Musk with Trump in the White House (Source.) Musk with Israeli President Isaac Herzog (Source.) Musk with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Source.) Musk with Ghislaine Maxwell and his wife Epstein allegedly supplied to him. (Source.)

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Elon Musk is campaigning hard for Donald Trump to take over the White House again, with assurances from Donald Trump that Musk will have a place in his Presidency should he win.

Of course Musk had a place in Trump’s first Presidency, before their relationship turned sour, leading Musk to Tweet: “It’s time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset.”

Just before the 2016 presidential election, Musk told CNBC he did not think Trump should be president.

“I feel a bit stronger that he is not the right guy. He does not seem to have the sort of character that reflects well on the United States,” Musk said.

The billionaire added that Hillary Clinton’s economic and environmental policies were the “right ones”.

After he won the presidency though, Trump actually appointed Musk to two economic advisory councils, along with other business leaders like Uber CEO Travis Kalanick.

A post from Musk’s Twitter account (@elonmusk) published on February 3, 2017 shows his response to the appointment. He defended his choice of working with the controversial president by saying he was using the position to lobby for better environmental and immigration policies.

On June 1, 2017, after Trump announced the US would pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, Musk resigned from his roles on presidential advisory boards.

Musk’s goal for Tesla is to curb dependence on fossil fuels through electric vehicles, solar power and stationary energy storage.

In July (2022) Trump took aim at Musk, claiming the businessman voted for him but later denied it.

“You know [Musk] said the other day ‘Oh, I’ve never voted for a Republican,’” Trump said during a rally in Anchorage, Alaska. “I said ‘I did not know that.’ He told me he voted for me. So he is another bulls*** artist.”

Musk stopped short of attacking Trump personally, but said he shouldn’t run for president again.

“I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset. Dems should also call off the attack – don’t make it so that Trump’s only way to survive is to regain the presidency,” he tweeted.

(Full article.)

Fast forward to today, and Musk is now suddenly Trump’s main supporter.

He did an interview with Tucker Carlson this week where he allegedly said (I didn’t waste my time watching this so I am just reporting what others said) that the billionaires backing Vice President Kamala Harris were afraid of Trump because Trump was going to reveal Jeffrey Epstein’s client list and “black book.”

This was reported by

Billionaires supporting Harris likely on Epstein list – Musk

Backers of the Democratic presidential candidate are “terrified” of a Trump victory, according to the SpaceX CEO

Many of the billionaires who are backing US Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election in November are likely “terrified” about Jeffrey Epstein’s client list becoming public in case of a Donald Trump Victory, according to SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Epstein worked as a financier and socialized with the rich and famous for decades. In 2019, he was arrested for pimping out young women, including many minors, to his powerful acquaintances, whom he often flew out to his private island in the Caribbean.

The list of Epstein’s “guests” and other evidence, which has reportedly been gathered by the FBI, has since remained under lock and key, even after Epstein died under suspicious circumstances in his Manhattan cell in 2019, which has officially been ruled a suicide.

Last month, Donald Trump suggested in an interview with Lex Friedman that Epstein’s “black book” could be made public if he wins in November. (Full article.)

Well the problem with this narrative is that Epstein’s “black book”, at least one of them, has already been leaked to the public years ago, and a simple Internet search will lead one to dozens, if not hundreds, of websites that list all of the names in Epstein’s contact book.

In 2020, four years ago, I republished reporter Leland Nally’s article from Mother Jones, “I Called Everyone in Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book.”

Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book is one of the most cursed documents ever compiled in this miserable, dying country.

Totaling 97 pages and containing the names, numbers, and addresses of a considerable cross section of the global elite, Epstein’s personal contact book first turned up in a courtroom in 2009 after his former butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, tried to sell it to lawyers representing Epstein’s victims for $50,000.

Rodriguez described the book, apparently assembled by Epstein’s employees, as the “Holy Grail.”

