Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Yesterday, Western media sources continued to publish the lie that Hezbollah forces bombed northern Israel killing 12 Israeli children, when in fact the children were not Israeli at all, but Syrian, while local residents claim it was Israel’s bomb that killed their children. See:

Golan Heights Arabs Tell Netanyahu he is Not Welcome but he Sneaks in Anyway as China Backs Palestinian Solidarity

The voices of these Syrians who just tragically lost 12 children are not being reported in the Western media, and they came out with their own statement yesterday condemning Israel’s response using their own tragic losses as an excuse to bomb Lebanon.

Golan Heights attack: Residents reject Israeli calls for retaliation

In a statement, Majdal Shams residents object the shedding of a ‘single drop of blood’ in the names of the 12 children killed in weekend attack

Residents of Majdal Shams, a Syrian-Druze town in the occupied Golan Heights that was hit by a deadly rocket strike, have issued a statement rejecting any retaliatory Israeli attacks on Lebanon.

On Saturday 27 July, a projectile struck a football pitch in the community, killing 12 children and wounding 30 others.

The apparent attack has ratcheted tensions between Israel, which occupies the Golan Heights, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which has been exchanging fire with Israeli forces along the border since 8 October.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry blamed Hezbollah for the strike, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing a “harsh” response to the alleged attack.

Hezbollah denied responsibility. A source in the group told Al Jazeera on Tuesday they would “definitely respond to any Israeli aggression”.

On Sunday, the Israeli military said it carried out a series of strikes across Lebanon on what it claimed were Hezbollah targets.

But members of the Druze community, many of whom have refused Israeli citizenship, said they rejected any retaliatory aggression by Israel.

In a statement issued by the Religious and Temporal Commission in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, residents said they opposed “attempts to exploit Majdal Shams’ name as a political platform, at the expense of the blood of our children”.

“Based on our Arab, Islamic, monotheistic beliefs, we reject that a single drop of blood be shed in the name of revenge for our children,” the statement added.

During a visit to Majdal Shams on Monday, Netanyahu was greeted by a crowd of angry residents who chanted in Hebrew for him to leave.

A video on Sunday showed Syrian Druze barring several Israeli politicians from attending the children’s funeral, including members of the Israeli parliament and far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Residents were reportedly heard shouting “get out of here, you criminal” to Smotrich. (Source.)

Using this lie as a pretext, the Zionist Israeli forces then bombed a suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah military leader Fuad Shukr, while also killing two innocent children.

Lebanese mourn children killed in Israel’s strike on Beirut

Hundreds of mourners have gathered in southern Beirut for the funeral procession of two children killed in the July 30 Israeli airstrike on the Lebanese capital.

According to Lebanon’s Health Ministry, Israel’s raid on an overcrowded residential area in the Beirut suburb killed siblings Amira and Hassan Fadlallah as well as two women and injured dozens of civilians,

Mourners on Wednesday were carrying photographs of the two dead siblings, while chanting slogans against the Israeli regime and its staunch backer the United States – “death to Israel” and “America is the Great Satan.” (Source.)

Initial reports in Lebanon could not confirm if Fuad Shukr was killed in the strike, but they did confirm it today, just moments ago as I began writing this article.

Hezbollah announces martyrdom of Cmdr Fouad Shokor (Sayyed Mohsen)

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon announces the martyrdom of senior commander Fouad Shokor after his remains were located in the building struck by the Israeli occupation forces in the southern suburb of Beirut. (Source.)

The big news event being reported today, also using the lie of Israeli children being killed in northern Israel as justification, is the assassination of a Hamas political leader who was not even living in Gaza, and had never served in the military, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, who was visiting Tehran for the peaceful swearing in ceremonies of the new Iranian President, Massoud Pezeshkian.

Ismail Haniyeh assassinated in airstrike on Tehran residence

The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps in Iran announces the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, alongside one of his guards in Tehran.

Hamas confirmed the martyrdom of the Hamas leader, noting that the head of the political bureau was killed in a “treacherous Zionist airstrike on his residence in Tehran.”

Iran’s IRGC later said, “We are studying the dimensions of the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’ political bureau, and will announce the results of the investigation later.” (Source.)

Most Americans are totally ignorant of the fact that “Hamas” is a political organization that includes a military, but also functions as any other government does apart from the military. Ismail Haniyeh was considered a moderate politician who was actively working on peaceful solutions for his people and his country.

Those in the Middle East understand this, however, and their reaction today of Haniyeh’s assassination is one of outrage.

Here is what the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said:

Zionist barbarism will fail — Erdogan on Haniyeh assassination

“I strongly condemn and denounce the treacherous assassination of Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, ” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, following Israel’s assassination of Haniyeh.

“This assassination is a despicable act aimed at undermining the Palestinian cause, the glorious resistance of Gaza, and the just struggle of our Palestinian brothers, intending to demoralise and intimidate them,” Erdogan said on Wednesday.

