by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Big Tech is trying to control the political narrative and deciding who can and who cannot participate in online discussions by censoring anyone who does not agree with their Marxist, Communist-like views.

Twitter and Facebook have banned President Trump and many of his supporters as a massive purge of Right-wing accounts continued in earnest this weekend.

Are we entering into the Cyber warfare stage now as we near inauguration day? See:

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The excuse being used is the January 6th events that happened in Washington D.C. earlier this week, but this could be a side-show to their real intent on Internet censorship, which might be to silence dissenters in the COVID and experimental COVID vaccines narrative.

When it comes to medical tyranny, both political parties in the U.S. support it with no real differences.

In addition to Twitter and Facebook, Google has removed the most popular alternative social media app, Parler, from their app store (Google Play). Apple is threatening to do the same.

And the Cloud-based servers that host Parler’s site, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is also threatening to take down their site.

Other apparent accomplices with Big Tech that are also moving to censor free speech include Shopify, the nation’s most popular ecommerce site, and Mozilla with their popular Firefox browser.

At the time of this writing, our accounts on Parler and Gab are hard to reach as both of those platforms are under attack.

We have extended our presence now to as well. Things seem stable there for the present, and MeWe also seems stable, and so far so has which hosts our video channel.

All of these platforms are a threat to Big Tech and their desire to squelch any speech that does not agree with their political views. We request you stop using Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube and start moving to these other platforms.

If our domains or websites are shut down, we will be posting on those platforms, if possible, with further instructions on how to find us.


This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

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