It is annotated with cryptic marginalia—stars next to certain entries, arrows pointing toward others–and the names of at least 38 people are circled for reasons that aren’t totally clear.

There are 1,571 names in all, with roughly 5,000 phone numbers and thousands of emails and home addresses.

There are celebrities, princes and princesses, high-profile scientists, artists from all over the world, all alongside some of the world’s most powerful oligarchs and political leaders—people like Prince Andrew (circled), Ehud Barak (circled), Donald Trump (circled).

Rodriguez was Epstein’s butler at his Palm Beach mansion for many years. He was intimately familiar with his boss’s sexual proclivities.

He claimed to have seen nude underage girls at Epstein’s pool, said that he would routinely wipe down and stow away sex toys in Epstein’s room after “massages,” and alleged that he saw child pornography on Epstein’s personal computer.

In 2011, Rodriguez was sentenced to 18 months in prison for having tried to sell the book to an undercover agent after failing to notify investigators about its existence.

Rodriguez said in court that the book was “insurance” against Epstein, who wanted him to “disappear.”

Rodriguez died of mesothelioma shortly after serving his sentence.

The public first became aware of the book in 2015, when the now-defunct website Gawker published a version of Rodriguez’s copy, revealing for the first time just how ludicrously connected Epstein was to the people who run the world.

Gawker’s file showed only names; attached phone numbers and emails were blacked out.

Shortly before Epstein’s mysterious death in August 2019 in his cell at the Manhattan Correctional Facility, an unredacted version of the book popped up on some dark corners of the internet, with almost every phone number, email, and home address entirely visible, and I got my hands on a copy.

I made close to 2,000 phone calls total. I spoke to billionaires, CEOs, bankers, models, celebrities, scientists, a Kennedy, and some of Epstein’s closest friends and confidants. (Source. Mirrored on Health Impact News.)

Since that article was published four years ago, the unredacted copy is now available in many places, including

And while you will find Donald Trump and most of his family in that book, Elon Musk is not. But that doesn’t mean Elon Musk never had any contact or never did any business with Jeffrey Epstein.

One of Elon’s wives, actress Talulah Riley, was allegedly supplied to Musk through Epstein and his handler Ghislaine Maxwell. Riley denied it, but admitted to knowing Epstein and Maxwell along with Elon. (Source.)

Last year (2023), Musk was reportedly issued a subpoena by the US Virgin Islands in their JP Morgan Chase Epstein lawsuit, that Musk tried to avoid.

US Virgin Islands says it can’t find Elon Musk to serve a subpoena in Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit

NEW YORK (AP) — The government of the U.S. Virgin Islands is trying to subpoena billionaire Elon Musk for documents in its lawsuit seeking to hold JPMorgan Chase liable for sex trafficking acts committed by businessman Jeffrey Epstein.

Musk has never been publicly accused of any wrongdoing related to Epstein, who killed himself in 2019 as he awaited sex trafficking charges in a federal jail in Manhattan.

But over the years, there had been unconfirmed speculation — encouraged by Epstein himself — that Epstein had advised Musk on certain business matters.

Spokespeople for Musk have denied those reports, but the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands said in a court filing that it believes Epstein may have referred or tried to refer Musk to JPMorgan as a potential client. (Source.)

Epstein and Musk were known business associates.

According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, Epstein provided business contacts to Musk helping him start Tesla and SpaceX.

Elon’s brother, Kimbal Musk, sits on the board for Tesla and SpaceX, and also dated one of Epstein’s girlfriends. (Source: One Nation Under Blackmail: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein, by Whitney Webb, Volume 2, page 55).

Since Elon Musk bought Twitter and took it private, and renamed it to X, it has become his own bully pulpit to promote his own views, which have all of a sudden been views that reflect Republican Conservatism in the U.S., leading most on the “Right” to proclaim Musk is a “Champion of Free Speech,” when in fact he is only a “champion” in allowing speech he likes and appeals to the Right, while censoring others.

