Impact News Launches The COVID Information Center with QRC Scan Codes to Easily Share with Others

We have just launched the COVID Information Center here at Health Impact News, so that our readers and anyone in the public can quickly and easily access and share information from dozens of articles we have published on the COVID crisis that expose the false narrative that the Globalists publish through their propaganda corporate media. It utilizes QRC scan codes that any cell phone with a camera can quickly scan to bring up the page of information. QR codes were developed originally in Japan, and QR is short for "Quick Response." All cell phones today have access to scan apps for QRC, and some phone operating systems might even have the app built-in. If not, there are dozens of free ones that can be downloaded. Each page has a hyperlink as well that one can simply click on or tap to get to the information as well, but the advantage of a QR code is you can bring it up on the screen of your phone and point it to someone else's phone for them to scan, and then the web page of information pops up right on their screen. Think of this as a digital brochure that you can pass out to others, even in public, as virtually everyone carries a cell phone these days, and so within a matter of seconds the person you are talking to can bring up a page with information and links to more information, making it possible to pass on literally hundreds of pages of resources in seconds, without worrying about censorship through social media or email. So far, the COVID Information Center has pages for: COVID Face Masks Research. COVID Testing Information. COVID Plandemic Revealed. COVID Hydroxychloroquine Scandal.

SCANDAL! Anthony Fauci has been Mass Murdering People for Decades! Prevented AIDS Patients from Receiving Life-saving Cheaper Drug

Putting his own life and career on the line, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch continues to make public media appearances exposing the hydroxychloroquine scandal, which he admits is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions worldwide. Appearing on Fox News last night (Sunday, August 23, 2020) on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch explained how the FDA is also complicit with these mass murders, and that this is not the first time Anthony Fauci has withheld cheap, older and effective drugs from patients whose lives could have been saved, in exchange for waiting for a new drug instead that could be patented and marketed for great profit. Dr. Risch explained that what Anthony Fauci has done recently by spearheading the move to ban HCQ which has now been used effectively by thousands of doctors worldwide to successfully treat COVID patients, many with 100% cure rates, he also did it in the 1980s with AIDS patients. Dr. Risch said: "The FDA ... has a history of not making science-based, rational-based, decisions about its approvals. This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP. The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bactrim. This is (another case where) even then there was a generic medication and cheap." They petitioned the FDA and Dr. Fauci at the NIH to approve the drug for AIDS patients. But Anthony Fauci refused, preferring to manufacture a new patented drug instead (AZT) and as a result over a 2-year period 17,000 AIDS patients died in the U.S., needlessly. Anthony Fauci is a mass-murderer who has never been brought to justice. It is time for citizen arrests, citizen grand juries, citizen-led trials, and citizen-led convictions, as provided by the Constitution of the United States.

CENSORED: Resistance Grows Across America as Open Carry Armed Militias Peacefully March

This past week fully armed militia groups took to the streets in peaceful protest in events that the corporate propaganda media obviously did not want to publish, as there are now solid signs that all across the nation citizens have had enough with living under the rule of tyrants. If the word "militia" is foreign to you, it is in the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights in the Second Amendment which reads: Amendment II - "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Most Americans probably are not even aware that the U.S. Constitution not only protects the right of armed American citizens to form militias, but actually encourages it as being "necessary to the security of a free State." Last Tuesday, August 18, 2020, a Virginia militia group peacefully marched in the capital of Richmond. Much of it was captured on video, and uploaded to Facebook. Mike Dunn, the leader of the militia group, said: “We stand for freedom. We are sick of being oppressed by a tyrannical government, including Ralph Northam, and the rest of his cronies that fill our senate and house in Virginia.” When asked what message he would send to Governor Northam, Mike vowed, “Virginia will not fall.” Virginia has also become the first State in the U.S. to publicly announce that once a COVID vaccine is approved, it will be mandated for all the residents of Virginia. There was a group of "state representatives" meeting on the street which apparently had been blocked off from traffic, and they were filming the event, as the Virgina militia marched in. Police tried to intervene and order the militia group to get off the street, but the militia refused, and there was for a time a very tense standoff as police tried to intimidate them, and threaten them with arrest. But the police got a lecture on the Constitution and civil liberties as the militia group refused to comply, since they were standing on public property and had just as much right to assemble there as "the suits." They did not recognize the police's authority, and as Mike Dunn stated: "Free men do not ask for permission." According the report, the police eventually stood down.