by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In 2019, Health Impact News covered a story out of the UK where the British media launched an attack campaign against medical doctors and nutritionists who exposed the cholesterol myth, and the very profitable, and very dangerous, statin drugs that were being prescribed to artificially lower people’s cholesterol.

They were gaining so much popularity in the Alternative Media, including Health Impact News, that drug sales for statins were apparently declining.

So they brought out the attack dogs in the corporate media to smear them, calling them “statin deniers” who they said were responsible for murdering people because patients were not taking their statin drugs, that they claim prevent heart attacks.

These doctors and nutritionists were being compared to “vaccine deniers”, such as Andrew Wakefield, to vilify their reputations.

Doctors Exposing Cholesterol Myth Accused of Murder in British Press for Questioning Statin Drugs

There’s a media war going on in the UK involving the issue of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

The British Daily Mail’s health editor, Barney Calman, labeled two medical doctors and a PhD nutritionist as “statin deniers” for their efforts in educating the public and debunking the cholesterol-heart disease causation dogma while exposing statin drug dangers.

The two doctors are Dr. Malcolm Kendrick and Dr. Aseem Malhotra. The nutritionist is Zoe Harcombe, PhD.

The Daily Mail article is blaming their “propaganda” as convincing people to stop taking cholesterol-lowering drugs which they claim are leading more people to suffer heart attacks as a result.

Since this is another example of corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media presenting only the pharmaceutical position on their own products and seeking to censor anyone who opposes them, we are publishing the responses from those accused of murder for exposing the dangers of statin drugs, as well as questioning the “science” used for the most widely prescribed class of drugs in the world. (Full article.)

I would have linked to the original attack article at The Daily Mail, but it is gone now, and as of this writing is still not back online, as they just suffered their second hack attack, and The Way Back Machine section is offline, again.

So when you click on the link to the original offending article that has now been ruled by a judge to be “libel”, you will instead seen an article with the headline reading:

Give patients waffles, put in a pub in every hospital and enforce a weight limit on nurses! Labour public consultation on NHS reform is deluged with ludicrous suggestions

which of course has nothing to do with the original libelous article.

Because now, some 5 years later, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has reported that he and Zoë Harcombe have won a libel lawsuit against the The Mail.

A Win

21st October 2024

Finally, the dust settles. Zoë and I won our case against the Mail on Sunday. The judgement came out a few weeks ago, but the legal wrangling continued – and still continues. The Mail on Sunday did print an apology. Legally, they do not have to print an apology, but they did, which says something.

There is still a statement in open court to come (SIOC). What is a statement in open court?

‘A statement in open court on settlement of action is an important mechanism for vindication for the claimant in, inter alia, libel proceedings and also for the correction of false and/or defamatory statements.’ 1

It is a much longer thing, which lays out in more detail, what was wrong with the article, and may contain sections such as:

‘Mr Calman allowed the experts who had helped him to have “a very significant”, and “undue”, influence over the editorial process and the terms of the article. ‘

The SIOC has to be agreed by the judge, and this has not yet happened. Boy, do these things take ages. I have been sitting on my hands for months. I still am.

But some names are going to be named.

We know who you are.

The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore.

The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight. (Source.)

See our previous articles about Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.

In 2013, ABC Australia put out a 2-part series on cholesterol and statin drugs, hosted by Dr. Maryanne Demasi.

It was so well done, interviewing top doctors in their field exposing the cholesterol myth (over 1000 articles on Health Impact News), and the statin scam (over 500 articles on Health Impact News), that ABC Australia was quickly forced to take down these two videos from their website, and copies on YouTube were disappearing fast.

I have preserved both copies, and I will say of these two videos what I said over a decade ago: The information revealed in these two videos COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!

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