We saw him do it during the “assassination attempt against Donald Trump” where he clearly deleted tweets that did not fit the Right Wing narrative over the shooting. See:

Things that Don’t Add Up and Many Questions Still Unanswered in Trump Shooting

One person who has exposed the Government back-door into Twitter and other Social Media sites, and is another Independent candidate for President of the United States that most of you have probably never heard about, is Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the original inventor of email.

He is also a former U.S. Senate candidate for Massachusetts, where he originally discovered that the U.S. Government was using Twitter to censor opposition.

He filed a federal lawsuit showing how the U.S. Government had developed “back doors” into these Social Media sites to determine who needed to be censored, and who should not.

When Musk bought Twitter, Dr. Shiva offered to take on the role of CEO and fix this back door that the Government had into Twitter.

This is a good interview by Arise News in the past discussing this, along with the attacks against Shiva for claiming to be “the inventor of email”:

After Shiva’s lawsuit, The Cradle published a piece about Government censorship in social media, using information from Shiva’s lawsuit, but giving him no credit (which is called “plagiarism” and illegal).

Shiva was interviewed by Clayton Morris of Redacted at the time, and this is a great interview you will surely want to watch.

(If either of these YouTube videos disappear, please let us know as there are backups.)

According to Dr. Shiva, Musk still has not closed the back door into X giving the Government access to data there.

For more information see:

Where Elon Musk Begins & Where Zionist Governments End, Nobody Knows

Will Elon Musk Do ANYTHING to Dismantle the Government & Big Tech Censorship Infrastructure Discovered by Dr. SHIVA in His Historic 2020 Federal Lawsuit?

Graphic by Dr. Shiva and filed in court with his lawsuit. Hi-Res version that can be blown up to read the text is found here.

Elon Musk’s Satanic Background

Here is more information about Elon Musk published by Cathy Fox. I previously published this at the bottom of this article:

The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ

Since I published that article a few weeks ago, the YouTube video from Shalom Girl, who claims she was brought up in an Illuminati family and lived at the Musk home in San Francisco just after they settled there in 1978 after arriving from South Africa, disappeared, shortly before Musk’s appearance in Butler, Pennsylvania with Donald Trump.

There are still other copies on YouTube, but I have put it up on our own channels now also on Bitchute, Odysee and Telegram.

Elon is Bloodline. The Great Deceiver?

by Cathy Fox

Elon Musk is bloodline. Not only is he bloodline but he is in the very inner circle of bloodline, brought up and trained for a specific job in the end times that we are now a part of.

Two whistleblowers, to my knowledge, have already come forward that have said this of Elon Musk. One is Shalom Girl who was housegirl to the Musks.

Shalom Girl states that when he was a child Elon was called “el elyon” which she says in hebrew means god god most high.

She also says “I was told that Elon would lead the great deception”. Maye Musk, Charlie Manson & Rosemary’s Baby [2]

She adds “Jesus said be not deceived many would come in my name go ye not after them the time draws near” [2]

Shalom Girl once asked one of Maye Musk’s friends if Elon was the antichrist. She replied “No, but he will present the mark and when you see him do that the antichrist will take the stage” I Asked If Elon Musk Was The Antichrist [2]

She says he tried to sacrifice her in the spirit world when he opened the Abyss Elon Musk & Dreams Of Dragons [2]

So according to Shalom Girl, Elon will “lead the Great Deception” and he will “present the mark”. Elon Musk, the Abyss and the Great Deception… [2]

Quite what deception, as there are so many, is unclear and the mark could be the “mark of the beast”.

