Donald Trump was sworn in today as the 47th President of the United States, and depending on one’s political views, this inauguration was seen as either one the brightest days of hope in U.S. history to be celebrated, or as one of the darkest days in U.S. history to be mourned.
I represent a rare third alternative view that is hard to find in the media these days, and that is a view that is non-political and sees all politicians residing in Washington D.C. as corrupt, with only an illusion of differences, and that in reality we have a uni-party today as both sides of the political spectrum in Washington D.C. have a lot more in common, than they have differences.
As a truly independent journalist that offers my writings free of charge to the public and who does not accept donations to run Health Impact News, I am truly free to follow the truth wherever it leads, regardless of political and religious ideologies and biases.
My standard for Truth is the person Jesus Christ, who declared to his disciples that he IS “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” in John 14:6.
The written Word of God is referred to as “the Scriptures” or the collection of writings referred to as “the Bible,” and this has been the standard of Truth in my life for over 45 years now, and it is the only reason you are reading this article today.
This will continue to be my standard for writing in 2025 during Trump 2.0, rather than political or religious teachings and biases. Sadly, most Americans, including most Christians, are biblically illiterate today and simply trust religious “experts” such as pastors and priests to explain the Bible to them.
So based on a non-political and a non-religious view, and considering all the facts before us from Trump’s first presidency, I am not celebrating today, because all the evidence that has been presented to the public during the election and since the election, leads to the conclusion that Trump 2.0 could be far worse than Trump’s first presidency.
In Trump’s first presidency he suspended the Constitution of the United States in favor of “emergency powers”, and proceeded to lock down the entire country in violation of the Bill of Rights, and started a military campaign called Operation Warp Speed against the American people to inject as many doses possible of the COVID-19 bioweapon shots into the arms of every single American, including babies and children, killing and maiming millions of Americans.
Today, on January 20, 2025, Trump has already promised three new “emergency orders” he plans to implement so he can bypass existing laws and the Constitution of the United States of America to impose his will.
One of those “emergency orders” will be to allegedly deport millions of illegal migrants, another “emergency order” will be an “energy emergency” to enrich the oil companies to produce more energy from oil, and the other “emergency order” will be to impose broad tariffs on all imports, which I have already written about.
And so as we begin Trump 2.0 here in January of 2025, Trump is promising to act more like a King than an elected official who is bound by the limits of power placed upon the presidency by the Constitution of the United States, as he did in 2020 with all the COVID edicts, ruling through “emergency powers” rather than the laws of the United States passed by Congress and the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
This is the dream of the Silicon Valley oligarchs, who have been very open about the fact that they see democracy as an impediment to their technological goals, and prefer a King instead.
The two biggest and most immediate dangers to the American people, and to the world, from my perspective under Trump 2.0, are an expansion of Zionism, and continuing to enrich Big Pharma to produce more vaccines and dangerous drugs to unleash on the American people.