“The purpose of this assassination is the same as the previous heinous attacks on Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Abdulaziz El Rantisi, and many other political figures from Gaza; however, Zionist barbarism will once again fail to achieve its goals as it has in the past,” he said.

‘Türkiye will continue to support Palestine’

President Erdogan also called on the Islamic world and humanity to unite against “Israeli terrorism”.

“With the stronger stance of the Islamic world and the unity of humanity, the oppression and genocide in Gaza and the terror Israel is spreading in our region will surely come to an end, and our region and the world will find peace,” Erdogan said. (Source.)

Whatever comes next in this conflict, as the Zionist factions in Israel and the U.S. now take on not only Iran but Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and the resistance forces in Iraq, Turkey will undoubtedly play a key roll.

Neither side apparently wants a military escalation which will prove very costly, and deadly.

These Zionist assassinations are undoubtedly coordinated with some of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI6. They bring psychological warfare without the cost of huge military battles, where Zionist Israeli and American forces have had serious set-backs in recent days, especially in the Red Sea.

Will Turkey and perhaps other BRICS nations such as Russia and China now also get involved and share intelligence with Iran and the others?

Turkey has a long history of fighting back against Mossad agents in its own country and has its own intelligence network, and has successfully resisted coups by the CIA to topple their government.

Turkey detains 34 people suspected of ties to Israel’s Mossad -senior official

(Reuters) – Turkish authorities have detained 34 people suspected of being linked to Israel’s Mossad intelligence service and of targeting Palestinians living in Turkey, a senior Turkish official said on Tuesday, adding Mossad also recruited members in the country.

Last month, Turkish officials warned Israel of “serious consequences” if it tried to hunt down members of the militant group Hamas living outside Palestinian territories, including in Turkey. President Tayyip Erdogan warned that would be a mistake.

Turkey, unlike most of its Western allies and some Arab nations, does not classify Hamas as a terrorist organisation.

Asked about the arrests, Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry did not immediately comment.

The official said police raided locations in eight provinces as part of an investigation carried out by the MIT intelligence agency and the Istanbul prosecutor’s counter-terrorism bureau. (Source.)

If these nations do share intelligence, who might Iran and their allies target for high profile counter assassinations?

Netanyahu and Trump have to be the top two Zionist world leaders on their list, with Netanyahu having an existing criminal arrest warrant active at the International Court in the Hague, while Trump has an existing criminal arrest warrant in Iran (see: Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump for Murder in Criminal Court of Tehran).

But perhaps Iran and their allies will also be patient and continue to play the long game, and maybe target less high-profile targets, waiting for the economy of Western culture to collapse first, as they continue their operations in areas like the Red Sea where the U.S. is spending enormous amounts of money and weapons to fight the Houthi rebels, unsuccessfully.

Assassinations Direct Attention Away from Israeli Prison Rapes Scandal

Whatever else these Zionist assassinations represent, one thing they are doing today is drawing attention away from the worldwide horror that was exposed this week at a Hamas prison camp where the inmates were raped and sodomized.

Israeli lawmaker defends anal rape of Palestinian captives

Eight reservists have been accused of sodomizing a prisoner with a broomstick

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) arrested eight reservists on Monday as part of a probe into alleged torture of a Palestinian captive, prompting rioters, including several lawmakers, to break into a military base demanding their release. One argued that nothing was off-limits when it came to dealing with Hamas.

Ten soldiers were originally caught up in the investigation. Two were released early on Wednesday, while eight were ordered to remain in custody through Sunday. According to the IDF, they have been accused of aggravated sodomy, causing bodily harm, abuse, and conduct unbecoming of a soldier.

The arrest of the reservists on Monday interrupted a meeting of the Knesset Finance Committee, as a MP of the ruling Likud party, Hanoch Milwidsky, tried to walk out in protest.

“To insert a stick in a person’s rectum, is that legitimate?” asked Ahmad Tibi, an Israeli-Arab lawmaker.

“Yes!” Milwidsky shouted back. “If he is a Nukhba, everything is legitimate to do! Everything!”

Nukhba is a special unit of the al-Qassam Brigades, the militant arm of Hamas. Israel vowed to destroy the Palestinian group after last year’s deadly October 7 attack.

While some lawmakers exchanged heated words, others joined nationalist groups that stormed the Sde Teiman military base and prison, near Beersheba, where the ten suspects were held. Sde Teiman has served as a camp for Palestinians taken prisoner in Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for calm and condemned the protesters who stormed the bases, however.

“Breaking into a military base and disturbing the order there is severe behavior that is not acceptable in any way,” said Lieutenant-General Herzi Halevi, head of the General Staff. “We are in the midst of a war and actions of this type endanger the security of the state.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned that “the law applies to anyone — nobody may trespass into IDF bases or violate the laws of the state of Israel.”  (Source.)

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