1965 Maye Musk named me Rosemary at birth. Remember Rosemary’s Baby? 1978 Maye sends for me to come care for Elon. Elon’s name was El Elyon and Maye called herself Light. Dr Joshua Norman Haldeman, Elon’s grandfather, faked his own death 1974 and was up to no good in U.S.A. labs. They’re the Illuminati and planning world take over. Since I started telling you the truth, my family history is being deleted off the internet,, military records, school records, and the census records say my grandfather never survived ww2 and socked Dr Joshua Norman Haldeman up, Elon Musk’s grandfather. Dr Haldeman was arrested for being a TECHNOCRAT LEADER and kicked out of Canada 1940. #OperationPaperclip, #OperationMockingBird, #OperationMidnightClimax, Jesus Christ saved me

More of Shalom Girls testimony and links here Elon Musk Opened The Abyss To Play With His Friends [2]

Jessie Czebotar – The other whistleblower is Jessie Czebotar who was trained to be the successor of the Queen Mother of Darkness, but chose not to accept the role.

She has stated that Elon and her were in a core cell group of 3 in the illegal secret experiments organised by Ukrainian Nazi Michael Karkoc, Aquino and Brennan.

“there was a core group of boys that I grew up with you know, so I will I will admit that he was one of the three in the core cell groups that I went through with the looking glass’.

He also was involved in the Star Wars now projects with us so he went through the same training sessions with you know the Nazi gentlemen [Karkoc] as well as with Aquino and Brennan with me and my training partner.

So yeah so there’s there’s high involvement there, you know. Very scientifically minded, it did not surprise me when I found out that he was heading up space force or bringing forward a lot of the prot technology that would it advanced the projects that connect into that spiritual world” autotranscript [1]

Full article.

The first person that Shalom Girl reached out to about the Elon Musk’s family was allegedly the person who created this video.

The Mysterious Lineage of ELON MUSK!

Conclusion: Is This a “Hail Mary” Attempt for Musk to Stay in Power?

Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP.

Elon Musk is not the only Silicon Valley billionaire to support Trump. Silicon Valley investors are investing in Trump in the hopes that he will implement a friendly government environment for them to achieve their goals, especially with cryptocurrency.

These Silicon Valley billionaires want a Monarchy, and see “democracy” as being in the way. Their REAL choice for leading the nation is J.D. Vance, who was discipled by Peter Thiel.


Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

But Silicon Valley certainly is NOT solidified in their support of Trump, as Kamala Harris is considered “one of their own” since she literally lives in Silicon Valley when she is not in D.C.

Ben Horowitz, a huge Silicon Valley venture capitalist, just announced this week that he is supporting Kamala Harris now for president, as are many others.

VC power player Ben Horowitz says he’ll donate to Kamala Harris. Read the memo.

Ben Horowitz, the erudite cofounder of venture capital firm A16z, sent an email to staff that he is planning to donate to support the Harris-Walz campaign, Business Insider has confirmed.

The email, which was first reported on by Axios, came as a surprise given Horowitz had already donated to support former President Donald Trump less than three months ago.

In the Friday email, Horowitz wrote that he and his wife, Felicia, have known Vice President Kamala Harris for over 10 years and that “she has been a great friend to both of us during that time.”

“As a result of our friendship, Felicia and I will be making a significant donation to entities who support the Harris Walz campaign,” the email said. (Full article.)

Elon Musk has almost ZERO experience building companies that sell directly to consumers, and has mostly become the current richest person in the world by selling to the U.S. Government and governments around the world, or getting subsidies from the Government to help customers purchase his products (like Tesla).

He derives most of his income from Tesla, which is a publicly traded company, and where he is still involved in a lawsuit that could strike down his compensation package at Tesla.

An event that is happening later this week could literally seal his future on Wall Street. I will write more about that after the event happens later this week.

But if he does not impress investors at this event and convince them to keep investing in the future and the AI hype, this could be the beginning of his downfall, as he has many enemies on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley.

If that happens, a position in Trump’s administration may be the only thing that saves him, at least in his current position as the world’s “richest man.”

To be continued….

See Also:

Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through

American Christians are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding the Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Jesus Would be Labeled as “Antisemitic” Today Because He Attacked the Jews and Warned His Followers About Their Evil Ways

Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain

Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is

Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that it is Required for Believers in Jesus to “Join a Church”

Exposing Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that Believers Should Always Obey the Government

Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?