by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
An amazing interview from 2013 with Dr. A. True Ott, PhD, has been republished by a couple of people within the past few days, and I just got done watching it today.
Talk about “truth bombs”, many of those were dropped in this amazing interview, including revealing who really runs the world today and controls both political parties today.
Dr. Ott’s work has been censored in a major way, and fortunately is currently operating well enough for me to retrieve Dr. Ott’s full bio from his original blog which has since been scrubbed from the Internet.
A. True Ott, PhD
A. True Ott received his Bachelors of Arts degree from Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah in 1982, and went on to receive his Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Nutrition through the American College in Washington DC in 1994.
Dr. Ott’s dissertation and research followed the groundbreaking work of Linus Pauling, and asserted via independent research that each mineral on the periodic table of the elements, in its pure hexagonal crystalline form, pulses a specific hertz resonant frequency based on its atomic weight and unique electron configuration.
Dr. Ott then measured and graphed the individual resonant frequencies inherent in vitamin and enzyme structures, and independently verified that 23 minerals are the base raw materiel of nutrition and are vitally important in keeping the human cells in a state of balance or homeostatic health.
Dr. Ott has been counseling and lecturing on this most basic form of prime nutrition for over 15 years, and founded Mother Earth Minerals, Inc. in 1997.
Dr. Ott’s independent research also verified the importance of free electrons in nutritional, water-soluble mineral supplements, as well as ultra-pure drinking water and oxygen molecules. He developed a patent-pending drinking water product that attaches free electrons to the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules in ultra-pure, medicinal grade water – making it negatively charged (extra ‘free electrons’) and then introduced it to individuals suffering from chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, etc.
Amazingly, the free electrons in Dr. Ott’s water product began to reduce the symptoms associated with chronic disease in a very powerful way.
As Dr. Ott declared in a recent symposium:
“Society has unfortunately taken water for granted. When I share my research on water and minerals with others in the allopathic medical community, the typical response is raised eyebrows and mocking derision. Too often health care professionals, however, forget that the human body is composed of 70% water and 30% minerals – therefore it is simply common sense that pure water combined with pure minerals comprise Mother Earth’s medicine chest for all mammalian life forms! It is not rocket science, only basic nutritional truth!”
The author and publisher of dozens of articles and three books on nutrition, Dr. Ott is continually searching for natural solutions and answers to the nation’s chronic health problems, and believes that education is the first step.
His latest book, Secret Assassins in Food blows the whistle on common food additives and is a “must-read” in order to understand some of the more toxic food additives and programs!
From 1996-2001, Dr. Ott worked with Mr. Warren Anderson to produce the radio program “The Story Behind the Story” at KSUB Radio in Cedar City, Utah and was awarded the prestigious Peabody Award for radio documentary. (Source.)
This 2013 interview was published by Ken Adachi yesterday, where he wrote:
This is one of the most powerful and convincing presentations that I’ve ever heard from Dr. A True Ott, whom I’ve known personaly since 2008 to the present day.
Despite talking with him on the phone on many occasions over many years, I had no idea of the existence of this fabulous 2013 interview until just a day ago when Jim Rizoli posting it on his Bitchute channel.
There are so many important insights and revelations expressed in this video that you’ll have to listen to it on multiple occasions to fully grasp the significance and historical gravity of the information being presented.
For example, at the 8:04 minute mark in this video, Dr. Ott mentions that at his (1982) meeting with Fed Reserve chairman Paul Volker at the New York Stock Exchange in New York City, Volker told a group of 24 young, aspiring Jewish stock market rising stars (and 19 year old A. True Ott), that U.S. currency (cash) was slated to be eliminated entirely and replaced with an electronic digital payment system (although Volker didn’t know whether it would take place within his lifetime or not, he did say that he was SURE that it would happen in the foreseeable future). (Source.)
Dr. Ott is a former Mormon who grew up in the Mormon Church, and was identified as a brilliant math mind at an early age, and then sent to Wall Street to be trained in economics, along with 24 young Jewish brilliant people, who all were working for Goldman Sachs.
As Ken mentioned in his description, they met with Paul Volker who was the chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time, who told them at that time, now 22 years ago, that the U.S. dollar would be replaced by a digital payment system.
Dr. Ott exposes much about Zionism, the Satanic Jews and the Mormon Church, and the Freemason principles that rule this world by what the Bible refers to as “the root of all evil” which is the “love of money.”
Like myself, he believes that all the answers we need to fight this evil are found in the Bible, and he exposes who is at the top rung of the ladder ruling the world today.
It is a 2-hour interview, and it is well worth listening to. I had no problem understanding and following Dr. Ott’s conversation at 1.75x speed.
I learned some new things from this interview, such as the truth about Muammar Gaddafi, and his “Green Book.”
Here are a list of resources you might want to download while they are still available, and download this video as well.
Books mentioned in this video available here:
Red Symphony by Josif Maksimovitch Landowsky (1968)
Satan, Prince of This World by William Guy Carr (1966)
Fourth Reich of The Rich (1979) Des Griffin
The Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi (1975)
This video was removed from YouTube and is banned in many countries.
As always, listen with a critical mind, but if you find something you don’t agree with, don’t let it affect the actual truth contained in this excellent interview, which is very hard to find these days.
For example, at the very end he talks about nutrition, and, at least in 2013, he seemed to have bought into the lie that wheat is bad for you, and contains “anti-nutrients” that are harmful to one’s health unless you sprout the wheat berries first.
While sprouting wheat itself is not bad and has certain benefits, that idea that wheat MUST be sprouted to be healthy is not backed by the science.
Dr. Ott may have a different view today, because it was in 2014 when myself, and others, began to expose the contamination of American wheat by the herbicide glyphosate, and that the way wheat is grown, harvested and processed is what causes the problems we see in wheat consumption today.
Much of this research was done by Dr. Stephanie Seneff in the past ten years. Dr. Ott even made the common mistake of his time that many people made, by claiming Monsanto had ruined the wheat supply in the U.S. by making it GMO, when in fact there are no commercially available GMO wheat crops in the U.S. today, and never have been.
Monsanto tried, but was unsuccessful, in developing a genetically modified version of wheat, and our own tests have confirmed that America’s wheat is indeed contaminated with glyphosate, but it is not GMO.
See also:
Phytic Acid Friend or Foe? The Soaking of Grains Health Claims Investigated
I covered some of the same topics that Ott covers in this video back in 2020:
Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order
This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)
See Also:
Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through
The Five Child Trafficking Networks as Revealed by a Woman Who was Chosen to Succeed the “Queen Mother of Darkness” but was Rescued by Jesus Christ
The Bewitching of America with the Evil Eye and the Mark of the Beast
Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times
Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott
Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult
Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order
Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?
The Brain Myth: Your Intellect and Thoughts Originate in Your Heart, Not Your Brain
Fact Check: “Christianity” and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible – The Person Jesus Christ Is
Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?
The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century – 8-Year-Old Article More Relevant Today than the Day it was Written
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